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Everything posted by abidismaili

  1. Ok clear Numazu. But your long time is super long time. I was more referring to 11 pm to 7 am, where you have him in hotel. I absolutely see the advantages of spending a whole day with a local. But for the 11 pm to 7 am part: most of these hours you are sleeping, so you are unconsciouss, so do not experience him at all. You pay long time for something you hardly experience conscioussly (like maybe only 10% you are consciouss for what you are paying for)!! That is irrational. The benefit I do see is, that when you wake up you have a nice body next to you which you can fuck. Yes that is an advantage. But for me personally not that high an anvantage that I want to have worries like "I hope he doesn't snore and that I get a good rest" etc. Because a few hours later I can have a fuck, for example in a massage parlor. I don't need long time to have a daytime fuck.
  2. Of a 60 minute massage how many minutes of these 60 do you actually lie face up so you can see the boy? I experience that sometimes I only lie 15-20 minutes face up and the bulk of the massage I don't see the boy at all. I only turn when he says I can turn, but how do you do that? You just think after 30 minutes: "Now I want to see him, I go turn" ? Or you also let your boy control that?
  3. Paul, I enjoy myself a lot. Maybe more than you do. Because I don't have these tiny worries you are having when you do long time. You have the worry "I must not forget to put my money in the safe", or "I hope he doesn't snore". I do not have these worries. So who is having a better time, me or you? I think me. I eliminate almost all worries. I have 99% pleasure and 1% worry on my holiday. You maybe 97% pleasure and 3% worry. And I sincerely want to know what big advantage there is in long time which trumps the possible negatives. PS: it is wise to take negatives into account, like the potential he attacks you in night and robs you. Not thinking about that possibility and not taking it into account in your decision to off a particular boy for long time, is irresponsible. I am sure you do take it into account in evaluating a potential off. Or you never even think about it?
  4. I never do long time. It is a bit of a risk. He can steal your money in the night and leave the hotel for example, all when you sleep. And there is the far less likely risk that he kills you. I know most hotels have a safe in the room, but using it also sends a message to the boy that you do not trust him. So here are my questions: 1) When you do long time and put your valuable stuff (passport, money) in the safe, do you do this discreetly or does the boy see you do it? In the last case doesn't it make you uncomfortable? It doesn't send a message of trust namely. 2) You are never afraid he will beat you in the middle of the night, and violently rob you, demanding you to give him the pin code of the safe? A strong boy (certainly the type Vinapu is into) can easily overtake a 50+ year old Farang in the night and flee with the money and your bank card/credit card after he violently forced the safe's and card's pin code out of you. (I know in short time this is theoretically also posible, but you are awake, he has to take you on when you are awake, while in long time he has the advantage to attack you when you are asleep) 3) If your boy snores in the night it will ruin your sleep. Condisering all this I do short time only. Because looking at above 3 disadvantages what advantage is there in long time that is so important for you that you put aside these 3 disadvantages? Isn't the only added value of long time that you get two fucks (one in the evening, the other in the morning). But then, you also paid for it. So why then long time?
  5. Vinapu, you say you want the boy naked when he is giving you a massage (I want that too) but you only can see him the last 20-30 minutes of the massage, because each time I am having a massage the majority of the time I lie face down. Only near the end I lie face up and can see him and touch him. You take care 40 of the 60 minutes you lie face up? I let the boy decide on when I can turn. You say you always tip around 1000 baht for 1 hour massage. Also when there is no happy ending? If so, then you are a very very generous tipper.
  6. To get back to the unrelated question about massage: do your guys make clear BEFORE the start of the massage that no happy ending is needed? Or only near the end? I advice the start.
  7. That is exactly what I did Vinapu :-) Average is 1.5 fucks a day. It starts with 2 per day and near the end of the week it goes down to 1 a day. I am no super man. Something else: You also have that when you take massage the boy expects to give you a happy ending? He proposes it and when I say "No, need to save up for tonight" he still keeps pushing. Your guys make clear before the massage no happy ending is needed? That seems the wise thing to do to avoid the pushing near the end of the massage. If you do no happy ending what you give him then? 200 baht is what I give them if no happy ending is desired.
  8. Please explain in some detail how you manage to do that. I am sure your tips will be read by many here. How you score them? Apps? If so what is your opening line? Etc. I am sure I am not alone in wanting to read from an expert how it can be done.
  9. I looked into English teaching in Thailand and the salary is Thai like. Not Western. So not good. I would say it makes it impossible to support a gay thai guy by paying his dinners and DJ Station visits if you have to live from a Thai teaching salary.
  10. I mean with "silent arrangement" that it is just not clear to me what the rules are. I think it is unfair if you ask boy over, pay him a drink, then cuddle him for 3 hours and dismiss him with 100 baht. You can do this because unlike a short time off where you agree what he will do for how much, there arent really any negotiations happening when you ask a boy to sit with you. So it is a silent arrangement. I think with unspoken rules. And having him over for 3 hours and just one drink and 100 baht tip is I think a violation of these unspoken rules.
  11. What is acceptable behavior? If I off a boy for a drink, then I am expected to pay him a drink and give him a tip (100 baht or so). And he is expected to sit with me, let me cuddle him, etc. But for how long does this silent arrangement last? I think after 30 minutes he is allowed to leave or not? Or you can have him sit with you for 3 hours and only one drink? He is only allowed to leave you when you dismiss him? What are the silent rules regarding this?
  12. Good point. It has indeed something selfish. The bars can't be happy also. Because if you take 7 boys from stage you will most likely only take one to your hotel room. In the mean time the other boys can't be offed, can't get their 2000 baht short time fee from another customer because they were offed with the others for drinking with that rich Farang. Which earns them far less then being offed for short time. Indeed. I wonder if the boys realize it reduces their chance for a short time off that evening when they are offed for drinking with a group of others.
  13. I prefer to stay anonymous. And I met some Vietnamese boys yesterday in Fresh Boys But it is you :-) You say you have your own group of 5 or 6 boys that sit with you. So you pay 5 or 6 drinks for them. That is what I saw. So why say it wasn't you? I saw a guy having about that number of boys. And they all had a drink. If it wasn't you then how do you differ from these high rollers who also have so many boys sit with them? What is the difference between you and them :-) And you still have something to chat about with them if you go every day? Conversations still go on? You take each day another one to your hotel? Is it correct these Vietnamese boys don't bottom. That is what I was told yesterday.
  14. But I saw many Thai friend groups without a Farang. Like groups of 3, 4 Thai gay guys entering DJ Station together without a Farang. Not all are supported then. I am on a short holiday trip. The arrangement you have is indeed possible I guess when you are an expat and live here. Like you. Then you have all the time to develop such a friendship.
  15. This is presenting a false alternative. The question is not being alone or with boys. The question is being with one or two boys or with 5 or 7. The last is expensive and I think not giving so much more extra entertaining value, also because it is hard to interact with boy number 7 who sits 1.5 meter to your left after 3 other boys who are sitting to your left.
  16. Paul says "boys make money". How? That high roller only asked them to sit with him and he bought them their drink (400 baht in Fresh Boys). Boys receive from bar part of that 400 baht? Maybe he tipped them afterwards. Is 100 baht what your guys tip a boy who you asked to sit with you? I wonder if a Farang ever asked 5 or 7 boys to go to his hotel room with him. That is expensive. 7 times bar fee plus 7 times 2000 baht for short time. Has it ever happened?
  17. Thanks samebb. It is my age: 44. But I wish them luck finding young gay farang their own age. Traveling to Thailand is for a Farang student not cheap. Most go on holiday to beach destinations in Europe with their friends. They will be more lucky with Farang in their late twenties, early thirties. They have a salary and can afford regular visits to Thailand. But glad you confirmed I can more or less give up getting a 20 year old gay Thai for free. Also for them above early 30s is too old. I will restrict myself to money boys and bypass DJ Station. It was a one time event. At least I know now what it is like when I read about DJ Station. If these Asian guys are looking for young Farang to take care of them how you explain they can afford their multiple monthly visits to DJ Station. Because it is for a Thai expensive considering students don't have an income and 10.000 baht a month is quite normal for a salary. So I think they are from well to do families. Because 500 baht for each visit is not cheap. Thanks for the G.O.D. tip
  18. Still the stories on forums say: Farang men can easily score young Thai gay guy for free in DJ Station. Happy you confirmed my first impression. I am not in my 80s however. 44. Still 24 year older than The boys I am looking for. But then how to explain the stories that say that DJ Station is the place to go?
  19. In Fresh boys I saw a Farang who asked 7 boys to sit with him. He had to pay 7 * 400 baht for that. Why? What benefit does it give? You can only touch and chat with the boy directly to your left and directly to your right. He didn't really interact with the other ones. Wonder why he likes to throw money away. Is it a ego thing? Showing off your wealth?
  20. Fresh boys last night was indeed street clothes for the Vietnamese boys. But x-size (I think that is the name and not x-boys, but not 100% sure) had Vietnam boys in underwear. Not on stage, but on the seats surrounding the stage.
  21. Just was looking for advice to break a boy away from his couple of friends with whom he went to DJ Station. I am talking about guys in their early twenties. I observe these friend groups and they sit/stand all the time together. Chatting among themselves. Drinking. Dancing. Also most don't come with the intend of looking for a Farang for the night. Most of course aren't into menmore than 20 years their age (unless it are money boys, but I am taking about scoring a free 20 year old). So you need to be lucky to spot one, make eye contact, and he is willing to say goodbye to his friends and spend rest of evening with you in your hotel room. This really happens a lot? I got the impression from this and other forums it is quite easy to score a free boy from DJ Station. But I didn't find it easy the first time I was there only very recently. So made me wonder how others handle it. You need to find the boy who is into Farang, who wants one tonight and is willing to break away from his friend group with whom he went into DJ Station. Doesn't sound like good odds if you ask me. Or I handled it totally wrong. Also possible. But after that 1 visit I think maybe the apps are far better. Get lots of free requests there. But sadly mostly from guys in their 30s or late twenties. So in all honesty: how do Forum numbers see the odds for a Farang who is significantly older of scoring for free a 20 year old Thai boy in DJ Station? Really very good odds? Or is it more a "it's possible, but most often you will fail" situation?
  22. X-size had Vietnam boy in speedo/underwear tonight.
  23. DJ station in Bangkok is very popular by the Thai gay youth of Bangkok. I see many beautiful young gay guys with their friends there. The prize of entry is 300 baht. Most also buy very big bottle drinks which must be paid in cash. I guess the average visit cost them about 500 baht. That is a lot of money. Say you go once a week then this is 2000 baht per month, about 20% of an average monthly salary. Since most are I think students and don't yet have an income, I think it is fair to assume that the Thai youth we see there come from well to do parents. Is this a fair assumption? Also I don't understand the advice given here that for Farang this is an ideal location to score free Thai boys for sex. Most are not alone and hang around with their friends and socialize only among themselves, and the music is so loud that any conversation is almost impossible. So how do your guys approach a group of Thai youths with the purpose of trying to get one of them in your bed? With what question do you get them interested and forget about their friends so that after some chatting they leave with you? Can need some advice here.
  24. Thanks. I hadn't thought about that issue. I will see how then to score a hot Japanese twink. I love the shy twink types in Japanese porn.
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