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Everything posted by Vessey

  1. I wish I had, I am basically a 60 year old overweight guy with a largely desk-bound job, and my stamina is not what it was. This was really brought home to me later in my holiday when I had food poisoning and my energy levels and libido dropped to almost nil for a number of days.
  2. In terms of the ladyboys, don't forget that when I first came to Pattaya I was an all-girl, and girl only guy. That graduated to girls and the occasional ladyboy. then it was 50:50 girls and ladyboys, and now, this year I have been putting boys into the mix. I like to think of myself as an 'equal opportunities' bar-finer ! LOL So for a straight guy, ladyboys represented a 'walk on the wild-side' and to be honest I found that I loved playing with their cocks. A surprisingly high percentage of my straight friends in Pats have dabbled with ladyboys - although they don't always admit it! LOL In terms of STDs, I guess we all have our own thresholds as to how far we go. I always insist on condoms for anal sex, but oral sex has never bothered me. But that's just me.
  3. Mostly on Soi 6 the 'in house' barfine in 300 baht and the girl/ladyboy/boy (there are a couple of boys) would expect 1,000 baht. Take out barfine varies from 500 - 600 baht and the overnight 'Long Time' expectation is usually 2,000 baht. More or less the same as most beer bars but a world apart from some of the current asking prices in Walking Street.
  4. I have put a short run of days as boy activity was fairly limited. Day 2, Friday 21st August 2015 It was near 11am when I woke and went down to breakfast. Back to my room and 1pm is fast approaching and with it a desire to visit Chai again for a massage. I send him a message and he is again waiting for me and leads me in through the main shop across a wide common hallway and into their massage rooms with the mattresses in rows on the floor, some are in part-walled compartments but all are closed off on a least one side by a thin curtain – a one-way curtain, see through from one side, allegedly un-see-through on the other. I strip and lie down on my stomach and Chai begins his massage on my back and shoulders, works down to my bum, then does each leg in turn before returning to my lower back and bum – and then the turn over. As ever I am hard as a rock, and as ever he ignores it until the massage is complete, only then does her turn his attention to my cock by which time I am almost exploding with anticipation. 10 to 15 pleasurable minutes of this and then he concludes with a head massage as I lie back into his lap. This is the point when he gets really chatty. It’s a busy shop and he can get several massages a day most days, even in low season, but he insists that he doesn’t do extras with anyone else and that he survives on their tips and some nationalities he tells me with a hint of bitterness are generally less generous with their tips than others. When he tells me how much others tip I appreciate why he is so keen to see me every day! LOL Again I change more £ on the way back – I do like to keep a small reserve in the room safe – just in case! I also message a regular girl I see, Lee, on the way back, does she want to come and see me this afternoon? – yes! when? – 4pm ok? – yes! By 7pm the Short Time with Lee is finished, she has been fed and we have had a couple of drinks with friends. So I freshen up and change – massage time again I think – and I get a taxi baht to Soi 13/4. Again, pre-warned, Vit is waiting for me and in we go. (Vit hates the flash of my camera and rarely will he look straight at the lens) This time I have brought a condom with me – one that fits me – tonight I shall be fucking him! LOL He makes a pretence at resisting but is soon on all fours, head-down and ass-up and I am lubing his bum! Took a while to get my cock inside him, but once it was and he began to feel comfortable, we were off in various different positions. But I couldn’t cum – no way! Not to worry a mutual BJ and HJ and we had soon both cum! – I swallowed – he didn’t! LOL Vit was my only sexual partner this trip that got me to cum every time I went with him, as indeed did he! Under an hour this time which was helpful as I had arranged to meet a ladyboy I knew called Nicky on Soi 8 at 9pm and even though I felt sure she would be late, I was determined not to be. She arrived and after a tour of LB bars, we returned to my hotel – she was to be my Long Time for the next week. Day 3, Saturday 22nd August 2015 It was wonderful waking up to see this shock of blond hair lying next to me with this beautiful ladyboy attached to it. Gradually she surfaced too, even without make-up on she still looks stunning. It was past mid-day as we showered and returned to bed, we hadn’t fucked last night, but we were going to now! Thirty minutes later, maybe forty and I was back in the shower washing my cum off my body – Nicky had done a good job. But breakfast passed leisurely and pleasantly, after which she was going to head back to her room, I would be meeting her again tonight at 10pm at Pussy Club. Now I was free to do the minor running-around chores and then make the most of my day. I had decided against a massage with Chai this morning, I didn’t want him to expect to be able to see me every day, I wanted him to think that I had other options! LOL And to be honest, I was still feeling quite bowled-over by Nicky arriving back on the scene and back in my bed. I returned to my room, the maid had already completed her task and everywhere was clean and tidy and the bed re-made. But after an hour or so of watching TV and catching-up with these notes boredom had set in. A walk down Soi Six couldn’t hurt? 4pm and Soi 6 should have been teeming with farang, but hardly anyone about – I felt a real handsome man again – even the little cuties were flashing winsome smiles at me! But I was immune to their charms and continued down the Soi towards Beach Road. I got no further than Kiss Kool and a short Time with a pretty little ladyboy called Bella. Back to my room to rest a little and check for FaceBook messages. Ordered a cup of tea and a kitchen snack to my room. The girls always bring the food to your room with change for 1k baht all ready so that you can pay there and then without them having to trudge back up the stairs with change. Now there was another ladyboy high up on my bucket list who goes by the name of Mo-Likes-Sex – or Mo for short. I had yet to meet her but I had discovered that she was now based in Z-Bar right next to the Queen Victoria. We had been sending each other a few messages and there was one now telling me that she was in Z-Bar and waiting for me! Well I felt rested, the Cialis was working, so why not. Down I went to Z-Bar – we recognised each others photos straight away. A quick drink inside. Mo isn’t the prettiest ladyboy perhaps, but she just oozes horniness – a quick kiss over the drinks I had just ordered and she had her tongue down my throat within seconds and her hand on my crotch squeezing my cock into life. No problem with the cock-hardening test here – no problem at all! So would she like Short Time now?, her answer was to press my hand into her crotch – she was hard already – so that’s a yes then! Better yet as we were only going to be going next door so to speak I could take her to my room for the usual in-house ST barfine of 300 baht. So up to my room we went. A great little Short Time with two condoms used, one farang sized the other Thai sized! Never was a ladyboy more aptly named. Mo-Likes-Sex – she certainly does! She dresses, is photographed, and leaves. Me, I curl up on the bed in a foetal position and sleep for a while: my bum hurts! Almost time to head down to Pussy Club to await the arrival of Nicky, quick shower first and I am out the door. I want to be there for 10pm even though it is highly unlikely that Nicky will be – with her any arranged time is more of a sort of vague guideline for her. Each time it seems to require a couple of texts and a phone call before she finally shows up. She arrives about 10.20pm – pretty good for Nicky! LOL She looks stunning as ever, a real head-turner! And now what? – visits to various Soi 6 bars with my 'arm-candy' and then more LB bars further afield. But now its back to the room time, I am dog-tired and content to let Nicky give me a BJ to help me sleep. I didn’t cum of course, but what better way to relax for sleep than to have Nicky sucking gently away on your cock. Did I fall asleep as she ‘worked’?. Maybe, I have no idea really, and she certainly wouldn’t tell me in the morning when I asked! LOL Day 4, Sunday 23rd August 2015 This morning Nicky was awake before me, she had showered and returned to bed to wake me and encourage me to do the same. Seeing that she already had laid out the condom and the KY I didn’t need to be asked a second time and soon I was showered and alongside her. Breakfast together downstairs and we make arrangements to meet at Sky Bar tonight at 10pm. Time to visit Chai for a massage again! Bless him he was there waiting for me as I arrived. Shoes off outside of course, and then through and into the room with all the mattresses. It was busy and we got about the only vacant mattress left, suitably curtained off – I could see nothing through the curtain to my one side but could see through into the other mattress of the other side – so presumably we were visible to our neighbours on the first side? Why is that important, because Chai will almost certainly refuse to stroke my cock if he thinks he can be seen by anyone doing so. But actually right this moment I was more concerned about the intensity of the oil massage that was about to happen. Once again his massage exceeded expectations leaving me fully relaxed both mentally and physically. Well all except one small part of me that was anything but relaxed. But the sound of back slaps to my one (invisible) side heralded the completion of their massage and Chai felt emboldened to start to ‘take care’ of my little ‘problem’. As ever he wasn’t going for a ‘finish’ but kept me fully hard and even ‘dribbling’ for a good 15 minutes. (not my pc, his girlfriend is in the back with red leggings) He chats away as he does so, and leaving my cock to wither, he sits behind me and massages my face and scalp – talking almost non-stop as he does so. I love his banter about his village life and his girlfriend and the future he hopes to build for them both. If my ‘extras’ tip helps him even a little with his ambitions then I feel happy, and, of course, my cock feels even more happy! LOL Later I see an old girlfriend, Kitty, who travels from Lop Buri every holiday to see me for a Short Time. She is well rewarded for her efforts, she is almost 30 now, but still a stupendous shag. I love her to bits but she is a crazy girl and one day each holiday is about all I can cope with! LOL I bid her farewell until my next trip and watch with my usual mixture of sadness and relief as she disappears into the distance – for another 6 months or more! Actually talking of relief – another massage is calling to me – it is almost 8pm and so I take a taxi-bike to Soi 13/4 and head off into BoyzTown to see Vit. Again an advanced message and he is waiting for me, giving me a hug and ushering me into the shop and to reception to pay. Up to the room, shower together and then I lie on the towels as he starts to massage my back and legs, I feel his naked body on mine, I feel his already hard cock brushing against me from time to time. Right now I want to enjoy the massage, my shoulder blades need to un-knit from the traumas of Kitty’s visit. Flipping over onto my back I reach for Vit’s cock to stroke it – he already has a condom on the randy little bugger! This time it seemed to hurt even more as he entered me, but he seemed more sexually anxious this time and keen to get inside me. But after a few thrusts, still almost more than I could stand, he had cum. Condom off and a wipe down of his cock and he has moved up so that I can reach and suck his cock as he starts to do the same to me. Even with the last bead of cum still oozing from his cock he is starting to get hard again. Little bugger cums a second time as he is getting me to cum. By the time we finish Vit has cum three times, once I had to wipe his cum off me, the other time I just had to swallow! LOL What it is to be young, fit and horny. He tells me that when he finishes work at 1am he and his friend go to the gym together for about an hour to do ‘fitness’. He is a skinny little mongrel really, but he keeps himself remarkably fit not withstanding! We shower together again before dressing. I have enough time to get a baht bus back to Soi 6 and go and change in my room before slipping down to Sky Bar to wait for Nicky. Nicky arrives more or less on time and stays for a couple of drinks – but then she wants to bail. Some preposterous excuse about how one of her arms hurts. She clearly has other plans tonight, she keeps apologising and promising me that she will be with me tomorrow night without fail. So I have little option but to buy into the excuse and put a brave face on as she departs. Its gone Twelve before I head back to the Queen Victoria facing the prospect of sleeping alone, but no, instead I phone another regular girl, Pee Mai, who is with me within the hour to keep me company as I sleep.
  5. Vessey’s Trip Report: 20th August to 14th September 2015 Pre-preamble This is an abridged version of a Trip Report that I have posted on another forum; my 14th Trip Report on that forum. I am coming to terms with finally accepting (priovately at least) that I am bi-sexual, as my holiday partners range from girls, ladyboys and boys, but only the girls and ladyboys are acceptable on that forum, so the boy-bits were edited out. Here I have forefronted the boy-bits and edited down the girl/ladyboy bits. I have to make some mention of them otherwise the flow of the report would become severly compromised. I am posting this Trip Report in diary form, day by day, but there were some days when there was no boy activity at all, and also some days when a virulent tummy bug and consequent dehydration kept me largely in bed all day and generally reduced my libido. So, if there are days missing, or I lump some days together – that's why! Anyhow, this is my first real venture on this forum and I know I am very much the newbie here – so please treat me kindly! LOL I had first 'dabbled' with the boys of Pattaya last January, my earlier 'curiosity' of the local Karaoke Boys finally got the better of me. For me this represented a journey of self-awareness that had begun on my first trip back in 2009. In that now famous article in The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2012/feb/01/top-five-regrets-of-the-dying from a long-time palliative nurse entitled ‘The Five Top Regrets of the Dying’, the most common one was this: I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. Well Pattaya has offered me the freedom to do just that, even though it sadly still needs to be confined to my holiday activities. My regret is that it has taken me until I was 60 to do so! Introduction Earlier this spring I had again booked an economy flight with Eva Air at, again, about £500, with a bit extra added for using a credit card. I was to fly on Tuesday the 19th of August and arrive the following day. I had booked to return home on the 20th September but later put that back a few days so as not to miss a ‘lock-in’ party at O Bar on Soi 6 on the 20th, a decision made easier by finding that it would only cost me about £40 to do so and that a crucial diary appointment for the 21st had been put back a couple of weeks. So I had 25 nights in prospect, my longest ever holiday in Thailand. The flight was paid for and a substantial deposit made on my hotel booking at the Queen Victoria on Soi 6; my favourite room had in fact been reserved since the previous summer. My challenge over the months leading up to my holiday was to raise sufficient spending money; my target was to have 10k baht a day available should I need it. On previous trips I had sometimes found myself spending more than that and sometimes less. Indeed as the months slowly wound down towards August my desire to save money had become almost an obsession. I was able to make several transfers to my K bank account and I had made arrangements with my bank to take in the bundle of scruffy £5, £10 and £20 notes I had accumulated and see them swapped for shiny new unmarked £50 notes to take with me. Encouragingly the exchange rate continued to improve and looked set to be back to 50baht+ to the £ on my arrival. If my obsession with raising spending cash had been successful, my physical preparations had been all but ignored. My weight was back up – not as high as it had been, but more than I had been in January. I had busied myself around the house and garden but hadn’t done the planned daily walks I had done in the weeks leading up to my previous trips. And therein lay a problem that I was only to recognise as my holiday progressed. I had kinda hoped that a plentiful supply of Cialis tablets (my neighbour GP had again taken pity on me) would compensate for the many months of my largely sedentary, office-bound work-life: they didn’t! The prospect of leaving England an aging, overweight, unfit slob and disembarking in Bangkok as this athletic lothario seemed all part of the fantasy that my holiday promised. I will not make that mistake again; next time I need to work on my physical fitness as well as my bank balance! My bags were packed a day or two beforehand, unpacked – re-checked against my packing list, and re-packed – always the nagging doubt lingers that something has been missed. My son had been taken to the local supermarket and an unfeasibly large trolley full of food crammed into both fridge and freezer. He and his girlfriend would be house-sitting. Suspecting that would not last more than a few days I had also once again arranged for a line of credit at the local shop for him. My work commitments were completed, my e-mails all up-to-date, the grass around the gardens and orchard was all cut, and the house relatively tidy; in short I was ‘good to go’! I had made arrangements for a taxi to drive me to Heathrow. The driver was on time as always and we set off about 4pm and had a pleasant and leisurely drive down to Heathrow. My flight wasn’t until about 9.30pm and I had already checked-in on line and reserved my seat. The English skies became more overcast as our drive progressed, and by the time we were approaching Terminal 2 at Heathrow it was raining hard; the prospect of taking-off for the warmer climes of Thailand seemed even more inviting. With a little help I use one of the ‘check-in’ stands to confirm my arrival and by 6.30pm, absurdly early really, I was through security and into the departure lounges, still a couple of hours before my ‘gate’ opened. Normally I begrudge the over-inflated prices of food and drinks at English (indeed any) airports and I had resolved to sit and read a newspaper for a couple of hours and wait to get fed on the plane in a few hours time. Well the first hour passed ok, but the second hour started to pall and my hunger pangs increased and not surprisingly my resolve to be frugal and wait started to weaken. What the hell, this was the start of my holiday – I walked to the nearest restaurant and ordered their biggest cheese (and bacon) burger, a bowl of hand-cut chips and some freshly cut chunks of bread and butter. Complete with a large cappuccino I feasted like a king! And at just over £20 it wasn’t really all that expensive. Back to sitting and waiting, and the time for announcing the Boarding Gate came and went, there was a delay. Finally it was announced , one of the B gates with a lengthy walk in prospect. Still more delays, and some of the passengers were getting both fractious and noisy. It became clear that our flight had only just landed and there were further delays until even the waiting cabin crew boarded. But at last, about an hour later than advertised, we were boarded and starting the taxi-ing to the run-way to take off. I had booked an aisle seat and my hand-luggage (I only ever take hand-luggage) safely stowed, I was buckled-up and ready for my ears to start popping as we gained altitude. The food was ok – can't remember what it was, and I settled down to check-out the on-flight entertainment and particularly the films. They did their job and I watched and dozed my way through the next ten hours or so until the second meal was being served. We had made-up some time but were still landing some 40 minutes later than advertised and my immediate thoughts were as to whether or not the taxi that I had booked through the Queen Victoria would still be waiting? Day 1, Thursday 20th August 2015 Our delay had meant that we had had to circle Bangkok a couple of times before a runway was clear for us to land. Disembarking I began my usual ‘brisk’ walk along the first section of the ‘walkway’ as I sought the comfort of the first toilets. Suitably comforted I headed to Immigration, it was fairly light but still took about 15 mins to get through. As I stood waiting at Immigration I called the taxi driver – good, he was still there and waiting at the pre-arranged spot. But I had a second mission – I needed to try and ‘register’ my Sim card for my Thai phone. I was out of time – but my existing number still worked – but for how much longer. I found the ‘True Move’ Kiosk and queued , my turn came and I approached the desk only to get pushed aside by a portly gentlemen from a neighbouring sub-continent, but thankfully the staff pointed out that there was a queue and sent him, crestfallen, to the back of it. Not that I need have bothered, the girl, having taken my phone apart and checked my passport then told me that I couldn’t register my existing Sim card there and told me to go and try at a bigger shop in Pattaya. Leaving me to re-assemble my phone I put it down to a ‘This is Thailand’ moment and went and found my taxi driver. Not met this particular guy before but I felt sorry for him, he had already been waiting 2 hours for me! I sat comfortably in the back and dozed my way through the 90 minutes it took from leaving Suvarnabhumi to pulling-up at the back of the Queen Victoria on Soi 6/1. I gave the driver a couple of hundred baht as a tip – well deserved I thought. Entered the hotel through the back-door and made my way round to reception, the staff were all familiar and I was welcomed back. Checking of passports, form filling and paying the balance of my hotel bill (I always try and pay in full up-front), I am led up to boss Vic’s office to collect my travel bag and straw hat that I had stowed away again after my last trip. Then up more stairs to my top floor room – my 'home from home' for the next three weeks! It was around 6pm and time for a lean over the balcony to savour my return to Soi 6 – not many people about – then the shit, shower and shave, change of clothes and ready to emerge out onto the Soi! I had already decided to start with an oil massage – I tried to have one every day – but didn’t quite manage that. Last trip I had been seeing a Cambodian boy, called Chai, who worked at a massage shop on Second Road just past McDonalds. I had kept in touch with him via Facebook over the last few months and had learnt that he had moved to a bigger shop, ‘D-Dan Massage’ a little-bit further down Second Road opposite Alcazar. His boss owns three shops and this is the biggest. I had messaged him that I was on my way. He was waiting for me with a huge smile across his face – business had been slack. Actually there was quite a team there, about 50% girls, 25% ladyboys and 25% boys. Chai had moved there with his long-time girlfriend who is also Cambodian. Above all else Chai does a really great, firm oil massage. As a shop they do not routinely do ‘extras’, but as just about every oil massage I have ever had gives me an erection, Chai will give a HJ for a larger tip. Last trip he got me to completion but was scared that I had made too much noise when I cum. There are only thin curtains separating most of the mattresses and it is usually quite busy. As Chai progressed with the massage, all the tiredness and stress of my journey started to melt away and I felt totally relaxed. As predicted my cock was happily waving at him as I turned over; he ignores it until he has finished the massage and then a trickle of oil along my cock and I feel his hand start to stroke me. This lasted for about 10-15 minutes and carried out in the same relaxed and measured way he had massaged the rest of me. Almost like a ‘Tantric’ hand-job! both relaxing and stimulating, but never likely to get me to finish. All the time he happily chatters away about his home, his village and his girl, asking me lots of questions about England. I absolutely love-it! And well worth the extra tip he gets, although for show I still have to tip him 100 baht as I pay and leave. We were to go though this performance together many times this holiday! As I leave I pay the girl outside the 300 baht for the massage, give Chai his show tip, and get a beaming smile from his girlfriend to boot! (I wonder what he tells her? ) As I pass the K Bank ATM on the way back I take out some cash from my K Bank, and then at the top of Soi 6 I use the exchange booth there to change some £. The rate here is consistently about 1 baht higher than the K-Bank exchange. They ask to see your passport (well some staff there do – others don’t bother), but they are content with the laminated credit-card sized copy of the main page that I carry around with me. Back to the Queen Victoria to stash the cash and the bank card, and then out down Soi 6 to Pussy Club to say hello to my friends there. Pussy Club was once-again to be my bar of choice this holiday. By 9pm I was getting horny and thinking about my second massage venue that I had again visited numerous times on my last trip. This involves Vit, also Cambodian, who works at Scandic Massage on Pattaya Land Soi 3 (Boyz Town) on the corner with Second Road. This is more of a Soi Honey type massage shop. Vit has also been warned of my arrival and is on the look-out for me as I approach. Here you pay 1,500 baht at the desk for massage and ‘sex with boy’ and you then go upstairs to a series of individual massage rooms – yes very similar to the Soi 6 ST rooms. Shower first, we shower together and he washes me – something he does both before and after each ‘massage’. Then to the room, lie face down and he begins, and spends maybe 15 minutes massaging my back – I think he only spends that long because he knows I like it. Then it is turn-over time! Now back in January, when I first chanced upon Vit, he had a live-in girlfriend and was decidedly not ‘gay’, but had decided that he could take advantage of his pretty-boy looks by being ‘gay for pay’. But he didn’t kiss and he didn’t suck cock and he didn’t fuck – although I believe most of his fellow masseurs do. Anyhow as we got to know each other better in January he relaxed his guard more and more to the point where he even let me fuck him- although I don’t think that he had really enjoyed it. I have also kept in contact with Vit via Facebook over the last few months, to the point where he needed cash and he traded me 4 free ‘STs/massages’ in exchange for payment up-front. The difficulty was going to be how to collect when I had to pay up-front when I entered the ‘shop’? The solution I came up with was this, I had gotten into the habit of tipping him if he made me cum – which he invariably did – and which he successfully continued to do throughout this holiday. I would simply hold back on those tips until the ‘debt’ was cleared (well a token clearance anyway). He was more than happy with that arrangement. Vit always strips off now to give me the massage and as I was lying face down I felt his cock brush along my bum crack as he did so – little bugger was hard already wasn’t he! He was also more open to mutual HJs and BJs than before; not only that, I lay on my back with my legs wrapped around him as he knelt between my legs, his hands working away on my cock, he announced that this time he was going to fuck me. Well that was a new experience that I both dreaded and yet felt curious about. What’s more I could feel his cock brush against my bum as he was telling me this? Had he a condom? – he never usually did – I usually had to bring my own. But yes he had and it was soon on and I did my best to relax (as I knew I had to) as he pressed forward. There was a sharp pain as the head of his cock pushed through my sphincter, but it started to ease. He was clearly as horny as hell as he cum after a minute or two. He then lay alongside me and kissed me and sucked and stroked my cock until I cum – and boy did I cum – in spurts. Afterwards I lay there like a limp rag as I pondered on what had just happened and how I felt about it (not just physically). Meanwhile Vit was mopping me up and lay back alongside me and chatted away – he is not as talkative as Chai, but we still had quite a conversation as I recovered my breath and my heart had stopped pounding quite so hard. No mention of his girlfriend – he lives on his own now (thinking about it nothing about her on FB for a few months either). He clearly feels far more comfortable with his ‘gay for pay’ activities, and although they very clearly they turn him on, he still denies being gay. His cock is already hardening in my hand and I start stroking it again and he is very soon fully hard again. This time I give him a BJ and after a few minutes he has cum again and I am spitting into a tissue. Time for showers again. I saw Vit 10 times during my holiday and each time he got me to cum and each time he cum at least once – often two times, occasionally three. Business is very slow at the moment for him, and he told me that I remained his only customer throughout my stay in Pattaya – bullshit maybe, but on this and all my subsequent visits I only recall once when there was another room in use at the same time. It is a very quiet low season for most places in Pattaya. (not my pic) But I was not finished with Boyztown yet. I had heard of the shows at some of the Agogos there, in particular the one at Boyz Boyz Boyz, just up from Vit’s shop. The shows started at 10.30pm and now it was 10.15 so in I went and sat on a seat to one side rather than down in the ‘auditorium’ , the stage lay in front of me to the right. It was reasonably full but not rammed by any means. In fact the boys dancing on stage and on the podia outnumbered the customers. The first thing that struck me were the wide range of ‘boys’ working there – ranging from the young and feminine looking to the older, beefcake guys. I looked around for any that I fancied, and in the end there was only one, No. 23, clad, as were the others, in tight briefs, his bulge, if it was all his, suggesting that he was a big lad. But the other thing I noticed was that he had the top of a 1k baht note carefully showing above the waistband of his briefs – he clearly had other fans. Then the show started – it was, under various guises, a series of cock-show acts. The first act concluded with the guys each flashing their ‘erect’ cocks (cock-rings apparently), most, but not all, with condoms on. Then a black curtain was suspended across the stage and different guys lined up hidden behind it. The music starts and their cocks all appear through hitherto unseen slits in the curtain, again all erect and waving about to the rhythm of the music. Then the curtain drops and the boys – all naked, get off the stage and move amongst the audience each carrying a small plastic hat. The practice was apparently that you put 100 baht into the hat and you can then stroke their cock for about a minute. The five or six 100 baht notes in my wallet soon disappeared as they queued up to take my cash. Hang-on guys I have only two hands! One young guy without a condom lingered with me for a while – but I didn’t really fancy him at all. I have to say that all these guys had big cocks, one or two were real whoppers – all this crap about Thai guys having small cocks – its bullshit! Left at this point, onto another place back on Soi 13/4 called Vassa Agogo that I had heard good things about. I went in, I was the only customer, the five guys on stage, stood up and started their Pattaya shuffle hopefully, sadly none of them were likely to pass my cock-hardening test, and although they each had those think white baggy shorts on – I clearly wasn’t passing theirs either. Just the one drink, but changing a 1k baht note I took pity on them and tipped them each 100 baht as I left – they looked both surprised and grateful. Me, well my gay side now felt fully satiated for now, and it was time for a baht bus back to Soi 6. It was gone midnight and the lack of customers along Soi 6 was palpable, some bars were already closing. I felt tired and my tanks had been successfully emptied by Vit and I was feeling content to sleep alone tonight.
  6. I joined this forum a few months ago and spent 3 weeks in August September in Pattaya - my 14th trip there. I have been and remain a long-standing member of another general Pattaya forum and that is where I have posted Trip Reports of my activities. When I first went in 2009 it was just girls, then it developed into girls and ladyboys, and then in January this year I had my first gay massages and trips to BoyzTown (as well as girls and ladyboys too). This last trip I did all that and more, and even had a boy Long-Time for 8 days. My main forum can cope with my girl and ladyboy adventures, but my boy activities would be too much for them. So here I am, reading, exploring your forum and maybe posting some of my holiday activities and pictures in the weeks to come.
  7. Really enjoyed this Trip Report, both entertaining and informative as I take my first faltering steps into the gay scene in Pattaya.
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