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Everything posted by Vessey

  1. One of my oldest friends at home is gay and he has known he was gay since puberty - we often talk about our respective holidays - but he isn't the slightest bit interested in LBs - he likes men, and he likes his men to look like men, pure and simple. I can understand that. Me, well came at this from an entirely different direction. Pretty much totally straight for most of my life, discovered Pattaya, discovered ladyboys and then discovered that I didn't just find their femininity attractive, but I also enjoyed playing with their cocks as well. I then realised that I found some of the cute karaoke boys very attractive, and then finally 'made the jump to light-speed' last January with my two massage boys, Vit in particular. So I have extended from just girls, to girls and LBs and now girls, LBs and boys. Its just a different perspective that's all!
  2. Think there was one day when I cum three times (and the third was just a dribble LOL). I usually take one Cialis tablet a day (don't ask me what size they are LOL - pretty tiny ones), but this time there were several days when I felt sufficiently unwell not to bother. I also take zinc tablets every day (at home as well) and those apparently help keep the sperm flowing! I would have to say that my boy experiences this trip were, on the whole, better than any with the girls or LBs - the details of those encounters would have been less interesting I can assure you. Don't think that I cum with poor little Lee once this holiday And of course with Chai I only cum one or maybe two times in all the encounters we had - not that was what the intention was - just loved having my cock stroked.. LOL
  3. I don't think that there is any set format for TRs; on the other forum I post on there is a wide range - different formats, different styles and, of course, wildly different content. I write, fundamentally for my own future benefit, but of course I get a kick when others appreciate my efforts - who wouldn't. In my home and professional life I write extensively, but mostly pretty dry (and boring) reports or academic stuff - at least with my TRs I have the freedom to write in what I hope is an entertaining way - and actually I really enjoy the opportunity of doing so.
  4. Yes I do have several sexual encounters a day, most days, when I am feeling well - although I certainly don't cum every time - far from it. Once a day maybe (but not even every day) and occasionally twice - but those are uncommonly good days! LOL Yes, the Soi 6 thing..... difficult to explain, but I will give it a go. Absolutely, Pattaya should be a playground where we can explore and enjoy our sexuality and, byenlarge it is just that. However, the bulk of establishments still cater for straight customers. Nowdays I have had no problem taking ladyboys anywhere in Soi 6 or Walking Street, or anywhere else in Pattaya - I do it without thinking now, although I recognise that there is still some hatred towards LBs in parts of the straight community. But those farang friends who know me along the bars of Soi 6 have no problem with me going with both girls and LBs, although some of the girls wont go with me because I go with LBs but not many. Now if I appeared in those same bars with J I am not sure how I would be received, but I accept that the problem may well be mostly in my own head? I am going back in January for 10 days and I will be staying at the Queen Victoria again, and I will hopefully be seeing J again (he is certainly very keen to do so at the moment) - so we will have to see what happens...... LOL
  5. As my trips and trip reports have progressed over the last few years I have learned to take daily notes, otherwise as the days/weeks pass one encounter just blurs into another. I used to use my breakfasts down in the restaurant of the Queen Victoria to do that as I would often be eating breakfast alone. But this time some of my down-time/rests in my room afforded me that opportunity. Takes about 20-30 minutes each day - or two cups of coffee! When I return home it is a combination of my photos and those notes that enables me to 'write-up' my trip-reports, which, in turn, serve me as an 'aide-memoire' in the months to come (and writing up a TR also proves quite cathartic for me in dealing with the post-Pattaya-blues!). Of course a few encounters are just indelibly etched into the memory (at least for now) and keep me warm on cold English winter nights! LOL
  6. I didn't have quite as many LB encounters this trip, but most were from Soi 6 (Nicky was from Soi 8 ). Boys are a rarity on Soi 6 I have to admit, but both boys that I saw in these bars appeared to be 'working', but neither were quite my 'cup of tea' and also, I regret to say, I am shy of letting the Soi 6 community know of my bisexual side. I am going to have to face that if I see J again in January (which we are planning to do), and I still don't know how I feel about that.
  7. I budget on 10,000 baht a day, mostly I spend less than this (when I was ill it was far less than this) and very occasionally I spend more. But its my rule-of-thumb budget when I plan my holidays. If I just kept the one partner each day and didn't 'butterfly' around I could easily keep it to half that amount or less.
  8. Day 25, Sunday 13th September 2015 My last full day, but also a surprisingly full and active day – apart from the occasional toilet visit I was to feel as well as I had on any day this holiday. I woke relatively early to a ping of a text from my Australian friend – did I want breakfast at 11am – yes ok. 11am arrives and I am showered and dressed and J is still sleeping like a baby, so I leave him with the door key still inserted so that the fan keeps going. I head down to see my friend who, as ever, is already there. His holiday has several weeks yet to run, mine finishes tomorrow morning. Back up to J, the maid kindly lets me back in, he is awake, but he is also clearly a troubled little cherub, his boss has phoned him, there is a discrepancy of over 600 baht in what he says the till took and what is in the cash box. He is not blaming J as he thinks he knows who took it, but J is feeling responsible as cashier. He needs to have his mind taken off it! LOL I undress have a shower and come back to bed with him – he knows immediately what’s on my mind and at first he feigns disinterest but lots of hugs and kisses and he warms to the situation and reaches round to feel my cock which is hard and ready. He strokes it a while and then sucks on it, and, as I reach for the KY and lie on my back he straddles me and slowly lowers himself onto my cock. I see the grimace on his face as my cock pushes through his sphincter but then he is smiling again and starts to ride me, slowly at first and then a bit faster. I watch in fascination as his cock first starts to thicken, and then stiffen as he does so. I also note that it is no longer bandaged and gently I reach to stroke it; he doesn’t stop me. Its clearly still a bit tender especially when I pull his foreskin back to expose the head of his cock – it really is quite a pretty one! Time to change and I encourage him onto all fours and push his shoulders down so that his bum is fully exposed to me and I watch intently as I get behind him and ease my cock back into his ass again. He is taking the full length without any problem and my balls bang gently on his bum every time I get fully inside him. I must watch too much porn but I love seeing my cock almost totally withdraw and then push back inside again. Ease him onto his back, push a pillow under his bum so I can get deeper, and he raises his legs and I feel his hands on my bum cheeks gently pulling me in. I up the pace a bit now and he is still smiling at me, it feels so good and within a few minutes I can feel my cum rapidly building up. He is stroking his cock as I do so. I cum first deep inside him and my body gives an involuntary shudder as I do so. He still hasn’t cum himself yet. I withdraw quickly but carefully so as not to hurt him and then shuffle down until my mouth is almost touching his cock. I pull his foreskin fully back and slowly and gently start licking the head of his cock. He is trying to push me away but his hips are now bucking like mad and he cums on my face and in my mouth. There is a look of both pain and ecstasy on his face which then breaks into this huge smile. Despite the fact that I still have his cum in my mouth and on my chin he reaches down, puts his hands on either side of my face and pulls my head up and kisses me deeply as his legs wrap around mine. That was good!, in fact it was bloody good!, best session with him yet. He is hungry now and orders room service, I have to yell at him to grab a towel as he wanders naked to open the door for the girl bringing the food! LOL He sits on his towel on the floor to eat, watching TV of course as he does. He dresses, he has to go, he is going to buy a new cash-box for his boss – one with a key! I had seen the old one it was an old plastic food tub with a press-down lid! Pausing only for another Cialis tablet, followed by another (largely precautionary) trip to the toilet, and I was already contemplating my final massage this holiday with Chai. It was later than I normally go and when I messaged him there was clear sense of relief that I hadn’t forgotten – I wait for you he said with a smiley face added. Chai was inside waiting for me and welcomes me as usual, and all the usual questions about what I was up to – although I never mentioned J. I am going to miss his massages, but I shall also miss his friendly chatter. He was trying to see if there was any way I could come back for a second massage later this evening as I had done once before last holiday but I said there was no way I could today – if he is looking for extra money then he is going to have to earn it now! LOL. The massage itself progressed thoroughly and pleasantly and on turn over time my cock was happily waving at him. When it came to the rub and tug bit I noticed that he was again sitting quite close to me as he did so. Again I reminded him that he would get a double tip if his cock came out. He gave a nervous laugh and said no but I noticed his eyes checking out the curtains to ensure that there were no gaps. I rested my hand on his leg, no reaction, so I moved it up to his cock, again no reaction. So I moved to undo his belt and I felt him pause, but again he didn’t try to stop me. Ok so unzip and tried to pull his trousers down a bit but he had to help me – so he was definitely going for this then. He had coloured pants on and the bulge of his cock was clear, not fully hard yet but he was getting there. A slip of my hand inside his pants and it was wrapped around his cock and I felt it pulse and thicken more. I tried to pull his pants down and again he had to lift his bum and help me. I was now matching him stroke for stroke; a couple of minutes and my fingers were playing with the pre-cum seeping out the head of his cock. Sadly there was no way I could cum but I wanted to watch him cum. He has a stroke himself, and then I take over. Last holiday on the last day in the same situation I had surprised him by leaning over and sucking on the head of his cock as he cum – he clearly remembered and this time kept sufficient distance away. But he was building up to cum I could see that and I tightened my grip just a little and focussed on the head of his cock and ‘bingo!’ out it cum, all over my tummy and cock. Thank heavens for the modesty towel to mop it all up! LOL He was quickly putting his cock back into his trousers as I did so. Once again he had only been prepared to let me do that on the last day. Was it just the extra money, was it because he knew that was what I wanted, or was it just to ensure that he wouldn’t be forgotten over the coming months when I was back in England? Anyhow he had earned his double tip! Everything tidy and my cock starting to soften and he comes up and sits behind my head and massages my head – back to chatting away like nothing had happened. He showed me pictures on his phone of a small brightly coloured scooter he wanted to start buying for him and his girlfriend – ok now I understand the need for extra cash, he wants a deposit/down-payment on a new bike. And thinking about it, of the 25 days of my holiday, I had visited him on 15 of those so he had collectively done quite well out of me as I tip him quite generously I guess – at least most of you would think so. I dress and there is time not only to give him his tip but to take a (badly posed) picture and have a hug from him. As I leave the booth he pats my bum and says ‘see you next year’, and he probably will if he is still working in Pattaya. I pay for the massage and publically tip him and it’s a friendly but unemotional departure. He is a Facebook friend and we keep in touch between my holidays. A final take from the K-Bank ATM – don’t really need it but it’s also good to have a float to bring over with me next time and I still have some left in my account as well. I had kept easily to budget over the last couple of weeks (although I didn’t today), as you will have noticed I was less active and there were a lot less Short Times and, drinking only water, my bar tabs had also been a whole lot smaller. I made my way back to my room at the Queen Victoria, there to start the dismal task of packing. I have my packing list as a check and I tick-off what goes into my take-home bag and what stays in my hotel bag. It really is time to junk some of it. I carry two pairs of shorts for example, I can’t recall ever having worn shorts in Pattaya for many years – at least one needs to go. Long-sleeved shirts – only wore one twice here this time, I have six – four at least can come back to England with me. I have a stock of sprays and medicines that I have been hanging onto for several years – time to heave them out And so it went on, as one of life’s natural hoarders I was quite proud of the full bin and the pile of clothes I left by the door for the cleaner to pick through or dispose of tomorrow as she wanted. The rest of the day was largely a tour of the bars and farewell to friends and one final Short-time up in my room with a girl I had had my sights on since I first arrived three weeks ago, Yui from Pussy Club, a deservedly popular girl on Soi 6 at the moment. It's the evening and outside the weather was deteriorating fast, with thunder playing dramatically over head and the odd heavy spots of rain falling. I still had one visit on my list and it looked like now or never. Taxi-bike to Soi 13/4 and the rain was starting to fall more steadily as I entered Boyztown. Vit thought I had forgotten him (I hadn’t messaged him this time) but he was all smiles as he got up to greet me. Paying up-front at reception as always, he kicks off his shoes at the foot of the stairs and leads me up to our usual room. We both have ‘semi’s’ on as we walk to the shower, I am already a bit wet from the rain. He washes me carefully and then says he will join me shortly, he is going to clean his ass isn’t he. LOL He joins me and we embrace – no tongues, he still doesn’t do tongues! And we agree to dispense with the massage part this time, but the massage oil is there and he puts out two condoms this time! We are still standing together, ensuring that each other’s cock is good and ready. He is clearly enjoying having his cock stroked and played with, the beads of pre-cum are soon oozing from his cock. Instinctively I drop to my knees and start to lick and suck round the head of his cock; and he is soon holding my head in his hands and pressing me into his groin. I look up he has his eyes closed and within seconds he is emptying his balls down my throat – I try not to gag and keep my mouth firmly around his cock until his orgasmic spasms subside. I turn him round to face the wall, spread his legs slightly and lean him forward; my turn now. Lube and condom and I am easing my cock into his ass, I feel him pushing backwards as I do so – he is loving this really isn’t he. Standing here, holding his hips I can fuck him for ages and at different speeds. He shuffles back towards me a bit and bends further forward so that I can get deeper in his ass. I reach round with my right hand, his cock is getting hard again and I stroke it until he takes a hand himself. Ok time for him to kneel on the bed, ass up, head down; his ass is gaping at me as I push in once more. I have lost weight, I can look down and see every thrust I make into him. Then lie him face down with his legs together and I lie on top, still inside him with my legs outside his. This way his ass is clamping down on my cock – I don’t last long, a few more thrusts and I come in the condom. He examines the condom and looks surprised and then gives one of his little laughs. His turn, he kneels in front of me and I lie down with my ass lifted onto his knees and my legs around his waist as he puts his condom on. Lots of lube and I feel the head of his cock pushing at my ‘ring’. I try to relax, and actually its easier this time and feels less uncomfortable as he pushes his way in. He is playing with my cock as he does this but although it thickens a little it is not getting hard again. Now he withdraws and puts a pillow under my bum and lies on top of me and I feel him enter again – easily this time and as he fucks me I wrap my legs around his – I am nowhere near as elastic as him these days but I was doing my best. This time he is fucking me for quite a while before I feel him speed up. Yep, his eyes are closed as well in concentration, a few more thrusts and he cums and he collapses on top of me for a few seconds – he really isn’t very heavy despite all his ‘fitness’ training and attempts to ‘bulk-up’. He rolls off me and lies alongside me with his head resting on my shoulder. He is still trying to get my cock hard again and he has almost succeeded. He moves down to start giving me a BJ – he doesn’t normally like that much, I urge him into ‘69’ so that I can reciprocate. To start with it’s a slow unhurried BJ each. Sadly he won’t get me to cum and for a while I doubt I can get him to cum again, but I keep going, giving it my best and use my hand to play with his balls or push a finger gently into his ass. Can’t see his eyes this time, but when his hips start to buck and I feel him thrusting his cock deeper into my mouth I know. He didn’t cum much this time, but still three times in just over an hour; what it is to be young and horny! He is in no hurry to finish this session and lies alongside me again just chatting. I will miss the cuddles of J when I go home tomorrow, but I will sure as hell miss these ‘massages’ with Vit and the horny, filthy sex that goes with them. He has made me cum every one of the eleven times that I have seen him this holiday – nobody else has even come close to matching that in all the recent holidays that I remember! It says a lot about how far my boundary chasing has taken me this holiday, but it also says a lot about how much more comfortable Vit himself is with his ‘gay for pay’ lifestyle. But now it is time to shower again and get to run my hands all over his body one last time this trip. Back to the room we take pictures – he still will not allow cock-shots but in the one close-up of his pants the outline of his cock is clear – and no its not fully soft is it – horny little bugger! This time I give him a substantial (double) tip. That was a stupendous last session – sexy memories indelibly ingrained in my memory and a huge happy smile on my face that couldn’t be dampened by the rain outside which was falling steadily but not yet heavily. A hug and a kiss and I am on my way; I opt for a taxi-bike back to Soi 6 nevertheless. Back up in my room I rest and catch-up with these notes, there is a lot that I do not wish to forget today. The rain gets heavier, far heavier, I can hear it clearly now, beating on the roof of the hotel. I open the window onto the balcony and peer over quickly, the soi is largely deserted, everyone about is holed up in a bar as the rain bounces back off the tarmac. It’s only about 11pm on my last night, am I to stay trapped by the rain in my room? I remember that in the bottom of my hotel bag is a green plastic cape that Perry the boss of Perry Bar gave me a few years back under similar weather conditions. I call TC, yes he is in Perry Bar; he hadn’t even realised that it was raining! I rummage in the hotel bag and find this cape, it is a pale green colour and looks the ‘cheap and nasty’ sort – like huge pale green condom. Nevertheless it was my salvation now; my shoes would be soaked within seconds but I was planning on binning those anyway tomorrow morning. Out I went down the external stairs, the old doorman was billeted inside, I took the opportunity to ask for a knock on the door at 7am tomorrow and to expect J again tonight. So I ventured forth into the puddled waters of Soi 6 with the rain beating down on my cape – which, despite how it looked, was actually proving very effective! I entered Perry Bar and surveyed the scene, TC was on his own with the cashier and listening to ‘Simply Red’ on the sound system. I realised that I was creating a puddle on the floor, so pulled off my cape, gave it a quick shake outside and came and sat with TC. He was in pensive almost mournful mood; there were a few slips in his bar bin suggesting that this was very far from being his first Sangsom and Coke of the night. I, of course ordered water. At least in Perry Bar now my bottle of water comes with a slice or two of lemon swimming around in the bottom of it, a welcome hint of flavour. TC clearly had ‘Simply Red’ on a ‘greatest hits’ loop, now I don’t dislike Simply Red – at least I didn't think that I did until now, but I did start to think it was perhaps time to do a few fond farewells elsewhere on Soi 6! LOL On with my green condom again and out into the Soi, it was still raining, although perhaps not quite so hard. Hardly anyone about not even taking shelter in the bars – Sky Bar looked virtually empty, no sign of Bee in Spider Girl, but at least I was welcomed in Pussy Club. I ordered my water and my afternoon Short Time, Yui, was suddenly all over me again – so yes a ladydrink for her; a rainy evening in low season has its benefits for the intrepid monger – well the foolhardy one anyway. Stayed an hour or so, it was a nice light-hearted way to finish my evening on Soi 6, no mawkish moments with over-emotional farewells. By about 1am it felt time to leave, my bar bin was respectable without being unduly damaging to my wallet, Yui seemed fairly drunk and I had drunk my fill of water! Time to head back to my hotel room and await J’s arrival. As it happened he wasn’t too late (in J terms), turning up as he did at 2.45am. As he goes to shower I wake myself up from my sleep. Its all going to be a bit of a rush tomorrow morning, if I am going to have a last shag with J it probably needs to be tonight. I suspect he was thinking the same thing – I heard lots of spraying with the bum gun (how aptly named!). He emerges and gets into bed with me and starts kissing and hugging me. I reach for his cock and he doesn’t try and stop me, it’s getting hard rapidly; now he has his hand on mine. I shuffle up a bit and now are cocks are aligned and I can stroke them together; one of us has pre-cum I can feel it all sticky as I ‘polish’ our heads. J has his arms all around me and his kissing becomes more passionate. He lies alongside me and then rotates so that his bum is pressing against my cock, his hand has slid between us trying to position my cock against his ass hole. I reach for the KY, there isn’t that much left in the tube but there is enough, I wipe some on my cock and use two fingers to wipe some on his ass and into his ass. I move my cock back into position and he is already pushing back. I hear a gasp from him as the head of my cock pushes through. In this position I can easily reach-around and stroke his cock as I push deep into his ass; damn that feels good! We shift positions, I take him from behind, still giving him a reach-around. Then onto his back with a pillow under his bum, he has his legs wrapped tightly around my waist as I push back into his ass. I try to spare him my weight, but he has his arms around me pulling me onto him so that he can kiss me as I fuck him. I can cum again, I know I can; this time it is me closing my eyes and concentrating, as with a few final thrusts into his ass I do cum with him trying to kiss my face off as I do. I realise that his hand is working furiously on his cock while all this is going on and then a feel that hot sticky jet of cum on my tummy and chest. We roll-around a bit hugging and kissing. The last few wet-wipes in the packet come in handy to clean us up. Back into the shower again and then back to bed to snuggle up together and try and sleep – it has gone 4am – only three hours until the ‘wake-up’ knock on the door. I must have fallen asleep quickly and soundly with J still wrapped around me because it only seemed like moments later when there was indeed that ‘knock on the door’. Day 26, Monday 14th September 2015 The knock had come promptly at 7am, I disentangled myself from J and went and opened the door and thanked the old doorman and slipped him 100 baht. He touches his cap – old school fashion and closes the door. I need to stay out of bed and stay awake. I phone TC as promised and I get a sleepy, slightly grumpy reply. Then to shower and shave and pack away the last few things. That green condom I used to protect me from the rain is just about dry and I pack it carefully away. By 7.30 I need to phone TC again – he is more chirpy this time, and I need to wake J – he is less chirpy. Indeed he is in an odd mood, a bit sulky and talking about how I will soon forget him when I get home. It takes a lot of hugs and kisses to reassure him that that will be far from the case. There seems precious little chance of breakfast downstairs at this time, but I had anticipated this an had left a couple of packets of cornflakes out with some milk in the fridge. J is sad, almost tearful, but his eyes are red, He wants to go now and not see me go off in a taxi he says. A last hug and a lingering kiss and he is out the door. J had been with me eight nights and I was surprised at how sad I felt to see him go. But I have a feeling that I shall be seeing him again one day! It was almost 8am and the packing was all but complete, just the room safe to empty really, always leave that until last, a quick check of all the drawers, a look under the bed and a few seconds looking over the balcony at the soi below me. Window shut, bags gathered, key in my hand and close the door behind me. Down two flights of stairs and leave my hotel bag, complete with straw hat, outside Vic’s office door. Shake the hand of the old doorman and down the final stairs and into reception. Just the one girl about, but trust me to find the one with the poorest English. I had to do three things – tell her about the bag left outside Vic’s office, hand-over the key to check out, and find the taxi-driver – no sign of the taxi yet. Twice, three times I explained these three requests and still a look of blank incomprehension on her face – I think we were both getting edgy with frustration. A car pulls up outside the front door – well that’s that problem solved, I press the key into this girl’s hand – ‘you want check-out?’ she says! I wrap her fingers around the key, pick up my travel bag and head out the front door to the waiting taxi. My hotel bag will just have to sort itself out – as will the befuddled girl on reception. Bag in the boot and I sit in one of the back seats as my female driver (same one as took me to and from Don Muang) slips through the snicket with Spidergirl Bar, up Soi 6/1 and onto Second Road. She drives fast does this lady and I have told her twice that we need to collect TC and I have told her that the hotel is on the corner with Soi 5 just past McDonalds and still she manages to overshoot. No problem she says, puts the car into reverse and is now travelling backwards up Second Road until she can turn in to the Carlton forecourt, happily ignoring the odd car horn as she does so. TC is actually ready for once, I can see him just inside the foyer all suited-up. A few seconds later he is strapped in beside me and we are heady off to Swampy! Our driver takes the most intriguing circuitous route along the back streets, and then miraculously pops up on the Sukhumvit Road having neatly avoided all the traffic lights and early morning queues of traffic that we normally encounter. Our driver is making swift progress, overtaking and lane-hopping at will and at the same time trying to hold conversations on two different phones at the same time. TC remembers, this is the lady he complained about a couple of years ago who he though drove too fast and weaved about too much. He begins a lively banter with her – is she trying to kill us? She gave as good as she got. I did whisper to him that he was the one who needed to be at Suvarnabhumi before me! My solution was simple, close my eyes and try to sleep a bit – and I did for 30 or 40 minutes, and the driver and TC were still going at it – I could tell that TC was only teasing – I wonder if she could. We had reached the airport in about 90 minutes, we had allowed two hours so we had time in hand. I had to virtually twist TC’s arm behind his back to extract a 100 baht note from him to put with mine as a tip to the driver. What’s more I made him give it to her LOL. Inside I went with him to the BA desk and TC came back a few minutes later brandishing a Club World Boarding Card. He then followed me to the Eva desks. There was a small queue and the three economy stands, and two empty ones a ‘Laurel’ their business class. Go and try there he urged me, they are doing nothing. Ill-advisedly I followed his advice – and of course got turned away to the economy lines which I apologetically headed towards, standing in what I perceived to be the shortest line. TC heads through security as I have no idea how long I will be – I have plenty more time than he does, but not before he hands me a tab from his cigarette packet and a handful of baht notes and asks me to get him two cartons to bring through customs for him at LHR. It takes about 20 minutes to get to the front of the check-in queue – everyone in front of me seemed to have some issue with their ticket or their luggage that needed sorting. Once it was my turn I was there less than one minute while they checked my passport, my E-ticket and issued me with my boarding card and confirming the seat reservation that I had made a couple of months ago. Security is light and virtually no queue at all, there is a short queue at Immigration but only about 10 minutes and then I am through to departures, but with about two hours to wait before my gate opens and further hour before planned take-off. I buy TC’s cigarettes, he had given me exactly the right money. I call him, he is ordering a coffee and do I want one – tea please I said. I find him and there is a small tea-pot, cup, saucer and milk waiting for me. My tea and his coffee had set him back almost 500 baht - outrageous prices. We chat for a while and review our respective holidays, he knows about J and still can’t get his head round it (neither can I really). Time marches on and he wants a few minutes in the smokers room before he goes to his boarding gate. All being well he will land in Heathrow just over an hour before me, but he has to get from terminal five to terminal two to meet me and my taxi. Its now 10.45am and 90 minutes before even my gate opens. I make my tea last and ensure I empty the pot, but there are not many other customers and lots of free tables so I am not hassled to leave. I take opportunity to ensure that my holiday notes are all up-to-date. I send texts to J but get no response, he is probably soundly asleep again at this time of the day. I move on and down to the area just above my boarding gate where I find a quiet corner, send a few more text messages and write a few more notes. I can see our plane already docked at our boarding gate – so at least it is on time. Once the boarding gate opens I head down, if only for the change of scenery. Here I get my last ‘This Is Thailand’ moment as boarding commences. There is a glass corridor from the boarding gate area to the aircraft, it has two entrances, both onto the same corridor. Two staff members emerge with little placards to call passengers to be seated in that zone. Zone A for the left hand door, and then a few minutes later Zone B is called for the right hand one. And so it proceeds, but woe betide anyone who goes to the wrong door, even when called, as they are sent, tail between their legs, across to the other door. But like I said, both doors open onto exactly the same corridor! LOL Eventually we are all boarded and we take-off more or less on time. I review the films, but there isn’t one that I really want to see. On the other hand the TV selection has the full series 5 episodes of Game of Thrones – I had watched the first episode on the way over and had gotten hooked. I worked out that if I watched every episode, including the first one again, it would take up a huge chunk of the projected twelve hour flight time. I don’t remember much about the two in-flight meals except that they were adequate and edible. I chose ginger-ale to drink (non alcoholic), I was fed up the back teeth with water! The final episode of my TV series was just in the closing stages as we landed and finished just before we reached the docking bay at Terminal Two. TC had earlier said he would wait for me at the departure exit. Quick trip to the toilet and then the long walk to passports and there were substantial queues. There was a far shorter queue at the electronic scanned passport control, I had never used one before but now seemed a good time to try. You go, on your turn, to the booth and place your passport to be scanned, it matches you up with your passport and a green light comes on a pair of short doors swing open and you are through. Seemed easy enough. What I did notice was that there were quite a few failures and for these people there was a side exit staffed by an immigration officer and here there were only ever three or four people waiting. Tried as best I could, but either I was doing it wrong or my passport photo was crap, but I kept getting red lights until the machine basically told me to bugger-off. So I waited in the failed attempts queue and a jovial immigration officer was soon checking my passport and letting me through. So that’s a handy little tip when the main passport lanes are overflowing as they were this evening – use the electronic lane. Past baggage collection, through customs and out and there was both TC and our taxi waiting for me. A short walk, up an escalator and to the car and we were speeding out way away from Heathrow in the general direction of the Midlands. I arrived back home a few hours later, my son had waited up – he wanted to show me the decorating he had done and a few changes that he and his girlfriend had made to my house! It was a little too much to take in and I tried to sound interested and appreciative, but right now what I was really far more appreciative of was that he had put my electric blanket on to air and warm the bed. And that same bed was calling to me – I needed sleep – I had a busy day at the office scheduled for tomorrow starting at 9am! Suddenly I felt that I was decidedly 'back in harness', with Thailand once again that dream-land of wonderful sexual encounters so very far away!
  9. Soi 6 has changed over the last few years. When I first went in 2009 it was mostly closed bars with the girls sitting outside, you picked one went inside and had a drink in the bar and then probably Short Time in one of the rooms above. Now there are many open bars and there is as much emphasis on drinking with friends than just sex (although there is still plenty of that as well). In that respect it is far less intimidating than it was. That said, at the entrance from Second Road there are still a couple of bars where some of the rougher looking lads hang-out - tattoos, shaved heads, wife-beater vests, etc. and I can imagine that they could seem a bit of a gauntlet. Soi 6 is a 1pm to 1am area (some later bars). Not seen many guys with boys, but a couple of the bars (Roxy Bar and Happy Days) had a least one boy working there in August. The Queen Victoria boss was ok when I asked about bringing a boy back - there rule is simply no underage (of any gender). All that said I remain very nervous about my reception should I take J to any of the bars there in future holidays.
  10. Day 22, Thursday 10th September 2015 I woke late, J and I lay on separate halves of the bed – when did that happen? Took a trip to the toilet and took a shower, actually I was feeling better, still weak and tired, but definitely better than I had felt yesterday. I knew I also needed to eat better and more often, drink more water, and keep taking both the antibiotics and those fortified orange drinks. Even when J woke and cuddled up and I felt his hand on my cock there was nothing happening; frustration city! I felt like fucking him and he seemed fully receptive but it wasn’t happening! Indeed more cuddles and tenderness but that was all. Time for breakfast again and I let J phone through what he wanted and then I took the phone and ordered what I wanted (omelette again, but with toast added – along with my cup of tea). This time J answered the door naked but holding his towel up to his cock with one hand; and this time I noticed that it was taking two girls to bring the our meals up! LOL They might not have seen his cock this time but they certainly saw everything else. He seemed unaware of their interest. Again he ensures that my breakfast is set out (and with another orange drink alongside my cup of tea) and that I am sitting and eating it, before he gathers his on the floor and begins to eat himself. J seems in no hurry to leave this morning, and remains concerned about how I am feeling, and had I taken my antibiotic table this morning,? etc. Yes I am definitely being mothered! LOL Shortly before 1pm, J departs for his room; he will be back tonight of course, it isn’t even discussed now, he will just show up when his bar closes. Even the old doorman just come upstairs with him and lets him in now. Not that that stops me starting to monger about a bit as my energy levels slowly improve. In fact I was feeling like a Chai massage right that very moment, and actually mostly for the massage itself, believe it or not. A quick message to Chai and he is waiting for me as I arrive, he usually stands just inside to wait so that he cannot be chosen by other customers. I haven’t seen him for three days, but he has seen the FaceBook message I posted about my brief hospital stay. He is concerned and wants to know more about how I am. I will be better for one of his massages that’s for sure, but of course I will also be anxious to see if he can find any life in my cock. And, of course, he does, but boy he has to coax it and work it, but eventually he gets me fully hard – for a while at least, but almost as soon as he stops his ‘rub and tug’ and moves up to do a scalp massage my tumescence starts to subside and shrivel. So still some way to go before my libido is fully restored! Back via the currency exchange on the top of Soi 6 and changing the last of my sterling, I got 55.6 baht to the £ - pretty good; it was only about 47 or 48 the previous August! Tonight it is a friend's ‘lock-in’ party tonight in O Bar starting at 8pm. I am not feeling in party mood at all – but back in England I had extended my departure date by four days specifically so that I could attend this party (I would otherwise have been flying home today according to the original schedule). So I was determined to make an appearance. But now I wanted a rest again in my room – this time it was the turn of one of the ‘Star Wars’ films to be dubbed in Russian – but at least I knew the story well-enough. I also had a facebook exchange with Olive – she said she had turned up last night a wondered where I was. She was placated once I explained, and she agrees to come and see me at 6pm – again at Sky Bar. I fell asleep and almost missed this ‘appointment’ with her, but I was able to precede her over to Sky Bar and be waiting with my bottle of water. Of course games of pool were part of my penitence and she won two games to one and she was consequently in good spirits when we made our way over to the Queen Victoria and my room. She had showered just before she showed up she said, so I dived in quickly. I confess that I was feeling nervous about how well my cock would perform tonight, but after a limp start it started to harden as she got to work. Olive was paid and happy and stayed around a while chatting before putting on her shoes and departing – probably back to her step-Moms to be fed again! This was to be the last time I saw Olive this trip – and I warm to her more with each trip that I see her. Its almost 8pm now, the O Bar party starts in a couple of minutes, but actually I feel in more need of another ‘power nap’ right now. Sensible if I am going to be in party mode for a few hours later. Actually its fractionally after10pm before I am knocking on the O Bar door and a couple of minutes after that before I am recognised by someone and the door is opened. It really is a ‘lock-in’ party! The girls all have little costumes on with coloured nylon wigs. The party has been going for just over an hour now and everyone is still wearing all their clothes, but over the next hour that starts to change, and clothes and inhibitions loosen as the alcohol flows! But by 11.30 I was feeling pretty exhausted and made polite excuses and got someone to open the door so I could escape the party and walk back to my room. Quick shower and into bed and soon asleep. No real idea what time J arrived (he said 5am), but I became sleepily aware that he was now in bed cuddled up next to me again. I kissed his forehead and closed my eyes again. Day 23, Friday 11th September 2015 I remember waking up and realising that J was still wrapped around me, his head tucked under my chin. OMG I hope I wasn’t snoring into his ear all night! LOL I wriggled free to go and pee and shower. As I climbed back into bed he was almost on top of me again in seconds, I could feel his cock (& bandage) against mine and of course my cock started to harden – and so did his. I risked a quick, but very gentle feel, but I still felt him wince a little. Like last time he rolls round so that his bum is now pressed against my cock, I take the hint and reach for the KY and slowly press the head of my cock into his ass. He is still so very tight and I know it still hurts him as I first enter him. But a little more pressure and the head of my cock is inside him as we lie in the ‘spoons’ position. Gently I ease further in until my balls are resting against his bum cheeks, I pause until I feel him push back a little and then start to fuck him. Then roll him over onto his tummy, and then sit him up on all fours and take his waist in my hands, and then move him onto his back with his legs drawn up and me on top. It was in this position when he gives a groan and I feel his cum spray up onto my tummy. That tips me over and I cum in his ass and almost collapse on top of him as I do. I roll over slightly, still inside him as we hug and kiss. Probably need to shower again, and pull apart gingerly as his cum is already drying and our skin is sticking together a little. That was great sex, and not only did my cock behave itself but my balls emptied on cue as well!, I must be feeling a bit better! Showers and breakfast, I order the fillet steak – which I managed to eat most of – although the accompanying hash-browns, eggs and beans didn’t get much of a look in. At least J’s towel remained firmly wrapped around him this time when the girls had brought our meals in! LOL For the last day or so J had been showing me pictures of jewellery on his phone, in particular rings, smaller ones at 3k baht, larger ones at 5k baht. He was saving to buy one apparently and hoped to be able to get one with his next pay check. Now I have noticed already that he doesn’t ask me directly for money (he is not a ‘money boy’ he keeps telling me), but he is quite cute at putting ideas into my mind of things he would like or needs. Well seeing as I had just been plundering his ‘ring’ with my cock only a few minutes ago it seemed only fair to provide him with a new one he could wear on his finger. So I gave him some baht and told him to go buy one today. I got a plethora of hugs and kisses for that! He tidied-up, fussed around me for a while and then eventually dressed. Shame, I love watching him wander naked around the room! But he is off and will no doubt appear again tonight. I rest a bit and then message Chai that I will be with him shortly. As ever his is waiting for me and escorts me towards one of the more secluded mattresses . Normally a masseur will wait outside while you undress, but Chai now happily watches me undress, I suspect its curiosity as to how hard or otherwise my cock is as I do so. Today it was flaccid, shrivelled and not very impressive and he looks at it and then looks at me with a quizzical looks and then laughs ‘need good massage’ he says; it does indeed! LOL Meanwhile the rest of me needs a good massage first, and he sets about his task, chatting away as he does so. He hopes to get a few days off soon so that he and his girlfriend (also Cambodian) can go back home and see their families, but it wont be until after I have gone back to England. Once again poor Chai has to work hard to instil any life back into my cock, but he does manage it – I have said it before – the boy has healing hands! LOL He even gets the beads of pre-cum seeping out of the head of my cock, but that’s as far as it gets again today. I am more than happy with that and relax to his head massage until my time is expended. After a happy afternoon spent along Soi 6, its now early evening and I am feeling rather horny again, my libido is clearly returning – but what to do about it. Well I haven’t seen Vit for a few days, the rigours of a ‘massage’ with him had been too much to contemplate for a few days. So I get a taxi bike to Soi 13/4, and a small problem ‘arises’ I am pressed against the back of the taxi-bike rider as we speed along, but I am already getting increasingly horny as I think about Vit. The last thing I need is for the taxi-bike driver to feel my cock digging into the small of his back – that would not end well – not for me at least! I try thinking of anything else, but having paid off the driver, my cock is already hard as I enter BoyzTown. Vit is looking out for me and leads me inside to reception to pay and then upstairs to our usual room. He is quicker at undressing than me and he is slightly embarrassed by the fact that his cock is almost fully hard already. But he needn't have worried, mine is fully hard and remains hard as we shower; we can play cock fighting in the shower waters LOL. Then its back to the room, I hadn’t seen Vit for a few days and he wants to massage me so he can talk to me as he does so, about why I hadn’t seen him recently. I explain about my food poisoning, about the dehydration and the loss of libido. He would already have known all this if he had read my FB page! Vit wants to fuck me again but no, tonight I am wearing the condom; he agrees (with a little pout). He is going to sit on me as I lie on my back. That way he can better control my entry into his ass, the depth I penetrate, and the pace that we fuck. Better yet he or (even better) I can stroke his cock as he does so. After a minute or two I can see him screw his eyes up in concentration, I know what’s cumming so to speak. I just close my eyes in time as he cums all over my face. I just can't cum with a condom on and eventually Vit climbs off and we lie alongside each other stroking each others cocks. Well actually he is putting a lot of effort into mine, so much so he now sits up so that he can push a finger (or two) into my ass as he does so. Under that onslaught I don’t last more than two or three minutes before it is my turn to spray my cum over him! By now, of course, he is not only hard again but wants to cum again – was I ever as horny as him when I was his age? Again he sits on the top of my chest so that I can lick the head of his cock as he furiously strokes his shaft. At least I now recognise the signs when he is about to cum so that I can close my eyes, often its little more than a steady dribble, but sometimes, like today his cum spurts out across my face; I have to wipe my left eyelid clear before I can open my eyes again. Ok so now its shower together time again. I had fantasised about Long Times with Vit, but actually the sort of high intensity Short Times (lets call them what they really are) of exciting, dirty, horny sex with him are perfect the way they are. My sessions with him are best if I am already feeling horny when I visit him like I was tonight. For someone who is ‘not gay’ he really gets into them these days and gets hard as quick as, or quicker than, me and, like today, often wants to cum more than once. I suspect that any Long Time with him would feel less exciting and obviously less intensive. Leaving Vit’s shop I toy with the idea of visiting more bars here while I am in the area, but that session with him had left me feeling happy but exhausted – its back to the Queen Victoria and play with my TV remote for a while I think. Then a call to my friend from England, (lets call him my Travel Companion - TC), and I am off to Perry Bar to see him. Meantime TC is flirting with the cashier – who is actually far prettier than my picture suggests; I think she is cute, but there again I appear to have a soft spot for cashiers at the moment! LOL Saying which, after an hour or so with TC I take my leave and head back to the hotel to await the arrival of my own little cashier. I shower and sleep. This time when he arrives (gone 5am) he wants to wake me to show me his ring – no not that one! – the one that he bought from the gold shop today. And yes it was the bigger one (I am no cheapskate ! LOL). He has taken off his clothes so that I can get a better look no doubt! Despite being very tired he is also very happy and is calling me his boyfriend – which he has done ever since. He showers and joins me in bed, poor lad really is very tired, but lots of hugs and kisses and he feels my now rapidly erect cock and starts to stroke it. He pulls the counterpane back to start sucking it but I stop him – lets sleep now and we can admire his ring(s) in the morning! He seems to fall asleep almost instantly, and I hear gentle little snores. It takes me a while longer, I want to have a good stretch and fidget, but he is tightly entwined around me. As I hold him I reflect on the last few days and actually I feel increasingly comfortable with him – but boyfriend? OMG! Not at that stage yet, not by a long shot if ever at all, but on the other hand I do like him, there is no denying that. Day 24, Saturday 12th September 2015 I am awake by 9am, but J remains fast asleep, so I go and do laundry, ATM and minor shopping at the 7/11 and then get the maid to let me back into the room; he hasn’t moved since I left. I go and shower, hoping that the noise of the shower wakes him, and it does, sleepily he comes to shower as well, although it takes a while for him to ‘surface’ properly. I want to take a closer look at his ring (the new one), it is good and he is really pleased with it. But then, of course I am itching to get re-acquainted with his other, more personal, ‘ring’ again. It’s not long before my cock is inside him again and if anything the sex is better than yesterday – he is really getting into it now and encouraging me to fuck him harder and in different positions. Today harder isn’t a problem, particularly as I can feel myself start to cum inside him; he is virtually kissing my face off as I do. But it has hurt him a bit, as I withdraw I notice a little blood. I want to see him cum now, he wont let me touch his cock, but it has been rock hard since we started, he strokes it carefully himself and signals me as he is about to cum – it was worth the wait - it tastes 'aroi'! LOL A long lingering cuddle and its time to shower again and think about breakfast. No 1 breakfast for me and the usual Thai dish for him. I also manage to eat all mine this morning – actually it’s already this afternoon isn’t it. It’s about 2.45pm when J leaves and I dress. Time to go look for the maid – no problems, she is sitting on the bed in one of the rooms opposite waiting. Actually of the four rooms up here, mine has been the only one in use for the last couple of days at least and it maybe the same on the lower floors, so her task is a far lighter one than normal. Off up to Second Road and my, almost daily, massage with Chai. This time as he strokes my cock he is sitting quite close up to me and I run my hand up the leg of his trousers. He normally swats my hand away when I do that with a laugh and a ‘no!’, a harmless tease, but this time he does not and I rest my hand on his cock area, I cant really feel it, but after a couple of squeezes I can – it is thickening. I go to undo his zip but now my hand gets swatted away and I get ‘cannot’. But the first time he has let me do that this holiday. Tomorrow is my last day! Thinking back to my last holiday back in January, it was only in the last couple of days that he let me actually touch his cock. And this is all despite me making it quite clear to him from day one, that him allowing me to stroke his naked cock would get him an even bigger tip. Of course he also knows that this also pretty much guarantees that I will be seeing him again tomorrow! Back at the Queen Victoria, TC was having a mug of tea with hotel boss Vic. I joined them – one of my tasks today was to sort the taxi for Monday morning, and book my room for next August. Now was a convenient time to do both. TC had arrived later than me via British Airways, but we did plan to go back on the same day; his flight would leave just over an hour earlier than mine, he would then wait for me at Heathrow (although he would have to change terminals) and we would get a taxi back to the Midlands together. Ok so taxi booked, and my same room booked for August 2016 and credit card used to pay for both taxi and the deposit on the room – all done. A twinge in my stomach and a hurried climb back to my room and straight into the ‘hognam’ and a timely reminder that my tummy troubles may have abated somewhat, but they were far from over (indeed they were not to be until well after my return to the UK). But I am rescued a few hours later by a phone call from an Australian friend, he is downstairs eating with a girl that we both know called Beer and her friend if I want to join them, And actually I do, I need to eat something and I was grateful for the distraction. My friend has a proposal, did I want to come back to his apartment with them and watch them shower and play around together – and yes photographs would be ok. And actually that sounded an increasingly more attractive idea. We get two taxi bikes, Beer travels with me as she knows where to direct the taxi-bike too – a route that doesn’t involve climbing lots of outside steps – I must be coming across as the invalid LOL but I wasn’t going to complain. Up in my friend's room we sit out on the balcony for a while, it’s a fine night and the views from his ViewTallay6 apartment room are spectacular. Given the length of his holiday he has a concession rate there and actually he is only paying about 30% a day more than I am here at the QV. His shower has clear glass panels affording clear views as the girls shower together, I draw up a chair to sit and watch – I am feeling a little bit uncomfortable with all this and decline pictures. But I am at the same time deeply appreciative of the efforts he is going to to shake me out of the recuperation blues. Post shower I am not really feeling in the mood for subsequent 'events' with the girls, and so I take my leave. But I am feeling horny, and VT6 is more than half-way towards Boyztown. A quick text to Vit and I am on yet another taxi bike and speeding my way towards him. Perhaps I am his only customer at the moment as he claims? – he always seems to be available whenever I want to see him, and indeed as we climb the stairs to the Short Time – sorry ‘massage’ rooms - all the doors are open. Vit and I are the only ones up here and its gone 9pm already on a Saturday night. Into our room, the big one at the end and we help each other undress – and guess what?, his cock is almost fully hard already, mine is catching him up; we grab a blue towel each and head to the shower together. I have to stand sideways on as he washes and rinses me, he spends a long time washing my cock. My turn to help him and as I do his back I slip my cock between his legs so that its nestling in his bum crack, more liquid soap and although I am not actually fucking him, I bend him towards the wall slightly, hold his hips and pretend to fuck him. He is getting into this and is already wanking himself as I do so. Feels really good, I was only going to make a token effort on this but incredibly I can feel myself start to cum – the back of his balls gets sprayed! He too is close, he turns around and pushes me down to my knees, a few more strokes and he cums – and the back of my throat floods and I try not to gag! LOL We shower some more. But this session is not over – back to the room and he does a bit of a massage on my back and once again I can feel his cock start to harden as he reaches across me. Turn-over time and my cock is still pretty lifeless but his is more than ready for action. He is putting on a condom – where the hell was he hiding that - and lifting my bum up under a pillow. I know this is going to hurt to start with but I do my best to relax. He goes in slowly but then tries to speed up too soon and I have to tell him to stop. ‘Sorry’ he says ‘I horny!’, but lots more oil and he is off again and this time it is not so bad, in fact I am quite enjoying it in a strange way. My cock starts to thicken and lift and he uses one hand to wank me as he fucks me. But he is soon closing his eyes and I brace myself for the final thrust or two as he fills his condom. He comes and lies along side me, a lips kiss and he rests his head on my shoulder and gently plays with my cock as we chat. He is sad I am going home on Monday and wants to see me again tomorrow (trust me Vit you will!). He wants to come to England, he wants to stay with me – this from someone who didn’t want LT ! LOL I don’t think for one moment that he will ‘miss me’, he will miss my money and we do have great sex together but that is pretty-much it. I am likely to be the one that misses him. I am enjoying my holiday romance with J true enough, but these hot sweaty sex sessions with Vit have undoubtedly been the best and most memorable of all my barfines this holiday. We shower yet again and dress and he gets a good tip from me, this was also one of the very few sessions I had with him that went over the hour. How do I remember all this?, well I do update my notes several times a day, but some of these sessions in particular (like the one with Ray at Eros Boys) are etched into my wank-bank memory; well most of them are. Writing this I can still close my eyes and almost watch a video-tape of the session in my head; I most certainly can of the final one tomorrow! – but more of that tomorrow! I was feeling a little guilty about J, and I had promised to look into his bar again to see him as it was yet another party night. In fact it was an Hawaiian party night and I was duly given a Hawaiian shirt to put over my own as I came in. J looked really pleased to see me and tried to give me a free drink, but no I would pay for it and one for him as well. My ladyboy lovin friend showed up with his LB for the night and very pretty she was too. Also a minor LB celebrity ‘Josephine Tann’ shows up, another FaceBook 'super-star', I noticed that her English was indeed perfect, marred only by a light American accent! LOL But I was busy holding J’s hand across the bar wishing that I could one day have sex sessions with him that rivalled those I had tonight with Vit – and maybe one day I will? Back to Soi 6. I have had a surprisingly active day but am feeling tired again now. Even though it is likely to be several hours more before J appears I want to get back to my hotel room and wait for him (aka – have a few hours sleep). I must have slept for several hours until I was aware that the door had been opened and saw J enter through the crack of light in the open door. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness again I watched him strip off and head into the shower. Minutes later this slightly damp figure was climbing into the other side of the bed and cuddling up next to me. I had my back to him and felt his cock press against my bum, I pushed back a little and he giggled and I felt a light smack on my bum cheek, If anything he cuddled tighter for a while and then I felt his grip on me go limp as sleep overtook him. This had been a good day!
  11. Mostly my Pattaya world is straight, but with quite a proportion of my farang friends being attracted to ladyboys - ladyboys can look more feminine that real girls at times. Some guys will 'take the plunge' - initially perhaps just a blowjob, but then sex as well. Whatever the logic, most guys will still consider themselves straight - as it was the femininity of ladyboys that attracted them. One you start giving blowjobs to them and getting fucked by them the lines blur somewhat, but still few would admit to being bisexual yet alone gay. So the reaction of your fellow diner was over the top, but I can understand why he didn't want to be confronted with the implication that he was gay - because he would not consider that he was. I still have a penchant for ladyboys (as well as girls and boys); I try not to think in terms of the labels that places around my neck, in fact I try not to 'think too much' about it at all. Its easier just to follow where my cock leads! LOL
  12. Day 19, Monday 7th September 2015 Well it was gone 11am when I first woke up – J was sleeping like a baby. This was the first time I have Long Timed a boy and woken up next to him. Part of me was trying to think this through, the other part of me was urging me not to ‘think too much’ and just enjoy the situation. And actually I was enjoying the situation – the only odd thing was that he smelt like a boy; boys and girls (even most ladyboys) smell different – not unpleasant – just different. He was naked and lying half outside the bedclothes and as I looked at him I realised my cock was starting to stiffen all on its own – I was physically and mentally attracted to him – no doubt of that. In retrospect perhaps my entire travels in Pattaya thus far had been a journey to realising (and needing to accept) that I was bi-sexual. Hard to duck that judgement now. It was gone 2pm before I could get any life out of J. We showered, returned to bed and played around for a while (only his poor cock was out of bounds). I tried, with much lube and gentleness to fuck him, his ass was incredibly tight. Eventually I penetrated and we fucked a little bit but it was obvious that I was causing him pain – and as I withdrew there was a little blood on the condom that caused him to panic. He had been assuring me that he was no ‘Money Boy’ as he put it – and maybe he wasn’t? He sucked my cock and almost got me to cum several times before finally succeeding, and I cum quite hard – he seemed really pleased that I had (although not as pleased as I was!) . He was ok that I took pictures of him (not graphic ones) but he was even more keen on taking pictures of me, and of me and him together; he took lots. But he needs to dress and go back to his room now. He wants me to call into his bar again tonight and sit with him for a while – it seems important to him so I agree. I ask him if he wants to come back and see me again tonight – and he does and seems very enthusiastic about it. It was late and I have to find the cleaner – she is getting ready to go home, but a couple of hundred baht persuades her to go back upstairs and put my room straight first. Laundry and then to the ATM on Second Road, I had been debating on whether or not to see Chai and in the end I did – he wasn’t expecting me this time and I had to wait a few minutes while he completed a foot massage. Then inside with him – strip off, lie on my tummy and wait for the massage to begin. I was feeling horny again by the time I had to turn over onto my back and I was receptive to a little ‘rub and tug’ when the formal part of the massage was complete. Got me thinking a little, Chai was always polite and friendly and I think he quite liked me as a customer – but never with any real intimacy or warmth of affection. Chai is not gay, and only extends the first rung or two up the ‘gay for pay’ ladder and (so far) is not persuadable to go any further. That sounds critical perhaps – it wasn’t meant to be, it is what it is and I enjoy it enough to keep returning for massages with him (he does do a great massage as I may have said before! LOL). But last night I had found a boy that wanted to cuddle, kiss, hug as much as any girl I have ever been with. And yes I am still trying to mentally process all that! Returning to Soi 6 I realised that I hadn’t eaten or drunk anything so far today, and that actually I was quite hungry. I sat in one of the booths inside the Queen Victoria and ordered Lasagne, and then, out of the window I saw my friend from last night wander past. I want a word with him!!! He is persuaded inside, he was on a mission, and his mission (ladyboy Beer at Foxy Bar) was watching him approach until I dragged him inside. I was intent on giving him a good-humoured ‘telling-off’ for leading me astray into that particular bar last night – he just smiled and said again ‘Yes I thought you would like him!’. He was surprised that I had taken him back to the hotel and surprised again when I indicated that J would be returning again tonight after work. I mentioned my mental wrestling with my sexuality that this had caused me. He laughed and said that he thought for a while that I was ‘about as straight as a roundabout’ ! Back to my room for a rest and then a taxi-bike to Soi 13/1 and J's bar. J seemed really pleased to see me, the bar was quiet, there were only a handful of ladyboys about and they were mostly sitting outside. Just one guy with his chosen ladyboy sat inside drinking, so J and I had lots of time to chat. We were getting on really well again, although part of me felt this was all progressing a little too fast. After about 90 minutes of this I felt I needed to move on for a while, J was reluctant for me to leave – but aside from J I would have been bored rigid with this bar in less than half that time. I needed a reality check, I need to go and see Vit again in Boyztown. Bit too far to walk, so retraced steps to Beach Road and took a baht-bus. Hadn’t warned Vit of my visit either – but he was sitting out-front with all the other boys (about 20 of them) and looked both surprised and pleased when he saw me. They all dress in these white sleeveless T-shirts and tight black jeans – he looks good in that – but of course he looks better yet when he starts to strip them off – I watch him and then help him with his pants – his cock is almost hard already. I too am undressed in a jiffy and we go shower together by which time his cock is fully hard. The shower in one of a pair that open directly off the landing with a thin plastic curtain that pulls across to provide a modicum of privacy. We appeared to be alone up there, so I start to stroke his cock, he makes a play at stopping me but its only a pretence. His cock feels hot and hard (and wet of course as the shower water bounces off it). Gently I slip to my knees and start to lick and suck at his cock, he is checking that the curtain is fully across, but then he starts to hold my head as I stick to my task. It doesn’t take many minutes before I feel his hips start to buck and my mouth fills! I had always fantasised about blowing him in the shower (I had always fantasised about fucking him in the shower as well – but maybe next time!). Apart from the fact that my hair was wet there were no signs of our little play as we left the shower together and returned to our massage room. We kissed lightly and hugged a lot and then he began a massage. I don’t think the little bugger’s cock ever did get fully flaccid; it was thickening up again as he started to massage me. He usually sits across my legs and reaches up to bum, back and shoulders by which stage he is almost lying on top of me as he does so. And yes, before he finishes I can feel his cock hard again, brushing across my bum cheeks and the I feel the head playing around my bum hole – he wants to fuck me again this time doesn’t he! He takes a pillow and lifts and puts it under my bum. I check to ensure that a condom has appeared – I feel him smear KY on my bum hole and feel his fingers push in to open my ass up a little . Then I feel the head of his cock pushing into my ass – it hurts – he pushes some more – I try desperately to relax as I know I need to. It is in, it still hurts, he is pushing in deeper – I almost tell him to stop. But then the pain eases as he uses more oil and starts to fuck me – although it still feels strange and a little uncomfortable. I am not sure how much more I can take of this, I feel his cock speed up a bit, thank god he is on the ‘short strokes’ already. With a deep thrust that almost splits my poor ass in two he cums. As he withdraws I check his condom – it is both clean and no sign of any blood. (I begin to appreciate more what J had put up with me this morning). Vit rolls me over onto my back and gets to work on my cock – he has cum twice now and I know he will not let me leave until I have cum. I am feeling tired but he not only keeps my cock hard but warms to his task. He licks, sucks a little, and strokes a lot. Actually it doesn’t take him long before my hips buck a little as my balls empty – not quite in his mouth but all over his face so that it is dripping off his chin. Again the contrast with J – Vit may claim he isn’t gay – but his cock betrays him – he is enjoying it as much as I am. He will dry kiss and hug but there isn’t any closeness or warmth, I am using him for sex, and he is using me for sex and money (ok, mostly money! LOL). Again it is what it is – Vit makes me cum and provides sweaty dirty sex and I love it. (Vit back in January) And again I hint at Vit about coming Long Time with me to the hotel – but again get the ‘sorry cannot’ and a small chuckle! Of course I don’t know what I would have done if he had said yes! LOL Vit gets a decent tip as always – I gather that if the 1.5k baht massage fee that I pay at reception on arrival, only about half will go to Vit – but any tip that I give him goes straight into his pocket. So Chai, Vit and now J, three very different boys but so far I am enjoying my (also very different) time with each of them. Back to Soi 6 and drinks with friends in various bars, and about midnight tiredness really starts to sweep over me again and I make my apologies to my friends and head back to the hotel. I strip and get into bed and I am soon asleep. By 2.30am there is a knock on the door and it’s the old doorman and J. J undresses and goes to shower; he is back with me in a few minutes. I watch as he carefully tapes yet another new cotton-wool pad to his cock, although it looks like it continues to heal – some of the redness around the cut has gone. J is keen to try and get me to cum again but really, after Vit’s ‘massage’ there really is very little chance – I start to feel guilty as he seems so disappointed that he can’t get me off. Takes lots of hugs and cuddles to reassure him of my affections for him. We are both tired (actually I feel exhausted) and we are content to sleep together. Day 20, Tuesday 8th September 2015 I had pulled apart from J to sleep, I always seem to need to do so whoever my bed-partner, but I felt him wrap himself around me again and his head nuzzle into me, I kissed his forehead and I hear him give a little murmur as I do so. Sorry this is starting to sound like a ‘Mills And Boon’ novel and in truth it even felt like being in one at times – not that I was objecting at all – but it did still feel a little surreal at times: this was a boy! And that boy was also getting my cock hard! He felt it with his hand and kissed me and then turned around so that his bum was nestling against my cock. I positioned my cock so that it was between his bum cheeks and the head pushing against his balls, and I felt his bum pump a little backwards and forwards along it. Ok, time for some KY I think. Liberally applied, I eased my cock into his ass, I felt him wince and cry out a little, but the worst was over, I was in and gently easing my way deeper into his ass. My hand brushed accidentally against his cock, it was hard, but I resisted the temptation to hold it given his healing cut. Instead I took hold of his waist and in ‘spoons’ began to slowly fuck him. In a short while I felt his body start to move with mine. I gently eased him onto his tummy and lifted myself up on my hands so I could better control depth and speed – I was trying to be fairly gentle but at the same time I was feeling horny as hell and recognising the first tell-take signs that I was going to be able to cum. Only a few strokes more and I was cumming into his ass and he was reaching his head around to kiss me. That was the best session with him so far. I withdrew slowly and carefully so as not to cause him discomfort, helped as my cock was softening fast now. No blood this time, that was good. A happy cuddle and kiss for a while and then to shower and clean each. It was only just after 8am, why had we woken so early?, but back to bed and more hugs and kisses as we fell asleep again for another couple of hours. It was almost 10 am when we woke again and he dressed to go. I had slept through a text from a friend suggesting breakfast again, I replied hoping that I wasn’t too late to say yes. J is hungry and so we order up some room service for him; it arrives within about 15 mins and he sits, wrapped in his towel, on the floor to eat. Its almost 11am and time fro me to go to breakfast. A kiss with J and he was off; shall I see him again tonight I asked, if you want he said; ‘yes I want’ I replied – I get another lingering kiss and he was finally off, leaving me to slowly dress and get ready to go down for breakfast. My friend's well meaning advice over breakfast was to try to be discrete about J, as once tongues started wagging down Soi 6 it would soon be common knowledge that I was shacked up in my hotel room with a boy. Sound advice, indeed J always arrived alone and left alone – in fact I was feeling quite guilty about publically keeping him at arms length, but I could see the wisdom in what my friend was telling me. Collected my laundry and then back up to my room to rest on the bed again and watch TV; still felt really tired. Got a text from Lee, could she see me again this afternoon, yes I replied without any huge enthusiasm. Poor Lee, she came around as planned, we both stripped and got back onto the bed – but try as she might my ‘get-up-and-go’ had ‘got-up and-gone’. Not even a hint of an erection on my part. Instead we just lay together on the bed, sometimes chatting and sometimes just watching TV for a couple of hours. She left eventually of course, but she was unhurried and seemingly quite happy just to have been keeping me company for a few hours. Drinks again with various friends in various bars up and down Soi 6. By midnight I was feeling tired again, and made my excuses and headed back to the hotel – there to sleep again until J finished work and showed up. My first intimation of his arrival was the far ceiling light being turned on; sleepily I opened my eyes to see an almost naked J removing his pants. He had tried knocking apparently but had got no response from me so he had got the old doorman to let me in. It was gone 4pm and I could see that J was tired himself after another long day behind the bar (he gets there before 6pm), so he had worked 10 hours straight. He looked good standing there and felt even better when he had showered and was in bed beside me. Lots of hugs and kisses again, but no response at all from my cock; no matter we were both tired and time to sleep, we can fool around in the morning! Day 21, Wednesday 9th September 2015 Not the best of days, but an important one in some respects. I had woken late again with J, and despite the kisses and intimacy, I was struggling to get my cock hard, it had thickened a little but no way was it anywhere near hard enough to fuck him. Instead we contented ourselves with lying all tangled-up together until J said he felt hungry and could he order some breakfast. Yes of course he can, so he calls down to reception and orders, then turns to me and asks me if I wanted anything – ok, I do need to eat, so an omelette on its own with a mug of tea. J is naked but while I hide in bed, he wanders around the room, and only grabs a towel when the knock on the door heralds the arrival of breakfast. The girl comes in with the tray and sets it out and J pays, but as he his collecting the change his towel slips onto the floor, undeterred he takes the change and as the girl leaves closes the door behind her. Whether he noticed or not but I could see in the wall mirror that the girl was certainly ‘copping an eye-full’ as she left. He lays my food out on the benching in front of the TV and only when I am sat and eating does he take his onto the floor beside me; he is starting to mother me bless him! LOL Not that I eat that much of my omelette – I am rapidly developing a sparrow appetite – not like me at all! Soon after J dresses and leaves, leaving me to ponder the day. I felt like shit, but also determined not to waste so much of the day as I had yesterday. I messaged Chai and told him that I would be along for a massage in 20 mins and I responded to a ‘Hi’ message from Olive with a suggestion that I should meet with her at 6pm at Sky Bar. Ok, time for Chai, but I felt tired by the time I had got to the top of Soi 6; this is stupid, but I got a taxi-bike to take me – think the driver thought I was mad, but I gave him an extra 20 baht on top of what he asked for and he then seemed happy enough. I slept though quite a bit of Chai’s massage and on turn-over time there was no reaction from my cock at all; he did his best poor lad, but apart from a slight thickening nothing was happening. My Cialis tablets I had still been taking each day were having no discernible effect. Despite Chai’s best efforts this was a disappointing massage for me, but I still tipped him and then tottered along Second Road, pausing only at the ATM and to get some fresh milk from the 7/11. And yes, you guessed it, back to bed and switched on the TV. I occurred to me that I had really hit some form of low-point when I realised that I was trying to follow a French action-film, dubbed in Russian and sub-titled in Thai! Had I really travelled 6,000 miles to spend my time doing this? I was saved by a message from my friend, he was downstairs if I wanted to join him. He was eating but I just had a cup of tea and I was regaling him with my woes, my loss of appetite, my loss of libido, my tiredness. He was getting impatient with me – I had to ‘sort myself out’ before I lost any more holiday. He confided that he had been to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital recently also feeling tired and down and had been tested and given a bag full of medicines for about 3k baht (including consultation fees) and it had only taken 2 hours. More importantly he had felt the benefits after only a few hours. He made me promise that I would go there directly. Actually it was the prompt I needed, my shits may have subsided and I may have been telling myself that I was on the mend but I patiently wasn’t! With huge reluctance I got a taxi-bike to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital climbed the few steps and went inside. There was a sort of triage conducted at reception and I was sent over to have blood, pee and poo tests. I was told that I would need to wait for an hour for the results that would then be discussed with me with a doctor. Well there were not many people about really – but I duly took my little plastic cartons to the toilet and completed my task. What I did notice, and continued to notice, was just how clean and well organised the hospital was, the staff were attentive, friendly and above all, helpful. Thailand may still be classed as a Third World country, but this hospital knocked spots off my local hospitals around my home. In the end I didn’t have to wait the full hour before being called into see a doctor, he had my results printed out in front of him and was studying them as I entered. Yes I had an infection in my stomach – food poisoning he agreed, but of more concern to him was my level of dehydration which he said had got quite severe. Well I wasn’t expecting that, but what I now was expecting was some medicines and a bill. I got neither. He wanted to keep me in and put me on a drip. How long for I asked, about four or five hours he said. Ok, I replied, if that is what needed. I was asked to wait outside and another girl came up to see me to get me to sign various consent forms, and then another girl to talk money. They wanted an up-front deposit of 10k baht for a ward bed, or 13.5k baht for a private bed. Well that could have been awkward. Thank goodness I had just been to the ATM after seeing Chai – I had withdrawn 10k and I had another 1k and a few hundred baht on me, plus my K bank card. They would have taken a credit card, but of course mine were locked in my room safe. I then started to re-think and decided that no I would not go on a drip and I would seek medicines from the pharmacy. The nurse looked worried and within a couple of minutes I was back in front of the doctor again. He said in no uncertain terms that my dehydration was serious and was causing both my tiredness and my loss of libido and had reached a stage where an intravenous was necessary to get fluids back into me. I relented, handed over the cash to the girl who returned shortly for a receipt. If it was going to take four or five hours to sort me out then so be it. I was slightly concerned that the 10k baht was a deposit and could cost more depending on how long I stayed. My next thought was Olive turning up at Sky Bar at 6pm; I tried to call her – no answer, I left text message – no response. I tried to get FaceBook on my phone and send her a message that way. I even messaged my friend to tell him what was happening and ask that if he was around Soi 6 at 6pm could he please keep an eye out for Olive and give her my profuse apologies. But then they came to collect me – I had to sit in a wheelchair as I was taken up in the lift to the wards – I felt a proper ‘Charlie’ in a wheelchair – but it did add to the sense that I need to take this seriously. Up to a clean, open ward, not too big, I counted five beds, only one, closest the door was occupied. I was taken to the next bed along, the curtains drawn and given a hospital gown to change into. My neighbour was a real pain, a wizened little old farang man, constantly trying to engage the nurses and the doctor when he arrived to plug me up. I could tell that he had been testing their patience for a long time by way they reacted to him. The doctor was at my bedside, a needle was inserted into my outer hand and taped down. A stand appeared with two clear bags of liquid, the smaller one I was told was antibiotics and the larger one water and various salts (or whatever), both colourless. Progress was slow, after three hours the antibiotics were in and they moved to the water bag – that was huge! It dawned on me that at this rate I would still be lying here in 24 hours. I tried to sleep, but was woken up by the nurse asking if I wanted any food. I said no, but the nurse persisted, when had I last eaten and what – you need to eat she said and produced this restaurant style menu for me to choose from. I ordered a chicken rice that appeared about 30 mins later along with one of those fortified orange drinks. Tried to sit up to eat, but ended up bending my wrist and cutting off the water drip and setting a small alarm off. It was re-set with a warning not to bend my hand. Actually the chicken rice was good and I was glad that I had been talked into it. A few sips of the orange and I tried to sleep. Managed a couple of hours before the old boy next door started on one of his attention-seeking rants again. The level on my water bag had dropped, but not by much, it was already gone midnight and I was staring to be concerned about Jay showing up to an empty room. My phone was switched off and packed with my clothes in a drawer. Next time the nurse came round I told her that I had already stayed far longer than I had originally been told and that I would have to go soon. She came back a while later and said that if I could stay another hour I could go after that if I wanted to. Ok well that was better than nothing, still the level in the water bag ever so slowly fell, almost imperceptibly. The nurse came to take my temperature, it was ever so slightly over (J said he thought I was running a fever last night). Seems ok I said, but cannot let you go if you have a fever she said. A short while later she came to repeat the process, it was marginal this time but she took pity on me and started to dismantle the drip. Ok I could dress again now and walk (with her accompanying me) back down to the waiting area. I had a prescription to collect and then I had to go see the money girl. I got given a course of antibiotics and a bag-full of those fortified orange drink powers in their foil sachets. And now the bill, I had been wondering who I could call at this late hour if I needed more money to get out. But thankfully the total cost was fractionally under 8k baht so I had 2k baht and some small change returned to me. I left the hospital and looked around in vain for a taxi-bike, but at gone 1am I had to search around, almost back onto Pattaya Klang before I got one. No messages from J which was a relief, and I was deposited on soi 6/1 outside the external metal stairs of the Queen Victoria. Pausing only to let the old doorman know to expect J later again, I head to my room. I am supposed to take my antibiotics twice a day with food, and my fortified orange drinks as and when – I make one up now. It’s an hour or more before J is let into my room, I was half-awake waiting for him. At first he is very concerned about my hospital visit, and then he is cross with me for not letting him know – he would have come and seen me. It is another night of kisses and cuddles rather than sex, my cock still isn’t responding to anyone at the moment – not even me! But right now, I was happy to have J fussing round me and to be snuggled up in bed with him and I tried to sleep. He was asleep before me but I wasn’t far behind. Normally I need to sleep disentangled from anyone else, but not tonight, tonight I was happy to feel J between my arms.
  13. Loving your trip report, thanks, Hope your health improves so that you can fully enjoy the rest of your holiday
  14. Day 17, Saturday 5th September 2015 Wake at 9am to go for a pee and then back to bed to sleep some more. It was now almost 11am and I was feeling hungry – which I took to be a good sign really. Coco is awake and we both shower and go down together. I can’t recall now why we didn’t have sex again this morning but we didn’t. Back in my room I lay on the bed watching cartoons and thinking about what to do next. I hadn’t seen Chai for a couple of days and the prospect of one of his massages suddenly appealed. So as its almost 1pm I message Chai that I am on my way. Chai was waiting for me with his usual happy smile and leads me through the first room where they do all the feet, across the hallway and into their massage room and a quiet corner mattress – that will do nicely! Chai has become quite concerned about my health, he stands and watches while I undress and notices my flaccid cock, ‘mai sabbai’ he says once again mournfully as he lifts it limply in his hand and stares at it. Actually it was probably still resting after yesterday’s exertions – but let him find that out for himself later! LOL My oil massage progresses both predictably and pleasurably as I chill and relax – even if there were no extras on offer I think I would still be here seeing Chai most days – his rub and tugs are just ‘the icing on the cake’! When I turn over my cock is properly hard and bobbing-up and down begging to be noticed – Chai looks at it with some surprise, gives it a little pat and proceeds with the rest of his massage. Only when that is complete do I feel the trickle of cold oil along the shaft of my cock and his warm hand take a grip and give it a little squeeze around the head before starting his rhythmical stoking along shaft, around the head or ‘polishing’ the top of the head. I love it all and relax again as my cock is spoilt rotten for the next ten to fifteen minutes! Perfect! Chai is tipped both privately and publically again as usual and I am off to the ATM to top up the baht - I check my balance, at this rate my available funds should just about stretch to the end of my holiday. Time for a ‘power nap’! Sounds so good doesn’t it, but actually I was realising that I was having far more ‘rests’ in my bed than ever before, but I still felt increasing fatigued as each day progressed. What I was not realising was that my tummy troubles had not gone away and that I was getting progressively more dehydrated despite drinking no alcohol for many days – but more of that later. But right now I was feeling sufficiently better to make arrangements to see Olive again and hope that I could perform better than I did last time – thankfully I could! And so I agreed to keep her Long Time tonight as well. Brilliant sex with her and cum the first time and almost again a second time. Day 18, Sunday 6th September 2015 Olive’s alarm on her phone goes off at 8am and I instantly assume she about to bail on me – but no, it gets quickly switched off and forgotten by her. But I am awake now and get up and shower, I leave Olive sleeping. She finally surfaces at 9 am, she looks at me lying there gently playing with my almost hard cock, smiles and goes and showers herself. So begins our ‘Good Morning Olive’ boom-boom. I had had a message from Lee again today wanting Short Time – this time suggesting 4pm – sounds good so I reply ‘ok’. Sure enough a few minutes to 4pm and there is a knock on my hotel-room door and she is there – smiling away – good to see her looking happy again. She is wearing that dark blue velvet dress that I bought off a cart for her last year for the princely sum of 100 baht – I always thought she looked good in it. About 10.30pm one of my friends from England who was there suggests that I go with him to some Ladyboy Bars – and why not, be good to venture out of Soi 6. I follow him to Soi 13/1 where he takes me into the first bar. It is quite a small, narrow bar, and consequently many of the LBs sit outside unless they have a customer to buy them a drink inside. It’s the birthday party of the boss, and my friend takes me inside, he is hoping to meet up with a LB on his list, and yes she is there and he orders drinks for them both. But my eyes are drawn elsewhere, the cashier, a Thai boy with the most dazzling smile – ‘I thought you would like him’ my friend says – ‘why don’t you buy him a drink?’. Well steady, steady; actually I wasn’t quite sure what to do, I just smiled back at him. Every now and then he would smile at me again and I would smile back. Actually I was now being totally distracted by the cashier, he was now sat opposite me on the other side of the bar and we started to talk. I offered a drink and he accepted. He asked me if I was gay? – simple question that completely threw me, I didn’t know how to answer – it was complicated – I liked all sorts, I er.. umm… er…. Well…. What about him? – he smiles broadly (I wish he wouldn’t keep doing that it's really distracting!) – his name is J.., he is 23, he is from Ubon and he is gay! And I was feeling increasingly attracted to him despite the several erect LB cocks being waved around in front of my friend as we spoke – yes he was ordering them yet another round of drinks – now they had his cock out to play with! I asked Jay if he wanted another drink? – no – he hadn’t finished this one yet he said giving my hand a lingering squeeze. My friend leans across – ‘take him Short Time now’ he said ‘they will find someone to take over the bar for an hour’. It was tempting, but something held me back, a small voice saying that that would be the wrong thing to say to him now. J finishes his drink, again I ask if he wants another, yes he does. When he isn’t serving drinks or checking bins he is now talking to me full time – just chattering away and asking me questions about my holiday – all the usual stuff, but keeping eye contact as he does so and smiling all the time. This is ridiculous, why am I doing this, why aren’t I concentrating on the LB cocks they are only an arms length away from me. My friend decides to take both ladyboys for a ST in the rooms above – I say that I will wait for him. J gets closer, he is holding my hand now as he talks. Then, as time passes and there is a quiet moment, he comes round my side of the bar to go to the toilet, except that he doesn’t, he comes and stands by me and gets all touchy feely – nothing too intimate – but very friendly. I am not used to this – when I see Chai, he is friendly, but never any real intimacy. When I see Vit, its all about hot sweaty sex (not that I am complaining), but no real affection. But here I am being chatted-up by this pretty 23 year old gay boy. I am just taking this a moment at a time – I know the question I want to ask him – but I am still not sure that the time is right to do so. Back round his side of the bar he is mostly being kept busy – but smiles at me whenever he gets a chance and comes and talks and holds hands when he gets a chance. We are getting on really well together and I feel strangely and strongly attracted to him. My friend reappears with a huge grin on his face – guess he was enjoying the last hour or so. He sees me and J holding hands and smiles and pats me on the back. You taking him he asks? All in good time, I reply, all in good time. Anyhow my friend wants to move on but doesn’t seem at all surprised when I say that I want to stay here. ‘Why you not go with your friend?’ J asks. ‘Because I want to stay here with you I reply’. Apparently that was the correct answer! His attentions intensify and he leans over the bar and kisses me. I will give this to his bar, the boss and other customers there – nobody seemed ther least bit bothered by all this, even the LBs, intent as they were on finding customers, paid us no attention. Ok I have reached a decision, I know what I want, and now is the right time to ask. ‘Do you want to come back to my hotel with me tonight?’ I ask him. ‘Yes’, he says ‘I want’. I ask him when he thinks he will finish tonight – about 3am I am told. He suggests that I go back to my hotel now and he will join me when he has finished. I politely decline – I want to ensure he turns up. I was very tired, but I waited chatting until 3am despite feeling very tired. But 3am came and went and still the party lingered on – only a handful of guys, including the boss, but drinking steadily. By 4am I was almost asleep on my stool – again J suggested that he join me later, and this time I agreed. I wrote down my number and the address of the hotel. Told him to call me when he left The House and again when his taxi-bike approached Soi 6/1. With a kiss and a hug I checked bin and took my leave. Managed to get a taxi-bike myself back to my room, first warning the old doorman that I would have someone joining me later. Ensuring that my phone was close by I fell on the bed and was quickly asleep. 5am I get a call from J, he is on his way – its less than a 10 minute taxi-bike ride if the roads are clear, so after 5 minutes I get up (I am still dressed) and head down the back stairs and go and wait at the top of Soi 6/1 – a ladyboy appears from the shadows to try her luck, but no thanks. A couple of minutes later a taxi-bike pulls up and J gets off – I pay and then I walk him back to the outside steps of the Queen Victoria. To his credit the old doorman doesn’t bat an eyelid on seeing J, just asks him for his ID card as normal. Up the stairs to my room, put the lights on low (as the early-morning streams of daylight are already starting to break through the small gaps in the curtains). At first we just stand there and hug and kiss, then shower together. We had negotiated terms in the bar and we never mentioned money again – I just had it ready for him by his bedside each morning (sorry that’s a bit of a spoiler isn’t it! LOL). Now I am sure that you are all expecting me to say how we shagged liked rabbits all night – well actually not, well not tonight. He had had an accident whilst out swimming a few days ago and had a nasty cut across his cock that had gone septic – he showed me - it was healing now but he had various pharmacy creams and cotton wool pads to protect it and it was clearly very sensitive still. He tried to let me fuck him a bit but his arse was so damn tight that it was hurting me almost as much as it was hurting him (so he clearly does not do this every night of the week then!). No problem, tonight was just going to be kisses and cuddles, and to be honest I felt that tired, and the pillow was soft and inviting. Normally I like to sleep separated from by bed-partner, but tonight we slept in each others arms – at least to start with. Whatever have I gotten myself into here, this wasn’t on my agenda? Alea iacta est!
  15. Well most certainly gave me their willies to play with! LOL Sorry about that but as you will have gathered my experience to date in Pattaya has been with girls and ladyboys, and I am likely to keep bar-fining across the genders I suspect. If its any consolation ladyboys give many of my 'straight' friends the willies as well (metaphorically speaking of course! LOL)
  16. Well he certainly knew I was about to cum and he hung on in there - even if he did gag as I did so! There were one or two others there that I would have liked to play with! I really should have gone back there.
  17. Yes, I should have gone back to Eros, but there is always next time. Think it was just before 9pm when I went to Good Boys, after 8pm certainly - far too early really; again next time I will try a couple of hours later. There are a wide range of 'Gentleman's Clubs', around that caters for afternoon interest, but quite often they are hidden away. I am spoilt living on Soi 6 of course as almost all of the sixty-odd bars will open at 1pm - but there again most (but certainly not all) close at 1am. Something for everyone! LOL
  18. No, I did a trip up to Khon Kaen back in 2010 with an agogo girl I met the previous summer. Arms house was luxury compared with that one.
  19. Day 13 and 14, 1st and 2nd September 2015 For the next few days there is little to report on this forum, my tummy troubles reasserted themselves and I spent much of the days in bed but the occasional girl dropping in to nurse me (in exchange for a modest hand-out of course), and with my Long Time, Eve returning for the next three nights. If my health had deteriorated, then my libido had also plumeted. Day 15, Thursday 3rd September 2015 Tummy problems persisted and my cock dangles lifeless, but I am determined to rouse myself a little and maybe go and visit Chai and get a massage and see if he resuscitate my poor cock. I still felt sufficiently weak to get a taxi-bike to Chai’s massage shop. Pre-warned he was there waiting for me and seemed quite concerned as to how I was feeling. We go through to the massage room and find a relatively secluded booth where I strip off – he stays to help me and looks down at my shrunken cock and shakes his head with mock disbelief ‘mai sabbi!’ he says sadly. I can but agree! (another FB pic again I am afraid0 As I have said before, first and foremost Chai does a really great oil massage and I relax under his touch as he massages away on my back, bum and legs. Turn-over time and my cock is completely unresponsive, even when he is massaging away around my tummy, groin and balls – nothing at all! This is serious! I urge him to do his best to massage my cock and he does so, dripping oil on it and pulling, squeezing and tweaking. After a couple of completely unresponsive minutes the miracle starts to happen. My cock starts to thicken, Chai redoubles his efforts, and slowly it starts to get hard – the boy has healing hands I tell you! I was overjoyed – it does still work! Slowly and methodically he strokes away at it, sometimes long strokes along the length of the shaft, sometimes just little short strokes around the head and sometimes using the palms of his hands to ‘polish’ the top of the head itself. My cock is now happily pulsating away to his touch. I am nowhere near cumming, but oh the relief to know that it still works! LOL With a sign from me Chai abandons my cock and gets behind me to massage my scalp and face – I just melt into his lap as he does so. Massage concluded he gets a bigger than usual ‘extras’ tip – I just felt so relieved and grateful to him. Well this opened up possibilities! Or maybe not! I lined up a Short Time with a girl who I have seen on and off for a couple of years – Miss Sex on Legs – or Olive for short! But would my cock respond to her? - not a chance. Olive was as sexy and playful as ever, but my cock slept through the lot. Likewise my Long Time Eve was reaching major frustration levels with me, she turned up hot and horny and all I wanted was a cuddle and sleep! Day 16, Friday 4th September 2015 Actually felt quite a bit better this morning, first solid poo in days and pissing out my cock again. Sorry, but these things become important! LOL Also got a message from a friend from the UK, he had landed a few hours ago and did I want breakfast at the Queen Victoria about 10.30am? Yes I could go for that! But what to do about Eve, I liked her and enjoyed her company and she had put up with me whilst I was feeling low and ill, but I felt that it was time that I moved on. But on the other hand I didn’t want to just fuck her this morning (and I probably could manage that this morning) and then tell her to piss off, that would be really unfair. So as she awoke I made out that I wasn’t really feeling any better and that I would just pay her as normal. I also told her that I was seeing friends tonight and couldn’t see her again tonight. Bless her she seemed unphased, almost as if she was expecting me to say something like that. She remained pleasant and cheerful until it was time for her to go, a quick kiss and a cuddle and she was out of the door. All in all she deserved better than to be my part-time nursemaid for four nights! Downstairs I duly met up with my friend, better yet breakfast was his treat, I risked an omelette and ate most of it, yes I was feeling quite a bit better – at least compared to the last few days I was. My friend shares my interest in ladyboys as well as girls, although BoyzTown and all its associated activities lies beyond his boundaries. We had talked most days by Facebook messenger and had all sorts of plans to go off bar-hopping together around Ladyboyland as well as on Soi 6. We happily chatted about his flight and his hotel and about our plans for the next week or so. I left the breakfast table feeling both better and more optimistic about the remainder of my holiday. No need for ATM or laundry today, I had a room-safe full of baht still – hadn’t really been spending much over the last few days, and I had spend far more time naked in bed than wearing any clothes! – so there were some silver linings to my little cloud of ill-health of the last few days. Still back to my room to rest after breakfast and let my meal settle safely. There I found a Facebook message from ladyboy Mo(LikesSex), she would be back at Z Bar shortly if I wanted to see her again. Well that would certainly test my recovery, but I agreed, I had had such a great time with her the previous week. It was about 3pm when I went down to find her, she was sitting on her own out front, she looked up, saw me approaching, and stood up and smiled. Did I want a drink, no I said but I pay bar – 300 baht on the bar and we were off up to my room. She seemed more than happy. Quick shower each and onto the bed together, I told her of my illness and how I was still a bit delicate and that she was certainly going to be putting nothing at all up my ass this time – not even a finger! How much she understood of all this I don’t know, but her response was to put my hand on her already erect cock while she leaned across and got to work on mine. She did a good job, I was hard within a couple of minutes. For a while we played and licked and sucked and stroked. She wanted to cum, and she wanted me to fuck her as she did. Not an unreasonable request, despite her pulling a face as I insisted on a condom, so that is what I did. Her on her back, me on top with her legs on my shoulders, a squirt of KY and I was balls deep inside her as she stroked her cock furiously as I proceeded to fuck her. I took it fairly slow as I wanted my back to hold out for as long as possible, but after a few minutes she cum quite heavily and I relaxed and lay back on my back. No I couldn’t cum, but at least I had stayed hard throughout and got her to cum; so quite an improvement for me. She was paid and left happily – I had planned on seeing her again, but sadly not – we keep in touch still on Facebook – she really does like sex does Mo! Well that exhausted my energy for a while and I happily rested for a couple of hours. But later I got to thinking, was I really just going to spend another evening in my room – and I had no Long Time planned for tonight to keep me company either. No this wouldn’t do, it wouldn’t do at all. I needed to get up off my ass and do something. An idea crept into the back of my mind, I played with my cock and started to wank it – yes it got hard – ok. I was going to go and see Vit for a ‘massage’ – he has never failed to get me to cum this holiday and frankly I felt horny and my balls felt heavy. It was a risk, but I gave him a call. A 80 baht taxi-bike to the edge of Boyztown and in, round the corner, to his shop and he was outside with all the other boys, about twenty of them, but he was looking out for me. In and paid the 1.5k baht at reception, Vit was given the room key, and up we went. He wanted to know why he hadn’t seen me for a five days and I explained the best I could. ‘Ok, you fuck me today’ he said. We showered and returned to the room, a ten minute excuse of a massage as I lay on my tummy, I again felt his erect cock brushing my bum crack as he reached up to my shoulders, involuntarily I squeezed my bum cheeks around his cock as he did so. He started to tease my bum hole with the head of his cock giving his funny little laugh as he did so. I almost wanted him to press ahead. He lay me on my back and started to stroke my cock and moved forwards so that I could reach his – he already had beads of pre-cum oozing from the head of his cock – horny little bugger. It didn’t take many strokes of his cock before he had cum all over my chest. Soon mopped up and within a few more minutes of fooling about together he was starting to get hard again – oh what it is to be young and virile! He had tried hard to get me off whilst this was going on but to no avail. Undeterred he gets up and kneels down, head on the pillow, ass in the air, his bum hole winking at me. My cock was still pleasingly hard, and stayed so even when the condom was rolled on. Lots of massage oil and I got on my knees behind him and edged forward. He still finds this quite painful (although not nearly as much as I do when the roles are reversed!), so I took it slow and steady and just eased the head of my cock into his ass and paused for a few moments, and then reaching round and giving his re-hardened cock a stroke I watched as my cock slowly disappeared into his ass. I heard him cry out a little and sprayed more oil on as I withdrew and the pushed in again. For a while I just enjoyed watching myself fuck him (I got a good view, I had clearly lost weight over the last 10 days!). Once his ass was open I could pull all the way out and then push back in with little discomfort for him. He was wanking his cock like crazy as I was doing this. I picked up the pace, took a hold of his waist and started to really fuck him. Only a few moments later he groaned as he cum again. He showed me his hand all covered in cum, I wiped it off and massaged it onto his bum cheeks as I pumped away. But no I couldn’t cum. I withdrew as gently as I could and watched his ass hole gape and then slowly close. He is up, pushing me onto my back and oiling my cock and stroking away vigorously at it, he wanted me to cum and was trying a third time to get me off. It still didn’t work, I was close, but not quite there, and so he came and lay alongside me and snuggled up for a bit. I found my hand resting on his cock, it started to thicken again – he had already cum twice this session and here he was getting hard again. I continued to play with his cock and I felt it get harder and harder. ‘Can you really cum again?’ I asked, ‘yes think so’ he replied. Laying me on my back again he came and sat on my upper chest facing me so that his erect cock was reachable with hand and mouth and I started to suck, lick and stroke him. I tasted the pre-cum again on the head of his cock – yes he probably can cum again. All the time I was stroking my own cock which too was dribbling pre-cum – he reached back and got some on his fingers and made me taste it – ‘same same mine?’ he asked laughing. I keep going on his cock, he is close to cumming again I can tell, his eyes are tight shut and he is concentrating hard, I too am getting close to cumming I can feel it welling-up. He beats me to it and cums on my face – not much, after all it is his third time in less than an hour. But then I cum all over his back, several thick spurts; damn I needed that, I so needed that! The mattress is a mess, we are a mess, and after a brief recovery period for both of us we head to the shower together and again he positions me sideways to him and carefully soaps and washes me before he does himself. I give a laugh as I see that his back is still dripping with my cum and I wash it off for him. Back in the room we dress, I take a couple of pics and I give him a generous tip, he looks surprised, but by god the lad earned it tonight, that was a truly memorable shag! (even now weeks later I can still visualise every moment of it) I ask him if he wants long-time with me tonight back at the hotel, but I get a sorry cannot from him – a refusal eased with a hug and a kiss from him. I press no further – not sure how the Queen Victoria (yet alone anyone else on Soi 6) would react anyway if I turned up at night with a boy? That was the best session I have had with Vit so far, but it was exhausting, perhaps I am not fully recovered after all – but the sheer joy of emptying my balls after so many days was worth all the tiredness than followed! It was only about 9.15 when I left Vit’s shop and got a baht bus down second road to Soi 6. Back to my room to rest a while before going back out onto Soi 6 for a drink with friends. Now I had by now fulfilled all the pre-trip promises I had made to girls and (mostly) ladyboys to ‘see’ them. All except one, a little ladyboy called Coco who used to work in So What Bar and with whom I had had a threesome a year or so ago. I recall her being rather eclipsed by the other ladyboy involved, but we had recently struck up some conversations on Face Book and low season was hitting her quite hard and yes, I promised to spend some time with her. She was now working in Pat Bar directly opposite So What Bar. Indeed Pat Bar had undergone some sort of transformation and the bar immediately below it had been opened up and re-named Pat2 Bar and this is where I saw her tonight. I was going to just smile at her and walk on by – but her friends pushed her out onto the street to stop me. All of a sudden I felt guilty and decided to go back into her bar with her and buy her a drink. One drink turned into a second drink (for her anyway), my bottle of water seemed never ending! It was only around 11pm, but I found myself enjoying chatting to her, we had never really talked much before. I began to appreciate what a lovely ladyboy she was, she is small, petite and quite feminine looking and her voice is soft and her English good; I was enjoying this. All of a sudden I realised that I had found my Long Time for tonight – that is if she wanted? And yes she did want, and 2k baht would do nicely plus the 500 baht take-out barfine. She seemed really pleased and me, well I was pleasantly surprised and increasingly certain that I had made a good decision. Time to head back to the Queen Victoria. Coco has a nice slim little body and her cock is bigger than I remembered and hardens nicely when I start to play with it. She is horny but not ‘in your face’ horny like Mo for example, she is fun and sexy. We have a great session and eventually we settle down to sleep. It has been a surprisingly busy day.
  20. Day 11, Sunday 30th August 2015 I am woken at 9.15am (what sort of hour is that! LOL), by the ‘ping’ of an arriving text from a friend – did I want to join him for breakfast downstairs at 11am. Well 11am seemed sufficiently far away at the moment to reply confidently in the affirmative. The ‘ping’ had also awoken Nicky, and soon we are cuddling and soon we are fondling and playing. Quick shower each (& chance for her to clean her ass again) and we are back in bed and picking-up from where we left off a few moments ago. She sucks my cock hard again as I reach for the KY! Nothing like a little ‘sexercise’ before breakfast! LOL I don’t cum but it was another fun session; Nicky can go from kitten to tigress during these sessions and then back again. There were a few occasions early on this holiday when sex with Nicky felt a little vanilla – but certainly not last night or this morning. We dress; she won’t be joining us for breakfast, instead she will go back to her room. Today she goes back home to Chaiyaphum for a week and she is getting into a slightly odd mood, almost resentful that I will not be seeing her again for a while. Not sure what she expected me to do – this was her choice and heralded right at the start of my holiday when I first met up with her again. I would still have about a week of holiday left when she returned and maybe we could meet-up again afterwards. In the event, and unknown to me at the time, this would be the last that I saw of Nicky this holiday – both the fates and ‘events’ led me in an entirely different direction. With Nicky gone, I left it a couple of minutes before heading downstairs to find my friend, he was already waiting and had watched Nicky depart. We both chose the No.8 breakfast with the fillet steak, hash brows, eggs and beans. Met up with Lee again for another Short Time; we had a quick drink and snack in Jimmy Macs before entering the Queen Victoria and going up to my room. This wasn’t the best of sessions with Lee, she was full of her money woes again and seemed pre-occupied with her thoughts as we began our session – as if she was in ‘automatic pilot’. Short Time concluded, I had taken Lee down to Pussy Club for a drink or two with mutal friends, but after an hour or so I was starting to get bored, awful thing to say when surrounded by some of my friends and little Lee, but I was – ennui had set in! Sod it! I felt like pushing my boundaries a little more tonight, I was even getting horny as I thought about it, a combination of the unknown and the potential ‘naughtiness’ of it all. I bought Lee another drink, made my excuses, checked bin and left Lee to it – she would be happily looked after for as long as she wanted to stay I was sure of that. I took at taxi bike to the VC Hotel! I alighted, paid for the ride and set off walking up Soi VC, I had no real plan, but it was in my mind to call into ‘Good Boys’ just off to the right about 10 mins walk. It was open, but not much sign of life, a boy called out to me as I passed, but I walked further on down the soi in case there was anything more promising open. Although it was now well past 8pm the area appeared largely lifeless. Deciding to make the best of it, I retraced my steps to the Good Boys, the same boy recognised me and called me in, this time with more enthusiasm. It was a large dark open bar area with the bar itself in the centre of the room with partitions either side so as to effectively divide the bar area in to an open front and a more private rear area. I was the only customer and I was led behind the partitions to a sofa in the private area immediately behind the bar itself. I was asked what I wanted to drink, I replied and offered the boy one as well. Being the only member of staff around he had to go and get the drinks, but he returned soon enough and sat down beside me. We clinked drinks and then he sat back and opened up his jeans and pushed them and his pants down to his knees to reveal a rather hairy, modest-sized cock that was in a decidedly flaccid state. He gave it a few strokes to thicken it slightly and then the question that I was expecting. Did I want to give him a HJ until he cum?, if so that would be 300 baht. This is what I had been led to believe happened here, although I had been hoping for a wider choice, maybe even a second boy to play with, after all I had two hands available! LOL. He made no attempt to touch my cock and just leaned back to let me get on with it. I got him hard and kept stroking for a goodly while. He decided to have a go himself and he put some porn on his smart phone to watch as he did so. I leaned across to look, it was hetro-porn he was watching. He began to masturbate furiously as he did so, he was determined to get his 300 baht. After a few minutes he said he was ready to cum and invited me to take-over, which I did. And sure enough, a few more strokes later and he cum – not a lot but definitely a cum, the 300 baht was his. By this time another boy had turned up and offered to produce his cock for a similar reward, but I didn’t find him even remotely attractive and politely declined saying that I had to go. I checked bin and paid the original boy his 300 baht and left. Later in the evening perhaps with more boys about that may have been the start of a long and expensive evening, but not tonight. It was also a reminder that not every boy working in a gay bar is necessarily gay, just gay-for-pay! Despite the limitations of that last little event I was feeling decidedly horny and continued my walk into Sunee Plaza itself. Last January I had visited a couple of agogos here, both very different. I made my way to Eros Boyz Agogo which I had been to in January, not that it is really an agogo, more a sort of evening Gentleman’s Club. It was gone 9pm but hardly anyone about. There were a couple of guys outside Eros that were keen to encourage me in. So in I went, as you go in you are faced with a wall-like partition and you have to go around that to get into the large open bar area, there there are areas of seating and a few small podia for the boys to dance on. It was pretty much deserted apart from the cashier and a couple of boys sitting talking in the far left hand corner. One of them had blond hair and flashed me a smile. Worth a drink I thought and went in and sat on a sofa that backed onto the partition in front of the entrance, so I faced onto the bar itself. The blond boy promptly got up and went to the toilet! Undeterred I sat down and ordered a drink from the cashier who had come over. He brings my coke over as a few other boys suddenly appear and start to ‘dance’ on the podia in front of me. Blondie then reappears and I offer him a drink – to the disappointment of the others. He comes over, introduces himself as ‘Lay’ (actually ‘Ray’ ) and immediately drops his white boxers to reveal quite a sizeable cock that he proceeds to tug at until it starts to thicken. He then invites me to take-over. There are now three or four other boys watching, each rubbing their cocks under their baggy coloured pants – some clearly have more to offer than others. Ok, so I buy them all a drink and they move closer, one slighter boy coming to sit the other side of me. My cock is still firmly trousered-up but it was getting achingly hard and clamouring for attention. We all clink drinks as I keep stroking Ray’s cock. He leans towards me and asks if I want Short Time now, but I say no, I am not really ready for that. So, undeterred he then asks if I want to him suck my cock now. Although this is a large, well-lit, open bar I am still the only customer here, so ok yes. With that the smaller boy sitting on the other side of me starts to unbuckle my trouser belt, open up my trousers and pull both them and my pants down well clear of my cock, at the same time he rolls up my shirt and my fully erect cock is now waving about for everyone to get a good look at. The undressing boy gives me a quick kiss and strokes my cock a couple of times and then Blondie (Ray) leans across and starts to suck my cock. And surprisingly good he is at it too. The other boys are encouraging him on and one or two have now taken their own cocks out stroking them as they watch. The boy next to me starts to play gently with my balls and occasionally stroke the base of my shaft as his blond friend concentrates on the head end. To start with, despite feeling incredibly horny, I felt in no danger of actually cumming in such a public environment. Other boys are arriving now, some ignore us, some come over for a look. But Ray sticks to his task, and the boy next to me is also doing his best to help him. All the other four boys, apart from the one next to me, now have their cocks out, all are hard and all are stoking away as they encourage their colleague on. At this point I realise that Ray is heading for success, in fact I am damn sure he is! I start to push his head down onto my cock, he knows what is happening and he is even more enthusiastically sucking and licking at the same time on the head of my cock. Success!!! I feel the first couple of spurts go into his mouth as he gags and pulls away, but there are several more powerful spurts that land all over me and onto the boy on the other side of me. The other boys give a cheer and start to put their cocks away. Another round of drinks is clearly called for – Ray had gone away to spit, but soon returns. The boy next to me mops me up with tissues that promptly disintegrate and stick all over my cock and tummy, so he leads me to the toilet and washes and dries those bits of me carefully before helping me dress – he was quite a sweetie really. I slip him a few hundred baht for his part in this. Back to the sofa and the drinks have been served, I quietly slip Ray a 1k baht note – well deserved IMHO. I ask if I can have a picture of us all – the cashier happily obliges. Drinks finished and I check bin which was 1.4k baht – I got given six 100 baht notes in change with the whispered suggestion from the cashier that I might like to tip the other boys 100 baht each – excellent suggestion. I leave happy and tanks emptied and the boys seem happy (especially Ray). I did mean to return later in my trip I really did, I promised to, but I never did. That trip to Eros and getting blown in the bar amongst so many horny boys remains the absolute highlight of this trip. So why didn’t I go back again? But if I had would the same thing have happened? It was clearly a very quiet night in low season, there were no other customers and I was buying ‘boydrinks’ and tips were likely. Would those circumstances have arisen again, would they have done the same even with other customers there, who knows. What I did know was that I had a huge stupid grin on my face as I walked back down Soi VC towards Walking Street and a slow, slow baht bus back to Soi 6. Normally if you have a great experience you can regale all your mates in the bar about it afterwards – but this was sadly not the case here. None of my friends had pushed their boundaries anywhere near this point and only one would understand where I was cumming from even though it would have been several steps too far for him. So this had to remain my own little secret experience. Then it was taxi bikes back to Soi 6 and meet up with friends and have a game or two of pool in Spider-Girl with ladyboy Bee. After four games Bee was only one game (100 baht) up on me so she didn’t do as well as she had hoped! LOL We were about the last customers to leave Spider-Girl tonight, the shutters were being pulled down as we played on, but as we kept buying drinks they were still all smiling at us. Eventually at 2.45am I could take no more and headed back to my room. There to sleep alone? – no I messaged Pee Mai again – yes she ‘wants’ and by 3.15 am she was stripping off in my room. I was also in the shower and out again quickly, and my cock was already almost fully hard as I pulled back the bedclothes and started to explore Pee Mai’s naked little body once again. Mid-shag and her phone goes and she leans across to take it and talk to her friend as I was still pumping away inside her. I upped the pace and deepened the thrust, but to no avail, she kept on chatting until she was done. Great as it was I couldn’t cum, Ray had been too effective in emptying my balls tonight, but I got Pee Mai to cum, once she had put her bloody phone down that is! LOL A quick cuddle and sleep! Day 12, Monday 31st August 2015 This proved a watershed day in many respects, in terms of sex and STs it was to be a stupidly indulgent day (mostly on the girl front I am afraid), but, perhaps as no coincidence, this was the also the last day of my holiday that I felt fully fit and raring to go! This self-indulgence started with Pee Mai as we woke up, I upped and showered and returned to bed, Pee Mai was more reluctant to move so I started to tease her and poke her with my cock that was happily hard again. She feigned disinterest but I caught the edge of a smile on her face in the mirror. She turned her back on me and drew up her knees into the foetal position – wrong move darling, wrong move. I reached for the KY! Actually Pee Mai was quite happy and chirpy this morning, lots of smiles and gentle teasing; Pee Mai at her best! And yes she was hungry and yes she would come down to breakfast with me. Once I had ordered the food there was time to nip across the Soi and exchange old for clean laundry – usually at a cost of about 100 baht. Pee Mai happily sat and drank her drink and played with her Facebook while all this went on. It was about 12.30pm when breakfast was served and there was something in the back of my mind that I intended to do today but a ‘senior moment’ intervened. It was twenty minutes later as I was just finishing the main breakfast when I remembered. Today was the day that I had been invited to a Gentleman’s Club Crawl organised by the boss of Ruby Club on Soi 6 and we were supposed to gather there and leave in about 10 minutes time. My first thought was to abandon the crawl and just go for a massage instead, but I know myself all too well, if I did I would regret it. No I had to make the effort and get my ass over there. Just about time to nip to my room, use the toilet and gather baht from the safe. Pee Mai was still finishing her meal and I asked her to butter my toast as well – she gave me a WTF look but proceeded to do just that. I was back down in five minutes, armed with baht and a spare condom or two just in case. I checked bin, picked up the toast, gave Pee Mai a kiss, took a last swallow of coffee and headed down the Soi to Ruby Club. I was still munching toast as I arrived, there was a small crowd gathered, five or six people, and I knew all but one of them. They were still enjoying their drinks and seemed unconcerned that I had hastened hot foot from breakfast to make their departure time! LOL But eventually we are led off to a waiting baht bus which will stick with us for the duration of the tour. First stop is to be Jade House on a small side road off the main road from Pattaya to Jomtien Beach. We visited three or four other clubs before I bailed, I had had three Short Times, one in Jade House, another in Kinaree and a third in Viper Bar. I was knackered ! LOL I was back from our tour and in Soi 6 about 6.30pm and went back to my room for a little rest. Actually I slept soundly for over an hour. Took my daily Cialis pill and a shower – massage time I think. Not sure I can handle the rigours of a Vit massage at the moment, so instead I messaged Chai and asked him if was busy? A quick reply itself suggested that he was not; 10 mins I said. ‘Ok I wait you’ was his reply along with a smiley face! Took my K Bank card from the room safe as well – I needed to baht-up as I passed the K Bank booth on the way back. Chai was indeed waiting for me, it had been a quiet day and no doubt the prospect of a tip from me would be welcome. Despite my ‘power nap’ I still felt tired and I am sure that I drifted off once or twice as the back massage progressed. At turn-over time my cock was still limp, but immediately started to respond as he massaged around my groin and tummy. It was soon waving about happily at him, he smiled broadly and gave it a quick pat as he continued his massage. Chai got me to cum the last time I was with him and as he worked his hands smoothly but firmly around my cock there was a moment when I thought he might be onto a winner again tonight. But as I had further plans tonight I stopped him and suggested that he move to the head massage bit straight away. He looked slightly quizzically at me but complied; sat me up, sat behind me and allowed my head to rest on a cushion on his lap; very soothing is his face and scalp massage. The hardness of my cock slowly ebbs as he works away – still chatting to me as he does so. He gets his private ‘extras’ tip as well as his smaller public one; we have to maintain appearances! LOL I remember to stop off at the K Bank ATM. I get a small tug as my card is initially rejected, but when I dry my hands form the massage oil it works fine. It is just gone 9pm as I walk past Club 6, and apparently Kim is already there and waiting for me. Perfect timing – in I go and drinks are ordered. Yes she will happily come back to the hotel with me for another ST – but she wants to know how many times I boom-boom already today. ‘Oh, one or two’ I said laughingly – she pressed no further. Up to the room again she says she has just showered before coming out to Club 6, but I peel-off and take a quick shower, I want at least to wash Chai’s massage oil off my cock! LOL When I emerge she has already undressed – her figure really is stunning and her bum mesmerizing! Her cock is almost hard, either she has been playing with it while I showered or she is naturally horny (a bit of both I suspect! LOL). We suck and stroke for a while until it gets to condom and lube time – I am so going to fuck that beautiful little ass of hers! And I did, and then I did some more, but I couldn’t quite get to cum – I rarely if ever can with a condom on. She takes off the condom and sucks and strokes until I do; third time today for me. Kim seems pleased and I feel happy but exhausted, but now she wants to cum – I help her – it doesn’t take long; both happy now! It’s almost time for a girl called Eve to show up. I had met her earlier this afternoon during the Gentleman’s Clubs crawl and has invited her back to my room tonight when her bar shift finished. I get a call from her, she is leaving Viper Bar and is on her way, maybe 20 mins. I ask her to call me when she gets to Soi 6/1. Eve will be my Long Time for the next four nights. I felt exhausted it had been a long and ‘busy’ day.
  21. Day 9, Friday 28th August 2015 Once I had woken and done a couple of trips to the toilet to settle my stomach, and sipped last night’s remaining orange drink I felt pretty good. Good enough to say a proper ‘Good Morning’ to Nicky once she was awake. I didn’t cum, but at least my cock and her ass spent happy time together! Then down to breakfast. Suggested to Nicky that we go out to the Sanctuary of Truth at Naklua this afternoon – she had never been there although I had. I had warned her about covered legs and flat shoes – but she was still kitted out in shorts and high heels – up to her! But first I wanted a massage – Nicky said she would like too. I had told her about Chai – although not about the extra services he provided – if she guessed otherwise she never said. But she happily accompanied me to D-Dan Massage on Second Road and chose someone to give her a massage as Chai led me off looking slightly quizzically at me. Whatever massage Nicky chose it thankfully did not involve her coming to the same room as Chai and myself. Although, having said that, the shop was busy and we had to take a mattress mid-row, the damn curtains being see-through one side and not the other – meaning that our neighbours could see through to us if they chose to do so. Well that put a lid on any ‘rub and tug’ from Chai and despite my waving appendage the massage remained a conventional one, well at least that saved the ‘extra’ tip. But it was a good, deep, relaxing massage and finished with a lengthy head massage as he chatted away to me – he wanted to know all about Nicky and what we did together, especially in the room. I found my cock getting hard again as I recounted the details to him! LOL He was even more interested when he learnt what I paid her each night. Cheekily I asked him if he would like Long Time with me on the same terms – but I got the expected no, no, cannot! But the little bugger was half interested I could tell – although his temptation was all about the money of course, not about having my cock up his ass! LOL Nicky was just completing her massage – leg and foot it turned out, as we came back through – I paid for both massages, gave Chai his usual tip and gave Nicky 100 baht to tip her masseuse. Then outside we found an empty baht bus; I let Nicky negotiate – 200 baht to take us there – on the high side I thought, but it was there waiting and ready to take us door to door. And indeed it did, taking us in though the great gateway in the high white-painted wall that surround the complex. There were various tour packages on offer – chose one at about 800 baht each that involved an elephant ride around the temple area. (The temple has the most amazing sea front setting) (I had to sit in the middle of the seat, as when I tried to sit on my side the whose seat was starting to slip - I really need to focus on my diet! LOL) (the skill of the carpenters and the artistry is breath-taking) (and afterwards a drink and watching the boatman on the little lake) Tour completed and photographs taken, it was time for me to return alone to my room, eat a little breakfast cereal and rest a bit. I had a message from Lee, could she see me again today please – ok no problem, come now. And within ten minutes Lee had arrived looking cute in a yellow T-shirt and her pink crushed velvet cap. I was going to meet Nicky at 10pm in Obsessions on Soi 13/4 tonight and we were planning to go to a show together in BoyzTown tonight. Obsessions is not the best place to wait for Nicky, customers are in short supply and I soon became the attention for a bevy of Ladyboys that worked there – each hoping for a drink or perhaps more. But once it got round that I was waiting for Nicky they backed off. Nicky was late, and I had to make a phone call to get the ‘I come now’ response. The show in Boys Boys Boys is the biggest and the best in Boyz Town ( or so they say! LOL) and it starts at (or near 10.30pm), Now of course I had seen it before a few days earlier this holiday, but Nicky hadn’t and she was curious to do so. I was more than happy to see it again. So once she arrived I checked bin and off we went. It wasn’t particularly crowded inside BoyzBoyzBoyz but there were a few customers sitting around – some farang men, but also farang women and a number of Asian tourists. Again lots of boys dancing around in their pants. Seeing as I was clearly with Nicky we were largely left alone, but a few boys eventually got emboldened enough to enquire if we had come looking for a boy to make-up a threesome. Actually the idea lingered in my mind, but Nicky was quick to dispel their optimism. She asked if there was any boy I wanted to buy a drink for – I knew I was being tested, so feigned indifference and said no. Actually No. 23 was pretty hot, but probably best not mentioned! LOL The show started and soon there were erect or semi-erect cocks waving about everywhere from the show boys. Their erections are, for the most part, sustained by the use of cock-rings, most hidden under a condom, although the young tattooed guy with the largest cock that featured in several acts seemed to need neither! LOL Like last time, at one point the show boys dispersed amongst the audience hoping to exchange a few strokes of their cocks for 100 baht tips. Nicky politely but firmly declined on our behalf; I discretely put my small wad of 100 baht notes back in my pocket! LOL We stayed for the full show; quite clever some of it, and not all a big cock-fest, although a lot of it was, the first time I had only stayed for the first couple of acts. As the boy show concluded we were told that the 'cabaret show' would start in 30 mins – and Nicky had already recognised one of the ladyboys that was part of the show so we stayed again for more drinks. I would just observe that the drinks seemed to be all priced at 250 baht; expensive, although you got a free show in return. So with several drinks each and one for her friend – my bin was over 2k already. But at least the 100 baht notes in my pocket had remained unspent! LOL Actually the cabaret show was just that – no sign of any cocks waving about here, but the ladyboys were not the most attractive I have seen (including Nicky’s friend) and after about 30 mins I was getting bored, spurred on by the fact that our current drinks were emptying fast and I didn’t really want another round adding to my bin. So I checked bin and we returned to Obsessions where we had another drink or two before returning to Soi 6. We get back to Soi 6 about 1am – the advertised party at Night Wish Bar had finished, but there were still quite a few guys that I knew and could share a drink with. Nicky had gone from being not hungry to being hungry but was happy enough to get trolley food from a cart in from of the bar. I declined, hungry as I was. Having got to the stage of feeling like I had largely recovered from my food poisoning I wasn’t going to risk trolley-food no matter how appetising. We stayed for a couple of drinks until I started to feel tired again – but still hungry. I decided that I was going to go to McDonalds. Nicky opted to wait chatting to the Queen Victoria doorman on Soi 6/1 while I did so. I took my meal back to the room to eat. Nicky announced that she was feeling drunk and collapsed on top of the bed fully clothed. I was certainly tired, but after finishing my meal I was feeling more than a little horny, but clearly Nicky was not. Oh well, I guess it can wait until morning again, but it did just dawn on me that my Long Times with Nicky only seemed to involve Short Time sex, but that is a rod I made for my own back I guess. And in any event Nicky was back off to her home village in Chaiyaphum for a week the day after tomorrow so I will stick with her now and see what happens on her return. With the lingering taste of cheeseburger in my mouth I stripped, showered and crawled under the counterpane, Nicky was already asleep – or so it appeared, next to me. Next thing I knew it was morning! Day 10, Saturday 29th August 2015 This was to be a ‘busy’ day for me, I was feeling heaps better, although my tummy still rumbled and there was still the occasional dash to the toilet to remind me that whatever it was that I had still lingered. But I was awake early and surprisingly so was Nicky. Showers and back to bed together and a horny little session ensued; I had to reach for the lube a couple of times, but finally my cock emptied into her ass. We dozed a while longer under the counterpane for maybe a couple of hours or more before re-showering and heading down to breakfast together. Time for Nicky to go back to her apartment, and time for me to think about visiting Chai for a massage. There he was, waiting and happily smiling at me as he ushered me inside and across the corridor to the big massage room. Not so busy today and opportunity to grab one of the more secluded corners for my massage. Normally he leaves me to undress, but today for whatever reason he lingered chatting to me, as my trousers and pants were removed my already semi-hard cock was apparent, he gave it a quick fondle and it stiffened quickly and gratefully to his touch. He laughs and starts to stroke it as I stand there; damn I feel horny again. He stops and urges me onto my tummy so that he can begin, I have to fish around and move my cock into a more comfortable position. ‘You have problem’ he laughs – ‘yes you give me problem’ I reply; he laughs more and pats my bum. When I think back to my last trip and how shy Chai was with me then, he has become far more confident about dealing with my obvious attraction to him whilst at the same time largely resisting being led any further down the ‘gay for pay’ route – so far! LOL I relax, almost to sleep, as the massage progresses and for a while at least my cock softens and relaxes too. But not for too long, once he starts around my bum and my thighs, his fingers lightly brushing my scrotum as he does so, my cock rapidly hardens one more and this time stays hard until its time to turn over. There is a light cotton modesty cloth placed over my groin at least as the massage starts, but it lies in a heap by my side as I turn-over onto my back and my fully-hard cock bobs around in happy anticipation of the oily caresses soon to cum! . Indeed this time he managed to get me to cum, despite my successful earlier session with Nicky. Not that Chai really did anything different, but the beads of pre-cum were soon oozing out of my cock as he stroked away and I started to feel the involuntary spasms of my cock as it got ready to unleash the contents of my balls. Indeed, with an urgent signal from me, Chai tightened his grip on my cock, focussing on the head, and quickened his stroke; the first spurt shot out, I encouraged him to keep going, and more soon followed, a couple of decent spurts and a final dribble. How the hell did I manage that, and how the hell did I manage to keep quiet as I did so? LOL Chai slowly releases his grip on my cock and reaches for the modesty cloth alongside me to mop me up. That was unexpected! I desperately wanted a hug at this point, but being Chai I had to content myself with holding his hand firmly for a few seconds until I felt fully recovered – he understood and waited patiently until I was ready for him to complete his task by doing a head massage. I gave him a slightly bigger tip today, that sort of ‘result’ needs encouraging! LOL He smiles broadly and pats my bum as I leave. I have cum two times in the last few hours, amazing for me, but unbeknown to me I hadn’t finished yet! It was indeed to prove a busy day. It was only just 2pm as I emerged from D-Dan Massage, drew more cash from the ATM and returned back to my hotel to stash cash and card and to think what was next on the agenda. I still felt good and not at all tired – time to cross a couple of things off my ‘to do’ bucket list. First off I wanted to go to Jomtien Beach – in particular I wanted to find and have a walk around Dongtan Beach. So I got a taxi-bike to Jomtien Beach, forget how much it was, over 100 baht but less than 200 baht. Now keep in mind that apart from ending up in the Rompen Beer Bar Complex one evening last trip, I hadn’t really ever been to Jomtien before. The first thing I noticed about the beach and ‘Beach Road’ at Jomtien was how much more open it both looked and felt than our ‘Coconut Bar’ in Pattaya – even after the lopping and/or removal of so many trees in recent years. The expanse of Jomtien Beach lay to the left of me, Dongtan Beach lay a short way up to the right. It was about 4pm but I noticed generally was how few people there were about anywhere. Ok so turn right and head to Dongtan Beach – it was only a short walk, and there were more trees here and lots of deckchairs and parasols. Mostly old men around, although the majority of the deckchairs were empty. A few boys were offering massages under the trees, but actually very few boys around at all – very disappointing really. One farang was walking along the waters edge with an attractive looking boy – but that was all. I had read reports that it wasn’t the popular area it once was, but there again this was a weekday in low season. So I did a ‘there and back again’ walk and decided to give it up as a bad job. There were allegedly a number of boy bars and boy massages in the vicinity, and I explored a little – I found quite a few in that part of Jomtien that backed onto Dongtan Beach, but at 5pm most were either closed or had the odd member of staff who would call out half-heartedly as I passed. I didn’t see anything or anyone who caused me to pause. Finding myself back on the main road I got another taxi bike to take me back into Pattaya. But I wanted to stop at VC Hotel and take a walk up Soi VC, there were reputedly a range of boy bars and boy massages up this soi and on the side roads leading off including Sunnee Plaza where I had ventured once last January. This again was primarily a look-see excursion on my part. Finding a number of bars I had heard about. I had gotten myself lost here in January by trying to walk back through from Pattaya Tai, what I was learning was it was far easier to access them from Soi VC. (I had heard a lot about this place - I would be returning!) Eros I had been to back in January and Short-Timed a boy called Benz) (taking him across the road to this grotty short-time hotel) I finished my little tour by retracing my steps back to the VC Hotel and then taking a taxi-bike back to Soi 6. It felt a long time since my massage with Chai and I had done a lot of walking about this afternoon leaving me feeling both tired and yet surprisingly horny. Last night I had arranged to meet ladyboy Kim at 8pm at Club 6, on Soi 6 but as the hour approached she apparently isn’t ready and the time gets put back to 9pm. So what to do, I am still feeling tired, I am still feeling horny and I am feeling increasingly frustrated with my day. Given that I still anticipated meeting Kim at 9pm and it had only just gone 8pm the sensible thing would have been to wait with a quiet drink somewhere, but my horniness got the better of me. A taxi-bike had me on the edge of BoyzTown within 5 minutes. Three minutes later Vit was leading me up to the stairs to the ‘rooms’ of his ‘massage’ shop. Five minutes later we had showered together and, given my lack of time, we had abandoned the massage bit and instead were already stroking and sucking each others cocks. He wants to fuck me again as he is horny too, I let him if he goes slowly (and finishes quickly). He does both, he kneels between my legs as I lie on my back and leans forward to slowly push inside me, as he does he is wanking my cock at the same time. After the initial discomfort, the sensation of being both fucked and wanked at the same time is incredible. He tightens his grip on my cock and I find myself cumming hard and quickly, a few seconds later he has pulled out my ass, ripped off his condom and is using his other hand to cum all over my cock. Its messy but unbelievably horny for me and he leans across me now and we kiss, a rare thing for him to do; guess he enjoyed it too! LOL All that took only about 20 mins or so, and ten minutes later we had showered and dressed and I was leaving to look for a taxi-bike back to Soi 6. I was tired, but happy and my balls empty, but possibly not the best start to meeting ladyboy Kim tonight! LOL So sortly after 9pm I was sitting inside Club 6 as the door opened and in walked Kim. I rose to greet her hoping she remembered the picture that I sent. She had remembered and we shook hands (still think that’s a quaint custom when you both know you are about to fuck!) and I offered her a drink. There is no confusing that Kim is a ladyboy, a very pretty ladyboy with very feminine features and the most amazing bum, small pert and well-rounded. But her voice, shoulders and large hands were an immediate give-away. Kim was warm and friendly and perfectly happy with the prospect of a Short Time now – she was also aware that I didn’t have that much time (I was due to see Nicky at 10pm , but a text message from me now put that back half an hour). She was happy to come to my hotel room as and when we had finished our drinks. Better yet, she was passing the cock hardening test already (thank God for Cialis!). A few minutes of small talk later we had finished our drinks, checked bin, and out the door and into the Queen Victoria. While she showered I folded back the counterpane – Nicky would be up here in a few hours, and opened my bedside drawer for easy access to lube and condoms. When Kim returns it is clear that she is in a horny and playful mood. Mutual HJs and BJs and we are soon hard and ready for action. This wasn’t a long session and of course my chances of cumming again were nil, but I did put the condom to good use to fuck that perfect ass of hers until my aching back finally gave-out; she seemed a little disappointed. But she wanted to cum and knelt on her knees in front of me, her cock at mouth level – I took the hint and obliged. Within a few minutes she was cumming quite heavily and I was gagging! LOL A few minutes later, we were both showered again, dressed and she was being photographed and paid. She wanted to know when she could see me again – I said I would message her. Kim had been wonderful, absolute repeat material, but sadly I was only to see her one more time this holiday as other things intervened. And she is only 19! Shortly after 10pm I had returned her to her bar and had another quick drink with her as the clock slowly counted down to Nicky time! There was a slight problem in meeting Nicky, we had arranged to meet in Pussy Club, but for whatever reason the power was out down the bottom end of the Soi and Pussy Club and all the other bars down there were in darkness – although a few had candles out. I tried to call and text her to re-arrange to meet in Sky Bar – but got no reaction. So I wandered down into the darkness to wait outside Pussy Club. Sure enough ten minutes later a taxi-bike pulls up and a slightly puzzled looking Nicky steps off into the gloom. I shout out, she looks round sees me and we walk back to Sky Bar where we are joined by various friends. Drinks, chat and various complimentary food offerings from boss Skeeter, including a box of the stickiest iced ring-doughnuts I had sampled for many a year! Nicky had been on good form all night and was in a happy, horny mood. Showers and then to bed, but not to sleep for a while longer yet. Lots of happy foreplay together before reaching for the KY and slipping into her ass. I thought at one point that I was going to be able to cum again and moved to the ‘short strokes’, Nicky thought I was going to cum too and responded and actually when I took my cock out I clearly had managed to cum a little bit after all, just a trickle, but even that was miraculous given my other activities today. Anyway, all in all it made for a great shag with Nicky, maybe my best session with her yet, and we lay contentedly together for a while before preparing for sleep.
  22. Good, well don't hold back, tell us more! LOL
  23. And I think he only gets about half of that fee, so I would always tip him a further 500 baht if he got me to cum - I find it very difficult to cum normally, especially with a condom. Vit earned his tip every time! LOL
  24. Day 5, Monday 24th August 2015 A new day; a quick shower each and back to bed to say a proper 'Good Morning' to Pee Mai, before showing again and down to breakfast. It was now close to 1pm and I told Pee Mai that I was going for a massage on Second Road and she wanted to walk up with me. I did wonder if she too wanted a massage but no – she was content to hand-me over to Chai at D-Dan Massage; I noticed that Chai’s girlfriend looked up and gave Pee Mai a big smile, I wonder why? LOL As ever Chai is welcoming and chatty and we find a more secluded mattress this time, its not anywhere near as busy as it was yesterday. It’s a couple of hours since my pre-breakfast session with Pee Mai concluded, but I wasn’t feeling particularly horny when I arrived, but with Chai’s massaging around my bum and groin, my cock had soon risen-up to greet him. He teases me even more this time seemingly ignoring my cock completely as he completes his massage. Finally he gives it a pat and reaches for the massage oil and I feel a trickle down the shaft of my cock and then the warmth of his had as he sets about his little task. I always leave Chai feeling deeply relaxed. Earlier my friend Lee had sent me a message asking if she could see me again today – I had replied yes – at 4pm, but I had had no confirmation back and it was almost 4pm now. Within ten minutes she was with me and upstairs getting undressed and showered. (part of the ritual with Short Times with Lee is that I feed her afterwards! LOL) A few hours after Lee departs and I was starting to feel horny again – time to visit Vit again for another ‘massage’ I think. I text him that I am on my way and shortly after 8pm he is leading me into his shop, I am paying 1.5k for the ‘package’ and up the stairs we go to our usual room. We shower together and then the massage starts – barely ten minutes this time before the ‘sausage fest’ begins. He still doesn’t really like sucking my cock but he is quite happy to let me suck his! Neither of us had a condom this time so he finger fucks me as I wank-him off with one hand and myself with the other hand. I get him to cum a few seconds before I do; it gets messy as we both cum quite hard. (a Face Book picture - despite the number of times I saw Vit this holiday I was often too horny to think about getting my camera out) We share the odd tender moment, but mostly its just dirty sex with Vit. I cum quite easily with him – maybe it’s a self-fulfilling thing – I know that I am going to cum with him so I do – if you see what I mean? It’s rare that we take the full hour – this time it was only about 40 minutes before I was dressed and out of there. I still had over an hour before I was due to see Nicky. Given that I was already in Boyztown ,Walking Street was only a short walk away, I would go and see my friend Lee who was working in her agogo; she was short on her monthly tally of ladydrinks and due to have her monthly 'salary' cut as a consequence. Anyhow I didn’t have a huge amount of time so I bought Lee several more ladydrinks in quick succession – she knew what I was doing and so ‘helped’ by having tequila which she could knock-back. Not that I came anywhere near her 17 outstanding drinks – but we certainly knocked quite a few off! Quick peck on the cheek and I was off – got a taxi bike from the Walking Street entrance – I wanted 5 mins in my hotel room to freshen up and change my shirt before meeting Nicky again in Sky Bar at 10pm as arranged. Nicky was only 20 mins late – quite good for her – she knew it was to be a big party night at Sapphire Agogo tonight – and she looked utterly stunning in a cut-away black dress and her hair had clearly been recently styled in a salon. We were due to meet in Sky Bar – and then go Walking Street and Soi 15. It proved a munificent and alcohol soaked party, I am not much of a drinker, but I do have a fondness for champagne which my host was happy to fulfil. I will spare you all the details but after the second champagne bottle had been emptied, I inverted it into the ice bucket as a signal that it could be taken away. As my host passed by I thanked him profusely for the champagne, but as the empty bottle was taken away a new bottle appeared – this time pink champagne. I felt utterly spoilt and not a little drunk – Nicky just looked bemused – it was clearly going to be her job to see me home tonight. Needless to say that my recollections of the latter part of this party are fairly hazy, and I have absolutely no memories of either leaving Sapphire or of getting back to my hotel. I am told that one of my friends stepped up to the plate and helped Nicky get me to my room and into bed. I haven’t been that drunk for a very long time ! Day 6, Tuesday 25th August 2015 I honestly hadn’t intended to get so drunk last night, not least of which was because I had a taxi arriving at the Queen Victoria at 11am to take me to Don Muang airport – I was going on a little adventure to Khon Kaen! Perhaps my closest companion over a great many of my holidays had been ladyboy Arm from Soho Bar, but she had left Pattaya over 18 months ago to return to her home village in Chaiyaphum . We had kept in contact via Facebook and by phone as best we could given her handicaps of severe deafness and inability to speak. As her ability to read English and mine to read Thai were also both virtually nil, communication was and remained the biggest obstacle to our ‘relationship’, and relationship of sorts we undoubtedly had and I maintained a fondness for her despite everything. However I did want to see her again, even if only to reassure myself that she was ok. But nothing I could do or say would persuade her back to Pattaya – even for a few days. In turn she had tried to persuade me to visit her in Chaiyaphum but I had made excuses. However over the last couple of months prior to my trip she had worn me down and I had agreed to go and see her for a few days. The plan was that I should fly to Khon Kaen today, spend two nights with her and then return on 27th. So I now had an hour to sober-up enough to shower, breakfast and pack. Nicky helped. (unbeknown to me this was to be my last decent breakfast for some days) I had allowed two hours for the taxi-ride to Don Muang, that had begun to look generous as we sped towards Bangkok, but the nose to tail traffic snarl-ups getting through Bangkok ate-up the time, and about two hours was what it eventually took. In turn I had allowed two hours to check-in and go through security. Don Muang Airport is quite a bit smaller than Suvarnabhumi, and not nearly as busy. I found myself in the departure lounge with plenty of time to spare to catch up with these notes and drink coffee. The flight was not a long one, fractionally under and hour and with all the time taxi-ing about before take-off and after landing I guess there wasn’t more than 40 mins in the air at most. The Air Asia flight had been relatively cheap, at about 2k baht, and was comfortable enough. There are no docking bays at Khon Kaen Airport, which is quite small, just a couple of steps pushed up to the aircraft so that you alight onto the tarmac and walk to the terminal building – not that its far. We were the only active aircraft it seemed and there were few people about but there was a small huddle of people waiting as we passed out of the arrivals lounge – and there waving at me was Arm. She was there with her (real) sister and her husband and their two small children – by the sound of it the poor sods had been waiting there over three hours – despite what I thought were clear and repeated messages from me as to my anticipated arrival time. Well I was through, and getting a big hug from Arm who was beaming from ear to ear and a polite welcome from the other family members – the small girls looked in awe at this big, old farang that had joined them. The husband led us to the car park and his pick-up, one of these ones where the front ‘cab’ has two rows of seats. Not that we went far, we pulled into this large shopping complex on the outskirts of Khon Kaen, parked and then went into the centre. We were going to eat and as it was going to be my treat to them I could decide where we ate. There was this floor high in the complex that just consisted to eating places, quite a few sushi ones that were definite no-nos for me. I looked hopefully at both Pizza Hut and KFC but Arm hurried me past and kept taking me past the MK restaurant; supposedly my choice don’t forget. I don’t like MK, a view only to be re-enforced by subsequent events – but I took the hint and in we went. We should have gone to Pizza Hut!!! Usual format for MK, a communal table with a large heated cooking vessel in the centre, glossy menus with overpriced selections of mostly raw meat and vegetables that would be brought to the table for us all to cook. I ordered some pork as being the easiest option. Everybody ordered different and into the pot it all went, a swirling morass of the undercooked and the inedible. This was my treat to them and they were keen to serve me and watch me ‘enjoy’ the food – a little too keen it transpired! Various pieces of pale coloured meat were placed into my bowl and all eyes were upon me as I ate – oh fateful moment! I didn’t eat much, I really had no appetite for it at all, but they all enjoyed it and kept pressing me to try this and that. Forget how much it all cost – less than 1k baht in all. And then off we went back to the pick-up and what was about a 90 minute drive to Arm’s home town which turned out to be Phukhieo in Chaiyaphum. Bit of a one-horse town, or at least a one hotel town – the Bander Hotel – one of these reasonable quality hotels stuck out on the outskirts of nowhere – you do wonder who thought it was a great commercial idea to build a modern hotel here. Anyhow the pick-up rolled up to the hotel and we all got out. The sister had booked the hotel and signed us in – I paid – it was going to be about 900 baht a night plus whatever we had from the fridge. Once settled into our room the family departed – it was quite a nice room, it was clean, modern and everything worked. Arm would like to go for a drink – where? – apparently she knew several potential places and we could walk. There were not many people about but Arm seemed to know them all – she had a firm grip of my hand as we walked along – she seemed intent on showing me off. We looked into one place which was all but dead (as was the rest of the street), then across the road into another similarly inactive street, but where there were faint sounds of a band playing in the distance. We walked some more towards the sound of the band. It was a moderate sized open bar, the odd tree growing in the middle and wooden tables and benches dispersed around, each with rather dubious looking cushions. We weren’t the only customers, but there were precious few – but still the band played on! Arm wanted a quiet table in the corner and a plumpish girl turned up to see what we wanted to drink – there was a choice of Heineken, Leo or Chang – I chose Heineken and Arm a big bottle of Leo. We spent a happy hour sitting and chatting and the ordering some more beer and chatting some more. I say chatting – obviously it was more basic than that. My stomach gurgled a couple of times – Arm didn’t hear of course and I put it down to too much beer on a relatively empty stomach. I didn’t think any more of it as we wended our way back to the hotel. It was during the night that I got the first uneasy sensation in my stomach and a realisation that all was not well – and so began the first of many trips to the toilet over the next 24 hours. I had drunk quite a bit of beer, but it seemed like I was peeing out of my ass. At least I wasn’t sick as well. Arm soon cottoned onto the fact that I was in and out of bed for the rest of the night – she patted her stomach and looked at me with a pained look on her face – I nodded as I dashed past her yet again. Day 7, Wednesday 26th August 2015 By the morning I was largely empty. We had bought some snacks and drinks from a late-night store on the way back last night – but I dared eat nothing. Arm was out early enough to find a pharmacy and come back with two small white pills which she assured me would block me up and some orange powders to mix into water to help rehydrate me. I may not have been hungry, but Arm was, and against my better judgement she dragged me out to a small café place just metres from the hotel. She well, I had a few spoonful's of plain rice soup! LOL Poor Arm, whatever she had planned for us today this certainly would not have been it. She kept me company best she could and tried to take care, but actually what I wanted most was to rest and sleep. It became clear to Arm that I was going nowhere else today and there were some rapid phone calls – to her sister probably to halt this evenings festivities. I never moved from the bed (and the loo) for the rest of the day. Even the heavens were against us – the skies opened and it poured! It continued to rain heavily well into the night to the point where I became concerned about flooded roads and runways the next day. Day 8, Thursday 27th August 2015 I did feel a little better the next morning, still drinking those orange supplement drinks, although I did risk the odd dry biscuit as well. There was timetable, my flight from Khon Kaen was at 13.00pm and I knew it was going to take a couple of hours to drive to the airport and I needed to allow time to check-in. I decided we needed to leave the hotel about 9am. Arm’s sister was backwards and forwards on her bike to check all this – she had some App on her phone that I could speak into that translated it into spoken Thai – and vice-versa. Worked reasonably well, but at least the departure time was understood. First Arm wanted me to visit her house, ok, as long as we didn't stay too long. Miraculously I thought, given the torrential, unremitting rain of the previous evening, the roads were dry and the traffic light and within about 90 minutes we were entering the gates of the little airport complex. I had two hours before my flight departed. For international flights you are usually advised to get to the airport three hours before your flight is due to take-off, here at Khon Kaen an hour would have been ample, but I had two hours to wait and there really wasn’t very much to do once you had gone through into departures. Even so there was also a delay to the flight of an additional half an hour. (bit fuzzy - sorry) The arrangement was that once I had arrived back in Don Muang (after an uneventful flight – save that the landing gear under my seat made a frightful noise both when being taken in after take off and in setting down as we landed), was that I was to phone the taxi-driver and tell her which exit door I was waiting at, she would then come and find me. Despite me being late she was still cheerful, she lane-hops like crazy and cuts up the other drivers like the best of London’s black-cab drivers. The traffic through Bangkok was, if anything, worse than that of the outward journey two days ago, but as we left the city the traffic eased and my driver picked up speed, still weaving happily between lanes. I closed my eyes and slept for much of the journey. I still did not feel well, I hadn’t eaten properly for two days now and I felt both tired and weak but I longed to be back in my hotel room, so much did it feel like ‘home from home’ to me now. I got to the hotel, tipped the driver, collected my room key from reception and went upstairs and slept for an hour or two. I felt better, helped by the fact that I could now pee out my cock once more rather than out of my ass. I felt able to leave the hotel and call in the pharmacy just past Z Bar, always found the pharmacist here both professional and helpful. I recounted my symptoms as best I could and walked out with a package of anti-biotics and even more of those orange salt sachets. Back to my room and suitably dosed up I felt quite a lot ‘better’. I contacted Chai – I would be along for a massage shortly – not only did I want a massage but I wanted to see how my cock would respond. Not only had my food poisoning lost my appetite but it also lost my libido as well – last night with Arm nothing had stirred down there at all! Chai’s massage was everything I hoped for, deeply relaxing but when I tuned over my cock was flaccid and lifeless – even Chai stared in disbelief! He massaged all around my tummy and groin – still nothing. This was tragic! I persuaded him to try stroking my cock and he did his best, it did not look promising but then it started to thicken a little and then start to stiffen. Within a couple of minutes of Chai’s ministrations it was fully hard again, I didn’t cum of course but the sense of relief was palpable. The boy has healing hands! LOL Back to the hotel, via the ATM, I ordered rice soup at reception and had it sent up to my room. I had also called into the 7/11 and bought some packets of cereal (cornflakes and ‘sugar frosties’) and some milk for light breakfast/snacks. I only managed about half the rice soup but I felt much better for having eaten what I did. Better enough to think about going to visit Vit – that would be the ultimate test of my recovery. Clutching some baht I was on the back of a taxi bike and heading to Boyztown shortly after 8pm. Suitably warned Vit was waiting. Getting undressed with him in the room and picking up the shower towel I suddenly had doubts as to the wisdom of this, but then Vit was leading me by my cock to the shower, his cock already stiffening as he did so. No turning back now. (a pic from last January) Sex was out of the question, I hadn’t the energy to fuck him and no way was anything going up my ass at the moment, cock or finger! But he quickly got me hard and I soon got him to cum, however it took a goodly while for him to get me to cum – and when he did it was barely a trickle even though it had felt like more! LOL It wasn’t our best session by a long shot and I felt tired and worn-out when I had finished but our balls were both emptier! I had barfined Nicky for tonight way back on Tuesday morning and we had been in touch and agreed to meet at Sky Bar at 10.30pm and I still had half an hour to wait. Just made it over to Sky Bar before Nicky arrived; managed a drink here and a drink in Pussy Club by which time I was ready for bed – for all the wrong reasons! Nicky quickly assumed the role of nurse-maid and set about making me comfortable. She did try to give me a blow-job but it was like trying to raise the dead – my cock remained obstinately lifeless tonight – maybe I can do better in the morning.
  25. Having never been to X Boys, I would like to hear if the show itself is really that special or not? I went a couple of times to BoyzBoyzBoyz in August and the drinks there were 250 baht but there were some decent cock-shows and opportunities to get hands-on (for 100 baht tips).
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