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Everything posted by abidismaili

  1. I know but he said Asians use the following terms for types of gays. He didn't say "Chinese speakers use the following terms for type of gays". That is why I asked the question. To understand what he exactly meant. Maybe some Chinese terms are used universally throughout Asia? Not impossible. Lets see what he will answer.
  2. Very interesting post but I not really understand it :-) In China they speak Chinese, In Thailand Thai, In Cambodia Khmer, in Japan Japanese, etc. So how can there be a common Asian gay terminology? A Thai, a Japanese and a Lao gay know the term "Xiao Xian Rou"? Or only Chinese speakers do? But then it is not universal Asian. And if they know then Chinese gay terms have become universal knowledge in Asia like non-English speakers in Europe refer to 'twink', even while they are not themselves native English speakers? Is it like the last? So Chinese is for Asia what English is for the West? Some terms just everyone knows, even if you are not a native Chinese speaker?
  3. Most hetero women love sex as much as males. I also notice many hetero women are into twinks also. You would be surprised how many women prefer a twink above a 35 year old muscled alpha male.
  4. Thanks. Didn't know that. But how does Chaturbate know I am male? I use the site without logging in. So these hetero males can block males, but I guess I will still be able to see them. Also I notice Columbia is a very popular country indeed. I often think performers from Columbia are part of a porn company, they are not in their room but in a small room of some porn company who is making money via Chaturbate. I guess they pay these performers a salary? So if I connect via a vpn server in say America I will be able to see performers from my own country?
  5. The refugee crisis is not a refugee crisis. It is for most of them immigration for financial reasons. Not fleeing from war. Many blacks from Africa who now camp in Calais have come for one reason only: social security. Not because their live is at risk at home. The bulk has no intention to work. They know from stories that free money and a live of total vacation is waiting for them. An immense lure for them. They also know when you enter one of these countries the chance you will be send back is virtually zero. Many of these immigrants and true refugees who enter Turkey don't stay there. They go to Greece. Also don't stay there. But Greece is safe. They go through the Balkan countries. Also save. They stop only when they reach a rich European country. Why? When will Turkey pay the bill for colonizing the Middle East? When will China pay her bill? Haven't we paid already enough? Think about the unprecedented levels of financial aid we have send to third world countries. Unique in world history. Financial aid for the third world is almost 100% funded by the West. Not the rich Arab gulf states for example. If they send aid it is always to a fellow Muslim country. The "refugee" crisis is not a bill for colonialism. It is a bill for our success. These levels of immigration will disrupt the social fabric and cause our demise. It is a huge financial burden and the ones we let in don't have the skills to participate fully in our society. They will need to depend on social security. This demise of the West is I am sure the secret hope of some politicians who are allowing these levels of immigration. Unprecedented levels. Why does the rest of the world not help in this crisis? Why doesn't Japan say we will pay transport to our country for 100.000 blacks and Arabs. Why does China not do the same? And Brazil? And Thailand? It would spread the burden. I know why.
  6. Did you go to school?How were we different from any other culture? Warfare is very common. Ancient Egypt conquered the Levant. The Muslim Moghuls conquered much of India. The Khmer empire conquered huge chunks of today's Thailand. China conquered and forcefully assimilated its West. Turkey colonized the Middle East. I can give such a long list. We stole Palestine? I should not really bother a reply. You so dumb you fall for the Palestinian propaganda and lies. It is pointless to give arguments because your mind is most likely so closed and poisoned it will be a waste of time. And you deny the West is the least racist? Is it ok for you Japan, China, etc will never allow mass immigration from other races and cultures. Other cultures are far more racist. Fact. It is not even an opinion. Why are only white people accused of racism?
  7. Can you please quote the sentence where I said it was the main reason? It was a by-product. Please try to read what I say, not what you wanted me to say. Now with that in mind, reply again please to my points.
  8. 100% true. People in the West are accused so many times of racism (so much even that some people think only a white Western guy can be racist, because we never hear it about others). The West has to excuse itself for her history of colonialism. Which was a perfectly normal way of operating at that time. We were just much more successfull because of our technological advancement. Turkey colonized much of the Middle East (Ottoman Empire). China colonized its Western half (now fully annexed, but the history is colonization; we freed our colonies, China kept them). Russia's east is in origin colonization, conquest of foreign cultures. They didnt free them, they still have them. Western societies are the LEAST racist the MOST free and the MOST tolerant in all of human history and yet we are internationally the MOST accused of racism and our history. Japan a rich country will never allow the level of immigration from other races and cultures than we allow in the West. China the same. Turkey the same. Thailand the same, well it goes for every country, except the West. We should be the ones pointing the finger. We should defend our culture and history more, be more proud of it. By the way our colonization brought advancement to other cultures, we lifted them into modern times. Did they ever thank us for that? Like we in Europe thank the ancient Romans? Will India ever say thank you to the UK? Long live Western culture!
  9. But earlier you told us you kept it a secret for your family you went to Saudi Arabia. How could they then have told you they would petition the embassy in case something happened?
  10. I agree. Many gay Thai boys even tell me they are not into Thai guys but into Farang. I tend to believe that. I see this in more Asians. A Vietnamese once told me Most 'Farang in general look better than Asians". Gay Asian boys for some reason feel attraction to us Farangs. For me it is absolutely the other way around. I find Asian boys the most beautifull in the world.
  11. Just guessing. And I made this guess because I wonder why all these Chaturbate models apparently dont care their family will find out. Many people use Chaturbate. Maybe also their own neighbour. Yet all these boys are so recognizable in it. One explanation given here is that maybe these models we see come from broken families and they don't care anymore. Good point.
  12. Yes I agree. But I do wonder why this taboo is going away. When I was 18-21 I would never have wanted my family to know I was a gay escort (I wasn't by the way, but for the sake of argument). Or I would never have wanted them to know I jerked off in front of a webcam for older men paying me. But looks then todays gay boys don't care less. These taboos are gone. A 19 year old gay boy can now tell his parents: "I had a client yesterday who was rich, he gave me 1000 EUR for fucking". Or: "I go upstairs to masturbate in front of my webcam to earn some money, please call me when dinner is ready". This are nowadays totally normal conversations in the households of gay boys. In my time that was absolutely out of the question.
  13. Very interesting read. I did know much what you write about, but I didn't know they treat Westerners also like that. I knew cleaning ladies from Philippines are treated horribly in Saudi Arabia. But even Americans are. That was an eye opener. You said you were able to visit Mecca. But I thought non-Muslims can't visit that place. You pretended to be Muslim? You also said police can't act when someone is Saudi, so they didn't interrupt that gang fight. But can you then see from the outside wether someone is Saudi? Also are all Saudi nationals rich? Or you have many poor and middle class Saudis? I get the idea from your post all real work is done by foreigners. So all Saudis get a descent income from the government? Why did you risk gay sex in that country? How did you and that Venezualian got to know about each other you were both gay? One must have been the first to tell. He took a big risk. What if the other guy wasn't gay and decided to tell at work you told him you were gay? Why you take such irresponsible risks? Others who do are put in jail. Why taking that risk? Would you have complained if you were caught and beheaded? Or would you have thought: "I did a very risky thing, it is only fair I get beheaded now. It is fair towards all those people who are smart enough not to take that risks in that country. Why should I get to enjoy gay sex there while many others who also would love to have it are justifiably afraid to take the risk so don't, or when they took it are dead now. Isn't it unfair towards them I could enjoy it and didn't face consequences? Why should I get away with it. I deserve what is happening to me. I was immensely stupid. I knew the risk, yet I took it. So I must not complain I am being beheaded now". Would these thoughts have crossed your mind during your execution?
  14. That is of course true. But there is in Western societies also the concept of taboos. Even while rationally it shouldn't matter, many people do adhere to these taboos. Because they grew up into that society. One taboo is that you keep it a secret if you are a whore. Or show yourself naked in front of a webcam to make money. That is not generally shared among your fellow students or collegues on the work floor or family.. It surprises me you are not aware of this concept of "taboo". So it is for me interesting to know why these Chaturbate guys don't mind being discovered. Are the taboos changing in society? Other reason?
  15. Chaturbate is also for hetero's. In fact many women watch the same guys who are also being watched by gays.
  16. I watch Chaturbate a lot. It is free (if you want to) and can see many cute twinks. Everyone can. It is open. No log in needed if you only want to watch. Since porn is popular on the net I am sure many watch Chaturbate. Most guys in it are 100% recognizable. Only a few do not show their face. The bulk however is recognizable. Don't they mind their neighbour, friend, uncle, sister, collegue sees them there? The chance is almost 100% that someone they know also occasionally uses the Chaturbate website. So it is very very likely they will be recognized at least once during their usage of that site. This makes me wonder. Don't todays gay guys not care anymore that their parents, siblings, collegues, friends, find out about their online activities? The risk really is substantial you will be 'discovered' by an acquitance.
  17. There is yet another reason why their risk their lives. Many Arabs are poor, so the ones we see in Pattaya are not from rural Egypt or rural Iraq, but Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait. So they have money. They risk the following: a Farang from Europe takes pictures of them entering a gay go go bar and then approaches them with the following text: "wire me now 1 million dollars or these pictures of you I will mail to my hetero Dubai friend who will post it on Facebook and some frequently visited sites in your country and your family and friends will see you are gay, only a friend of a friend has to see it and you risk being exposed". Is this really so unlikely to happen? I wonder how many gay Arabs are being blackmailed. They truly take a risk. A likely risk. I mean walking into a plane is also taking a risk, but a risk that is 0% (when rounded off) I do not call a real risk. However, the risks these Arabs are taking are real risks.
  18. Gay Arabs have a problem. In their own country there is the death penalty for gay sex. You can not come out of the closet. That is dangerous too. So I understand many gay Arabs who can afford it (from the rich oil countries) travel to Pattaya. But with everyone having smart phones nowadays and making pictures there is the risk someone in your home country sees a picture of you in a gay bar or with a gay boy. Take this example: a hetero sex tourist from your country is also in Pattaya. He knows you and he sees you walking hand in hand with a Thai gay boy. He takes a picture of you and him and shares it on his Facebook. Oeps..big problem for that gay Arab. Do gay Arabs want to die or how else to explain it?
  19. How can they live from that? Assuming your house is paid for and you only need to pay for food then 500 is hardly enough for one week eating. How does a gay man of 70 eat the other three weeks of the month? No kids who help him. The local temple? Looks to me as a gay in Thailand you need to work till you die. I wonder if most gay boys realize that.
  20. Very interesting. I wonder how many moneyboys make these monthly contributions though. But this looks good. You can insure yourself. Disability and pension is covered. But it does look to me this applies more to regular work contracts: employer - employee. Looks more designed for the middle class. Most boys who work in shops and bars do not have a formal contract with their employer, nothing is signed. I am sure the boys don't pay income taxes. The government is by the way unaware they have a job because as said nothing is written doen, it is all informal; so impossible for the government to let them pay income tax. I am afraid they also don't pay these monthly contributions. I also strongly doubt the bar owners pay on behalf of the boys their employer contributions which the law is referring too. I think it is unregulated, unlike middle class jobs.
  21. So if you are 75 and gay and have no kids you have to work, till you die? No children to take care of you. If you get an injury so you can't work for months till it is healed, you will need to live on the street and beg or hope your family (if you have them) will help you? No support whatsoever from your government? Not good. Not good at all.
  22. I know Thailand is not a rich Western nation and it can not afford the social security programs which are quite common in Western Europe. But still. I can't believe there isn't any form of protection at all. Some scenarios: 1) Say you are 20 and you get an accident which makes it impossible for you to work again. You get then a monthly income from the government? Or your family must support you? 2) I assume that the elderly are supported? Or is it assumed children pay for their parents after their parents have retired? But what for elderly gays, who don't have kids? They have to work till they die? 3) What if you can't find a job? It is low season, bars don't hire, shops don't hire, not many farang in the gay apps and you are only average looking, what then? Live in the street? Beg?
  23. I understand and it is true they live on the street (also because most homes are very small, at least the boys rooms I have seen) and of course also because the weather allows it. But what do you do then all the time outside? For me the big problem when I am in Pattaya is to kill the time till it finally is evening, so I can go to the bars, shows. If I were to live there I would stay inside I think in my condo (read books, watch tv, be on Internet) because what to do outside all day? The occasional chat I understand but isn't it boring? Then better be inside and use the Internet, watch some tv shows you downloaded, read books and then in the night go to the bars.
  24. Thanks, clear. Since I never bottom performance in a boy is never an issue for me. I do however regurlarly (50% of offs I estimate) encounter boys who indeed after the deed run immediately to the shower and want to go home. I prefer to lie down a bit after the deed to rest and to talk a bit before we go shower. But it doesn't bother me because I assume it is a job for 95% of money boys and they are not really attracted to older bodies. I am always full of understanding. I understand after the deed they want to go back to their friends. Some linger a bit more. Unless I settled for long time I rarely have a short time boy stay with me long after the deed. Within 30 minutes they are out of the door in most cases. I thought that was normal. (Unless I settled for long time and take him afterwards to cinema, shopping, dinner, after which we have a second session.)
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