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Everything posted by abidismaili

  1. I was in Pattaya last October and 1000 baht I paid short time, almost never a discussion. Some boys I paid more. One Cambodia boy took very very good care of me (way above what you can reasonably expect), he got 4000 baht (it was long time by the way, initial agreed price was 2000) When I take a boy in a Pattaya gogo bar to my seet for a drink and chat (and kissing and feeling) I tipped about 300 baht after say 15 minutes sitting with him and kissing him and feeling him etc. When I take a boy to sit with me in a beer bar I tend to tip 100 to 200 baht. For oil massage without happy ending I tend to tip around 300 baht. With happy ending 1000 baht (in Pattaya). For foot massage I tend to tip around 100 baht
  2. Thanks for the update. I tried already few times today to see it was live again. Now I know the cause.
  3. Currently Pattaya is 1000 baht short time.
  4. The fact these African boys can travel to Thailand must mean they are from the richer parts of their countries. For most Africans a ticket to Thailand is a yearly salary. So then why play money boy in Thailand? Its like the son of Bill Gates is a moneyboy when he travels to Thailand.
  5. So that is what I do wrong, I must ask for it to be spicy! But member fedssocr wrote he always get very spicy food while not asking for it (he doesn't even like it). So how to explain that? I tend to eat fried rice, pad thai or tom yum and they are not spicy or only little bit. Sometimes with fried rice I get a side dish with chili's in it and fish sauce (prik nam pla I think its called) to make it spicy.
  6. But the time is not that far away when Thailand's moneyboys will ask 4000 baht for a session. Maybe already somewhere in the next decade if their economies keep growing. It is then economically not profitable anymore to travel that far for sex with the boys of your dreams (considering all others costs will also have risen: hotel, food, etc)
  7. Southeast Asia and China are booming, becoming richer and richer. There is a wealth and power transfer going on from the West to the East. Also more than half the world population lives in that area (East and Southeast Asia). It is the future. Profit from it while it still lasts. At the end of this century East and Southeast Asian gay men will go for sex tourism to third world Western Europe. I feel sorry I only discovered Thailand 4 years ago. I missed out on the really cheap days. Cambodia and Laos appear for now to be lagging behind in that area when it comes to growth. My hope for sex tourism is focussed on these two countries. If Thailand's escorts are going to demand some day current European escort prizes for their services I need to look elsewhere. But eventually these 2 countries will catch up. Their populations will demand reforms if their neighbours get all wealthy.
  8. You are referring here to street food or restaurant food? I only eat Thai food in restaurants in Pattaya and Bangkok and I never have very spicy food. I think they think - since I am farang - that I not like it. I strongly suspect restaurants make the food less spicy for farang customers. Tom Yum soup for me doesnt taste spicy at all. Only little bit. So what food are you referring to? Restaurant food?
  9. You call these farang stupid, but what if the boys he helps really need it, and they are convinced its no scam, are these farangs then also stupid by helping them? Not all requests for money are a scam I am sure. Like it is also not all a lie when they say they like you and are handsome. If the boy you take to your room pulls of his pants and underwear and he is already erect (meraning he was erect walking with you into your hotel room) it looks to me he is looking forward to it. There are boys who really like older men (say 40 year olds) and there are boys who really need help. It isn't stupid to help them then if you can afford it. Just be carefull not to get attached emotionally to too many of them because you will be broke soon.
  10. I have only one time been in high season in Pattaya (last week of December 2014) and Boyztown was crowded with farang. How is this now? Is there really a big difference? 30 November Jomtien and Sunee will be packed with farang? My last trip end October Jomtien was reasonably crowded but Sunee was almost deserted. If you have to guess twice as many gay farang sex tourists in a high season week than a low season? Or even more?
  11. I must say I easy feel sorry for the boys. When I first started going to Thailand (4 years ago) I gave in easily if the story sounded believable to me (I not looked just at story but at body language, etc, and if it made me believe them and feel sorry for them I tended to give in). But I have become wiser now that I have more experience. Because if you give in to a boy you will get more and more requests from him. And from others also! First it becomes once every 3 months you get a request for help from him, then slowly once every 2 months you get a message if you can send some money via Western Union and before you know it he needs help once every month. So now I am in a phase to mostly say "No" even if I believe them and it breaks my hearth sometimes. But if I give in to every boy who needs help I will be broke soon. That is a lesson I learned. I can not help everyone. And the lesson I learned is that when I pick only a few boys for help their requests multiply soon if you give in to each of them. So they tend to make abuse of your generosity by over-asking. So only in rare cases now I tend to give in and I make clear it is one time only. But I pay them good price and tips for services rendered. I treat them with respect. But I have thus reduced the help money.
  12. What about the sign I saw during my last trip there (only a bit more than a week ago)? The sign said something like "this soi will be open for another 6 years" (or something like that). I guess we can trust that sign they put up, or not? It was a big sign, professionally printed. So effort was put into it.
  13. I will give it a try. My main worry is that (and I saw this also last time) they keep the raw meat in the sun, and God knows how long it has been in open air before it is being cooked. They don't keep the raw meat refrigerated. Also I worry the vegetables are cleaned with tab water which we can not drink at all as farang, we will get ill. I am pretty sure they don't clean it with botled water.
  14. I 100% agree. I even prefer it to be prepared by a Thai cook. But some hotels (like Poseidon in Jomtien, Dirk's cafe also?) have a European chef making the Thai food. Somehow for me that is a turn off. I want in Thailand Thai food prepared 100% locally (so the ingredients Thai use themselves, and the maker must be Thai too, only then I feel I am eating real Thai food, else I just don't have that feeling, how irrational it maybe is).
  15. I am too scared to eat street food. Afraid I will get ill. We are adviced against eating it.
  16. This reminds me to ask a question (I forgot to ask it in the previous post that I am quoting above). Since I carry phone and passport and money with me all the time I have the following "issue": after massage, when I go for a shower, I always feel a bit insecure to leave my possessions in the massage room while I am showering. Someone can walk in and steal it while I am in the shower. Has never happened, probably won't happen, but still I am a little bit uneasy during the showering. How do you handle this? You bring your bag with valuables into the shower with you?
  17. Ok thanks.
  18. I do the same. I want it with me all the time. I don't trust hotel safes. Your passport is essential. I carry my phone also all the time.
  19. Because of this forum I went to Golden Cock last Saturday for the first time ever. There were only 3 boys, one looked in his late thirties or even fourties. The other two weren't excactly my type either. I guess I have to come back in high season to understand what is so attractive in that bar. I left the bar soon. One other tip from this forum, Zy Massage, turned out to be successfull. Beautiful twinks.
  20. Now I go write something provocative. I don't really mean it but it is not easy to give counter arguments. Is this a valid way of reasoning? If you are very good looking, sexy, you are in the top 0.5% in looks, the most sexy twink ever, is it then not selfish to let only your boyfriend enjoy your body? Do you then not own to the world being an escort? If I have skills to cure people from cancer but only apply these skills to my boyfriend, I am called selfish. If I have a billion dollar in my bank account and with a small amount which I don't miss at all I can help a community overcome some disaster, I will be called selfish if I say 'no'. Is it then not equally selfish that when so many people desire your body, you not give it away for a reasonable price? That is why I am of the opinion that very hot boys own us sex. Not for free, but for a reasonable price. Else they are very selfish.
  21. Thank you. I now understand I never saw it, it is a bit out of the area I normally look for massage parlors (Silom, Surawong). How you end up in that street? By accident?
  22. Where is this massage parlar located in Pattaya?
  23. Can be, but only if they would apply that same reasoning if the victim was Thai. Else they get away with racism.
  24. Why? If we would do such a thing to foreigners killed in our countries ("oh if it is a black victim lets just call it suicide, who cares the murderer is caught, he is only black") we would justifiably be called racists and the UN would impose sanctions against us for violating human rights. But Thailand gets away with it?
  25. The last. Almost every trip I encounter boys who say they are gay but only like farang. My standard question is: "You must be happy to live now and not in 1400 AD when there were no farangs in Thailand. Would you have had zero sex if you had happened to be alive in 1400 AD?"
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