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Everything posted by abidismaili

  1. This question was asked off topic in another thread. Lets give it its own proper thread. Who knows (I even lack the knowledge to answer it for my own country, let alone Thailand) if the following is legal: A fully clothed 17 year old boy gives you - who is naked - an oil massage and there is no happy ending Legal?
  2. Would love to see research how these expats earn their money. My guess is: 1) Most numerous is English teacher. 2) Number two freelancers: who do some work via their laptop and the internet; most having only one client (most freelancers have very few clients; many depend on only one) 3) Number three I think criminals (earned some money via crime in their home countries and live the good life in Thailand). Even relatively petty crime (if you only make 300.000 EUR crime money in your home country, that gives you a long and prosperous life in Thailand). I am sure many fall under this heading. 4) People working for a Western company for a Western salary in Thailand 5) People working for a Thai company in Thailand for a Thai salary 6) People who got an inheritance, or sold their company for good money and live in Thailand from it 7) Embassy people. This is just a guess, from most numerous to least numerous; love to see research about it.
  3. Question: if you do not want a happy ending, just a massage, you naked, boy clothed, is it then also requiered to ask for ID? Or is it legal a 17 year old who is fully clothed, gives your naked body a massage? I wonder how this is in my own country, I can't even answer this for my own country. I think its legal. (I am sure its legal if no money changes hand, because 16 is age of consent for sex in my country, so certainly when no sex is involved a 17 year old can give you massage when no money is exchanged, but 18 is age of consent for paid sex, how is this for paid massage with no sex? Can't answer this for my country. Maybe its legal in Thailand and Europe for a 17 year old to give a naked man massage in exchange for money, on the condition the boy is clothed and no sex happens). Else indeed also for massage parlors ask for ID.
  4. Good point. Not in that scenario indeed. But a thief who deliberately wants to steal an iphone: it really is pointless.
  5. But a thief can't do anything with a stolen iphone (provided you have it protected with a pin code). You can set the device to erase it self after x failed pin code attempts. If a thief wants to reset your iphone he has to type your apple id password. It really is pointless to steal an iphone. (At least that is my understanding.)
  6. I don't understand the worry. As long as you do nothing illegal, who cares if a government official can see your Twitter, Facebook, photo album. I rather keep this private data hidden from family, friends and collegues. But an anonymous border official who wants to have a look: I do not care. In my last trip I had a bag of condoms in my carry on luggage, about 40 condoms where in it and the bag was transparent, so the content could be seen. The border offical who checked my bag saw it. I didn't care at all. However, I would have cared if a collegue had seen it. Because you know what will happen, you will be the core of some gossip for the foreseable future. So I only care for my privacy when it concerns people I know. So why do your guys log out of social media accounts when travelling? Why care? These government officials check hundreds of phones each day; they won't remember you and what was on it. Same with my bank balance. I don't care if anonymous people see it who do not know me and I don't know them. I do care if friends can see it. For them it feels private.
  7. My God what a character you are. Amazing. And also wishing a fellow human being dead. For what? You should be ashamed of yourself. But good you showed your true colors. We all now know what kind of man you are.
  8. I think Numazu's behaviour towards me in this thread is very low and unprovoked. What line have I crossed? What is it in my posts that crossed a line? I try to be civil, you can't say that of everyone responding here. If I reply less civil it is always to a reply that is less civil. I will never ever in my life be the first to be less civil in interacting with a fellow human being. Only when I am treated mean, I will myself act mean. Numazu lost his temper, was very uncivil towards me. Really immature behavior. Please tell me what line I crossed? What was so wrong? I really do not see it. I think you lack the ability to understand written text, to understand the point someone is making. Can I ask what your education level is?
  9. Thanks for your support.
  10. I don't care. Reduces the risk of deliberate misunderstandings and irrational replies next time I post. Your guys must start re-reading this thread from start to finish with an open mind. Do not use your feeling. Use your brain. Read again. Carefully. Is it really all so strange what I am writing. Really? I won't miss you.
  11. Yes that was a very well argumented contribution of mine. I think you belong to a type of human who acts more on feeling and what ought to be, than on rational thinking. If your feeling says "this may not be true" you just will never accept it, despite all evidence. And all people who think different are a troll, racist, Nazi. I think you vote left wing. That type of human is dominant in that branch of politics.
  12. Thanks. That is the answer I was looking for. You tell when you want to turn. I let the boy decide. Next time I will take initiative.
  13. What type of massage do you recommend for that sensuality when his naked hot body tocuhes yours? Because that is indeed what I look for in a massage? I often choose a soft oil massage. I am not a fan of the very hard massages like Thai massage. That often just hurts. But curious to your advice.
  14. What is your explanation why no one else wonders if other Farang take intiative when to turn during a massage or let it all be controlled by the boy? Because everyone must encounter the situation that you have a hot boy, you lie face down and think to yourself "my God, the hour is almost over, I still lie down, when wil he tell me to turn; I wonder how other farang handle such a situation, lets ask on a forum". What is your explanation that I am the only one having such a question, which if you look at it is a perfectly normal and obvious one to have. Was I the only one ever in a 60 minute massage by a hot boy who after 40 minutes still was lieing face down? Because when you experience that you start thinking about how others handle it. Apparently others do not start thinking that then. Very strange.
  15. I like the comparision with Hercule Poirot. I disagree strongly my questions are boring. I think they are intelligent and interesting. Honestly.
  16. In 1977 DJ Station didn't exist yet. You mean 1997?
  17. No. You judged me wrong. I never overhear conversations. I watch from afar how Farang interact with boys, the tip they give, how long they have a boy over. Etc. I never sit near Farang.
  18. Yes. And I do not understand others don't deal with it. Say you have a massage each day in Thailand and of the 60 minutes you lie face down each massage 40 minutes. So you see the boy really only 20 minutes. Do you never wonder how fellow Farang do it? If they tell at the start of the massage "I will only lie face up", or if they take the initiative when to turn. I ask myself how others do it. Because don't we want to see the boy during the massage? So I ask this question on a forum. And really it is incomprehensible to me no one else wonders about this. Wonders how other Farang handle this. That in all these years this is the first time this question is asked.
  19. Firecat69: do most members really write trip reports? I think I give a lot to this forum. Highly intelligent contributions and asking interesting questions others don't ask. I have one for you: if you have a 60 minute massage how many of these minutes you lie face down on average?
  20. At Anddy: on what floor of DJ Station did you experience this? I read here the ground floor is the least likely.
  21. You could also have added: and they are not concerned about having a bad night because their LT boy snored all night. For me a good rest at night is very important, more important than waking up with a boy next to me.
  22. Why the doubts from what I wrote? I just returned from a trip!! Yes I do not know the exact statistics of robbery (I don't read Thai newspapers, you do?). I know it is unlikely because you read nothing about it on the forums. I do not talk to other Farang while there. But I do observe them. I am interested how they behave and interact with the boys, the amount of their tips, etc. But not interested at all in socializing. I am with my boys.
  23. What a strange remark. Can you please point me to the location where I say it is pretty likely you will be robbed? I think it is unlikely, but possible. But very unlikely, but still possible. So a factor to be taken into account because the chance is not 0%. So it does play a role among all the other disadvantages (like snoring). You have to factor it in. And if after factoring all this in you still choose LT, then there must be some extra pleasure in LT which trumps these likely and unlikely disadvantages. Because else why go for LT? Do you delibertately try to misunderstand me or you just lack reading skills? Thanks.
  24. I know the chances are low of being robbed, but it is a risk. And there is a difference between ST and LT. During ST you are awake. In LT you can be asleep and then you loose a fight always if it happens. I just say (and that is the whole intend of this thread) that there are disadvantages for having a boy LT. Some disadvantages are likely (boy snores), some less likely (boy robs you), some inconvenient (store money in save, boy sees it, sends message of distrust). So all I wanted to know was: those who pick a boy for LT why do they do it? What is it that gives so much extra pleasure that it trumps the likely and unlikely disadvantages which are also associated with LT? What is it? The waking up in the morning next to a boy gives so much satisfaction that it trumps the possible disadvantage of having a bad night because he was snoring? That is all guys, that is all. Nothing more. But your guys make it into something else, like I say it is likely you will be robbed.
  25. I don't change it to snoring. I mentioned that in my first post already. And in the last one I added 'etc' (that covers the other negatives which were indeed beaten up in this thread because there is hardly any history for it apparently). But still taking someone you do not know (you just off him) for long time is taking a risk. At home we would never pick a stranger from the street, talk 5 minutes and let him stay overnight. We are more cautious there. But indeed - I confess - if you choose hotel where boy must leave ID card that is good enough a safe guard for me.
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