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Everything posted by abidismaili

  1. Some guys say here "when he performs well in bed I will pay extra". But what is that extra performance you mean here? If I fuck a boy they all lie down or sit on top of me and I fuck them. What can they give as extra performance in this case? Make moaning sounds? Because it is a very passive activity for the boy. He is just being fucked. Other than some extra moaning sounds there isn't much 'extra' he can do. Are you alluding to if he is willing to kiss? Then I understand. But in stead of paying him more if he wants to kiss, we should pay boys less then the amount agreed if they don't want to kiss in bed. For me kissing is just a standard part of sex. Like cuddling, touching. If you off a boy for sex and fucking is agreed to, then it is normal to assume kissing is included too. I do not inform in advance: "Can I huddle you? Can I kiss you? Can I hold you in my arms?". That should all be included by default. I only ask if he is a bottom. That can not be assumed namely. All the rest should be standard. But if it is standard, what is then this extra performance you guys are alluding to and which warrents an extra tip?
  2. Gaybutton doesn't come over as a nice man to me. My God what a horrible personality.
  3. It would make me suspecicious. If I was fat and ugly (as you claim to be :-)) and I would get free offers from a good looking 20 something Singaporean my first impulse would be: "Can I trust this? What is he up to? Meet me and rob me of my money?". Wouldn't a very cautious approach be the preferred and smart way of action in such a scenario? I mean come on, in 95 out of 100 such cases there must be a catch. How many 20 somethings you know who are attracked to fat and ugly? I know no-one. I even would get suspecious if it were nice looking 40 year olds or 50 year olds. I would think: "Why me? They can get so much better. What are they up too? Can I trust this?"
  4. The mocking of Christians in the West is going on since the 1960s. Has nothing to do with the abuse scandal in the Catholic Church. I notice that immense hypocracy how many Westerners (mostly of left wing persuasion) talk with respect about Muslims or exotic religions, but lack that respect for the religion of their own culture. I call that hypocracy. Most ordinary Christians in our mids are descent people who are mocked and looked down upon by their fellow citizens. The same citizens who in Thailand have the upmost respect for their local form of Buddhism with a spirit world and reincarnation. No mocking at all. Only respect. Yes for people like you and me it is hard to believe how anyone can be very religious or be very certain there is a God. Agnosticism seems to me the only rationally acceptable view you can have when it comes to the question if there is something which generally is called a 'God'. I think the majority of humans is spirtual, is religious. I think a lie detector test would show that many believe in 'something'.
  5. In our own countries many are far less accepting of people with different values who live among them. Left wing people are a typical example. When they are in an exotic culture you see them respectfully visit temple buildings, talk with respect about that culture's religion, but in their own country they would never treat a church with that same respect, or talk with respect about Christians (who are seen as backward by them, with stupid values; who are mocked) I am not religious, but I do notice the difference in treatment which our still remaining Christians receive from the left wing elite, compared to how that elite treats Muslims, or in foreign countries treats the holy places of other cultures.
  6. If in his profile he appears not as a ladyboy, it is very rude of him to show up as a ladyboy at your door. He can not just assume you like ladyboys, his profile showed him as a man boy. So what was he thinking? He assumed every gay man likes lady boys? You order X and you get Y. For me that is rude.
  7. OK. Well in his twitter feed he comes over als wealthy. At least he has a wealthy sponsor. He shops in expensive shops. Has MacBook, iPhone. If he cant buy new equipment I guess his sponsor broke up with him. But he is clearly used to be treated well. I think you need to spend more than 1500 baht on him for a fuck. :-). He clearly is used to much more! Will be an expensive visit.
  8. The Venue in Jomtien without a doubt. Cute twinks, good cabaret shows. No go go, but just enjoying cute boys dancing etc. PS: Vessey question: You pointed us to Jason on Chaturbate, but he hasn't been online for ages. What happened?
  9. Again proof that most people's political views are as follows: which party is best for my personal purse, then I will vote for it. If that same person (DNA the same, etc) was brought up in a richer family he would most likely have different views. The only principle is: what is best for ME ME ME ME (Rich people, millionaires, can afford to vote against their own interest and take other issues into account, it doesn't matter if they loose a bit. Of course even rich people will never vote for a party which tries to get almost all their money: a communist party say which wants to abolish property. Of course there are exceptions, there are always exceptions. But the general rule is: everyone votes with their own purse in mind.)
  10. Anyone know a moneyboy who will vote in the upcoming referendum? The very few I ask don't vote and I also notice they don't like talking politics. Sounds familiar or my sample is not representative?
  11. Indeed, very outdated link. Website hasn't been touched in 2 years. But stil the owner is paying for it, I mean it is still being hosted so he must be paying his bills. But he doesn't spend any time on it anymore. I like The Venue in Jomtien. Cute twinks in surprisingly good shows.
  12. Come on, all of you have been the victim of a scam. Each time a moneyboy lies to you - in order to make you give him money - it legally, from a strictly legal viewpoint, is a scam. If I tell someone here in my country "please give me 100 EUR I will use it to help children in need", then when I use it to buy new clothes for myself I have committed a crime. So when a boy tells you "can you please help me, because <here follows a lie>" and you give it, you are the victim of a scam. Even if you know he is lieing and you still give (what I do, I tend to give in easily, even if I suspect its a lie) they are scamming you. 99% of money boys in Thailand are strictly speaking criminals. From a purely legal viewpoint that is. Each lie to get extra money is strictly speaking a scam. Else tell me why it is not a scam, and where you draw the line? PS: same goes for us, we are criminals too since prostitution is illegal in Thailand; so from the viewpoint of the law it also applies to us. But since it is official government policy to not enforce that law I think the lable 'criminal' is not applicable for us. But it is for the lieing money boys :-)
  13. I have the idea in Thailand you can almost assume the boys to be money boys on the apps. The twinks in Europe are mostlily just looking for gays their own age. You can not assume at all they are money boys. So how do you do that for white twinks you see in the apps in Europe? Your first question is: "Are you a money boy? What is your prize?" That question I omit in Thailand always because I just assume them to be money boys (at least for the range I am looking in: twinks, age 18-25). So how do your guys do it who are looking for white twink prositutes in Europe? How to detect one in the apps?
  14. Question for those using Hornet, Gayromeo etc in Pattaya. What radius do you look in? I quit scanning profiles as soon as I see '5 km away'. Certainly for 10 km or more it is I think pointless to contact such a boy. How do your guys do that and does it occur often you contact a boy from more than 5 km away?
  15. Ok. But still the sexual attraction must be there in these Thai men. Else they will go for another prostitute.
  16. Are you implying here pedophilia is wide spread among Thai adult men? I assume they are not raping him/her if they don't feel sexual attraction. Pattaya will die if they close the sex industry. I cant believe any tourist goes to Pattaya for the beaches only. They go for the night live (sex). There is nothing else to do.
  17. This Poseidon hotel is this the same as Poseidon Boutique? That is the one I see on hotels.com. I want to try it too next time.
  18. That is less than 1500 each day. So you off a boy once every two days and only one boy in two days?Not strange indeed if you stay that long. But others who stay a week (like me) have two boys a day. So I think the difference is explained purely by that. Since you stay that long your overall costs per day are lower (sounds counter intuitive, but for sex holidays the longer you stay the cheaper it is, because no one can fuck 2 times 28 days in a row, but can do it for 7 days; so longer trips are cheaper per day).
  19. Yes, but a Mulsim country will never attack another Muslim country to help a non-Muslim county. The populations will never accept it.
  20. This seems reasonable, but that is not the impression I get when I observe fellow Farangs. Let's assume it is not far fetched to say that when you are well off you can see it. You can see it in your clothes, in your behaviour etc. It shows. Like it clearly shows when someone is not well off and from (to put it bluntly) a white trash background. They like different fashion, have often more tattoos, a different hair cut, it just shows. In 10% of cases your initial guts will be wrong, but stereotypes are often true and in 90% of cases your initial guts is correct. Now when I observe fellow gay Farangs in go go bars, in beer bars, in shopping malls, then my gut feeling is not "this are well off people". My gut feeling is also not "lower class, white trash". In most cases they come over as just average middle class guys. And most middle class guys can not afford to just throw away 30.000 baht a month. Not in the Netherlands. Where about 2000 EUR after taxes is about a descent salary. Then you can not throw away 750 EUR. By the way: hetero sex tourists in Thailand on first impression do appear to me to be lower class far more often. Gay sex tourists make far less that impression on me. If you watch many hetero Farang you are ashamed to be a European. Because I can't believe they give us a good name.
  21. If most Farang can miss 30K per month then they have a good income. In my country most working people, say 80%, will not be able to just give that amount away each month. They need it to make a descent living here. I can't believe this is the most standard rate. I think your circle of friends are relatively well off. I think 10.000 baht is about standard; else you really need a very good income. Or be a pensioner who already paid his mortage and owns his house. That saves a lot of fixed costs if that falls off. Mortage payment is the bulk of most people's monthly costs. So yes for pensioners I can believe 30K is normal, for most people who still work this is I think too high.
  22. It is stupid to pay for the boy montly, unless you want him for yourself only and tell him he can not have sex with other Farangs. But since that last demand can not be enforced and you can be sure when you are back home he will go fuck other Farang (he is young, he wants sex, and more money is always welcome) it is pointless to go into that trajectory. Because he will have other Farang acquaintances, who go 3 times a year to Thailand, fuck him each vistit two times (since they also have other boys during their visit, so lets say it is 2) and pay say 4000 baht per trip to that boy. Compare that with you. You also go 3 times, fuck him each time, but you end up paying much more because you even send money in those months when you are in your own country. Both Farang see the boy equally in time, have sex equally, so get the same out of it, yet the first Farang only pays 12000 a year to enjoy him, while the second Farang pays around that per month. But the benefit both receive is exactly the same. I would advice: do not do it. It is pointless. His other Farang friends (and most boys have regular Farang visitors, who go each year to see him) will enjoy him for the same time and pay far less than you. Don't believe for a moment he won't fuck other Farangs when you are back home.
  23. The cause is not inequality. Western nations are the most free ever in world history and also the least racist and most inclusive compared to any other nation on Earth. If racism or inequality is a root cause then many many nations would see deadly terrorists attacks. Muslim countries are the least free concerning people of other faiths. The least accepting of 'others'. They are also far more tribal in their outlook. Even the majority of moderate Muslims will side with the Muslim side in a conflict between a Muslim country and non-Muslim country. Because of a tribal mentality. Like you always support your clan even if they are wrong. That makes them strong mentally. Also many Muslim countries will never in a war come to the aid of a non-Muslim country by fighting the Muslim enemy. That is why I not understand why Turkey is allowed to be a NATO member. If say Iraq or Egypt invaded Christian Italy then according to the NATO treaty it is an attack on all. But Turkey's people will never allow their army to attack Muslim Egypt or Iraq in order to help a Christian nation. It is pointless to have Turkey in the NATO alliance, These people committing these acts have often a criminal record, a not that pious religious live. They are loosers. After a certain age they realize "I will never get a descent paying job (because I am too dumb, or didnt pay attention in school, or am too lazy to work, and if I have a job it pays not good enough for the life style I want), if I continue with my life of crime I will spend many years in prison." Some draw then the conclusion: lets become a martyr. Then all my sins are forgiven by Allah and I go to heaven. This conclusion is made easy because of their tribal association with the Muslim cause and their believing the conspiracy theories and other propaganda. It are dumb people. Idiots. Sadly they will never realize how wrong they were because when you die it is just one big black nothing. You would wish that for 1 minute after dead they had the realization they were wrong.
  24. Thank you. And what about Farang? You know many Farang who send monthly money to a boy? Is this something relatively common, or is it relatviely rare? In your opinion?
  25. i would love to hear some stats about this from experienced guys like Firecat69. How many boys in his view receive a monthly allowance? And which percentage of Farang send money on a monthly basis to a boy? What is the average amount?
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