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Everything posted by abidismaili

  1. I always spend more money than was my initial intention. There are so many beautiful boys. It is so hard to resist. Each time after the holiday is over, I must admit to myself that I again have spend much more than was my intention.
  2. I don't like being fucked too. What is there too like really? I never understood what pleasure a bottom gets. The few times I was bottom I did not like it, didn't feel any pleasure. However being top: that gives pleasure.
  3. What about Dvaree Diva Bally, Silom, Bangkok. Never stayed there but near Soi Twilight and looks good. Anyone experience with that? I think about trying that one next time.
  4. No. I never travel with checked luggage. I go only one week each time, and everything fits in my carry-on luggage. Saves me waiting for the luggage each time I land. And it saves me from the thought "I hope my luggage arrived and didn't get lost". Much more relaxing travelling without it.
  5. I am top as said. The few times I did bottom I felt I had to shit during to whole fuck and I felt no particular pleasure. Never did any rimming. I do feel pleasure when I am the one who is doing the fucking. I think my body is wired differently.
  6. This is true. I read a survey ones and it appears most gay couples rarely have anal sex. I like it as a top. I did bottom a few times, but I don't see the fun or pleasure when you bottom. All the time I have the feeling I need to shit (body thinks because anus opens you need to shit and it sends a shit signal to your brain; while in reality you do not need to shit at all). Also there is no real pleasure. Are true bottoms wired differently? They have a pleasure spot in their anus which is triggered when they are fucked? They don't have the feeling during the whole fuck they need to shit?
  7. I can't get it into the plane. Tried to take it with me once, but it was taken out. You can only have 100 ml max. Most lube bottles are over 100 ml.
  8. Buy a traveller SIM card when you arrive at the airport. Then you can enjoy your whole holiday 3G internet for a very cheap price. Of course the disadvantage is you will not be reachable on your normal mobile phone number. But that can be solved by having a cheap second mobile with you, into which you put your home sim card.
  9. Even before your pension you had lots of freedom. 60 days each year? You had a job to take one month off two times a year? I want that job too.
  10. Those who see it not as just a job, have still that religion dominated idea that sex is a sin and something special, which you must only have with someone you love. Only when this is someones idea of sex, can you begin to understand why these people see us as exploiting these guys. But sex is just sex, no sin, and when you look at it that way, being a sex worker is just a job like any other. For those with not much education it is also a job which pays them very well in Thailand, more than they would receive with another job. So hardly exploitation then.
  11. Good point. That is why I do not feel any guilt when I pay a guy for sex. I don't think I exploit him. He sells his body. I pay. Like back home I sell my brain activity to my employer. There is no real significant difference. So I do not understand people who say sex tourists exploit people. We don't.
  12. I see in your profile you are still young, 35. So should not be an issue to find a job in Europe. However when you are 45 and up it becomes very hard, 50 and up almost impossible (at least in the Netherlands). Employers think you too old. Or you must have very unique, high in demand skills. But you must have had an extremely well paid job when you still worked in Europe. Because the job you had in Thailand was Thai pay (so impossible to save) and now you live from saved money for quite some time already in Thailand. That money can only be saved from these very few years you had a job in Europe. When you were in your end twenties. So these few years you did work in Europe after graduation, your income - for someone that young (twenties back then) - must already have been impressive. How else is it possible to save so much money as a young person in a few years, enabling you to live from your savings a few years in Thailand? Start salaries for guys in their twenties aren't that very high. So I think your skills must be sufficient to find a job soon again when back here.
  13. Ok. I didn't know 3 years ago it showed only Buddhist date. I only travel to Thailand since October 2014.
  14. Your age is never on a Thai ID card. Only date of birth. What did they have to change 3 years ago regarding ID cards?
  15. I think he is retired or has a job. The last one is not easy! So I am curious how he did it. I am sure he stays legal. Not worth the risk to stay illegal.
  16. If you are not retired what job you have in Thailand if I may ask? I have looked into that option myself and the most easy to get is the teacher job. But that pays very bad (you can live from it, but impossible to have your regular gogo boy or GR boy from that salary). Also jobs in the ICT sector are almost impossible now I read. So I am curious how you managed to get a job there. I can use your information and tips. Because I would love to live there too.
  17. We in the Netherlands always pity Americans, because we are told they have on average only 2 weeks holiday each year. So you must be a teacher! Else we Europeans receive wrong information from our media. Your country is in the media pictured not so good when it comes to employee rights: Americans need to work often two jobs to make a descent living, Americans have almost no holiday (2-3 weeks max), if you loose your job there is very bad social security, your employer can fire you very very easy (here we have some protections) etc. Are we fed here a lie by our media? Is it average to have 4 to 5 weeks holiday for a working American? Or you are an exception?
  18. This is of course only intended for those who do not live in Thailand. I go 3 or 4 times to Thailand every year, each visit about a week. Curious about how often you guys travel. I could save money by only going two times a year and stay two weeks each visit. I need to be in Pattaya/Bangkok every 3 months on average. Else I get insane.
  19. I notice more boys do this. i think in Thailand when you are say 30 you will say 31 because you are in your 31st year. So a boy who turns 18 today will say from today on that he is 19, because his 19th year has started. I think it is something Thai.
  20. I would for example love to read experiences from others about a boy who is named Kim. He is 20 (almost 21). But he says when you ask for his age that he is 21. Many boys add 1 year for some reason. Skinny type. Small boy. In my eyes one of the most beautiful boys in Pattaya. (But that is of course a matter of opinion). He is not a go go boy. Only on Gayromeo. Also Jomtien beach he goes often. I see him since October last year. I would love to know how he is with other Farang, what you guys think of him, how your guys spend your time with him (we go to the movies, shop for new clothes, go to restaurants, a bit of sight seeing) and I would also love to know what price you have to pay him. I pay 1000 for short time. 2000 for long time (and long time is basically almost a whole day). Happy to know by now that I am not alone in the wish to read the opinions from other Farang about a boy we know about and who we like.
  21. Yes, I saw that area but it is not really used.
  22. I was wondering. When we are in Pattaya we scan Gay Romeo and visit the same go go bars, many of the boys I have dated, will also have been dated by many other visitors of this forum. Is it allowed to talk about their names here? It is of course interesting that when you spend 3 days with a guy and had great fun with him to read the opinions about that guy from other visitors on this forum. At least that would be interesting for me. Not only to detect lies (like he always told me his mother is in hospital and I needed to pay him money for her, but now I read here he told another Farang his mother died 10 years ago) but to also get to know him better by reading the experiences with him from others.
  23. The reason is as follows darling. I tried to make clear the option provided to me to take him to - for example - Cambodia for a few months was for me not an option due to lack of holiday. Then I said: unlike most members who are pensioners here. I said that because the guy who proposed the option clearly has the idea the average visitor of this forum is a pensioner. Why else come up with that solution? And then I gave some other reasons why some - who are not yet pensioners - can live in Thailand. Reasons which are all valid and directed at none in particular. Because for those who live at age 50-55 in Thailand and not need to work there must be some who fit that profile you found so insulting. You even said I insulted pensioners. Can you please quote my insult directed to pensioners? I cannot find it.
  24. I am thankful and I am sorry. I wil go for the invitation, that was very very helpful.
  25. Sorry, was not meant to be insulting. I respect pensioners and they have deserved their pension well. Did I say something insulting about them? But some of the gay men in Thailand who reside there before official retirement age have got the means to do that by the ways I described. Some had a company and sold it for profit, some won the lottery and some got it the way I described. You deny that? And you will not like the following also: if the guy is Russian and 50 and has enough money to live in Thailand and not needs to work, then I think in the majority of cases (60%, what is your guess?) he did not earn that money with honest means.
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