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Everything posted by abidismaili

  1. What do you think is the reason for this lack of gay gogo's and bars and good massage? They don't want gay tourists? Many Thai guys, gay or not, are willing to sell their body for money. I even ask Thai boys themselves what percentage they think of Thai boys is willing to have sex for money. They all mention percentages around the 90% range. So in Phuket there can't be a lack of willing guys. Ask this question yourself to the Thai guys you know. I am curious if they also quote such a high percentage.
  2. Probably won’t work then for people without a Thai bank account I understand from the above. So the tourist still needs to use cash I guess.
  3. SK = South Korea I assume Was it easy for you to find a gay massage place there ? I was in Seoul last year and I did find a gay massage place but I think they are illegal (well the happy ending is I think). Because they operate online on another name then their actual location. Their location online is wrong also. Only via chat you get the correct one. Same I had in Taipei. Was quite a hassle. I think you can’t legally run adult sex places there. So how did you find the massage places in South Korea? You had the same experience
  4. These suicides were related to not being able to make a living? I understood it’s very easy to find a normal job in Thailand. Like working at a 7-11. So how sure are you to the cause of the suicides? Also inflation in Thailand I suspect to be much lower than in the West. How else do you explain that the baht bus here in Pattaya is set on 10 baht for at least 10 years but I suspect 20 years. Also I do think we give more. Wasn’t 1000 baht tip more normal 10 years ago in Pattaya? Its now 1500. A 50% increase.
  5. At home in the Netherlands I never use cash anymore since a few years. But each time I travel to Thailand I am forced to visit ATMs Why don’t the boys use an app that shows a QR code that you scan with your phone to pay them? No cash required Does anyone of you ever pay the massage fee or the bill for the drinks at a bar with your Mastercard or Visa debit card at a POS terminal at the bar? Do these venues have POS terminals that accept bank cards? I have never consciously seen one
  6. But do they pay ? Or get it for free ?
  7. Interesting what was said about the Thai army controlling the Jomtien complex. Does this mean the army owns the buildings and bars ? And receives part of the profit ?
  8. Female sex tourists who pay for sex ? That is quite rare not? Or is this also becoming more common?
  9. Thanks and the quality of the offering is constant too? If the last is also the case, then I can better keep going during low season. Less crowds and less competition. Ticket prices are lower also So conclusion: if you travel to Thailand only for the gay sex then choose low season: same quantity and quality in offerings, less competition from other farangs and cheaper hotel and tickets. Valid conclusion? This begs of course a follow up question: why do some of your guys go in high season?
  10. I go to Jomtien mostly, to the non reservation ones there. You mean with more competition: there are more tourists so more competition for the available boys? But what I meant the ask is if there aremore boys. Say in slow season there are 15 boys in front of the message shop are it 30 in high season? Say in low season at the Jomtien bars there are 100 boys in the night, are it 200 in high season?
  11. But is there a significant difference in the availability of boys at bars and message places between low and high season? You have more choice in high season? Or is that a thing of the past?
  12. Also more boys in the bars in Jomtien or at massage places? Or that is the same? Only difference is there are more tourists ? Or there is a significant quality and quantity difference in the money boys available ?
  13. I want to experience high season again for the 2nd time in 10 years (I normally go March, October or in between). I was thinking about the last week of this year. But then this has Christmas. Maybe this is a time when many tourists stay home, because the Christmas period is generally a time when the extended family comes together. So my question is: to experience high season is the last week of the year maybe a bad idea because it will feel more like low season because of the reason outlined above?
  14. Thanks. So it was only 6 years old when I first came there
  15. Link doesn't appear to work. This is working: https://drive.google.com/open?id=13SS426fWEmZE7f0mV24wubFLCUNOqU6S&usp=drive_fs
  16. In the photo below a still of a video on YouTube which shows Boyztown in 1999 If I compare this with the current buildings most current buildings don't appear to be there. Look at the building where now Boyz Boyz Boyz is and the Ambiance hotel, these appear to be different buildings now. Also at the front far left side you see a brown/black building but I don't recognize its shape at all (compare for example with Google street view). Also if you look good the building where now Panorama bar is, looked totally different and there is a big building at the far end (we only see its top floor) that isn't there anymore at all. Anyone knows that indeed after 1999 a lot of demolition and construction happened in Boyztown? It also appears the Copa hotel is relatively new. I think it came into being only after 2005? I don't mean the building itself, but the hotel. Another strange thing. The Boyztown sign changes every few years. I wonder why. I first arrived in 2014 and I am already at my third sign. But before there were at least 2 others (if I search google for older photos). I assume the local hotel and bar owners pay for this sign, but why replace it with a new one every few years? They make so much money that they don't know what to do with it and just decide to make a new sign again? Here the photo from 1999:https://drive.google.com/open?id=13SS426fWEmZE7f0mV24wubFLCUNOqU6S&usp=drive_fs Edit: From a Japanese website I have this: In 1980, Suttham Phanthusak, a successful foreign exchange entrepreneur in Pattaya, invested in Wichai’s transgender show. The show gradually developed into the internationally renowned Tiffany’s Show. Meanwhile, Michael Burchall bought the Cockpit Bar, a go-go bar and restaurant for gay men, and reopened it in 1985. Other bars and restaurants were subsequently added to the same street where the Cockpit Bar was located, and around 1989, the bar owners decided to name the street Boyztown - the first gay town in Pattaya
  17. I had to use Google to search what sanuk means. It means “fun”. So I assume you mean with your post that you were happy with the gay massage places coming into being, so you didn’t have to wait for to bars to open ?
  18. I have been back in the Netherlands since last Sunday
  19. I wonder what Spartacus means with a gay restaurant. I am sure you can’t off the waiter there or chef. I guess it just means it happens to have a gay owner ? But then why doesn’t it list the 7-11’s owned by a gay owner or the suit case shop owned by a gay owner? From your post it’s clear I think the real gay sex tourism must have started late 80s or early 90s. If in 1980 there was almost nothing to report about in Spartacus
  20. Yes the girl based massage shops are far more present. But SomJit near Tukcom (there is another gay only one nearby) and as you say the massage shops in Jomtien Complex are gay only. The ones near the corner of second road and south road that have ladies and boys in front of the shop, these boys are happy to give you a happy ending. Even when they are straight looking. I must say that since Covid the massage shops near that corner are less now than before Covid. Some massage shops there have finished operating. For gay massage I now mainly use Jomtien Complex and SomJit.
  21. In 1990 when you first visited where there massage shops with guys giving massage and happy ending? Where the go go bars and beer bars more hidden? I mean was it less in your face the sex tourism ? For example in the old videos the girls wear normal clothes. Now they wear very revealing sexy clothes. So I can imagine in 1990 the sex tourism and bars for sex tourism were there of course, but not visible if you weren’t looking for it or knew already about it. Is this true ? Now you can’t help but notice there is sex tourism going on. So all these families who go to Pattaya for a beach vacation they must notice it too. I wonder how they explain it to their kids.
  22. Could you get a massage in 1985 from a guy in one of the many massage shops? In 1985 were there already so many massage places like we have now? It feels like there is at least one on average for every 100 meters or so in our own time.
  23. This is the stuff I want to know also. How and when did it start. When the first massage places with guys giving massage? Etc. Etc. There must be some members left who can say at least in say 1985 it was all there already. Then we have an upper limit.
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