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Everything posted by abidismaili

  1. In these situations I always ask them: you must be happy to live now and not in 1400 AD when there were no farangs in Thailand. Would you have had zero sex if you had happened to be alive in 1400 AD? I can't believe that.
  2. I doubt this is the core reason. If that boy has every day a customer he can't be that horny he gets an erection so quickly if he truly is hetero. I think Thai have special DNA. I asked independently during my last trip to two Thai boys what percentage of boys in their country are gay. Both said (independently of each other): 50%. That seems ridicolously high. But it is very telling that Thais themselves think this. Very very telling. I think many Thai boys are by nature bisexual, because of their genes. That is also why there are also so many more lady boys than in other countries, where you are equally free in expressing your sexuality. Not sure DNA is the reason of course, but any other reason isn't really satisfactory for me. Other reasons given: 1) In Thailand you can be free to express being lady boy. But can't you do that also in most Western countries? Zero discrimination in the West, yet we don't see it that much 2) They are really that horny that a hetero guy gets an erection in no time? Yes if last time he had sex was 1 week ago. But then why didnt he jerk off in his room? So until a better explanation comes around I think many Thai men (certainly younger men) are bisexual. And since many Thai guys have thus more femine dna/hormones than the average guy elsewhere, it is also explainable that when someone gets a bit more than the average in Thailand, you feel more lady and become lady boy. So it also explains then the higher number of men who like to be a woman.
  3. I have also noted this. I off a guy, I take some pictures when he is in my room and when back home I look at the pictures I don't see the extreme beauty I saw when I saw him in the flesh. It is a very strange phenomenon. The reason you give for it: 'fountain of oriental youth' what does this mean?
  4. Just wondering. I booked a ticket for my next trip and I see (I should have checked this before, my mistake) that the week I am in Thailand is a week with 2 public holidays: 22 and 23 October. Can I savely assume go go bars will be open? The show in The Venue in Jomtien will happen on such a day? Never before been on one of their public holidays in Thailand (or I have been, but didn't notice it). So I don't know what will happen then. In my country for sure most shops will be closed for example. So basically only shops are closed? But show bars will be open these 2 days?
  5. Very telling you are unable to give any counter arguments to my facts. 1) You truly think Arab countries would allow millions of non-Muslim immigrants in who can then build churches and temples? 2) Give one example where a nature disaster in a non-Muslim country gave rise to aid giving by a Muslim country's population 3) Most Arabs do not have any respect for other cultures and religions 4) My quote about what Muslim children say to Dutch kids is also fact based. 5) It is also fact based they not see our tolerance as a kind of goodness of where Western culture is better, but they think Allah makes us blind, so they can islamize Europe. They only think we do all of this for them because of Allah making us too blind to see their true goal and not because of some intrinsic goodness in us and our culture.
  6. Maybe because a lot of Arabs are among the most prejeduced people on Earth? They look down on any non-Muslim. You are worth nothing to them. They are first and foremost Muslim in their minds eye. Also a trend in Western countries is that if some Earthquake happens in a country we send money to help. Arabs will only send money if that country is a Muslim country. They have zero respect for other cultures and religions. If you want to know what will happen to a society when their faith becomes a majority look at any Muslim majority country in the Middle east. Also we have many Muslim immigrants in Europe who live on wellfare, who are free to build mosques etc. You think they are gratefull for the freedom they have here and for the financial support we give them? No, they think secretly that Allah makes us blind and that is why we do it. Many even openly say "we will take over" (their children say that in schools to Dutch kids, so you know where they have this from: from what they hear at home). They think Allah makes us blind in allowing them in. I know what is being said in many Muslim households in Europe behind closed doors. You think Arab countries would welcome non-Muslim immigrants in the numbers in which we accept immigrants? You think they would allow them to build Bhuddist temples and Christian churches in their countries? This mindset is not a tiny minority among Arabs. It is the majority. Prejeduce is not prejeduce when it is true.
  7. Ok, clear. I didn't know the boys get money from the bars for the drinks the customer buys for them.
  8. You would expect them to want cash in stead of a drink. I mean were they so desperate for a drink? You can buy it cheap in 7-11. Imagine how thirsty you must be to drop your pants in exhange for a drink. Cash I understand, that you can use to pay your rent end of the month (help pay for it).
  9. Very nice post about that index, but it isn't correct for my situation. If you only do short time, so not overnight, the index reduces immensely: then in stead of doing 7 * 1000 for California, you need to do 7 * 250. And gone is already a large part of the gain. Also you say a boy is about 2000 baht ($50). Not true if you use bars. You have off fee, you have at least two drinks to pay. Say in total 2000 + 500 + 500 (and then I use the cheapest bars) = 3000 baht for a boy, not 2000. But factor in that to find your boy for the night you maybe went to other bar first to talk to boy there first that is another few hundred bahts. So I wouldn't be surprised that scooting for a boy in bars brings the total to 4000 baht short time (unless the first boy you talk with in the first bar is always the one you choose). So in my case it would still be profitable to go to Bangkok, but the index would be far lower than 5.54.
  10. It was more a joke, because of course he won't have one. But it also partly is not a joke for the following reason: it is unfair towards all those people who play by the rules. Like if you do a lot of work to become a legal immigrant in the USA, it is unfair that one who just crosses illegally get legalized after say 1 year. It undermines the rule of law.
  11. I wonder if he has a work visum.
  12. Since I have only short holidays in Thailand (6 to 8 days for each holiday) it is for me important to not waste my time, and this includes getting massages from the (for me) most attractive boys that happen to be in Pattaya/Bangkok the days I visit. Because if I were to pick for massage the first good looking boy I happen to see sitting in front of a massage shop, I would feel sorry if later in another massage shop I see my dream boy sitting outside. If you stay long time it all doesn't matter, time enough to get that dream boy. But if in a 6 day trip you do 6 massages, then I would prefer that at the end of the trip I can be relatively sure the 6 boys I had choosen for the massages were the best available at that moment in time. Again no issue if you stay long time, but in short holidays stuff like this matters. So what I do is: When I want a massage I walk pass all the massage shops that I know about and that I know have twinks. I look at the available boys sitting outside; and when I have evaluated the last shop, I walk to the one that had the most attractive boy sitting outside and pick that one. I wonder if others also have such an approach? Or you just go to a massage shop and pick the best boy that is available at that moment? Without first having evaluated the other shops? You don't mind missing out on some nice eye candy for massage by not checking them all out first, before deciding on a shop?
  13. Thanks. I will go for the second option. Good to read how other people get around in Bangkok. Motorbike taxi drivers are useless.
  14. How do you transport yourself in Bangkok to locations that aren't close to a BTS station? I normally don't go far, stay near Silom because basically all I do is massage and in the night (gogo) bars. Everything I need is in walking distance from my hotel. But I had to meet a Vietnamese friend at his place and I tried two motorbike taxis to get there, I even showed them the location in Google maps and they had no idea. Looked also to me that they couldn't read a map. It wasn't far from Silom at all. They refused me as a client: "don't know". So I am now wondering how other people transport themselves. If motorbike taxi drivers don't even know locations 5 minutes away from their present location, then how do you get to a museum that isn't close to a BTS station? Your taxi driver always knows where to go? I just had bad luck with my choice?
  15. How do you think they manage to pay their rent, food etc, with such a low customer rate?
  16. Thanks. Interesting read. I have bookmarked the boytoy website. From the article in the link I get the idea that Colombia is more or less in price comparable to Thailand, if not a bit more expensive. Also I get the idea from the article the author seems to use only the apps. So no gogobar or beer bar scene in Colombia, or he didn’t visit them. This site is a good place for my investigations into Latin America. Let’s see what comes from it.
  17. Thanks. So is it mainly apps or also bars (gogo, beer)? In other words 100% comparable to Thailand? Let me see if I can find on the Internet the location in Colombia's and Mexico's capital cities for their version of Boyztown/Sunee/Jomtien/Soi Twilight.
  18. You are the exception. Not me :-) In general people around 18-25 are considered to be in their prime age for sexual attraction. Of course there are always exceptions: you have for example people who get turned on by elderly people (like 70+), but these people are exceptions. Most human beings prime attraction age is around the early twenties. Evolution took care of that.
  19. Ok, so there are gogo bars in say Colombia? With twinky guys? Who you can off? What are the prices? Comparable to Thailand prizes? Is it save? Colombia and Mexico don't sound like very save places to go. Drug wars, cartel wars.
  20. Ok, so in TBMI massage place you have to keep your underwear on. I always am completely naked when I am in a massage place in Thailand.
  21. abidismaili


    Still down. A data center that is offline for many hours is bad advertisement. They don't have their backup procedure in place. They will loose many customers because of this, I am sure. This is really strange to be down that long.
  22. Please give some examples where else in the world you can go to gogo- and beer bars and off cute twinky guys?
  23. Why I wonder.
  24. Ok fair enough. I just think with so many massage places and so many people employed there (some clearly above their primee age 18-25) you would think many only have massages and have no clients wanting happy endings from them.
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