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Everything posted by abidismaili

  1. Also factoring in money. It is almost cheaper to just stay home and rent a money boy here. They are twice as expensive in Western Europe - 100 EUR (4000 baht) is the minimum - but when you factor in that you not have to pay a plane ticket, not have to pay hotel, not have to pay the drink prizes, you can almost (we aren't there yet) have the same amount of boys for the same total prize.
  2. Still I have the idea in Thailand there is less shame involved in being a money boy. In Europe a gay prostitute will hide it for family and most friends, not want to be seen with a clearly much older guy in public, walking hand in hand. Because it will be obvious what he is. In Thailand I know boys from whom the parents know exactly how they can pay their room each month, what they do for it. It really is a different country in that regard. It is not out of the norm, it is not a taboo being a money boy like it is in Europe. That is my impression at least.
  3. So strange how this can happen. I always pay the boy immediately - or as good as immediately - after sex. Because I want to prevent him thinking "did he forget to pay me? will he pay me? why he not give money now?" You had your boy long in suspense. It is rude. Any well behaved human being pays fast after delivery. For me totally incomprehensible this behavior. if you yourself were to deliver a service, you would want to wait long for the promised money or even have reason to believe the money will not arrive?
  4. Sir, there is only 1 person being harassed in this thread and that is me. If you asked a random reader on this planet "read this thread, who is being harassed here", I am quite sure the majority will say it is me. I am called 'weird', I need a 'psychologist', 'I harass' etc. I think that classifies for harassment and you should be ashamed of yourself. I stay relatively polite and well mannered in my posts. When you compare the posts of some other members with those of me, then mine stand out as an example of civilization and descency. Most of my posts are in defence to questions like: 1) it is not of your business? 2) why you ask it? 3) what does it matter? They are not harssesment towards Mr. Christian. They are in defense to forum members who think I am an idiot for even pondering the question. And then your bad reading that I somehow suggest it may be illegal. In fact I clearly state I do not believe at all in that option. I only mention it as one of the very few options that are left. Out of completeness. The others being social security or monthly support from parents. And I make very clear I think it is one of the last 2. Will you now stop harassing me please?
  5. In my country only when you ask how much someone earns. That is not done. Asking if someone has a job is for example considered a normal question that can be asked. Also asking "you have no salary, no job , no lottery win, no inheritance, no savings, please tell me your secret how you can afford these expensive holidays" is an allowed question, because such a situation is so rare that everyone wants to know the secret. Such a person you only encounter once in a lifetime, if ever.
  6. It is no mystery at all if Mr. Cdnmatt has a job in Thailand. But as I understand it Christian has had no job at all for years. And has only had a very short working live. That is the mystery. It is perfectly normal to be young and to live in Thailand for a long time: digital nomad, job in Thailand, won lottery, inheritance, etc. What is for me the mystery is how you can do all that without a job, without a lottery win, without inheritance, without enough working live background to have been able to have saved enough. That is what my scientific, analytical mind, tries to comprehend. And the only solutions for me so far are crime or social security. The last the most likely. Or a third option now I think about it: his parents give him montlhy 500 EUR. He is only child maybe, they don't care they have still to take care of him, so they willingly give it. That is also an option. And explains also why he is quiet about it. I mean who wants to admit he still depends on his parents as a 40 year old (I don't know his age, so this is a guess).
  7. Thank God! I was not religious until now, but there must be a God anyway.
  8. In all honesty, there is only one motive: I want to understand how it is possible. Because it is very strange.
  9. I like you Mr. Abang1961. You are a good man (that is the impression I get from you on this forum). But I disagree that it is not of my business. It should also be of your business. You live in Singapore. You pay taxes. Say your neighboor has no job, never worked in his live, he receives social security. But he always drives a very expensive car, every year buys the newest iPhone. Goes on expensive cruises. Then it is normal to wonder how that neighboor of yours does it. Because if he does it with crime (the most likely option, because if he had a big inheritance his right to social security would not be there) you would want to know it. Because as a law abiding citizen it is your citizen's duty to report to police on suspicious activities. If he does receive social security because he has a work disability, and you have very good reasons to suspect he faked that disability then it is of your business to know the truth. Because your tax money finances his life style. If he truly has a work disability it is of course no matter, your tax dollars are well spend. But else it is your business to know if they are not well spend. It is of your business to have an explanation for strange things which involve your tax money.
  10. The fact he doesnt explain it in some believable detail is suspicious to me. I think he receives social security and is too embarssed to admit it. I have given up. Say it was an inheritance, why is it such a secret to say it? Say you won the lottery, why is it such a secret to say it? The only reason I see for this secrecy is crime (but I doubt that to be honest) or social security (which is the option I go for, for lack of reliable info). I only say this: it is extremely unlikely for a young uni graduate (I am myself a uni graduate with a Master degree (MSc)) to work 3 years and then have saved enough to live from the savings 20 years in Thailand say. Even 10. Even 5.
  11. It is your right not to go into this. But if I am to speak about myself I wouldn't mind telling the world how I managed to save so much in a short time. So others can learn. It is not that private. We know you are male, German, gay. That you all reveal without any hesitation. But the big mystery how to save in a few years from a starting salary so much that you can live from it a long long time in Thailand is somehow super private. Again: it is your right. And I will not ask again. By the way: last year you told us the savings where gone and you had to return to Germany. Must have been a typo I am sure.
  12. In the Netherlands someone with a Master degree from uni receives as starting salary on avarage € 2600 a month BEFORE taxes. So let's say 1800 after taxes. http://www.startersbanen.nl/nieuws/Wat-verdient-een-WO-starter-gemiddeld-567.html So in our neighbor country (Germany) it is about twice as much before taxes? Amazing.
  13. I think it will not be easy to find a job matching your education when you have been out for so many years. If I were an employer and I read in a resumé that after studying the candidate worked 3 years and then went to Thailand for 8 years living on the money he saved, and now is looking for a job then I think the chances aren't high. So long out of the area of your expertise and also so long out of a daily work rythm. If I were an employer I would maybe not dare to take the risk. Although in America it wouldn't b a risk really, because you can be fired at any moment. In Europe it is less easy to fire an employee.
  14. How do you know it is not of my business?
  15. Yes I know, I read that before. I also remember reading last year that the savings where gone and you needed to go back to Europe to start a job. Has that happened? You are a master of saving by the way. Graduating from uni, work only a few years on a by definition a starting salary, and then have saved so much that you can live for many years on it in Thailand.
  16. It is not weird to ask how a 29 year old say - who has no job - finances his long long long stays each year, in Thailand. It is weird not to wonder about it. You are weird. I am normal.
  17. Not in detail. But answers like: "I have a job which gives me 10 weeks holiday" or "I am without job and live from social security in Thailand" or "I live from an inheritance", I have no problems to share. The situation for me is: I have a job, work 36 hours every week. Have about 6 to 7 weeks huoliday each year. I go 2 or 3 times to Thailand each year. I finance it from my salary. See? How difficult can it be?
  18. I have this question also for Christian. How a relatively young man can stay so long in Thailand without a job. How does he do it? I know he travelled last year back to Europe because I understood his savings were gone. But I think he still visits a lot. But now funded via a job? I hope he can enlighten curious me :-)
  19. Is Buriram considered Issan? Yes I admit 'lazy' is not the good word if working means you only receive 9000 baht a month. I understand no one wants a job which pays so bad. Regarding budget matters. Even if you are not educated for it, you do know in 10 days the rent is due. If you not save for that, how tend these boys then to pay for it if you ask them? They think on day 10 a mircale will happen and the money is suddently there? I go with you that they are not educated for it, but still they KNOW the rent is due soon. They KNOW that, so they must have in their mind an idea how they are going tio pay for it. What is this idea if it isn't saving? What is it then?
  20. I hate the fact we have to buy a drink, I rather pay an entrance fee. Because on an evening of bar hopping I am just not thirsty anymore after 2 drinks. I order a drink and don't touch it. Go to next show, order drink and don't touch it. I am very willing to pay an entrance fee for show bars and go go bars. I also wonder how these boys see their future. When I ask one, I receive answers like "I don't want to become old", "I will not become old", "I don't know". Never there is an answer like "When I turn 25 and I slowly become too old for this, I go work in a 7-11". Or answers like that. Most boys also are pretty lazy. The work ethic is not high. At least for those boys I have come to know a bit better. Many depend on money send by their boyfriend each month, without it they wouldn't make enough to live. Some spend days and days in game shops. How do they intend to earn a living when they are too old for their current line of 'work' ? My experience is they don't think about it. They live day by day. It is for me incomprehensible. Like they don't care about the future, even if they must know it rapidly approaches.
  21. You do not read good. Or you not understand the post. Or the point of the post. Of course if you look into someone's passport you know where he has gone too.
  22. You American? In the Netherlands they dont scan my passport and ticket at the airport when I leave and arrive (I do show them my passport of course but they don't scan it, they look at it and I can continu). So the only reason the government can know where I travel to, is if airlines give them a list of passengers. I know in America this happens, but I think in the European Union this is not happening. Isn't that against privacy laws? It also means (looking at the number of planes leaving and arriving every day in the Netherlands) government receives from all airlines many many lists of passengers every single day, which are then processed and stored. I doubt this happens.
  23. Thank you. Yes it is a grey area and as I explained in my own post it is so easy to avoid paying any taxes because who will know? How can they know? When I leave the Netherlands to go on holiday, my government doesn't know where I go to. I am not officially being checked out. I also don't officially check in when I arrive back home from holiday. For Thailand I am a tourist. Say I am to do work via my laptop and my client pays my fee, and I not pay income tax, how can anyone one know this? It is not only a grey area, it is even impossible to police it, to enforce the law. You can live on tourist visa, hopping from country to country, earn your fee and after 15-20 years you can quit working because you were able to save so much since you didn't pay any taxes. You could keep all income. And no-one will ever find out.
  24. You worked for a company. But for a self-employed digital nomad, it is easy to not pay taxes. Who will know? You live on a tourist visum for 90 days, when it expires you do your job in Cambodia for 90 days, when it expires you go to Vietnam for 90 days, then back Thailand etc. Your clients send the money directly to your account. How can any government find out you not pay taxes? Your own country doesn't even know where you are and the recipient countries think you are a tourist. So you can easily keep all the money you earn and contribute nothing to society. And then if something happens, say you loose your important client and have no income anymore, you travel back to your native country. Isn't it then unfair if you receive then social security for being unemployed? You have contributed nothing. That is why I am so curious how this works with digital nomads.
  25. Why is it a trolling question to know how digital nomads pay income tax? I also wonder if they contribute to the social security taxes of their native country. Say they become disabled during their stay abroad as a digital nomad, and return home. Will they then receive a social security disability income, even if they never contributed the monthly social security tax when working abroad as a digital nomad?
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