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Name Three Movies you have Seen at Least 10 Times
Vessey replied to TotallyOz's topic in The Beer Bar
Haha so many to choose from. I can stare at my various shelves of DVDs for ages looking for a 'different' one to watch; usually fail miserably, and then resort to one of my shelf-full of favourites. I am going to cheat and list three series/groups: Lord of the Rings/Hobbit Harry Potter Thor Undemanding fantasy, just what I need when I want to be able to relax over my dinner. And if I should fall asleep for a while during the film - doesn't matter, I know them all by heart -
More news! I have just been awarded my 'Very Popular' badge! I just want to say how humbled I am by this award, and I want to start by thanking my ......... (etc. etc. ad nauseam ...)
Wow, you are right, on Thursday I was a mere novice, now three days later I am 'experienced'! - who would have thought? I can walk with a bit more of a swagger now
Forgive me if this has been covered elsewhere, But my 'status' stuff appears to have completely changed, I am apparently a mere 'Newbie' (joined 2015!) And now have had a notification today that I have been awarded a 'Badge' - a 'Dedication' badge (apparently I have been spending far too long on-line on this site each day haha). More surprising is that I have apparently already been awarded all sorts of other badges. Its a bit like being back in the Boy Scouts again and collecting proficiency badges on your sleeve. But still ranked a Newbie?? haha. Makes up for our 'rep points' having apparently disappeared I suppose. Can someone explain all this to me please (nice simple language - I am getting old!), or at least point me in the direction of where it has already been explained. Many thanks, Postscript: starting this thread has apparently just earned me a 'Conversation Starter' badge! The excitement mounts!
Thailand's History and Culture: Why Gayness Remains a Stigma for Many
Vessey replied to PeterRS's topic in Gay Thailand
Thanks for the interesting topic PeterRS, and for attempting to translate the labyrinthine language of the Jackson articles into meaningful English haha. (The mantra that I always held in my head when writing academic articles, was that if your ideas are sound, you should be capable of communicating them in a way that the average person can understand. All too often some academics seemingly write in highly complex language to impress and 'black cat' their fellow academics haha.) If I have understood correctly, he is observing on sexual relationships within Thai communities and changing (or not) attitudes towards them across different levels of Thai society? So a few observations if I may: - As Westerners visiting Thailand our natural instinct is to view things through the eyes of our own cultural values, often without sufficient understanding or appreciation of the differing cultural values of the Thai people. - As I understand it, Thai prostitution with farang is dwarfed by the levels of Thai on Thai prostitution. Many boys on Facebook and Twitter, for example, write in THai with pictures and rates to attract fellow Thai rather than farang. - Indeed Thai may hold a different perspective on prostitution with farang? Parents man not be enthralled by the prospect of their sons and daughters selling themselves to farang, but the rewards are often high and money flows back to the family. I have heard it excused as a lucrative form of employment, selling themselves to farang customers. Not only am I only gay, or at least bisexual, in Thailand, but not at my very conventional home village, my long, long time is from Laos and he also feels the need to appear 'straight' back in his home and confine his (voraciously) gay appetite to Pattaya. Funny old world! haha. -
What is gay about a large amount of posts on this forum?
Vessey replied to iendo's topic in Gay Bangkok
Frankly, right now, given the daily 'traffic' on this forum (indeed on any of them) I would have thought any posts would be appreciated from anyone on anything -
I am really keen to get back, but everything still looking too fluid and unpredictable to give me the confidence to try and book anything. That said I am obviously interested in how this Phuket 'sandbox' works as there is talk (?) of then extending it into other areas including Pattaya by September, One might even hope that at least some of the entry requirements might be eased by then as well. So it looks possible that an October visit is possible; possibly!
It seems a step in the right direction, although as we know in England, timetables have to be flexible to the moment. I find it encouraging that he is now accepting that Thailand (as elsewhere) will have to learn to live with the virus. My passport sits ready ...........................
I love the Twitter pages for the various spas. Kob Spa in particular offers graphic detail as to what each of their boys has on 'offer' so to speak. But for most of these places the bulk of the publicity is in Thai. So I am guessing that farang customers are the minority?, and similarly guessing, that they are set up as Thai on Thai service? Or have I got that completely wrong?
I have found that it helps to get to London Heathrow in good time so that I can have a decent meal before I board the aircraft. Almost all airline meals disappoint me, some disgust me. But there again I travel cattle-class so my expectations are never very high in the first place haha. British Airways breakfast sausages are the worst, small, greyish-white and tasteless. If I met a Thai boy with a 'sausage' like that I would send him home!
Day-wear I love baggy linen shirts, nice and cool and the local laundries usually do a good job with them. Evening-wear I prefer a fairly heavy, freshly ironed, cotton shirt; just looks that little bit smarter. I have noticed that most of my Thai friends will also put on a posher shirt if they are being taken out for the evening. Usually long trousers; even I find it hard to take myself seriously in shorts - its not my best look haha. On the beach maybe shorts but ......
Haha, well that is true of course, but some people, with or without phones in hand, are naturally more sociable and clubbable than others. People can be just as anti-social with a newspaper or with a book! Mobile phones have transformed our lives in the last couple of decades, mostly for good I think, it is just that some of us older ones still find some of the technology/apps a bit of a mystery haha.
They are clearly a sensitive lot across the pond, You should have been rude about us Brits as we don't care
I would love to visit and see these (pictures from Google), I hadn't realised just how big these stone jars were and the huge tasks there must have been in hewing the blocks of stone, shaping them with primitive tools, and then transporting them to where they are now, and therefore the Civilisation that generated them? My long, long time lad of many years standing is from Laos and knows Phonsovan and these jars well - I feel a field-trip coming up next holiday
Most days I chat to a couple of other BMs here (and some of the boys as well) and invariably we sooner or later return to the topic of when we are likely to be able to return to Pattaya, some days we feel more optimistic, other days more pessimistic about our chances, depending on both our moods and latest revelations on infection numbers. Its all pretty futile at the moment as there are so many different things in play both at home and abroad that affect our chances. All have to fall into place to enable us to travel. The first major consideration for my Irish friend and I are vaccines. I am lucky in that I have now had both my shots (AZ), but he is still waiting for his first. Second our UK government currently forbids foreign holiday travel, but if our 'road map' is not blown off course, that particular restriction is due to be relaxed in a few weeks time, but there will probably still be a traffic light system of those countries considered safe to travel to - green being ok, but red for those countries where quarantine measures would be applied on our return home (bit more complex than that). Third our chosen country has to be prepared to let us in, all be it with their own quarantine regulations and other requirements. Currently Thailand is not doing well with either Covid numbers or vaccine roll-out. Fourth, there have to be flights available to us. And so we slowly build our own little road-maps back into Thailand as options become available to consider, but obviously all too aware that resurgences at home or abroad could set all that back months. So personally I still hope for October, but ............. ?
In the end its all going to be about risk, because, to obviously varying degrees, we manage risk every day in almost everything we do, every time we get in a car, or on a plane, etc. Covid is with us now and will probably always pose some level of risk in the future, We manage risk of STD's in all our sexual interactions with the boys; some of us might take more precautions than others, but we still do it, and it doesn't prevent our holiday fun. We manage risk every time we try and walk across Second Road in Pattaya, for example. We accept a level of risk every time we take a taxi-bike whose driver wends his way at speed through the daily traffic jams along Beach Road. We are in a situation now with Covid where governments are, understandably, managing risks for us, but those restrictions will eventually ease, and then it will be up to us?
If you are entirely happy with the size of your cock then you are fortunate indeed! Most of us wish that our God had been a little more generous - that extra inch or two perhaps? So inevitably that leads to a little 'penis envy' with those who are better endowed. I am pretty average in size, but it does make you focus on technique and making the best use of what you have. I think it also make you a more caring lover in many ways - but then again I would say that wouldn't I haha. But not being too big means that I can bang away, balls deep, inside my partners with as much energy and passion as I can muster at my age and be confident that I am not going to hurt them if I do. I have nevertheless have a horrible fascination with big cocks; I love some of the 'big cock' shows in the bars and night clubs of Pattaya, and of course it would seem that just about every male pornstar is well above average in size. Compare the cock-sizes of the Helix boys for instance with that of the stated USA average. But when it comes to me being a bottom , there is no way anything above average is coming anywhere near my hole!, although I am happy to suck,stroke and admire the monsters. There is also the question of aesthetics, too many big cocks are thick and heavily veined, quite ugly in fact IMHO. Give me a more normal size, smooth cock with a pretty head emerging from the foreskin as it grows and hardens and I am in heaven, I will do whatever the lad likes to his cock, and he can do whatever he like to me with it; perfect!
It is a huge relief to find that I am not alone in my ever morphing sexual preferences. I put on my tag on other forums that my interests are 'anyone who make my cock hard', and that is pretty much it. I am bisexual, but at the moment at least the gay side predominates. From adolescence in the 1960s and 70s I was aware that I had an awakening sexual interest in both sexes; an all boy grammar school no doubt was part of that. But peer pressure and social convention kept the gay-side closeted away, aside from the occasional platonic obsessions. Pattaya changed all that, my first trip in 2009 was all girl, but 'noticing' and feeling curious about ladyboys. Second trip early the following year was principally a girl one, but introducing a couple of (for me) life-changing ladyboy experiences into the mix, and following trips girls and ladyoys. My home life, for various reasons, remained effectively celibate. Then in 2015 a walk of curiosity through Boyztown ended up with my first full gay sex in Scandic Massage (I still see that same boy as one of my 'regulars'), by 2017 my trips were maybe 80% boy with the occasional ladyboy and girl experience thrown in. 2019 and mostly boys but with the occasional girl thrown into a threesome mix. 2020 was a year of internet porn at home, mostly gay, but also bisexual threesomes and the odd ladyboy. Like I said, anyone who makes my cock hard! Hopefully I can return later this year, who knows, and who knows who will be sharing my bed this time?
For me, it is often the other way around. It is me who says that to I guy I have offed before in the hope that they remember me. Most will at least pretend to remember me; well they would wouldn't they haha, there would probably at least be a drink in it for them, maybe more. But it is often quickly apparent whether they really do remember me or not, no matter how much my ego would like to hope they would. One or two do remember my name, one or two remember me but can't remember my name. One of my regulars over the last five or six years still just calls me 'Darling', mostly I think because he had difficulty pronouncing my name - and believe me we have had 'coaching' sessions - but to no avail. A great night out and a great shag with a beautiful boy, and the chances are we will remember them for the rest of our lives, but for the lad himself, we are usually just another passing customer who he won't necessarily expect to see again.
Haha, I defy anyone not to have a good time in NIce Boys ! haha - my favourite gay bar in Pattaya; happy, hands-on, debauchery! More generally, I have an exPat friend who lives not to far away from Sunee and I get regular reports from him, indeed he may wish to comment further himself...... It would seem that Sunee hangs on, with Nice Boys and Winner Boys being the main draws; Jomtien Complex also hangs on, particularly @Home Bar and Sun Bar, but it is BoysTown itself that is really struggling. Drink prices in BT are almost twice that of JC or Sunee. Sunee offers hands-on fun, JC offers companionable open fronted bars, and basically BT is a tourist trap for the wealthier foreign visitors. Ok so that's obviously a pretty simplistic assessment, but it does help explain why JC and Sunee can (mosty) struggle-on with exPat custom and BT lies mostly closed up (my long-time from Toy Boys says his bar is simply resting up, but thinks BBB has now gone for good - others may know different of course).
I try and ignore them now, Every time I see one that I like the look of and click on him - he is never the one that opens on my screen, and when I try and back track the one I like is long gone. Very frustrating. If I want to see boys 'live' I look to another 'Chat....' site haha
The various lockdowns seem to be affecting us all in different ways now! haha
I have my regulars, I love my regulars, and, particularly now, I look forward so much to seeing them again. That said, the best performances come from those of them who I do see again and again, but not on a predictable basis. They know I like them, they know I will treat them well but they also know I am essentially a 'butterfly' and that they have to compete for my time (and money!). That keeps them keen and anxious to please. Sexually I do less well with my either my long, long-times (effectively holiday live-ins) and almost predictable daily short-times, they can easily get lazy and blaze and stop trying so hard, but I am, at least partially, compensated by their companionship which I often crave as much as the sex itself.