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Everything posted by Vessey

  1. Yes, I think there are many variables. If it is a first-time barfine then yes I may see them down to reception and give them taxi fare, If its a regular and they are heading home/bar then I just give them taxi-fare. Sometimes I am heading back out with them anyway for a drink or out somewhere to eat, Sometimes they have done their 'job' so well that I am still lying there in a pool of sweat breathing hard - those are the best ones! LOL
  2. Vessey

    I dont always Tip

    I usually tip, but I must confess I am a little less altruistic than some of you guys. Yes I can tip with gratitude, but more often it is a less selfless motivation than that. I will tip the room maid, because she will leave me extra towels each morning if I do, or will clean my room even when she is finishing-up if I have had a late night. I will tip the hotel waitresses, because when I have all-but thrown the bloody DVD out of the balcony window because I can't get the bloody thing to work and I phone downstairs for help. She will arrive with a frown, flick the simple switch that I had completely missed, but with a small tip she leaves with a smile. My favourite restaurant I will tip well so they remember me and next time will find me the better table and I wont have to wait too long to get served. I will tip the young waiters in my favourite agogos - they will always find me and my guest-of-the-night a seat no matter how crowded it is inside. Etc.etc. So I don't tip because I am a saint(although I do try to be LOL), I tip because I will usually get better service for doing so. Same same with the lads I drink with, flirt with, barfine, etc. - but that's probably for another thread.
  3. Vessey

    Prices for Boys?

    This last holiday I was paying boys tips of 1k to 1.5k for short-time from Eros/Toy Boys, and 2-3k for long-time from Toy Boys and X-Boys. I was quoted 2.5k for short-time at BoyzBoyzBoyz but that was an 'all-in' price for using their short-time room. Didn't act on it (sadly) as other things intervened. Not saying that is standard by any means, just what I paid - maybe I paid too much? - they were certainly keen to ensure I was happy with them and that I would want to see them again! LOL By way of comparison girls from the beer bars and clubs 2-3k baht for long-time would be regarded as the norm now and accepting that in the agogos, prices could be substantially higher. Some of the Sapphire show girls have been asking crazy money even for short-times in recent months.
  4. It seems that there may be official announcements from tomorrow onwards about mourning arrangements and how those might impact, inter alia, on local business and entertainment venues. Hopefully those will lend some clarity about how they will affect the situation 'on the ground' for Thais and farang alike.
  5. I am being told that an official announcement is imminent.
  6. Many of the Thailand/Pattaya forums are monitored, Thailand's Lese-Majeste laws are strict and rigorously enforced, Rumors and hoaxes abound at the moment, if there is any news, best wait for announcements by the Royal Household Bureau.
  7. Good Boys was active this last August, despite (or perhaps because of) the gloom of the little soi it sits on - dark places for dark deeds. In particular a lad called Ched who had an absolute whopper to play with - a real two hander LOL
  8. By all accounts the 'visible' sex trade that we enjoy as 'Farang' is dwarfed by the Thai sex trade which is far less visible. My point is that there will always be sex for sale, but we may have to look harder to find it. Even if it does become more elusive it will still beat my celibate existence back home LOL
  9. My 'wildest' thing so far, is pretty tame really I suppose. I have had two good nights in Eros, this picture from the last visit. Cocks out, stroked, handled and sucked, mine and a couple of theirs, with most of them cumming. About 3k baht for drinks and tips. Fantasy wise; ah so many, but to return to Eros and the group of boys above, I would have so loved to have taken it to another level, moving from BJs in the bar to a 'condom moment' - (or five!) - right there in the bar.
  10. I think that you raise some really interesting issues here, but I wonder if they don't merit their own thread as we are wandering some way from the opening post on this thread. But in summation: bar closures - is going on all the time, but they mostly re-open and someone tries again under a different bar name. There are wider trends perhaps above all that. On-line traffic - Facebook yes, and maybe other avenues - ladyboys are particularly adept at the internet opportunities to expand their customer base. Plump ladies, yes overall there is a trend in that direction, but turn-over also ensures a ready supply of young 'spinners' 'off the bus' each week.
  11. Humm - femboys who are 'sluts' - let me think about that for a nano-second - ah yes, Eros! One of my now favorite places in Pattaya and now one of the last remaining jewels in the Crown of Sunee Plaza.
  12. Yes Pattaya Addicts (currently 108k members) and the Pattaya Ladyboy Forum (currently 67k members); keep in mind I am bi-sexual LOL Both differ from each other in the character of their respective forums and in turn differ markedly from this one. Not saying that any one is better than the other - they cater for different markets - and they just differ.
  13. Moderation effectively shapes both both the character and direction of a forum. I post on three forums these days and the character of each differs as does their moderation. This is, by far, the smallest of the three and still retains that 'family of like-minded friends' feel to it. And I feel privileged to be part of it. But every now and then someone has to be sent home from the party if they are spoiling it for others. As others have said there is always a balance to be struck between building content and membership and retaining what's best about its current character.
  14. Vessey


    I haven't explored all of Pattaya by a long chalk, but based on my recent trip, in Boyztown both Toy Boys and Cupidol would be good places to start - they are both stuffed with them.
  15. There does seem to be a 'gap in the market' here for daytime short-times. In the girl environment opportunities abound, with many, many short-time bars open from mid-day onwards, and quite a number of 'gentlemen's clubs' tucked away here and there that offer opportunites for an 'afternoon delight'. But so far, apart from the places mentioned above, I am not (yet) aware of any similar opportunities to meet boys in the afternoons.
  16. For me the important thing is being able to communicate with my friends the best I can. There are some Thais whose English is fluent/conversational, but not many; there are some who, being relatively new to the game, have virtually no English at all, and then there are those in the middle with a varying smattering of English. So I will adapt to whoever I am talking to, mostly its Tinglish. I certainly dont see that as being condescending it is just a practical compromise to communication. I had a ladyboy GF for a while who was a deaf-mute and we still managed a degree of communication, made-up sign language, emoticons on the phone, etc. etc.. The ability, at whatever level, to communicate with my barfines makes a big difference to my enjoyment of the experience (although if the sex is great all is forgiven of course). I try and keep in mind that poor though their English may be, it is still better than my Thai!
  17. I think it was 260 baht for a San Miguel and even 200 baht for a coke, that puts it higher than any other boys bar I have encountered in Pattaya and on a par, or even marginally higher than the prices in the top girl agogos on Walking Street. I have zero experience of the boy bars of Bangkok and if their drink prices are indeed even higher then my experience is likely to remain at zero.
  18. I was tipping the boys that came and sat with me in Toy Boys, in Boyztown. Despite the horrendous price of their drinks I gather the boys only got 20 baht per drink - I don't know if anyone can confirm that? But if they just sat and had a drink with me and chatted, then I gave 100 baht tip. If I had had a fondle of their cock then I gave 200 baht. (Given that I would give the Good Boys boys 300 baht to stroke their cocks, that seemed to me to be reasonable in comparison). So in Toy Boys I would last the first round of drinks and tip, rather than buy a second round of drinks. Saved me money and the boys got more. So why did I drink there if it was so expensive? - because it was Twink Heaven - that's why (and of course because my beloved Vit worked there LOL).
  19. I have reached the age and weight in life where the more clothes I wear the better I look. The only poor souls who are inflicted with my naked form are the ones I am paying to tell me what a handsum man I look like. Coincidentaly they also tell me how they like pompui men, and how they positively prefer older men: how I love Pattaya! LOL
  20. Not being a whisky drinker I have yet to be tempted by the buy a bottle approach, although I am well up for any hints on saving money. I managed to go way over budget this trip, although I had a great time. One of my regulars I would see after he finished work in his agogo, if I went in to pay bar there was usually a few drinks involved and when they are 250 baht each, I walked out of there with my boy but minus about 2k baht to start with. I spent enough in that particular bar as it is over the last three weeks so I feel no guilt about it. I also indicated to the boy that I could pay him a little extra as a consequence. But I tend to agree to drinks too quickly and too easily anyway. Best value for money this trip was a day trip to Koh Larn via the ferry and taking a friend. Ferry charges 120 baht for both of us both ways, 200 baht to rent a motor bike, 200 baht for sun loungers and about 400 baht, just under, for food. So basically fractionally under 1k baht. We both loved it.
  21. There are a number of all-boy massage shops on Second Road opposite Boyztown that look promising, Also other massage shops along Second Road by Big C which have a selection of boys. They will say they are straight massage shops with no extras - but if a boy gets to know you then baht normally 'talks' certainly for HJs and BJs but perhaps not 'boom boom' unless you can take him out of the shop for a while?
  22. I am not sure about the 'non of your fucking business', but the walk like you own the place is spot on. I am just returned from my last holiday and my stay at the Queen Victoria on Soi 6. The 60+ Soi 6 bars are stuffed full of Thai girls and ladyboys but no boys. But everyone of my long-times this holiday was a boy, and to start with I tried to hide them - and then I thought 'fuck it!' this is my holiday and these are my choices. Not only did nobody among the hotel staff say a derogatory word, they even quite took to some of the lads
  23. Turn the air-con up and they quickly cocoon themselves in the counterpane with only their head popping out. Added to that I can snore for England, and so their head quickly disappears too and they keep their distance.
  24. Has this place been resurrected and/or moved and if so any current reviews please? The search function is not terribly helpful with some of these names.
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