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Everything posted by abidismaili
Remember the responses when I said it should be easy for a good looking twink to earn 6000 baht a WEEK? It was met with scepticism. I am now reading a Reuters article were a female sex worker said she earned 5000 a NIGHT. One former sex worker from the northeastern province of Maha Sarakham, who declined to be identified, told Reuters she entered Bangkok's sex trade at the age of 19 and earned up to 5,000 baht ($143.14) a night, nearly 20 times the minimum wage of 300 baht ($8.59) per day. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-thailand-vice-idUSKCN0ZW16A Yes, maybe more easy for a female since hetero sex tourism is larger in numbers, but then I think my 6000 a WEEK for a very hot twink using hornet/gayromeo is not that unrealistic as it was presented here. Maybe they really do earn that, but dont want you to know? Because by saying "I no money" they can work on your pity and hope to get monthly allowances or higher tips.
What are most money boys plans for the future? Go back to their village and start farming? Long term visitors must have some ideas. What are the guys currently doing who 15 year ago were a money boy? They now approach age 40. What can we in general say about how they earn an income now?
But when I use these apps I look for boys nearby. They show default first. You even use the apps to see if maybe 30 kilometers from you a nice boy is available? I quit looking after a few kilometers because i think 'pointless'.
And now we are at it, how many of you send monthly money to one or more boys? And which monthly allowance is considered descent for your special boy(s) you want to sponsor? 4000 baht? 10.000 baht?
Another one in this forum estimates these lucky boys as not that many. I think only the most beauitful have sponsors. Because I think the average Farang can not afford to sponsor 4 or 5 boys every month. Most will settle on 0 or 1 boy they choose to sponsor. Since if you decide to sponsor someone every month, it is reasonable to assume you choose the most beautiful boy for this benefit. So this makes me believe (but again I can be wrong, just working on intuition here) that the huge bulk of boys are not sponsored. Only the top ones who are in the top 5% or so in looks.
OK. I trust your experience then. I have been in Thailand now 6 times. October number 7. I had no idea many Farang offer only 300-500 baht. If you do that you are evil. Scum indeed. Probably lower class trash. I trust you on your experience because mentally I just can't believe it's hard for a hot twink to find via the app 4 customers a week. Knowing twinks are the most popular. No more to say about it.
Yes. October I have been in Thailand. Yes, I have been the only customer in a bar. I agree in low season not easy to get customer if you are go go boy and not absolute hottest in looks. Yes I have seen a few rooms from the inside these boys live in. My example is not the average boy, it is a very hot cute young twink who uses apps. He is wanted by 80% of all Farangs in Pattaya. They see him in the apps. They will send him messages. He can pick. Yes I know for more average looking guys this doesn't work and for 30 year old money 'boys' it certainly doesn't work. I also disagree that Farang visitors only take a boy 2 times a week on average. For most who are on holiday they have each day at least 1 boy. Maybe sometimes they skip a day. If you live in Pattaya permenantly - you are retired - then yes maybe 2 times a week is normal. But the many many Farang in the apps are on holiday there. They need a boy every day. I take in the start of my trip two boys every day to my hotel. One in the afternoon, one for the evening. Near the end it slows to one each day and I can skip a day.
I agree there are other phone brands and many are also good. But a good phone for 12000 baht? There must be some limitations: low screen resolution? slow cpu? I think an acceptable performing phone can be had for 15.000 baht or more. I wouldn't go lower.
Boys also use dating apps. And hot boys can easily find 4 customers a week via these apps. Every day many many Farang use these apps and see the boy near him. So every day he will get messages. I am sure. I am talking about a top of the bill boy, a hot twink, the most preferred type.
If I was a Thai moneyboy age 19 say, a hot looking twink I would do this: Have 4 customers a week, for 1500 short time. This is 6000 per week, so 24.000 per month. If I share room with friends (which most do) I can EASILY save 10.000 each month, so 120.000 every year. I can do this job for about 6 years, so after I am past my prime and need to finish being money boy I have saved 720.000 baht!!!! You can then buy your own shop to get a living for the rest of your live, for example setting up a laundry shop. (You can save a million by taking more than 4 customers a week or save more per month, saving 15.000 per month is also doable if you share a room.)
My boy still has his iPhone 6s which I bought him. And he has it very early, before it officially came on the Thai market. Bought it last October.
How long does your average sex session last?
abidismaili replied to abidismaili's topic in Gay Thailand
Yes if horny (but not if it is the 4th day in a row). But fucking I can cum very fast (even if it is the 4th day in a row), much faster than with jerking off. So when I fuck a boy I need to control myself a lot, else I cum too soon. So I make it last longer. -
How long does your average sex session last?
abidismaili replied to abidismaili's topic in Gay Thailand
That's a relieve. I am normal!! :-) Started to get worried if something was wrong with me. In another forum Latintop has hour long fuck sessions so he claims. -
I was wondering. When I off a boy for short time in 99% of the cases I am finished within 30-45 minutes. Of course excluding the showering afterwards and the shower, chat and drinks before. The pure sex act takes me rarely longer than 45 minutes. How is this for your guys? Sometimes I get the impression some of you have sessions going into 2 hours. But isn't giving a blow job starting to bore you afer a few minutes? In porn movies a guy can blow another guy for 15 minutes in a row but in real life it very fast gets very boring (for the giving side, receiving side is different story).
No. I paid approaching 40.000. iPhone 6s. I bought it in Thailand before it was officially sold there. So the shop imported it herself and that made it a bit more expensive. When was the last time you bought an iPhone? And yes they are for showing off but trust me: they need it. They don't have computers; its their only tool for the Internet (beside internet shop), calling, Facebook, LINE, Gayromeo, Hornet. They need it. So it is not only showing off. They need a phone like they need food and a room.
I don't understand the 'gift' of buying him a trip home. These trips are very cheap. I know a boy whose family lives in Buriram, about 6 to 8 hour (don't remember exactly) bus ride from Pattaya. This is only a few hundred baths if I recollect it well. I am sure he was much more happy with his new iPhone I bought him (approaching 40.000 baht) than if I had given him 1000 baht to go see his family. Seems very cheap to me to buy him a trip home. I doubt they are more happy with such a 'present'. Like it is expensive to travel back home in Thailand. Most boys can afford that. You really think many don't see family for years because they can't afford it? Family is important there.
Then we the same. That is why I not understand what it is so nice in bottoming. So I think now what makes it nice is the idea. The idea being domininated (for some) or (for you) the idea of intimacy. The real pleasure is only for the top: his dick is physically stimulated which gives physical pleasure resulting in orgasm. The bottom's pleasure is only non-physical, an idea. That makes it more understandeble, because I failed to enjoy being bottom, couldn't feel any physical pleasure. I now start to think also bottoms dont feel it, they just enjoy the idea of being fucked which gives mental pleasure but not phsyical one
So it is the idea which makes it nice? The fucking itself does not trigger physical pleasure, but the idea it is something initmate makes it nice?
Ok, so all men who dont like to bottom just had done it wrong to them? Their first tops did it wrong and so they got the idea it is not nice? You say if done properly everyone likes to bottom? (I mean who doesn't like pleasure, if it is so nice). But if it takes a lot of preparation, who has the time or the desire to spend so much time? I like sex, but I dont spend 1 hour with a boy. In 45 minutes I am finished. If I give a blowjob, after 2 minutes it starts to bore me. So if you need 15 minutes foreplay to prepare an anus isnt that extremely boring for the top, to spend so much time in preparation?
I recognize this. I have been a bottom a few times (you need to give it a try, not?) but each time I failed to see the pleasure. Even if not that painful, pleasure was totally absent. I fail to see how bottom boys get pleasure this way. Are their bodies 'down there' different? They have a pleasure spot in the anus (which is triggered when a penis touches it) which other men lack? Or bottom boys also dont get pleasure from the fucking? They just like to be dominated. It is just a fetish? There is also for them maybe some pain involved, but they just like the idea being dominated. They still need to jerk off to ejaculate. Can a bottom please explain here in all honesty what makes it nice for them? Is it the idea being dominated or is the fucking action really giving physical pleasure?
Strange thing is plane ticket prizes are cheapest in this period. Low season (for example August) has the highest ticket prize. Thailand is one of the very few countries in the world where it is more cheaper to go there in high season than low season. Someone tried to explain me once, but I keep finding it a mystery.
Do we go to Thailand because we do not settle for less?
abidismaili replied to abidismaili's topic in Gay Thailand
My point was that we are very tolerant and receive many refugees despite their religion. While many other societies will not do that. Muslim countries will not accept waves and waves of Christian or Jewish refugees. Saudi Arabians and Turks and Moroccans and Pakistani would OPPOSE MASSIVELY even tens of thousands of Christian refugees ONLY because of their religion. Can I ask what your education is? You deliberately misinterpret me or you are dumb. What is it? What nice benefit that this chat reveals the true colors of some. Cdnmatt paints himself in a very unflattery way. Deliberately mis-reading, mis-interpreting the points people try to make. What a pathetic human being. -
Do we go to Thailand because we do not settle for less?
abidismaili replied to abidismaili's topic in Gay Thailand
My God the stupidy. These refugees are dominantly Muslim. My question was how many Jewish or Christian refugees would they accept. Please please please read carefully. Don't read what you want to read, read what I actually say. Please. I see no one has anything to say about my: 1) remarks about Japan 2) remarks how China, Turkey also were colonizing powers. And what about the Arab world? 3) remarks how despite we are not perfect, the West is the most free, least racist and most tolerant society on Earth. And yet whites are called racists. And yet the West has to defend herself. What a joke. What a hypocracy. What a stupidy and indoctrination. What a lack of the ability to think for yourself. -
Do we go to Thailand because we do not settle for less?
abidismaili replied to abidismaili's topic in Gay Thailand
I cant understand how you read my words like that. There can only be one reason; you want to interpreted them like that. I say it is not strange if you live in a country dominated by one race that it is not easy to get the role to play a government minister or some other roles. Only in multi cultural societies will it be possible. I can't believe Asians are discriminated against in America or other Western countries. I know no one who is racist against Asians. I know quite a few people who are racist against whites. Do you think it is likely for a white guy to be offered the role to play the Indonesian president? Most white actors in Indonesian movies play a colonialist role or are the bad guy. What about my remarks about Japan? Is this a racist country in your opinion? Far less multi cultural and far less willing to accept other races as refugees than the tolerant West. Did you read that I say the West is the least racist, the most tolerant society on Earth? You agree with that? Yet only the white guy is excused of racism. Why? -
Do we go to Thailand because we do not settle for less?
abidismaili replied to abidismaili's topic in Gay Thailand
We have done so much good as colonialist to these countries. It is time we get what we deserve. A huge THANK YOU. Will we ever get it? By the way do not judge history with the values of our own times. White colonialists were no different from others. China has colonized most of its territory (Tibet, Uyghur, Mongolia). Turks during the Ottoman empire colonized a lot of the Middle East. When is their pay back time to accept refugees from non Muslim countries? When is Chinese payback time? When is Arab payback time? (They colonized all of the Middle East in the first centuries of Islam). Killed most Christians or forced them to convert, to the extend almost none are left there. When is pay back time for Arabs? When will they have to accept many Christian refugees? Millions of them. When? We in the West are too good for this world. We should in the West have the mentality of other countries: more self pride, more aware of your own proud history, more desire to defend it. Not a feeling of guilt. We were no different than others. We only had more power thanks to advanced technology. Imagine what the world would look like now if Islam had developed this advanced technology first. Would they have freed their colonies when modern time made colonialism not done? The Dutch colonized Indonesia for a few hundred years, but they still are Muslim. We didn't force them to become Christians. We didn't decimate them.