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Everything posted by abidismaili

  1. Their names I have forgotten already. You memorize them? Why bother? I like them because some were 100% my type. My type is twink By the way: very strange question you asked; but since I am a very nice guy I answered it.
  2. I tend to use the apps less and less and the same goes for gogo bars where you frequently are the only customer (or one of the very few) present and the constant staring of the boys at you in hoping for you to pick them make me feel uncomfortable. The same goes for the once every 3 minute question of the mamasan which boy I like and if I have made a choice. It is just not a relaxing atmosphere. My main two methods for getting boys now are: 1) Bar (Jomtien, Sunee): you can see the boy in real life (no need to trust picture in app), you can chat with him, there is no pressure, a relax atmosphere. This is my preferred method. Besides the drinks are cheap compared to a gogo bar. 2) Massage places
  3. Just back from my holiday and I want to inform you that one of the best places for massage by nice twinks is defunct. "Health massage" in Silom 64 building is closed. A notice on their door says that since June 2017 they have relocated to a location nearby Ekkamai station. But when I went to the new location it was clear that their business model has also changed: only women. Was my favourite massage place the few times I have been in Bangkok now. Luckily I saw some nice boys in the massage places on Thanon Surawong.
  4. Do you think you are a good man? In fact all I ever say on this topic is to NOT have paid sex with underage guys. I advice strongly against it In fact I want guys who do it to be arrested and put in jail. As I have said many times. You can not quote anything else from me. And I would report them to the police. And the strange mystery is why guys like you Peter, who visited Pattaya in the era when it was possible to have underage sex, did NOTHING to stop it. Saw it and did not report on the men who took these boys. Because if fellow gay tourists made secretly pictures of these men, reported them to their embassies, it would have stopped because upon returning home they would be arrested. But everyone knew about it and the men got away with it. How is that possible? Because the other men let it happen. I wonder why. You have an idea why you let criminals get away with it while it was so easy to stop them? Why Peter did let you let it happen back then (assuming indeed you are a veteran traveller to Pattaya)? Why are you so afraid topics and interesting questions like this pop up now and then and then accuse the people who do it with an unhealthy fascination. I just reply, I didn't start it. I never start it. You are the one fascinated about it and you have a big big fear obviously it is discussed. Why Peter? Guilthy conscience? You could namely not have replied. Yet you did. That reveals a big thing about you.
  5. I don't mind :-) But my post is 100% fact based. Don't let emotion win it from facts. We see this too much in todays polarized societies.
  6. Sex with 17 is not untoward. In fact it is legalized in as good as every country on the planet. Paying for sex with a 17 year old is untoward and illegal and should therefor not be done. It is not worth the jailterm. But the simple fact that an adult has sex with a 17 year old is - when looked at it on itself - not something amoral when it happens in free will and there is no power inbalance (like teacher - pupil). In fact it is legal in every jurisdiction I know about and was even very common in past centuries all over the world.
  7. 100% my sentiment too. I feel very uncomfortable too in such a situation. I also feel sorry for the less attractive boys, but they are in the wrong profession. They often look good enough for sex, it is not that they are unattractive, but in this business when a tourist pays for sex, he will settle for the top of his taste. Why settle for less? While in normal live if you look for a date you take home anyone who looks good because it is free, you can settle for your number 2 in looks also. But when I have to pay for sex, then I settle only for the best obviously. So good looking guys who are not in the very top of looks (but still nice looking boys) they just are in the wrong profession. I would love to have them for free, and I would even pay for them if it was all there is on stage, but mostly there is always something better available, if not in this bar, then in another. Why would a customer pay them 1500 for short time, while for the same prize he can get someone in the top of his taste?
  8. They are probably rich and since being gay in their home countries makes you an outcast and can land you in prison, they take irresponsible risks by going to Pattaya. Many gay tourists go to Pattaya, also the ones with a criminal inclination. Photograph an Arab secretly with a boy, talk to them to get their name, and you have all the info to blackmail them. You can secure your financial future this way. I think a few Russians are a millionaire now via this method, just blackmailing some Arab gays in Pattaya. If I lived in a gay oppressing Arab country then I would go to a gay sex destination where not many tourists come and I certainly would try to appear as being from another country and not being recognizable as an Arab. Because else you make yourself a target for blackmail. We from the West have nothing to fear, we aren't a social outcast for being gay, but they are. So isn't it very dumb for an Arab gay to go to Pattaya? I fail to understand why they do it.
  9. What time in the day you visit the sauna? Evening, late afternoon, early afternoon?
  10. It is only naieve if there are examples of Farang who are arrested for taking nude pics of legal age guys (or women). Boys who rob customers has happened so it is not strange I am paranoid about that. Because it is something which does actually happen. Not much. But it does.
  11. What is the prison term when you make a nude pic of a 20 year old guy by his own free will? One week?
  12. No he did not. None of his links are on topic. Of course if you have sex with a 17 year old and make a nude pic of him you can be arrested. I am not into that and I hope most here aren't. I take zero risks when offing boy. Check and photograph ID card. The topic is where you have sex with legal age guys, make a nude pic, and then Thai police arrest you for it. If this has never happened what is there to fear? If you off guys who can pass for 17 just photograph their ID card also.
  13. Remmeber that when we pay a boy (legal age) for sex we also break the law, not only when we put that legal age guy on a photoghaph. I talked about this before, that is not being a criminal. Laws which the government doesn't enforce make the event de facto legal. If you can not point me to a farang who was charged with making nude pics of legal age guys then the pornography law is not being enforced. That is government policy to make it de facto legal. If they want to enforce that law then tens of thousands of farang and Thai can be arrested daily. Nearly all farang I am sure make nude pics of the women and men they off.
  14. None of these links are on topic. The first 2 are about child porn. The last two are just that customs in your own country can search your phone. The question was: show me a link where Thai police arrest a Farang who made a nude pic of a LEGAL age boy he offed from a go go bar or beer bar. None of your links give that answer. (And not an article where it says the arrest hapened because police thought he was underage, I mean an article where the arrest happened even when the police knew he was legal age and that the reason for the arrest was the pornography law, show me such an article. I think never ever has a Farang been arrested for that) If I do not see such a link here before end of next week then this whole topic is scare mongering. You have then nothing to fear when you put your off for the day on a photograph (of course - but is it really necessary to point this out? - provided he is legal age). Just always check ID, let hotel check it too and you are save.
  15. You right. Sorry.
  16. So it is quite rare that hetero and gay farang make pictures of the women en men they off? I don't believe that for a moment. Regarding black mail there is nothing really to fear if the boys you off are legal age. So a 20 year old boy who works in a go go bar threatens (for blackmail purposes) to go to police when you make with his agreement a photo of him? I would risk it. I would laugh at him. If he is legal age the police will laugh at him too, they not go arrest foreigners. It will give Thailand bad press if they start arresting Farang because they make a photo of a nude legal age person by his own free will. Can someone please point me to a link of an article were a farang is arrested for having made a nude picture of a legal age Thai? If no one can give such a link then the above story is utter nonsense.
  17. Do I understand this good that is is illegal to make a photo of the boy where he is naked? That law is really enforced against foreigners? If so then I have been extremely lucky because every trip I do take pictures of the boys I off. They are naked. But since everyone has a smartphone now-a-days, I think that law is broken by many gay and hetero Farang many many times a day. They can arrest thousands daily when their search their smartphones when the Farang is on the airport waiting to go home. I don't believe for a second this law is enforced. I think only official pronography is combatted, not these nude shots we all take. I am sure many Thais who have sex with fellow Thais do film themselves also or make a pic of their dick. It is so very common.
  18. I regurlarly take photos and never have to pay for them. They pose naked.
  19. Thanks. And they are reliable? Hotels have no issue when you take your date with you to your room? What is average price short time? Cheaper than Pattaya or about the same?
  20. I thought let's have a look here because I am planning my first Vietnam trip, but looking at the non-acitivity here I think I can assume Vietnam is not the place to go for boys? I know they haven't the show and gogo bars which we can see in Pattaya and Bangkok, but how is it app wise? Many available cute twinks via the apps? I was planning Ho Chi Minh City.
  21. I thought foreigners can not own property in Thailand. That the title holder to the land, house must always be a Thai citizen.
  22. You even can be entitled to 'Lord' if you are not a peer but the son of a peer. You can carry by courtesy one of the subsidiary titles of your father. So while not legally having the title, in daily usage you are allowed to use it and they style yourself 'Lord". Then there are also lord of the manor titles. You can buy them even. But then your name is not "Lord X" but "Lord of X"
  23. That was the consolation of all humans who have lived until now. On their deathbed they would know all their family, friends, just everyone, will also one time go that path. Which is some form of consolation of course. I mean how horrible to die with the knowledge all other ones will live forever, except you. But recent research points to a future where it is likely that eternal life comes into being. That the process of aging can be stopped. Of course this will have huge consequences. But it isn't as sure anymore as it was until now that all humans eventually will die. Big big chance there are humans alive now, who will still be there in 20.000 AD and in 1 million AD. Of course they have to backup their brain content now and then and renew the body, but they can go on if they like to. Or sleep for 10.000 years and then wake up (it feels then like only one night has passed) to see what has all changed. I won't be surprised if my parents generation (and probabaly mine also) are the last ones to die.
  24. What does it mentally do with a person who must know the chances to die within the nex 10 years are very high? I mean look back at 10 years ago, I remember it like it was the day of yesterday. September 11 2001 is almost 16 years ago, but it feels much closer. So knowing how fast 10 years go by, what does it mentally do to you knowing most likely in 10 years time (which approaches extremely rapidly) you are not there anymore. Assume Trump will last 8 years, you think you will experience who will be the next American president? Maybe Trump is your last one (and he could be my last one also of course, just for me the chances are much higher to witness a few more presidents). That is what I hate about aging. If I am 80 then each day I go to bed I would think it could happen tonight. Now I just assume to wake up when I go to bed for sleep. But you still can assume that when 80? Do you arrange stuff like what to do with your body when you die in Thailand when on holiday?
  25. You clearly misunderstand what is being written down.
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