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Everything posted by abidismaili
Do we go to Thailand because we do not settle for less?
abidismaili replied to abidismaili's topic in Gay Thailand
What a nonsense this complaining about racism as an Asian in white dominated societies. What a stupidity. 1) Western societies are the least racist and the most tolerant in all of human history. 2) Western societies accept the most refugees, even if they have a different culture or faith. I know for a fact Japan or China would never allow millions of white refugees to live in their nations. Japan - a rich country - but still ethnically homogeneous. Why? How many Syrian refugees will Japan allow? 3) I know for a fact Muslim majority nations would never allow thousands and thousands of Christian refugees to settle in them, let alone hundreds of thousands or millions as Europe does now. Let alone Jews. 4) If an Asian actor in a white country can only play certain roles that is because he lives in a white dominated country. In Indonesian movies white actors play only the Dutch colonialist. Never a government minister or a doctor in an Indonesian village. Is this racism? I think an Asian in the USA can much more easily receive the role for president of the United States, than white guy can play the role of president of Indonesia. 5) In a big Dutch city we have a Muslim mayor. How likely is it a big Muslim city will get a Christian mayor or a Jewish one? White societies are the least racist and the most tolerant ever. It is not perfect yes. But far more perfect than many other nations, including Asian nations. Please stop complaining. you degrade yourself. People complaining about white racism should look at other cultures. You have no idea. Again: Western societies are the most free, the least racist and the most tolerant in all, all of human history. Fact!!! -
Do we go to Thailand because we do not settle for less?
abidismaili replied to abidismaili's topic in Gay Thailand
Interesting to see you do not give any counter arguments. You not like what I say so it can not be true, your mind refuses to accept this message and so you attack the messenger, because you have no arguments against the message. What is then the reason you think we go to Thailand and our gay friends, who also can afford it, stay at home? For them sex is not so important? For them sex with a not that hot a man of their own age is less a problem? They also watch porn with 20 year olds, not 50 year olds, yet they only have sex with their 50 year old partner. What other reason can there be that for them sex is less important or that they settle for less? Most 40 year old gay men, when they watch gay porn, watch porn with actors all around age 20. What does this tell you? Yet he has sex with his 40 year old partner. Why not with 20 year olds? He obviously fancies them a lot (judging by his porn preferences). He has sex with his partner because he settles for less. There can not be any other reason. Because if he does not settle for less wouldn't he go for his porn preferences? We go to Thailand because we go for our porn preferences, we not settle for less. And now please your counter arguments. You not have them. -
Do we go to Thailand because we do not settle for less?
abidismaili replied to abidismaili's topic in Gay Thailand
Where did I make that leap? I say prime preference of as a good as everyone, is young. Body shape is subjective. A less twinky, more muscled 20 year old is for many attractive, nothing strange with that. I myself prefer twinks yes. This thread started with me wondering what the difference is between us sex tourists and gay friends who stay at home. I think the difference is we just want the best of the best (that is young) and we not want to settle for less, what we are forced to do when home, because an escort is way more expensive at home. Our 40 and 50 and 60 year old gay friends at home who not pay for escorts have no sex or settle for less. -
Do we go to Thailand because we do not settle for less?
abidismaili replied to abidismaili's topic in Gay Thailand
It is not subjective. Prime sexual preference in the age range 16-25 is not subjective. It is universal. Subjective is the type of body you like, color of eye you like, hair style you like, smile you like, body shape you like. Age range is NOT subjective. You really are so naive to believe when you see two 40 year old gay couples they still feel sexually attracted to each other? Or two 50 year old couples? Believe me: most are in love maybe, good friends sure, soul mates sure, living partners of course, but there is no sexual attraction anymore in the majority of 35 plus gay couples. If you see a 50 year old gay having sex with another 50 year old gay it is because he can't find anything better. But he still has sex with him. Why? Because - unlike me - he settles for less. His prime preference is also below 25. Trust me. I know human beings. You don't apparently. -
Do we go to Thailand because we do not settle for less?
abidismaili replied to abidismaili's topic in Gay Thailand
Did you notice how that guy does not go into my arguments. He doesn't explain where my reasoning is wrong. He just doesn't like the implications of what I am saying, so this means for him "it can't be true". Because if it is true what I say (and I think it is) his ideas of love and sex which he has had his whole live, crumble. Gay males overwhelmingly like young sexually ripe bodies. Most gay older couples do not feel sexually attracted anymore to each other. And older is here certainly 40+ (and in the West maybe even 35+ already) They are together because being gay often also means feeling happier with a male soul mate, a male companion. Being gay is not only feeling sexually attracted to young males, it is also having the emotional need for a male partner. The last can be of any age, but when it comes to sex a gay male (in general) feels only sexual attraction for the the younger males. You see this also in the history of homosexuality. In all ages it was almost never 40 year old with 40 year old, but mature man with younger. And it still is. When it comes to soul mates, a partner, that is a different story. For some the above is too much to take in. Their whole worldview about love and sex crumbles. So it can not be true. But they don't have arguments against it. -
Do we go to Thailand because we do not settle for less?
abidismaili replied to abidismaili's topic in Gay Thailand
I did not write 'genetically superior'. I only said in opening post that I belong to a category of humans who can not settle for less when it comes to sex. I only want sex with males in the top 10% of my personal preferences. That is where I think many Thailand sex tourists differ from other humans: they find it hard to settle for less, that is why they go to Thailand. And spend their money on sex. -
Do we go to Thailand because we do not settle for less?
abidismaili replied to abidismaili's topic in Gay Thailand
1. Most males do not chase after 19 year olds because it is pointless. They have to pay for the pleasure and most don't have the money. Most mature males also don't look that well anymore, many are overweight. They know they have no chance, so they do not take it and do not search for it. They settle for less, they settle for their also not that attractive wife of age 45. 2. Many however do fuck around. In the hetero and gay world a significant proportion are not faithful to their partner and they cheat. A 50 year old male rarely cheats on his 50 year old wife with another 50 year old, no, he cheats on his wife with a significant younger version. I wonder why. You have an idea? 3. Another reason is that most hetero males are married, have kids, a job 5 days a week. There just isn't much time to fuck around. In the weekend they take their kids to their sports game, etc. There just isn't a lot of time. But I am sure if they had the chance to fuck a 20 year old woman and his wife wouldn't find out, many will take the opportunity. This is also the reason why I think cheating happens much more in the gay world. Because no kids to take care off, so more time. Also males like young, so you have to cheat if you want to have sex with a body you are attracted too. Most gay couples after age 40 are not sexually attracted anymore to their partner. Hetero males would love to cheat in the same frequency (many do, but many can't because married, kids, no time, not look good, no money for whores). -
Do we go to Thailand because we do not settle for less?
abidismaili replied to abidismaili's topic in Gay Thailand
You aren't that smart, are you? Your dna has code which created a penis for you. It also has code to get you aroused by young sexually ripe bodies (that is namely the standard). Humans who only get aroused by 60+ carry a mutation, or have gone through some psychological history which altered their build in preference (your brain neuron network can change namely, when you are learning/studying new connections are created, experiences change connections, and certain experiences can change your brain such that it alters the build in coded connection to like young ripe bodies). Some preferences are also culturally defined. For example it is coded humans like fat food and sweet food. But the type of fat and sweet food is culture. Some tastes can be learned. Like drinking alcohol. But basic life functions, and pro-creation is one, is certainly coded in such a way that it makes the human species survive. Male humans have code to get aroused by young sexually ripe bodies, anything else would have made our species die out long ago. This is evolution. Gay males carry that code because they are male. Something else (experience, maybe a mutation) made them gay, but they still carry the code to like young sexually ripe bodies. -
Do we go to Thailand because we do not settle for less?
abidismaili replied to abidismaili's topic in Gay Thailand
Where did I ever imply it is beneficial to human civilization when I fuck Thai 19yo males?? How can you read what I wrote in such a strange way? I say it is far more normal to feel sexual attraction to a 20 year old, than it is to feel it for a 40 year old. And I give evolution as reason how this evolved. And I am also convinced most gay couples age 40 and above who have sex together do not feel sexually attracted to their partner. They just have sex without the sexual attraction (they can settle for less). And yes, there are exceptions. I am talking about the rule, not the exceptions. -
Do we go to Thailand because we do not settle for less?
abidismaili replied to abidismaili's topic in Gay Thailand
Gay males are biologically male, they have the same dna as hetero males for most important functions, for a penis and the dna to like young sexually mature bodies. The 'hole' you found is no 'hole'. The second remark that dna changes is highly controversial and not generally accepted among biologists. Most deny this happens. Sometimes I have the idea I am the only one in these forums with a reasonable education. -
Do we go to Thailand because we do not settle for less?
abidismaili replied to abidismaili's topic in Gay Thailand
Can you please explain what is wrong in my evolutionary explanation? I know quite well how this theory works. Women below 40 are fertile. If you as a male have lust for 40+ your genes will not make it to the next generation. If you like 16-25 your genes will make it easily, those females are very fertile. In prehistoric hunter-gatherer societies 30+ was old, you died around 40, so for humanity to survive males had to like 16-25. So it is not strange males have dna to make them like young sexually ripe bodies. Other dna would mean humanity would cease to exist. -
Do we go to Thailand because we do not settle for less?
abidismaili replied to abidismaili's topic in Gay Thailand
I want to add to my previous post: Since females did not experience selection pressure to like only young (females can much more easily get aroused by a 40 or 50 year old) this means many feminine gays (more or less females in a male body) can indeed get aroused by mature men. But for most manly gays the prime age of attraction is for young sexually ripe bodies, lets say 16-25. Sometimes I think Asian gays have more female genes than Western males, causing it to be more normal for an Asian gay, certainly a feminine Asian gay to like older bodies. For Western gays it is however standard practice to like only young. You see this clearly in the Western gay world and culture. -
Do we go to Thailand because we do not settle for less?
abidismaili replied to abidismaili's topic in Gay Thailand
Bkkguy makes some mistakes in his reasoning. I agree with Steveboy. For relationships you take of course someone your own age (because that works in general better). But nature, biology, has programmed us to be aroused by young bodies. This evolutionary selection happened because male humans who were aroused by young women reproduced more, than male humans who only felt sexual lust for a 40 year old. The genes of the last category of males soon died out, because there were far less children born if you like 40 and up. So evolution has produced in males a lust for younger bodies. Females can get aroused much more easily by a 40 or even well build 50 year old male, than vice versa. Because in females there was no selection pressure to like young more. Of course - as always - there are people who have different desires. Some people want to fuck a tree, others a baby, yet others only 60+, or only fat bodies. But these people who have that kind of hardware are very rare. They are exceptions. The rule for male humans is to feel sexual attraction for young sexual ripe bodies. So 16-25 is prime age for attraction. This is nature. If you see a male gay couple of 50 year olds who have sex, then in most cases it is because of the following reason: They are friends, they have a relationship, they like being together (because most humans seek a partner, don't want to be alone, and gays seek a male partner and it works in general better if that partner is of your own age). But when they have sex it is not the case that the body of the other arouses him so much. They just need to get hornyness reduced and at that age a 20 year old is not available without paying, so they suck their partner. Not because he has such a great body. We are the normal ones. Those males who get aroused by overweight bold 40 year olds they are ABNORMAL. We are NORMAL. Were the definition of normal is: most common. Like it is normal to have 10 fingers and not 9. Someone with 9 fingers is abnormal in the physical sense. -
Sometimes I look at these free cam sites, like Chaturbate where in the males section you can see guys from age 18 till very old, showing themselves on cam. You often see gay couples there. And certainly when go watch males 30 and up, the bodies aren't that attractive anymore. A bit overweight, not in shape, face not beautiful, etc. He is then sucked or fucked by his partner, who is about the same age (and often about the same looks). I just can't believe his partner gets aroused by that body (and vice versa). It really are not what are in general considered hot bodies. I notice this often with gay and also hetero couples. Both look average or below average and I just can't believe their partner arouses them. I have a theory. Most humans do not have strict standards for sex partners. They settle for average or even below average. It is not important for them, the personality of the partner is far more important and having sex is important, but its ok as long as there is dick too suck and the other side doesn't look to horrendous and has a nice personality. But then there is also a brand of humans - I am part of this - who really only wants sex with the top 10% in looks and bodies. Which forces me to go to Thailand because at my age you have to pay for these bodies and in Thailand its cheaper. So I have the theory that we - who go to Thailand for sex - belong to a category of humans who just can not settle for less when it comes to sex. The bulk of humans can settle for less, but we are the exception and that is why we have sex with a 20 year old hot Thai boy and not with a 40 year old average looking gay we meet on Gayromeo in Europe. Or are the partners of average looking, or below average looking males, really aroused by the body of their partner? Someone really believes that?
Cleaning hotel room when going to bed late
abidismaili replied to abidismaili's topic in Gay Thailand
Sorry for another stupid question. I suddenly realize I never tip the ladies. Because I don't think about it. This thread makes me realize my mistake. For some reason it has never been in my system to tip them. Probably because they are out of sight. It would be different if I am in the room and she them cleaning, then I would be triggered to give a tip. But bad from me, I need to improve here. But now the stupid question: where to place the money? It must be obvious to the lady it is meant for her. I can imagine if I place it on the small 'drawer' (don't know correct English word) next to the bed (I mean the thing where the alarm clock is put upon) she can think: "I wonder if this is for me or customer just left it there and forgot to put it back in wallet". I read above someone places it below the plilow. Is that the correct, expected, unambiguous location? -
Cleaning hotel room when going to bed late
abidismaili replied to abidismaili's topic in Gay Thailand
Ok if that is no problem for the ladies and the hotel it is the way to go for me also then. I every day have a different boy (often two boys in a day) who use the towels, so the reason I need the cleaning is for the towels. But indeed asking for new towels will be sufficient for me too. I don't need the room to be tidy. It is all about the towels for me. (And sometimes the bed sheets because of the cum). -
My experience is that each time in Thailand I see always at least one Farang in a go go bar or beer bar who does not tip at all. I see he stops a boy, fondles, boy leaves and I didn't see any tipping. I am happy to read in this thread this is rare and most tip, which is the right thing to do. Although 20 baht is very very low.
I asked this question in a totally unrelated thread (so not seen by many), so I make it its own topic. For those of you who take hotels in Thailand and who go to bed late, say 3 am, 4 am you will wake up I guess around noon or 1 pm. In many hotels the cleaning ladies have already finished around that time (or have at least finished with your floor). You go then to reception and ask for the room to be cleaned when you wake up? What I do is this: I take care around 10 am I leave the hotel for breakfast and 2 hours later I go back and my room is then almost always cleaned. I do this because I think if I leave hotel only around 2 pm, I will have missed the cleaning sweep and my room will not be done that day. (My assumption is namely the cleaning ladies know which rooms to clean because if the reception has your key, they know you have left the hotel and your room is free for cleaning.) So how do your guys take care your room is being cleaned when each day you leave hotel only 2 pm or even 3 pm?
I always feel obliged to wake up around 10 am and go outside for some 2 hours because I know the cleaning ladies are doing the rooms. If you wake up say around 2 pm how do you get your room cleaned? Cleaning ladies have finished then I assume.
Why does no-one mention Marina Inn near Sunee? Very cheap. The money you save by staying there you can spend on boys. You can sleep there for 1000 baht per night. Ok, it is not very luxerous, but who cares. You only sleep there and shower.
I never understood why single airfares are more expensive often than the prize for a return ticket. Even if you only plan to go one way, it is often cheaper for you to buy the return ticket and just not show up for the return trip. This way you have bought yourself a cheaper single ticket effectively.
My (litttle) gay massage experience and my mistakes (and questions)
abidismaili replied to tatar's topic in Gay Thailand
No I only go to Thailand to do myself a favor. :-) But I can't help feeling uneasy when I see begging looks and I have no intention to off him. I can't help it. Just makes me feel uncomfortable. Just who I am. -
My (litttle) gay massage experience and my mistakes (and questions)
abidismaili replied to tatar's topic in Gay Thailand
True. But when I see 3 or 4 boys smiling at me and trying to get my attention because they need an off, it doesn't make me feel at ease to be honest. For the following reason: Some of these boys are not my type. So I try not to look too much at them when I see them trying to get my attention, because else they will think I am interested in them. Yet at the same time this also makes me feel not good. I tend to feel sorry for boys easily and I rather not have a feeling of pity when I am in such a bar. I can see the begging looks and it really makes me feel sad/uneasy to ignore them. I start thinking 'he maybe needs to pay his rent tomorrow', or thoughts like that. Sometimes you really can see the begging looks. It really is not a nice feeling if this happens to you and you have no intention to off him. If you want him it is of course a totally different story. How do your guys handle situations when a boy looks beggingly at you to please off him and you have no intention to do that at all? You slip him a 100 baht note? -
No it is not, as I made clear. Here proof. It is of course a mistake. But I encounter these mistakes often on ticket search sites. Bug in code or so. Both flights (going there and return are ECONOMY)
You don't see the 4782 EUR option at all when you browse for these dates and select EVA air? I must say I not used their website but a ticket search engine and choose EVA air 887 EUR is by the way about 200 EUR more than I pay in high season. August (what your guys call low season) is much more expensive