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Everything posted by abidismaili

  1. But the whole point is you break no rule. It is not illegal. And there are informal rules, not coded into law. Like handshake when you meet. Like dress appropiately in office. But when you break these your life won't be recked. You loose your job maybe. Some friends. . But your life won't be wrecked. Now I think about it, this job example is bad. There is a law that you need to adhere to the rules of your company and that not doing so can lead to being fired. So breaking the rule of massage by 17 year old, not a breaking of law, but of societal rule, can be compared to not give a handshake for example. But I see your point. And I live according to your point. It's just sad that your life can wrecked if you don't break a law.
  2. But also the fact it can reck your life says something. So doing totally innocent legal stuff can reck your life. We live in such a society. When you think about this it should make us all sad. This isn't a free society then.
  3. I understand your argument and this is of course how I live my life. I would never take the risk. But on the other hand we all believe our countries are democracies. That you can only be convicted if there is proof. In the hypothetical scenario I proposed, there is (I think) nothing illegal going on. It maybe looks suspecious at first sight. But since when is that reason for conviction? If you think it is likely you can be convicted, or put on a sex offenders list, what does this say about our countries? I mean you basically say here it is likely a totally innocent person is convicted. It is not a 1 in a million chance, but just likely. I thought we learned in school you only get convicted when there is evidence without reasonable doubt (and of course in rare cases errors are made and an innocent one ends up in jail, but that is supposed to be unlikely). So we were lied to in school? Just the fact having non sexual massage by a 17 year old can lead to conviction when someone reports it because it looks suspecious? Then the rule of law and fair justice doesn't exist.
  4. You are so mean to me. Sometimes I feel sad hell doesn't exist, it would be a consolation knowing evil people would get their due. I think in all honesty I am the most good person on this forum. If we have a scale, were 1 = devil, 2 = demon, 3 = Hitler like, etc and 10 = God, 9 = Angel, 8 = Saint, then I am certainly a 7, maybe 7.3. I would beat all of you.
  5. You are right for the previous generation retirement in the 50s was a possibility. In my country it was and is rare. And will become rarer. Age of retirement now 67. The number who can retire at 50 is low and always was. By the way most Farang in bars I encounter are 60 plus.
  6. Look you say I am envious. I admit I am, but tell you also why if you think about it there is not so much reason. Yes I envy pensioners who have a lot of free time. On the other hand being a pensioner comes with disadvantages. One being close to death relatively speaking. That reduces the envy feeling. You understand? And when I say it enables me to return home not sad but with a smile it is beciase I realize there are also disadvantages. So no reason to go back home crying.
  7. Why lie when they ask if you travel to Thailand for sex? It's not illlegal in the USA to go to prostitutes, or is it? Else I understand you need to lie. But what a hypocrisy. There are many prostitutes in America.
  8. Amazing what you read in my posts. I love my job (but of course if I won the lottery today I would quit). Of course I would like to live in Thailand, of course I feel envy for people who do not need to return after 1, 2 weeks. On the other hand I also realize the reason most of these people do not need to return is because they are pensioners, so old, so relatively close to death. That makes the envy suddenly feel a lot less envious and makes it possible for me to return home with a smile. Because there is not so much to be envious about when you realize that. I do agree that if you are the extravert, socializing type this radiates and makes it more easy. I am a bit less socializing. I have some regular boys and if I can trust my instincts they enjoy being with me. I feel good, I am not sad, you read me wrong.
  9. Never was asked for that by customs. I have no worries. Nothing I do is illegal. If you have pictures of boys you off and they can pass for 16/17 because they look young, take care you have photo of ID card (or from these kind of boys just don't take a picture). Unless you come from a jurisdiction, where it is illegal to go to prostitutes, there really is nothing to fear. Why have fear if you break no law? I do not understand the extreme safety measures some members take like putting all in cloud, encrypting laptop, logging out of Facebook. I really don't care customs find my fuck videos. Last trip when doing my bagage check they found my transparant plastic bag full of condoms. I didn't care. Privacy for me is only relevant for people I know. I would not want family or collegues or friends to see my fuck videos, but if a custom official who I do not know sees it, so what? He probably sees many every day and has forgotten you already in 10 minutes. If I were a custom official I would search very good the phones of women coming back from Thailand. They are rarely searched and I think a lot can be learned when we start focussing on the other sex more. I really would not be surprised the illegal material is to be found there!!
  10. In this case I felt the need because I thought I knew Vessey's type. We are both saturated of love for one of the most beautifull twinks of all time, Jason, from Vietnam. A very expensive international prostitute. So I was a bit surprised him praising this line up knowing he most likely would prefer the twinks in Jomtien's bars above the boys in the picture.
  11. No idea because I not try very hard to get free sex. I tried DJ station last time (was my first serious try in my 2 years travelling to Thailand). But it was very hard to break a boy from his group. I do see free offers in apps, but rarely from my type. The following you will maybe not believe but it is 100% true: I even got a free offer from a Vietnamese boy in Fresh boys last time: "take me please, you pay bar off fee, you not need to pay me". 100% true story. He looked good, was my type, around 20 year of age, but I saw even better ones in the bar, so decided to take another one, who I paid. The problem with me is I am very picky. Very very picky. If I had encountered him on the street, I would 100% have said 'yes'. If I had lived in Thailand I would also have 100% said 'yes', but it was a 1 week holiday and then when I see an even better one, I don't mind paying. In that short time I am there I go for the best of the best. In any other situation I would have settled for number 2.
  12. Now I understand
  13. Because in my country most twinks do not like 40+. As you know in the West age matters a lot, far more than in other countries, like Thailand. So two years ago when I was 42 I had to draw the conclusion that if I wanted to keep fucking the type of boy I want I need to become a sex tourist. Besides while I look good when you compare me with the average gay farang in Thailand (which isn't that dificult an accomplishment) I just look normal in my country. I am not a super model. I do not have a 6 pack. But even if I had, 40+ is old. Even 35+ is already considered old. Not many 18-22 year olds in my country fall for that. The type I want is not easy available for free in my country (unless you are rich or famous) and unless you encounter that very rare twink who gets horny from 40 year olds.
  14. Yes of course. But the point I am making is, isn't it better to wait for the night, to off boy, take him to hotel. That is (I would say) better sex then wasting your daily sperm quota in a massage parlor and not be able anymore to perform a few hours later in the night. But since I understand fucking is also normal in a massage parlor, there isn't really any difference anymore. I said above statement on the assumption most happy ending is only handjob/blowjob. Since this is not the case I have to withdraw above statement, it was made on the wrong assumption.
  15. Interesting. I will listen very carefully next time I am having a massage. There must some fucking going on in one of the other rooms.
  16. And why am I miserable and Mr. Kokopelli is allowed to say what he did? Don't we say the same? He says no boy wants me and I say the same for him. But when I do it I am miserable. You have double standards.
  17. I think fucking is a rare event in massage parlors. If the walls are so thin you would think after 2 years I would have noticed at least once a fuck happening in one of the other rooms. Can someone organize a poll? I think when sex happens in a massage parlor it is almost always a handjob/blowjob.
  18. What do you mean Mr. Kokopelli? I can tell you about the sense of relief I see on many boys faces when I enter a bar. Many coming to me, saying "please pick me". I can understand that, considering the 60+ up year olds that normally enter a bar. I can easily pass for a guy in this 30s. Not fat, handsome face (and its not me saying that, I hear it regurlarly and not only from moneyboys in case you wondered; but lady friends of my bf and Thais from his home town; of course I don't trust a moneyboy who says it). How is this with you Mr. Kokopelli? You have to drag them to your hotel, so reluctant they are to have to kiss that old face, that rimpled skin?
  19. Duplicate
  20. I am into twinks, but from the above line up I would only want the third from right (not that the others are bad; I would fuck nearly all of them for free; but not when I have to pay). There are much much better twinks around. Vessey: remember that Vietnamese one, Jason. He blows all of these away. There are so many others who are way better, easy to get via the apps or Jomtien bars. If I am to pay for sex I want the best of the best and this line up doesn't give it. Jomtien twinks are a league better.
  21. Hehe. Possibly. I only receive handjobs these rare instances when I want a happy ending. There are massage places where you can fuck the boy? I am such a newbie still :-) Must be thick walls then in these tiny rooms.
  22. Yes. Well Health Massage has some young twinks. I only ask there if I want happy ending, which I almost never want because I like to save my sperm for real sex. Fucking a boy in my hotel is much better sex than receiving a hand job from a guy in a massage parlor. So why waste your sperm on happy endings? I don't understand this happy ending popularity. If you cum in afternoon, then for most elderly men it is not easy to cum again 3 hours later. Body needs to restore. Then why have happy ending? Save it for the night when you take boy from bar. Then much better sex.
  23. Can you give examples of these posts. Thanks. I am not aware of any. In fact in all my replies on topics like this I always say ask for ID card. Above question is very interesting from a legal perspective. Really very curious.
  24. Yes. Because if it is not legal also in massage parlors we will need to ask for ID. I must say I never ask. I only do in beer bars and go go bars and when I take boy from app. But when I want a massage I never ask in shop for ID. So this question is relevant. Because if it is illegal then even for a non happy ending massage you need to ask for ID. Never see anyone do that in a massage parlor. Never. You walk in, you see quite a few people, some customers sitting on chair receiving foot massage, you want an oil massage, you get a guy and he takes you to the back. I never seen such a customer than ask first for ID before he goes to back with the guy giving the massage.
  25. What more info you need?? You are naked and you receive an oil massage from a clothed boy who is 17 and there is no happy ending. Legal? What more you can possibly need? The colour of the shirt the boy is wearing? Lets say its red with some blue stripes. (And he doesnt touch your penis during the whole session, lets assume that too; when I say "no happy ending" I mean totally zero sex)
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