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Everything posted by abidismaili

  1. abidismaili

    Thai Pass

    Of course not. But then he was lucky none of his moneyboys had covid. I am not testing them before sex. So I hope none of mine has it also. But there is a risk. It is not 100% in my control. Else at the end of the trip trip I will have covid.
  2. abidismaili

    Thai Pass

    But since sex tourists kiss their money boys and are otherwise intimate with them it is pretty hard to avoid getting it. Unless you test your moneyboy before going to the sex part.
  3. abidismaili

    Thai Pass

    It is however as a sex tourist very hard to avoid getting it here in Thailand. Luckily my country from 23 March on doesn’t require a PCR test anymore to travel back home. Else I wonder how many at the end of their trip will have a positive test and can stay. Question: my temperature was checked at the airport upon arrival. Do they do the same when you depart? Else for sex tourists - who have very intimate contact - getting back home on the planned date can be a challenge.
  4. Yes off fees and drink prices have gone up. Drinks more. But I don’t really count this as part of normal inflation. It is because there are less customers for the bars. It is not an inflation for the average Thai. Does a bottle of cola in a supermarket now cost a lot more also than in 2014? Maybe these baht bus drivers and taxi drivers receive part of their income from the government? So government keeps these low fixed prices, but if there really is significant inflation in Thailand over this period, then these drivers must get some government compensation. Else I don’t understand at all how they can make a living.
  5. I don’t try to economise. I never heard that it is too low. In Pattaya I pay 1500 for short time and 1000 for massage tip if there was happy ending. That has for me not changed since 2014. What are the normal prices then now ?
  6. If this is true (I can’t really judge since I don’t live here and short time price for boy is same as in 2014. Almost everything I need appears more or less the same: except drink prices gogo bars) then it can only mean the baht bus drivers are now poorer than in 2014
  7. Why does Thailand have such low (0% effectively) inflation? And as good as all other countries have always a few percentage points year on year inflation? The baht bus in Pattaya is for years now 10 baht. These drivers have still the same purchasing power apparently. Or they really have become poorer compared to 2014 when I first arrived and it was also 10 baht In these 8 years public transport prices in the Netherlands have significantly increased.
  8. abidismaili

    Thai Pass

    No one told me about that self test rule. I read it here. I also don’t have that app installed When I applied for Test&Go there was only mentioned that PCR test on day 5
  9. abidismaili

    Thai Pass

    I understood I don’t need a day 5 test anymore. I arrived yesterday. Wasn’t that day 5 test lifted?? Hotel confirmed. But now I read stories about a rapid test??
  10. I bought it from esimthailand website. I bought the Pattaya esim (it also works everywhere else by the way). But it only means you will use while in Pattaya the best network. When you buy you receive in your mail a QR code. Scan the code with your phone. The eSIM is added. I configured my primary sim for call and data. Only when landed I changed the cellular data preference to the eSIM. It all worked as advertised.
  11. I bought while at home - on the day of departure - a eSIM. When I landed I configured this eSIM for cellular data. And it worked perfectly. So I was already online via a Thai sim when I was still in the plane. Recent iPhones support eSIM.
  12. I just came back from my second massage and the Jomtien bars are already closed. It is 23.23 as I write this. Before covid these bars were open till after midnight, isn’t it ?
  13. After almost 2.5 year absence I am back in Thailand. I arrived today. Test&Go scheme. I am not into writing trip reports so I won’t do that. But I would love to write down some things that I would have loved to have read before departure. The PCR test results wait time can be speed up to only a 1 to 2 hour wait time. I had my test and I asked the lady when will the results be ready? The answer: “tomorrow morning”. Then I asked what it would cost to speed it up. They said you can arrange with hotel. Back at hotel the hotel staff called the clinic and I think 1 hour later I had the result. Negative. Price for speeding it up: 3900 baht. This gave me one extra day of holiday because I really had written the Thursday off. Considered it a day of quarantine. Around 21.00 I went on a tour to Sunee and Boyztown to see what bars are open, what massage places and if it is busy or not. Here the results of this scientific research. Of the 3 parallel roads that make up Boyztown only one is alive. It is moderately busy. Not very busy. The boys are not my number 1 or 2 type to be honest. There is at 21.30 a live show on the street in Boyztown. Of Sunee’s two parallel streets only one has some activity but very very modest. Maybe after 21.00 it gets more busy. I doubt that however. But the single street that is alive in Sunee is it only barely. Then I also went to see what massages shops I normally visited in the Tukcom and Boyztown areas are still active. The massages places near Boyztown, along that big road where the baht bus goes, are about 50% closed. Maybe even more. Didn’t see any boys outside in the ones that were open. Tukcom has still massage places with boys. SomJit for example still exists. Jomtien is the most active. Massage is open. Bars is open. Good activity. Happy my hotel is there. (I have also accidentally posted this in a sub section of this forum.)
  14. After almost 2.5 year absence I am back in Thailand. I arrived today. Test&Go scheme. I am not into writing trip reports so I won’t do that. But I would love to write down some things that I would have loved to have read before departure. The PCR test results wait time can be speed up to only a 1 to 2 hour wait time. I had my test and I asked the lady when will the results be ready? The answer: “tomorrow morning”. Then I asked what it would cost to speed it up. They said you can arrange with hotel. Back at hotel the hotel staff called the clinic and I think 1 hour later I had the result. Negative. Price for speeding it up: 3900 baht. This gave me one extra day of holiday because I really had written the Thursday off. Considered it a day of quarantine. Around 21.00 I went on a tour to Sunee and Boyztown to see what bars are open, what massage places and if it is busy or not. Here the results of this scientific research. Of the 3 parallel roads that make up Boyztown only one is alive. It is moderately busy. Not very busy. The boys are not my number 1 or 2 type to be honest. There is at 21.30 a live show on the street in Boyztown. Of Sunee’s two parallel streets only one has some activity but very very modest. Maybe after 21.00 it gets more busy. I doubt that however. But the single street that is alive in Sunee is it only barely. Then I also went to see what massages shops I normally visited in the Tukcom and Boyztown areas are still active. The massages places near Boyztown, along that big road where the baht bus goes, are about 50% closed. Maybe even more. Didn’t see any boys outside in the ones that were open. Tukcom has still massage places with boys. SomJit for example still exists. Jomtien is the most active. Massage is open. Bars is open. Good activity. Happy my hotel is there.
  15. Thanks. Yes Pattaya bus is level 1, gate 8. But it was the most left gate at that level. There is I am sure no gate 9 at that level. It looks gate 9 is level 2. I need to be on level 2 then? So the Test&Go drivers leave from level 2?
  16. The last time I was in Thailand (more than 2 years ago) the Pattaya bus went from Gate 8 at the airport. The most left gate. Now in March my driver who will take me to my Test&Go hotel will pick me up from Gate 9. I can't find on the airport map a Gate 9. Anyone has an idea? I assume it is a typo (the 9 is close to the 8 on the keyboard). Of course I can ask the hotel, but prefer to do it here.
  17. Is their short time price the same as a Thai boys or are they more expensive ?
  18. I hope it will also apply for me when I go in March for the first time in more than 2 years. However I do worry about a potential quarantine after a (fake?) positive test. Because I work. I am not a pensioner. I only have 5 vacation weeks a year. I can’t just extend my holiday with 1 week. Yes I can. But then there is not much left for me the rest of the year.
  19. And don’t worry about length. I am taller then you and never got a boy rejected because of my length. Money boys rarely reject someone. Most comfortable for you would be a massage boy. Go to a massage shop. Select your boy. And then make it know you want sex. Tip him like 1000 to 2000 baht and he will comply 99.9% of the time. In my experience they expect that request even. The hetero men pick ladies.
  20. Why is your March trip off? Despite my worry I still plan to go in March
  21. I worry mainly about that hospitals fake the positive test. I wont get covid. I will lock myself up at home in the two weeks before depature. So I am pretty sure when I test positive the hospital tricked me. (If you get it on the day of departure it can't be detected Day 1. The virus needs time)
  22. I tried reading it for a few of them, but it is not clear for me. Nowhere I read: "If you test positive for covid, but are not ill, but you have to quarentaine in the hospital your hotel partners with, then we pay for these hospital costs also, even when you dont feel sick at all" Good luck finding this in any of the policies. I don't see it. If they cover it then why not state it as clearly as I do above?
  23. What is the name of the insurance company you used?
  24. How to avoid testing during the holiday? Day 5 is a mandatory test. And there still is the risk your hotel partners with a shady hospital that fakes positive tests so it can earn on you.
  25. Does anyone know where I can get insurance against quarentaine? I understands the regular health insurance doesnt cover that. It only covers when you get actually sick. Buit if you have to quarentine because of a positive covid test - even when totally feeling normal - the quarentaine costs are not covered because you are not sick. But this can becomes expensive: 10.000 baht a day in a hospital because that is where they want you to quarentaine. And it can take 10 days. So is there insurance for these costs? If so where?
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