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Everything posted by abidismaili

  1. Yes very good looking money boys can earn a lot in the West when they are still in their prime age. But look at the many many massage places in Thailand. Most (women and men) sit many hours outside on a chair. Sometimes they have a client. I am pretty sure without happy ending they can support themselves with only a few massages every week. I was not assuming these Boyztown massage guys all have massages ending in happy endings. I think it isnt needed to support yourself. What non sex related job in the West can make you support yourself for 6 hours a week?
  2. Yet, somehow they are able to pay the rent for their room, to pay for food every day, to pay for their internet on their mobile phone, to buy new clothes now and then. I think they don't have that many extra fixed costs (I think for example they don't have to pay health insurance). So looks to me that with giving a one hour massage every day you can survive in Thailand. So with a 6 hour work week in Thailand you can survive (I assume one day in the week they take a day off, so 6 * 1 hour = 6). I wish I had a 6 hour work week and was able to survive. I need to work 36 hours a week. In Western countries it is (for most people) totally impossible to work 6 hours and survive without government aid. Thailand is in this way a richer country. It has managed to create a society where without government aid you can support yourself with only 6 hours work a week. I wish I was living in such an affluent country where this was possible. Compare that to what I know from Western Europe. Every day you go to work. You work 8 hours (and that is really being productive for 8 hours, not 6 of these 8 hours just sitting on a chair outside). And then end of the month you have a salary and for the lower middle class jobs after subtracting the fixed monthly costs, there isn't that much left to spend. They can't travel 3 times a year to Thailand for example.
  3. But are the guys giving the massage blind?
  4. I read some good stories about this place. It appears to be massage only, no happy ending. Which is OK for me since I tend to see happy ending as a waste of sperm, because better sex can be had in the evening in your own hotel room. (Unless you are a guy who can ejaculate 3 times a day every day, for 2 weeks in a row, it is in my view better to save your ejaculation quota - which isn't infinite - for sex with bar boys or app boys in your own hotel room. But I must admit I submit regularly to the charms of the boys during the massage, so I break my own rule a lot.) Now my question (forgive me if it is stupid): Are the boys giving the massage blind?
  5. Strange how the hotel recommendations differ between the forums that focus on gay thailand. In another forum you encounter names like Tarntawan and Raya Surawong or D Varee. These hotels are not popular among the users of this forum?
  6. I experience exactly this too and it I hate it. It drives customers away. I haven't entered some bars because of this behavior.
  7. Disappointing. I wonder why the boys there don't need some extra money. Vietnam's economy is worse than Thailands. I know some very cute Vietnamese guys who are willing in Bangkok, but apparently when in their own country they not reply on the apps? Can it be that gay prostitution is actively prosecuted in Vietnam? As always, there must be an explanation.
  8. I like reading trip reports because it gives me ideas for my next trip. Maybe some massage place I visisted last time didn't have nice boys, but from the trip report I read they have some now. So I can make a note to give the place a second try next time I am in Pattaya. But it would help to know what the preference of the author is. For example 'cute guys' above is this cute muscular type of guys, or cute skinny twinks, or some other type? So isn't it an idea if we prefix every trip report with a sentence into what type of guys we are into? It will help the other forum members in writing down tips for their next visit.
  9. But it was said above the other half will close also: next April. So these bars in the half that remains open will relocate I hope after April next year to another location.
  10. And I assume most bars (beer and go go) just move to another location.
  11. Thanks. This is interesting information. Something has thus changed in the last say 15 years. Farang young females and Asian females have become sex tourists in that period. What can explain this rise? From a sociology viewpoint this really is interesting. There must be an explanation. I am inclined to think the Internet has somehow played a role in empowering women to become sex tourists, but how it did that I can not see that. Men didn't need the Internet in 2000 to travel to Thailand. Edit: I saw PeterRS reply after posting mine. He goes into some explanations
  12. That I never understand also. Many indeed immediately run off to the bathroom, while I like to relax in bed a while after the fun is over.
  13. Which is expensive in go go bars. You need to buy for each of these lads a drink and give them a tip after you dimiss him. So just taking 5 boys over to have a chat to find out who is the one will cost you some bahts.
  14. With small I mean the land area obviously. You never noticed that most tiny (I mean really tiny) countries are very rich? Why is it the smallest countries in Europe (the real small ones) are richer than Germany? I believe there is advantage in smallness.
  15. When you are a very small souvereign state it is easy to become a wealthy country. Almost all very small states are wealthy (yes there are exceptions, like some remote Pacific Islands (Tuvalu, Tonga), but maybe the remoteness is key there and mismanagement). Hong Kong, Singapore, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Kuweit, Qatar, Bahrein, Brunei all rich. If a country like Russia or China was governed the exact same way as Singapore or Luxemburg, it would not become as rich (they would become wealthy, but not as rich as small countries). Smallness has advantages. The richest states in Europe are the smallest ones (Luxemburg, Monaco, Liechtenstein). Each richer than Germany, France, my own country (the Netherlands) etc. There is only one reason: their smallness. The discussion was that it could take a long time for Thailand to become as rich as Singapore, and various reasons were given. But one big reason for the success of Singapore was not mentioned: its smallness. If you have big country A and very small country B (city state level small) and they are both equally well governed then B will have it far more easy to become much richer.
  16. Didn't know that. So for the old timers, in say 2000 AD or 1995 AD women also visited these bars in Boytown or Soi Twilight? But I really do notice a rise in numbers. I see Asian women too, but also 'farang'. And the farang women I see are younger than the farang men I see.
  17. Thank you. I was very busy with some creative work in my free time and then I just forgot about it. By not checking the forum for about 3 weeks it slowly faded from my mind. I also lost interest a bit to be honest. And today I thought 'oh, long time I have checked the forums, lets see what is happening'. I also had a brief check after my recent March trip, but I didn't post.
  18. I am still relatively new to this all (first trip to Thailand October 2014, last trip so far March 2018. Next one June 2018). But in these almost 4 years I do notice one change. I see more and more females in gay go go bars. The number seems to be way up. And not only for looking. Last trip two young Farang women ordered a boy from the stage. I didn't stay long enough to see if they took them to their hotel. Do others also notice that sex tourism from Farang young women in Thailand is on the rise? More females in the bars compared to the recent past?
  19. Singepore has a big advantage: it is a city state. Small souvereign states are almost always wealthy.
  20. I happend to be last week in Screw boys on the last day of my holiday and there were indeed many very cute twinks. Best bar of that holiday when it comes to quaility of the boys. Better even than the boys in Jomtien's bars. I took one over for a drink, he was Vietnamese and he said some others were also from Vietnam. But I notice that Vietnamese boys are less fluent in English than Thai boys. Or I have been unluckly everytime I asked a Vietnamese one over. Very difficult to have a conversation with them. Nearly impossible even. Google translate helped a bit.
  21. Can't you just in the evening, when you are in a bar, arrange for a boy to meet you the next day in the afternoon in the hotel? So on each evening when you are in a bar you make with boy 1 an appointment for tomorrow afternoon and with boy 2 an appointment for that same night.
  22. I guess like I assume most boys giving massage are gay, or at least willing to provide a happy ending to a male guest, I think likewise the boys assume that when a male customer selects them for a massage, the customer must be gay. It is a bit strange this apparently hetero man opted for a boy to give him a massage. These assumptions of us and the boys are right most of the time, yet of course sometimes they will fail and you discover you selected a boy not willing to provide a happy end. Never happened to me. Shows the stereotypes are true. Same for the boys. In virtually all cases if a male selects them he is gay. I guess that man was too shy to be naked in front of a woman, why else would a hetero man select a boy?
  23. I misunderstood your question. I thought you meant the names of the boys! (It is not strange to ask for the names of the veneus. I can only say to you when you go from Soi Tawan to Surawong, go to the right - when exiting Soi Tawan to go on Surawong road - and there are a few massage places immediately in a row. These I tried. They all have at least some boys and some of them are twinks. I didn't look at the name of the shops. I do mark in Google maps however the location so I can find them next time)
  24. i was in Boyztown earlier this week, wasn't that empty as in picture, but wasn't very crowded either. I was only customer in Cupido bar and left soon. Some bars also have outdated signs. Like X-boys sign lists the times when they have a show, but the one after midnight is cancelled apparently, despite the sign saying otherwise. I was disappointed the old Copa show at 23.00 (now the Castro bar show in that location) still is same old shit (for my taste). 30 minute water show by muscled men, not my type before it starts getting a bit interesting. Why not do something like the Venue does in Jomtien? It is always full of people when the show starts there, also last week. They have some very beautiful boys. PS: to show you how much of a newby I still am after 3 years: when in Bangkok I discovered for the first time the Screw boys gogo bar. I was so used to Soi Twilight, that I thought that was the only place with gogo boys besides Tawan in Bangkok. But near Soi Twilight by sheer coincidence I see there is a gogo bar "Screw boys" which I was totally unaware off in my previous visits. And what a beautiful Vietnamese twinks are in that bar. Sadly they hardly speak a word English.
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