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Everything posted by abidismaili

  1. But this doesn't address the following. Many cloud storage providers (Microsoft for example) have a tool which scans all photos being uploaded and flags them if that tool thinks there is a naked underage person in it. These tools exist. What if this tool flags a perfectly legal 19 year old Thai boy as underage? They go to police, and you get convicted even when you did nothing wrong, because if the jury thinks he is not 19, but 17, big problem for you.
  2. The problem is some of the boys we off, while of legal age, can look to that official 17 or even 16. Above it says that alone can be enough for conviction. So you need picture of ID card too. If you don't have that it is wiser not to come clean.
  3. If I were law enforcement it is so easy to enter a TrueCrypt container. Say you know someone is using TrueCrypt and say you have information which makes it not that unlikely it contains illegal files. Then you can get a warrant from a judge to break into his house and install a keylogger on his computer (and maybe NSA or CIA can do this without a warrant). The next time he types his TrueCrypt password the keylogger logs the password and sends it to law enforcement. The next day they enter your house again, type the password and see your files. Easy. Best way to stay safe: do not do anything illegal. Makes photos of the ID cards of the boys you off. PS: I wouldnt be surprised in some jurisdictions the fact you go to Thailand alone multiple times is enough to install a keylogger and secretly monitor you. Provided you are male of course. Catching females who have sex with underage boys is low priority.
  4. Sounds very familiar. And they can take as many pictures as they want even if the boy looks 17, because they know "I am a female, they won't search me.".
  5. How do you know that? When I read the last years news about adults who have sex with underage boys it are in most cases female teachers or mother of a friend. In American and UK news you read this all the time. I am sure in other countries it's the same but when a woman is involved it looks like the drive to go to police is less. If a father finds out his14 year old son is sleeping with an adult female the inclination is less for him to rush to police than when it was an adult male. Also women receive less punishment when prosecuted. When you carefully read the news and observe women who work with teenage boys it is very clear pedophilia ( technically it is not pedophilia by the way, when you like teens) is not rare among women at all. Women are also sex tourists. Read on the net about European women who go for cheap sex to Africa. So all the reason to also check on women. If that is not happening it is discrimination.
  6. I agree. But still, why do you have to take these precautions and women don't? Women returning alone from Thailand aren't checked. No problem for you? Not feeling discriminated? I feel anger.
  7. Why is no one troubled by how discriminated we are? I am pretty sure single women arriving from Thailand won't be searched. While I read more often in American and UK news, stories about women (often teachers, neighboors) arrested for sex with underage American or UK boys, than I am reading this about men. Gay go go bars also have women Women can also be sex tourists. European women for example have Africa for this as popular destination. Read once about this. Knowing all this then the fact that only single men - who return from a known sex destination - are being searched is pure and simple: discrimination. If it was reversed the feminism movement would complain. It would be all over in the news how oppressed and discriminated women are. Why do we accept being discriminated against? Next time tell the officer you are going to sue him.
  8. And if you do have pics of a legal age Thai twink who looks maybe 16-17 to Western eyes you have a big problem, even while you did nothing wrong. So what I will do next time: make photo of the ID cards of all boys I off. Because I do tend to make pictures of the boys I off.
  9. I wonder if they also search single females who return from Thailand. I see females all the time in gay go go bars. I know many women are into twinks also. For many boys in Europe their first time is with a teacher or neighboor. If females aren't searched is this discrimination against men based on their sex? I would sue the immigration officer for discrimination.
  10. I don't understand because nearly all human beings can feel lust for 16 and above. Nearly all human beings prefer a 18 year old above a 40 year old for sex when given the choice between these two options only. So the sympathy for you should be immense when they see a lot of your porn has actors around 18-20, some of whom look like 16-17. Because nearly EVERYONE hearing about your story will know "I am like that too, I too prefer in general an 18 year old above a 40 year old. In my own porn collection I must look good to see someone above age 25. The only above age 25 guys which appear in the average gay porn collection is of videos with old+young, 50 year old with 20 year old". So the sympathy for you will be nearly universal. Only dumb people and hypocrits will not feel sympathy. You only wont receive sympathy with truly underage and certainly below 16.
  11. People who say they use the cloud that is also not save. I know Microsoft scans all photos which are being uploaded against possible cp. If you have a young looking Asian of legal age, then there is a risk this tool will flag the photo. Many cloud services scan photos. This thread worries me. Luckily I am no American. Because gays who love Asian twinks have of course legal porn with some boys in it looking 17 or even 16 to a Western eye. It is unfair you can be convicted because of that fact. It makes all gay Asian twink lovers free for blackmail in the USA. Because if you know in America someone who is into gay Asian twinks you can blackmail him. We have the risk someone will say to us "You are going to give me 4000 dollars every month or I go tip the police that I saw cp on your pc". You have no cp, but still you will be convicted when police searches your computer. Because as an Asian twink lover it is guaranteed you have legal porn with actors in it looking like 16 or 17 for many Western jury members. Which is enough for conviction if I am to believe the above. So it is best as a gay Asian twink lover to remain in the closet. Else you can be blackmailed and you have no defense. A jury - I understand - can convict you when they think he is 17 and not 18. That is all the legal proof needed. Amazing. And grossly unfair to us.
  12. This can never be true. Most people have porn on their pc. Hetero's and gays. No one has the real name of the actors in it with their birth dates. How can a hetero guy prove that woman in that porn clip is really 18 or above and not 17 if he doesn't have her name and address? No one can prove that. If someone thinks they are underage it is up to them to prove it. Else you can lock up 95% of humanity. Almost everyone has a porn video with someone of age 18-20 in it who looks maybe 17. Then you can lock up everyone if we have to proof it. Which we can't obviously.
  13. How can you be guilty of possession of cp if the guy is 18 but looks 17?
  14. Why use TrueCrypt if all is legal? The USA is a free country, you can't be convicted if someone looks 17 but is 18-20. It is up to them to prove he is 17 and not of legal age. If you buy porn from a legal website you know he must be legal age (legal porn sites have age certificates). So why go through the TrueCrypt hassle? Also your option is not 100% save. You use a video player or photo viewer to view the files, yes? The Operating System (Windows for example) often stores on disk thumbnails or complete versions of recently accessed files. So when you close TrueCrypt there is a chance the file you just viewed is stored in a temp directory by Windows somewhere on your pc. So your solution is no solution.
  15. If they are of legal age you have nothing to worry. Even if the police thinks they are underage it is up to them to prove it. Since they are of legal age they are by definition unable to prove they are underage, so nothing to worry about.
  16. When taking a boy to your hotel room for short time, there are two options you can do after it is all over: 1) You and the boy leave your hotel room together and proceed to the lobby where the boy recollects his ID card and both of you go their own way 2) You stay in your hotel room and the boy leaves on his own. This always leads 1 minute later to a phone call from the lobby of the hotel asking you if all is OK. They always call me when I remain in the room and the boy leaves alone. I think they will only give the ID card back to the boy when I confirm that all is OK. I mostly do option 1), but how is this with your guys?
  17. How to get boys there? Only via the apps, or like Thailand they have venues for this too, think of go go bars. Or in a country like Colombia you must rely on the gay dating apps to spot a twink escort?
  18. Are you from Iran? Nice city Isfahan. Beautiful. I have been there. Not afraid your Iranian Facebook friends see Thai boys in your friend list? Being gay in Iran is dangerous.
  19. I want more too. Please continue. I also plan to go to Cambodia in one of my upcoming trips. So how is it there and in Vietnam when it comes to sex opportunities with hot boys, when you compare it with Thailand?
  20. Yes it is true that medicins have made HIV a chronic disease and not a death penalthy anymore, which indeed for many Farang is the reason to stop all together with condoms. Depends on the situation if this is wise or not. Very unwise in Africa for example. But what Michael did in Saudi Arabia is almost unbelievable. If he is telling the truth than he took big big risks. But the Universe is on his side. I think he will even survive the anti-Mohammed t-shirt wearing action. Maybe he is God? Can it be? :-)
  21. Can you please show me what you think is naieve? Almost every Farang uses condoms, that reduces risk to virually zero. If you want less risk you have to stop having sex. There is no other way. Also it is true that the bottom has more risk catching HIV when doing bareback fucking, than the top. Look it up. I did not say the top has no risk, I say the risk is far more with the bottom. Which is true! I truly fail to see the naievity. But your two examples can not be compared at all to the risks you are taking. If you use a condom - which most do - the risk is gone and Thailand does not enrforce the prostitution law. I do notice you not answer this question: Why do you not put on a t-shirt with the text "The prophet Mohammed is currently burning in hell" and walk wearing it clearly visible in any Muslim country? See what happens. Why will you not do that? I mean you travel as a non-Muslim to Mecca and have gay sex in Saudi Arabia, so why not do the first? When you wake up each morning do you do a leap of joy when you realize life is unfair? I mean that fact is the only reason you are still alive. I on the other hand feel sad each time I realize that life is unfair. For you it must be the other way around. Your smile must be very big. Such a risk taking and each time you get away with it. Amazing. Gay sex in Saudi Arabia and getting away with it. As non-Muslim travel to Mecca and getting away with it.
  22. There is no risk. Thailand does not enforce that law, so there is no risk. And if they start enforcing, it will be a money penalthy or short jail term. It is not risking your live. And if you use a condom (which most Farangs do who have multiple sex partners) you not take risks. Besides most Farangs are top and the top has the least risk when fucking without condom. The risk is with the bottom. Both can not at all be compared to the levels of risk taking you do. Why do you not put on a t-shirt with the text "The prophet Mohammed is currently burning in hell" and walk wearing it clearly visible in any Muslim country? See what happens. Why will you not do that? I mean you travel as a non-Muslim to Mecca and have gay sex in Saudi Arabia, so why not do the first?
  23. Ok, then please read Mandarin where I say 'Chinese'.
  24. These Muslim friends know you are gay? And they took you, a non-Muslim, to Mecca, while they are fully aware non-Muslims can not enter? They took this risk in a country like Saudi Arabia. I can only believe this if these friends are part of the royal family. Else why risk your live, because I am sure if a non-Muslim is caught in Mecca it will not end well. If the state doesn't kill you there will be enough volunteers. You come over as a person who takes many irresponsible risks (gay sex in Saudi Arabia was another one). Probably because until now you got away with it. If you grow up taking risks and you end up getting away with it each time, I can understand that as an adult you just not think twice anymore. You have not experienced the negatives of taking risks. There must be something wrong with the Universe. I mean in a fair and just world you should be death. As 99% of people will be who take the risks you do, they end up being death. Yet you keep surviving these risks. Live is unfair. I not wish you death, just wondering how you keep surviving these risks. What you go do next? Walk with a "Mohammed is a liar and you are dumb to believe in him" t-shirt through Mecca? I think you will survive (everyone else will die when they do it, but I have a good feeling you will survive this). Go do it. Go do it now.
  25. So you say sexual attraction can be learned? You are not born with it? Because you say feeling sexually attracked to a white man is something you can change in a whim. You just have to learn self esteem, then the sexual attraction for Asian men comes magically upon you? Can gays be turned into hetero's? Maybe that can be learned too. If not, then why can a gay Asian who likes Farang be turned into liking men of their own country, if he doesn't like them now? And many truly only feel attraction for Farang.
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