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Everything posted by Vessey

  1. Let me preface what I am going to post by saying that I do love this site and visit it several times a day. But I do wish we collectively as a Forum had a little more self-confidence. All to often I read here about how the gay scene in Pattaya is in decline and yet some posts and posters are almost apologetic, even secretive in talking about it, yet alone in promoting it. I am still relatively new to this, but already from what I have seen the boy bars, agogos and massage shops seem to abound with far more opportunities than I can possibly visit during my all-too-brief holidays. Ironically the Ladyboy scene in Pattaya is far more high-profile, and the LB forum thrives, and yet, actually, on the ground I would say that the working LBs of Pattaya are only marginally more prolific than the boys. Or am I missing something?
  2. I am clearly getting old and cynical for it seems to me that love is rarely unconditional in any society; indeed it rarely ever was, except in fiction and fantasy. Love is usually kindled by security, including financial security, by status, by strength, by passion and sex, or just by comfort and proximity, with each deriving something from the relationship that attracts and works for them. I do not criticise the love of a Thai but it can be hard to understand at times. I my case it is their youth, beauty and sexuality that draws me closer to them. Lord knows what they see in me, a walking, snoring ATM with an annoying sex drive possibly LOL But, hey, if it works, it works.
  3. Well judging from some of the the responses on this thread we certainly don't come to Thailand to enjoy each others company that's for sure! LOL
  4. Edited for you LOL
  5. I tell everyone that I have a girlfriend over there and that I see her each trip. And its kinda true, I do usually see that same girl each trip, but usually just the one day (or part of one day). The fact that she is 'girlfriend' to quite a number of other guys is, of course, entirely immaterial! LOL But I ensure that I take a few photos of her as well each trip. Sad thing is that my old Dad always asks after her - I do feel guilty of course, but given his strident views on 'homosexuals and queers' I console myself that actually its far better that he doesn't know what I get up to on all those other days. LOL
  6. In my humble opinion the 'glory days' are far from gone. I can't speak of anywhere but Pattaya, but there is still huge fun to be had if you go with the right mindset. True some places wax while others wane. Sunee Plaza is not what it was for sure, but get yourself into Eros Bar, or head behind the screens in Good Boys with a boy of your choice and you will still emerge with your balls weighing less and a huge smile on your face. The agogos of Boyztown and the adjacent sois are still stuffed with boys to suite all tastes and desperate for a few baht and any sort of little party you want to have with them. We always tend to view the past, even the recent past, with 'rose tinted spectacles', but I truly believe there are still many opportunities to have an absolute blast in Pattaya and make your own 'glory days'.
  7. I haven't gone down the on-line route for my partners (other than my Vietnamese Angel last time - and that wasn't exactly what I had hoped). It seems to me a bit like shopping on line, convenient perhaps, saves time for sure and cuts out extraneous expense in bars etc fore sure as well. And, that said, I do have my list of 'regulars' most of whom, if they are not busy, are only a phone call away. However, I remain addicted to the 'hunt', there is always the good chance of the unexpected 'find' as you go from bar to bar. Then, you have that drink or two with them and the 'interview' process starts. How comfortable are you with each other, how hands-on are they, do they kiss, do they keep eye contact and seem interested. They are demonstrating (or not) their barfine potential, they are reassuring you (or not) of the likelihood of good experience, etc, etc. So although I might whinge about the cost of boy drinks in some places, I don't think I will ever tire of the bars and agogo as places to find my companions.
  8. Vessey

    Turning 55 today

    I haven't lived that long yet! LOL But if I do I hope to celebrate it in style - I am thinking Eros?
  9. Vessey

    Turning 55 today

    Hey look Abang, you are 55, still comfortably within Middle Age, and still looking good for your age; that puts you way ahead of most of us. All being well, I shall be 'celebrating' my 63rd birthday in Pattaya in January, I do not look anywhere near as good (not even when I was 55, or 45 for that matter). Countless diets have started, failed, faded and fallen, I am unfit, and slowly getting ever more lazy - am I going to do anything about it? - well yes of course, but I will start tomorrow - that's the trouble, it is always tomorrow. That said, I hope to spend my holiday surrounded by sexy young Thais and I shall feel young, carefree and happy again - for a couple of weeks at least. As we get older the power of youth becomes ever more attractive, we may no longer have it, but at least in Thailand we can share it. The fantasy of Thailand tides me over the months of harsh reality back home - although I fully intend to do something about that - tomorrow! LOL
  10. First of all, let me say that you 'example' in the shower room is exemplary - please feel free to show us more. LOL (just wondering if I haven't seen him before - but its probably wishful thinking) I have a, by now considered fairly humble, IPhone5 and the camera in that is actually pretty good and so I take tons of pictures of everything - I can do so quickly and relatively discretely. I do also have a small point and press camera which I use on occasions, but actually the quality of the pictures is not much better. I usually plan on doing a trip report, and fundamentally that acts as a sort of daily diary for me - so I would probably still prepare one even if I wasn't going to 'post it' on one of the Boards. My phone camera, like most I suppose, records time and date of each picture, so I also end up taking basic 'record shots' of most things I do to remind me what I did on any particular day and when. I take less bedroom shots than I used to do, but if my room-mate is keen then I will happily get them to pose - they often ask for copies of the pictures for their own use, and I almost always oblige. I am no David Bailey, and nor do I try to be, although I do use a photo editor when I am downsizing pictures to trim off any unwanted background, but I lack any skills to properly 'photo-shop' them, I usually just take a number of pictures and hope that at least one 'works'. So I probably take 50 or more pictures a day, sometimes a lot more, but rarely much less. If nothing else they help me remember my holidays when I am stuck at home slowly counting down the weeks and months until my next visit.
  11. Can I add ladyboy bars into the discussion. There are a great many ladyboys in P4P in Pattaya, but actually not that many dedicated ladyboy bars - I am thinking pretty similar to the number of boy bars - but with a different distribution of course. There are, however, a large number of ladyboy 'freelancers' across the city, but usually quite clearly evident along Beach Road and Walking Street where they intermingle with the even larger number of girl freelancers. There are also the odd ladyboys that mix with the girls in otherwise predomiantly 'girlie' bars. (Most guys who go with ladyboys will insist that they are not gay). Those dedicated ladyboy bars often have a wide 'mix' of ladyboys from the one with surgical breasts through to those that are femme-boys; indeed a couple of ladyboy bars have been reported with the odd twink boy on the staff. Most ladyboys I know also rely very heavily on social media and on-line 'dating' sites to hook up with potential customers.
  12. Well I would obviously like to think that Vit was looking forward to my next trip, and perhaps he is? I keep in contact with him via social media, and he has recently had a traffic accident - a collision with a car he says - probably on his bike. Lots of pictures of bloody knees, bandages and 'no money for medicines' and not able to work for a week or so - and yes Vessey to the rescue with a little help from Western Union. It wouldn't surprise me to hear others had contributed as well - he seems to have a reasonable fan base despite all his 'Pattaya very quiet now, no customer' protestations. I miss him of course!
  13. At the risk of causing further outrage amongst some, let's see if this short video clip works or not; never tried posting one before. If it does work you should see a short clip of the 9pm BBB parade, if it doesn't you will at least be aware of what you missed LOL IMG_3440.MOV
  14. Vessey's Adventures in Boyztown: Part Two – Days 11-21. Day 11, Friday 26th August Vit 'accidentally' wakes me about 7am, he has had no sleep he says and proceed to play back to me a clip he has made on his phone of me snoring voluminously. But he is happy he says because I 'sleep good' – oh dear, the poor boy. He says he is feeling horny and wants boom boom. I suspect that what he really wants is to fulfil his part of the long-time bargain and get back to his room to sleep. I say I will go shower, no he says, he is horny too much. And it's true his cock is rock hard and he massages around my groin and bum before reaching for the lube and the condom. As ever he goes gently to start with until he is comfortably inside me, my cock starts to thicken and then harden as he pumps away and he starts to wank me as he fucks me. Meanwhile I am lying there happily rubbing my hands across his body, playing with his nipples and grasping his bum cheeks. He leans forward and starts to kiss me, no tongues but with increasing passion as he builds up his pace. He is not in any rush, and keeps going for ages and I am loving it and pushing myself into him. A gap in the curtains lets in a shaft of light that illuminates his face; he is such a pretty boy. But then his eyes close and his face starts to screw up and his thrusts become harder, deeper and more urgent as he finally cums. Still inside me he leans forward to passionately hug and kiss me; that was clearly as good for him as it was for me. He slowly extracts himself and removes the condom, the end heavy with his cum. I reach across and lick whats left off the head of his cock and try to encourage it back to life; but its no use, he is spent. Now he is trying to get me off, and perhaps trying a little too hard, I try and slow him down, but then gently taking his hand off, I try myself and he lies along side me, drapes himself over me and starts to kiss me again. That will work, and shortly after I can feel my cum rising and leave my cock, but I didn't feel it land, but Vit did – all across his chest, neck and some on his face. Ok, now its time for us both to shower together. All this is done with good humour on his part, despite his lack of sleep. Now he is on about breakfast, it is barely 8am and I tell him that we will need to wait about another 30 minutes for the kitchens to open. He hints at eating upstairs again, but I want downstairs. I have put 3k baht by his phone (2k for the sex and 1k for putting up with the snoring! LOL). And for the next 30 minutes we lie on the bed together and talk, he is showing me pictures of his Mom and family. Basically he seems to have been brought up a farm boy in a poor rural part of Cambodia, and much of any money he earns gets sent home to help them get by. He talks more of his family and his upbringing and is opening up in a way he has never done before (or had an opportunity to do before perhaps). I feel privileged for the insight into his life. I hear his tummy rumble – he really is hungry, so at 8.20am as the girls are still laying out the tables, we go down to eat and place our order; me No 1 breakfast and a steak for Vit – he has got a taste for that now hasn't he. Its going to take a while for the chef to get started and we make the most of our drinks as we chat away again. I am starting to see and appreciate Vit the boy this holiday rather than just Vit the sex machine who so successfully gets me to cum each time I see him. If I was fond of him before, I am getting increasingly fond of him now but in a different way. Sadly my snoring and his consequent lack of sleep was a real problem for him and I was only to see him the one more time for long-time although there were to be several more short-times. Not that he ever complained or moaned about it, but there was usually an excuse as to why he could only do short-times. Probably for the best, I was already getting far too fond of Vit this holiday. But now, breakfast over, he wants to go back to his own room to sleep. He knows Condo is back for the weekend, but wants to have short-time with me this evening if he can – I give him a 'maybe' and 100 baht for the taxi bike back to his own parked-up bike outside Toy Boys – which this time he accepts. A quick kiss and a hug and he is off. I check-bin, go collect the laundry, and then back up to my room – the maid has been busy and it is all clean, neat and tidy, with all trace of last night's long-time experience gone; the room feels a little empty. But a timely facebook message from Condo, reminds me that he will be with me again this evening – he will try and get to me later this afternoon if he can – my chances of a short-time with Vit this evening are now looking remote. Early evening and I am trying to find out what stage of the journey Condo was on, but turns out he was still in Bangkok, but leave 'in moment'. Little bugger, I had been soft peddling all afternoon thinking that he might turn up at any time. He is going to be another couple of hours at least – what can I do until then. Almost without thinking I am sending a message to Vit, how early could he meet me tonight for ST? He responded even more quickly than I hoped, he can be on Soi 6/1 by 8pm; and he was. Minutes later he is in my room and we are showering together and onto the bed. There is an urgency now, nothing to do with Condo's imminent arrival, I just wanted him. He wants to massage me first, so I put a towel down onto the bed and both naked, he starts to give me an oil massage (I keep a small bottle of Johnson's baby oil in my condom drawer for precisely such opportunities. He takes time to at least start a proper massage. My favourite bits always used to be when I was lying face down, he had done my legs and was now kneeling between them and reaching up to do my back and shoulders as I could feel the tip of his erect cock brushing my bum cheeks, or better yet brushing between my bum cheeks and I could try and clench then to trap his cock for a second or two. Well by accident or design, this is exactly what was happening now. I heard him give a little giggle as I clenched my bum cheeks around his cock as he reached up. But now, without moving position, he was massaging around the small of my back, the top of my thighs and my bum cheeks, and then I felt fingers oiling my bum hole. Next thing I know I feel his cock pushing gently but purposefully against my bum, it is in and his whole weight is momentarily across my back (not that he weighs much) as he eases his way fully inside me. If truth be told this is exactly what I had been subconsciously fantasising about on all those previous massages when I had felt his cock brush against me. Sometimes he was supporting himself on his elbows, sometimes he was falling forward to kiss me. It felt wonderful, especially as I had nothing to do except lie there, relax and let him get on with it. But as his jizz starts to rise he is urging me to lift my bum a little so that he can get enough momentum to cum. So there I am, emulating my favourite Thai girl pose, head down, bum up, while he kneels behind me, clutching my waist and pounding away those last few seconds until he cums. Everything I thought I would never do, and certainly never enjoy doing, and now I was doing and I did enjoy! How my world has changed. But he is out, and I look around and am relived to see him taking off a condom – I wasn't aware that he had stopped to put one one, and in truth, despite the risks, I had been past caring at that point; but I am glad he did! But now he is out to get me to cum. He turns me over, my cock is soft, despite the fact that I enjoyed that. He is ministering to it the best he can short of sucking it, but I do get the odd few licks thrown in, and within seconds it is quivering away at him. Back to the massage oil. No light touch HJ now, he is going to damn well milk the cum out of me. I feel his one hand on my cock, while the other is massing my balls and occasionally I feel a finger deep inside me reaching up for my prostate. One minute, two at the most and my balls are emptying for him. For a few minutes we just lie side by side cuddled up in a mess of oil and cum and kissing lightly, holding each other. Right at that moment in time, if the rest of the world had disappeared leaving just Vit and me alone in the Universe, then I would have been content. But the moment passes, the need for showers takes over, followed by a need to dress and clean-up the room best we can (he helps); thank goodness for the foresight of the towel underneath me/us. The bed, looks clean and spruces up well. I tip him generously, and we hug and kiss once more. He knows Condo is here for the weekend and although I may see him for drinks, I will not 'see' him properly again until Monday. With that his skinny little body slips out of the door and I fall back (carefully) on the bed, draw up my knees and rest a short while. Day 12, Saturday 27th August Ok showered and changed and my long-time Condo and I go down Soi 6 to Horny Bar where manager Bagel is having a 'Fairy Party' (don't say it! LOL). But we only stay for about 20 minutes now and at about 9pm we head off by taxi-bikes to Boyztown. First port of call is Cupidol, not been in there until now. Its basically a twink bar like Toy Boys, but the drinks were cheaper (a coke and a San Miguel were 380 baht). And actually some pretty boys there, but once again we seemed to be the only customers and therefore about twenty pairs of eyes were focussed on us. Surprisingly it is not the most comfortable of feelings. Its low season and they are all clearly hoping that they will be chosen for a drink and maybe more. They would be unlucky with Condo and I tonight, one drink and we were gone – I intended to return alone one night and make amends, but it never happened. Back outside again and it's apparent that some sort of show is taking place, there is a stage and a carpet rolled out in front of it. It is the annual Miss/Mr Boyztown Awards evening – at least I assume its an annual event – who knows, in Boyztown it may be a monthly event. Anyhow we were fortunate to get an empty table just out in the soi and just in front of the 'stage' where some boys were dancing. Then it was the ladyboys turn to be given their awards, presumably the cat walk had been earlier. A dozen or so, almost Tiffany style ladyboys with infeasibly large 'bouffant' hair styles, long, extravagantly flowing ball-gowns and layers of make-up on. I suspected that most of them were from the BoyzBoyzBoyz late night cabaret show. Anyhow there was the fake tears and exaggerated drama that you might expect from the contestants as first third place, and then second place were called out, particularly from one lady – who was the eventual winner. There wasn't a single one of them that I would have barfined from anywhere – give me the Soi 6 ladyboys any day of the week. Lots of photographs, crowns, flowers, over-large boxed prizes wrapped in shiny foil wrapping and brave with ribbon. Then it was the turn of the boys, I recognised a few from the BoyzBoyzBoyz shows, at least they were all in white vests and black jeans, and was a (slightly) more dignified affair. But the winner and runners up look slightly ridiculous in their gaudy gold and silver headpieces. They too took their bows in front of the photographers. There almost felt like a low-season desperation about these 'awards' . By 10.30pm it was all over (coincidence maybe but the BoyzBoyzBoys show starts at 10.30pm), the carpets rolled up and the stage and PA system, dismantled; just the odd ball-gowned ladyboy tottering around in her high heels hoping someone would notice her. Condo had at least seemed interested in all this. As we were passing, so to speak, we go into Toy Boyz, but no Vit – 'he not work tonight' apparently; more likely the little bugger had already been barfined by someone else. But Ton was there smiling at me and came over for a drink, as did one of the other boys and of course the mamasan, and then a second drink for Condo and myself and therefore a bin of 1.8k baht when I had finished, 200 baht change from 2 x 1k baht notes, so 100 baht tip to each of the boys. Ton confirms that the boys only get 20 baht for each boy-drink bought for them – outrageous considering the drinks are about 250 baht each. Sitting just up from me was a camp looking, seriously overweight, young farang, with a Thai boyfriend, who seemed to be buying drinks by the tray-load, they kept producing a large desk-top calculator to hold-up and show him how his bin was progressing. He was surrounded by boys and getting serious attention from them as tray after tray of beers were produced. Yes of course there was twinge of envy from me who has to count every damn beer I buy there, but the guy was certainly happily 'living the dream' there that night. Old or young, if we have the baht, we have the attention. Day 14, Monday 29th August I wake up at 6.45am with the 'ping' of a Facebook message from Lee – she has 'nothing to do'. Then barely five minutes later, an other 'ping' this time a text message from Vit 'How are you today C....?'. Yes I guess they have both remembered that Condo goes back to University this morning and are getting their markers down early for my time (baht!) today. LOL Vit is going to join me after 1.30am again, and I have spent much of the evening on Soi 6. I see my friend Chris and tell him I am off to Horny Bary and that there will be a Sangsom and Coke waiting for him when he wants it. Its 1.20am and Vit is due in 10 minutes, so I send him a message to say where we are. My first intimation of Vit's arrival is a little cheer from the girls as they all pounce on him and my drinks bin suddenly grows faster than my cock. We finish about 2am and Vit and I head to the hotel, I am still feeling horny as hell after the earlier events of the night and I desperately want Vit to make me cum tonight – and he doesn't disappoint. We shower together; it is a long shower, both hard, both play fucking, and stroking and sucking and then, still not properly towelled off, we are on the bed together. I wanted to fuck him tonight, but somehow I end up on my back again with Vit's cock edging its way inside me. My cock is already leaking pre-cum as I start to stroke myself as he builds up his pace, this is not going to take very long for me at all and I am pulling him in deeper with my legs as I feel my cum rising and wowie! - I so needed that. Vit is only a minute or so behind me, this time he pulls out, slides off the condom, straddles my chest and with a few last strokes of his hand cums across my face and neck. Its shower time again! LOL We cuddle up together as we settle down for sleep, I try my best to position myself so as not to snore too much, I am almost certainly wasting my time – but at least I tried. Day 15, Tuesday 30th August Vit wakes me about 7.30am for 'boom boom' as he puts it; he has clearly been awake a while and has not only showered but has the condom and lube put ready. Half-asleep I stumble into the bathrooms to shower and 'clean' as best I can, a couple of gargles with Listerine a squirt of body spray and I am out. Vit is sitting up in bed and already stroking his hard cock. I go to lend a hand and suck and lick his cock, balls and bum. I keep on with my BJ and slowly insert a well lubed finger into his ass. He is going to cum now and then I am going to fuck him! First part goes to plan – easy, easy! It doesn't take a lot to get Vit to cum. Reluctantly he hands the condom to me. Takes a lot of effort to even get the head of my cock into his ass; he really doesn't do this very often does he? He is not enjoying this and so I take pity on him, gently withdraw and slide off the condom. He takes the baby oil and starts work on my cock, balls and bum. I lie back onto the bed and surrender myself to his ministrations. I notice that his cock is almost hard again, I reach across and start to stroke it; yep he is ready to go again. I hint at a condom for him but instead he positions himself between my legs and teases my ass and balls with his cock, not quite putting it inside me, he is still stroking away at my cock as he does this. I feel my cum building and he quickens his stroke and prods my ass with his cock and it works perfectly and my balls empty once again for him. Vit knows exactly how to get me to cum better than anyone else these days, and I think that he has the best 'success' record of any of my barfines over the last seven years in getting me to orgasm. He is hungry and the kitchens will now be open so we order breakfast/food together to our room while we shower and dress. He is still shy, even when dressed, he goes and hides in the bathroom when the knock on the door heralds the arrival of our breakfast tray. A leisurely breakfast ensues after which we sit together on that little sofa and he shows me more pictures of his home, farm and family in Cambodia. As I have said I am increasingly warming to Vit as a person. I didn't realise it at the time but this was to be my last Long Time with Vit this holiday. I saw him for more short-times and many more drinks. I think he has real difficulty sleeping when he is with me. As if to emphasise the fact he wants to go back to bed and 'rest' for a while. I join him (please don't let me snore!); he sleeps, and I cat-nap for the next couple of hours. But then he is awake again and wants to go back to his room, I offer him taxi-bike money so that he can be reunited with his motorbike parked in Boyztown; he says no, he will get a songtaw. He asks if he will see me tonight, I was going to say yes and then remembered my barfine from X-Boys. So I tell him I cannot tonight but tomorrow should be ok? He looks a little crestfallen and I feel both guilty and a little sad. A hug and he is off. Day 16, Wednesday 31st August So about 8.30pm I return to my room, collect my new long-time, Nam,and we head on taxi-bikes to Soi 13/3 and along to his bar at X-Boys, it is barely open; the stage is deserted and only a couple of boys in their day clothes milling about. I find the mamasan and say that I have come to pay bar for Nam long-time again tonight. But can he tell him that I have to change tomorrow as I have already made a promise to someone else. This is explained to Nam who sits there smiling away. I am looking forward to tonight with him, but communication is an issue. His mamasan reminds me once again that he has only been with them a month and that he 'come from village'. But he is utterly adorable – have I said? We stay at his bar for one drink before checking bin and taking our leave. I take Nam into Toy Boys, no sign of Ton, but a couple of the other boys I know are there. I ask after Vit, but they are not sure where he is. I catch sight of him briefly by the toilet and he sees me, but then he disappears again for ten minutes. Eventually he comes out and joins us. Nam seems less comfortable here, and goes outside twice for cigarettes. I tell Vit I will see him tomorrow night for long-time, he looks a little sulky but puts on a smile. Now, naïve as I know I can be at times, it never once occurred to me that Vit might be jealous – not until now that is – I always blithely assumed that I was but one of many regular customers that kept him busy. In fact my concerns were that I was getting way too fond of him this holiday and had been chiding myself for doing so when I was but one of his many. Vit and Nam talk a little but not much. I am taking Nam to the BoysBoysBoys 10pm show tonight; he seemed keen to go and compare it to the show at X-Boys. So we check-bin at Toy Boys and cross the soi and into BBB just before the start of their show. Like before it has plenty of customers, but also plenty of staff milling about as well. We are sat close to the front as you come in. Not a bad spot, we order a drink each and I fold the small wad of 100 baht notes I had been saving up into my shirt pocket. There is an elderly Asian guy on the front row, Japanese maybe, who is being fussed-around by the staff and has a number of boys around him – and a table full of drinks. The show starts and Nam is entranced and when the guys with their cock-ringed erections come amongst the audience he gets all shy. I don't, I wave off most, but the two guys with the biggest cocks, each without condom, get a 100 baht off me in exchange for a stroke. I did note ruefully that neither were quite at big as Ched in Good Boys – and he also has no need of a cock ring. Another drink each and watched the rest of the show, Nam particularly liked the guy that beat a tattoo on a drum with his enormous cock; one wonders if the guy has any sensitivity left on the head of his cock if he is doing that every night? LOL (drummer boy) Day 17, Thursday 1st September. Out of Good Boys and onto the corner onto Soi VC and a taxi-bike to Boyztown to barfine and collect Vit as arranged. Except that when I get there he is not there, and what's more he is not answering his phone. Ok so he could be on his bike on his way here. I politely decline entreaties to go and wait inside (and start a bar bin) and go for a walk around instead with the intention of returning in maybe 20 minutes. It was just time for the BoyBoyBoy parade – I tried to video it but pressed the wrong button and ended up just taking a couple of pics of the end of it. Saw a boy in the parade that I had been eye-flirting with on a previous occasion who recognised me with a smile. As the parade end I follow him inside for a drink and a flirt. His name is New, he is 21, worked there one month (haven't they all), he is gay and versatile. His English is not great at all and I have difficulty telling him that I am only here for a drink now. I do ask one of the other staff about the short-time room that I understand they have here. Yes, they have and short-time is 2.5k baht 'all in' – room, barfine and boy – didn't like to ask how much the boy actually got. And yes I was tempted, he was lovely, friendly and a good kisser and seemed, and had, by the feel of it under his pants, to have a good medium sized cock. He in turn seemed happy with what he felt in my jeans. But, I had already cum less than an hour ago and also Vit might be waiting for me. So no, no short-time now, but maybe I could do in the next day or two. Sadly I didn't, and I shall never know what New's cock really looked like or learnt just how 'versatile' he was. Check bin while trying not to make too many more Pattaya promises. There are a lot of boys working in BBB, and like most of them he was probably short on barfines at the moment and therefore short on baht. I left him with a tip of 200 baht. My rough guide to myself on tips is that if someone has sat and had a drink and some sort of conversation with me (as opposed to gulping down a tequila and announcing that they have to go and dance), they get 100 baht. If there has been kissing and groping, make that 200 baht, and if cocks have been played and they have cum then maybe 300 baht, and if I have cum then maybe 500 baht. New happily pockets his 200 baht and gives me a final kiss as I leave. Then back to Toy Boys, still no Vit and still no answer on his phone. But then as I am about to go in I get a text message from him – he is sick today and will not be working. I feel crushed, I had been so looking forward to seeing him again tonight. Was he really sick (possible), was he sulking because I had been seeing other people (actually I doubt that), or had one of his other admirers been keeping him busy (much more likely)? Whatever, he clearly wasn't going to show-up tonight. A whirl of thoughts crossed my mind – do I go back to Nam in X-Boys?, do I go back to BBB and try New?, do I go back to Soi 6 and sulk a bit?, or do I go through the door that is being held open for me and into Toy Boys? I glanced through the door and there is Ton, still in his white pants, smiling and waving to me. Decision made, I go in wave for Ton to join me, and before he sits down I am taking the No 6 badge off his pants and placing it face-down on the table. He looks at me and I nod, I get a kiss for that, and off he goes to change as our drinks are fetched. I will fuck Ton tonight! Of course I should just have checked bin there and then and left, but no, other eyes are smiling at me, including the third boy that I often buy a drink for – ok one for him too. Then there were two other younger looking, and more effeminate behaving boys that I have been noticing the last couple of times I have been in. I had been fantasising about taking the pair of them for a threesome – they were both available and smiling at me – perhaps I should have thought about that before deciding on Ton again. Too late and anyway I know that Ton is going to be a good fuck. But I will call them over and buy them a drink each. Mamasan is hanging around looking hopeful – well actually giving that mock crying face that I find a teeny bit irritating – oh well a drink for him as well – what the hell – its only money! LOL So by the time Ton returns dressed there is a little party going on. Mamasan can earn his drink – I ask if we can have a group photo – and he readily agrees. I could probably have taken a better picture myself but I could have been in trouble taking pics in any agogo. Better if one of the staff, especially the mamasan, does it. No problem then. The two younger boys are cute and reasonably interactive (have the briefest of gropes each, enough to know that one is 'bigger' than the other, but neither are packing anacondas), but generally we just sit there and drink. My drink is almost done and the boss comes to offer me a free drink, thank you I will take it but I am not adding further to my bin tonight – it is about 2k baht as it is. I also ask for another 1k baht note to be changed so that I can tip the other boys 100 baht each as Ton and I leave. We go and we get Taxi-bikes back to Soi 6/1 and the back of the hotel. We enter through the back door (no smutty laughs please) so that Ton can drop his ID off at reception. My friend Chris is there eating a late meal, so we join him. He is eating one of his favourite there, minced beef, mash, gravy and peas. He was 'starving' apparently and just had to come and get something to eat. Ten, maybe twelve mouthfuls later and he is pushing the remaining 70% of his meal into the centre of the table saying that he is 'full'. One of the girls comes over to clear away his plate – I sort of growled at her (at least Chris says I did), and she dutifully returns with a fresh knife and fork. Vessey to the rescue again and I clear his plate for him – now she can come and clear it away. Ton had been looking with some astonishment at this, he wants 'snacks' so I give him 200 baht to go and get 'snacks' – he gives me 100 baht back and disappears. He is back a few minutes later, he must have used the little shop on the corner of the hotel, so I give him the room key to go and stash them away until later. Meanwhile I have a coffee and Chris has a tea and we chat about our holidays and in particular about how his is shaping up. Seems that girl in the bar next to his hotel is still lying in wait for him most evenings and that he rarely goes back to his room on his own. They effectively have a short-time and then she leaves him to sleep a 1,000 baht richer. He can't understand why she is there every night? - actually I can! LOL He still claims not to know her name. Time to check bin, I insist on paying for his meal, particularly when I had eaten the bulk of it. Chris is off to O Bar. Strange that Ton hasn't reappeared yet. Guess I need to go up to find him. I knock on the door and he opens it wearing only his little white pants. As I close the door behind me I notice a distinct bulge in his pants, I peek inside and out pops his cock all pumped-up and hard. He had thought we were going to have sex and had showered and undressed all ready for me to turn-up. To difficult to explain to him what I really meant, and anyway it would be a crime to waste such a lovely erection as he was waving at me now. I drop to my knees and pull him over to me. He is clearly horny already as I can already taste his pre-cum, he must have been playing with his cock as he waited for me. I don't think he lasted two minutes before he is holding my head and with a body shake cums down the back of my throat; almost gagged on that one! Ok now I really need a beer to wash that down. Lets go, I said, he looks hesitant, I think he was expecting that I would want to fuck him now; but no, that can wait, although I have to say my cock was all ready to go. A couple more hours and, providing I didn't drink too much beer, I will not only be able to fuck him, there is an outside chance that I can cum again? He goes to shower. Lee phones, she has 'nothing to do' – ok, meet in Horny bar I say but have friend with me. 'Ok ok' she replies. Five minutes, maybe ten and Ton is ready to go. Down the backstairs, out onto Soi 6/1 and through the snicket opposite Horny Bar and across into the bar. Lee is already there and the good news is that she has already started a bar bin for me with drinks for her and the two girls that I had the threesome with earlier this afternoon. Fortunately Lee takes to Ton and is happily chatting away with him. Then Chris turns up with his son's best friend 'Will'. In fact the only person who is not there is manager Bagel himself; he has not been in all day; apparently he doesn't want to get out of bed! It was proving a fun and relaxed night; Bagel finally shows after we all send a crying picture too him. I was trying to keep an eye on my bin – it had already passed 1 k baht and was heading towards 2k baht. Ton and Lee were just adding drinks for themselves as they wanted as they chatted away together – not that I minded much, they were not being excessive at all. Chris chips in 500 baht and lends me 1k baht as well – thank goodness – when we eventually left I was down to small change – just enough for Mc Donalds! But there was still minor partying to be done first. Including the arrival of the bug cart – all the Thais, including Ton, loved watching out facial expressions as they sucked, chewed or swallowed these fearsome little beasties. Chris was going to move-on – he wanted a quiet drink in Perry Bar – so goodbyes made and off he goes. Five minutes later he is back, but far from alone. He had bumped into Fay Neverdie and a bunch of girls wearing yellow Pokemon T-shirts and had invited them all back for a drink. And so the evening rolled on a little longer. A good, happy night amongst friends. Finally we have to call it a night and check bin; just over 3k baht for me. Chris and Will are heading back to their hotel and Ton and I follow them down as far as McDonalds – I have just enough baht to get us both a meal each. I have my usual, he has chicken pieces and we share fries. Actually I don't think he was that hungry really, just keeping me company I guess. Back to the room to eat, shower, and then to bed. He took this selfie whilst in the shower – no hiding his erection even wrapped in the towel. My cock and I were waiting for him, along with a condom and plenty of KY – his ass was to be mine tonight! Lots of cuddles and cock play before condom time, however. But then the moment arrived, spoons position I think tonight; he is on his side and his bum pushed out towards me – perfect, that will do nicely. He is not easy to get inside, but so very much easier than many others this holiday and once inside so much more receptive to a good ass pounding that most. Not that at this stage at night, with a number of beers inside me that was what many of you would consider a 'good ass pounding', but for me it was, I felt quite proud of myself that I could keep going as long as I did. Couldn't quite cum in the condom before I ran out of energy, but I was close and he settles down to suck and stroke me off, turns out I was closer than I thought and he soon had the 'surprised hamster' look on his face – wish I had had my camera closer at hand – it is a classic look, especially with that little bit of cum seeping out the one corner of his mouth! LOL Anyhow he is quick to the bathroom to spit, rinse and clean his ass. He hasn't cum this time but he is happy to settle down to sleep as I take my turn in the shower. That had been a good fuck! As I settled down to sleep I was mentally totting up my expenses today – couldn't believe how much I had spent, but what a great day! Day 18, Friday 2nd September Despite the late night last night, I am awake by 8am, then again 9am and finally its is 10am before I accept that I am awake and get to go and shower. I had woken up with a stonking hard on (only wish I could remember what or who I had been dreaming about? LOL). Ton was still asleep but spread-eagled on top of the sheets, first thing I noticed was that his cock was hard too, but then I paused to admire his lean body – sad thing is that 40 years ago I looked like that too – well not the same colour obviously – but slim and well toned. I will go and shower while he sleeps. Maybe he was cat-napping, because he is only a few minutes behind me into the bathroom to pee and shower. We emerge from the shower, all clean and sweet-smelling but with soft cocks – but not for long! Little did I know it but this was destined to be a rare cum-filled condom fuck this morning! We started off like last night, building passion through cuddles, kisses and cock play, HJs, BJs and then to that 'condom-moment'. Actually these new larger condoms from the pharmacy next to Z Bar have been a revelation for this holiday – I can happily wear them without my cock wilting and it also helps that getting into Ton's ass is neither painful nor protracted. It further helps that he really gets into it and is encouraging me to go harder, faster and as deep as I can, and I know I can do that without hurting him – in fact by the way he is stroking his cock so hard he is clearly really enjoying it. Several changes in position and somehow I am still going, then back to missionary and first he cums by his own hand, spraying up onto my tummy and then with some really deep thrusts on my part I cum hard inside his ass. Even I am admiring the condom this time as he peels it off for me. I reach for the wet-wipes to mop his cum off both of us. Ok, lets rest a while, we cuddle together me cradling his now soft cock in my right hand. It is gone mid-day before we are showered again, dressed, him paid, and downstairs for breakfast. We both choose steaks, me off the breakfast menu, him as a meal with veg. chips and gravy. We take our time over breakfast and chat as far as his English will allow, then I give him 100 baht taxi money and he goes back to his room. I collect the laundry and by 1pm I am back upstairs in my room, curtains drawn too again and doze on the bed for a while and then catch-up with these notes. Ok it is now mid-evening and time to get a taxi-bike to Boyztown, I was hoping to long-time Vit again tonight, but when I get there he says he can't – there is party tonight and most of his Cambodian friends are going. But he could do short-time now if I wanted. Maybe that was true, maybe he just didn't want another sleepless night listening to me snore? Sometimes I really can be my own worst enemy, especially when I am feeling disappointed, I get petulant. So I declined short-time with Vit, I felt pissed off with him and he realised that, but he wouldn't change his mind. So I call over Ton again, who had been smiling away at me from the stage, take his badge off his pants and put in on the table. Now its Vit's turn to look disappointed. So stupid of me, I could easily have had Vit short-time and then taken Ton long-time, and I desperately wanted to see Vit again. Honestly I could kick myself sometimes. But there it was, petulance won the day, and off I disappear on taxi-bikes with Ton back to Soi 6. We just go up to the room for a short while, so he can drop his overnight things off and I can chill for a few moments. Actually I am pleased to see Ton again, he and Vit are different, like apples and pears – there is no point trying to compare them because they are different and I like both; I went looking for an apple and returned with a pear – I shall enjoy the pear tonight instead. I needed that moment and my petulance is now back in its box. It is Bagel's Birthday Party tonight in Horny Bar and I fully intend to go and enjoy it with him. Lee has messaged me, she had remembered it was Bagel's birthday and now she 'do nothing' – ok see – see you in Horny Bar later Lee. I give Ton a hug and a kiss, he is not stupid, he could clearly see that I had come into Toy Boys with the intention of taking Vit but that something had gone wrong. 'You ok' he asks, 'I very ok' I replied giving his bum a gentle squeeze. He gives my cock a squeeze. Tempting to just undress and fuck him here and now, but no, we have a party to go to. By 11pm Ton and I are in Horny Bar, and quite a crowd, but we find a quiet corner together. Various guests that include the three O Bar sisters, who get a tray of Jager Bombs for Bagel. Bagel is still upright, but is starting to get that far-away look in his eyes suggesting that his grip on 'the here and now' is rapidly failing. By 11.30pm two birthday cakes appear, a large one with a number of candles and a smaller one with just the one candle. He manages to blow out the candles on the large cake, but that single candle on the smaller cake is proving a persistent little bugger! He blows, it flickers and dies, and then flares up again – he has three or four goes at it. Sadly the effort proves too much for him and 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – and he has gone and is now away with the fairies. A kind hearted friend scoops him up, complete with his money chain and pretends to be about to carry him across into Pook Bar for the 'ladies' there to take care of him. But no his Horny Bar girls are not going to let that happen – so instead (and as was always the intention), he is carried round into Pussy Club and up to his room there to either die or sleep it off. Given the amount of alcohol he is alleged to have consumed I would have thought it touch and go! LOL Lee had arrived in time to witness all this, although I doubt Bagel was remotely aware of her arrival, but my Bar Bin soon was – she and Ton get along just fine and chat and drink together while I socialised with some of the Distinguished Visitors who had gathered to watch Bagel's passing-out parade! But with Bagel gone, the crowd starts to disperse. Time for us too to check-bin and by 12.30am, Lee, Ton and I are installed in O Bar. Not a sign of Chris all night. But we take it in turns to choose music to listen to, me with my usual run of current favourites, while Lee and Ton opt for the Thai music hits. Suspect that Lee was getting far more 'turns' at choosing that we were – but as she and Ton were happily singing along to them I demure and sit and chill and watch them. But then Lee has to go, her current boyfriend will be giving her grief if she is too late. Ton and I check bin and wander down to McDonalds. And lo and behold who is sitting across the track in Cozy Bar that Mr Chris50. He waves at us and so we go and join him for a drink. I retrace my steps to order McDonalds for me and Ton, he wants chicken pieces again – me, what you should all know by now what my order will be! LOL Its 3am by the time we are back in the hotel room, we sit on the sofa and eat and flirt. Clothes off, shower, and onto the bed. I am in a seriously horny mood, and Ton is going to get his ass fucked tonight and not only does he know that, he is encouraging me to get on with it! We fuck and then we fuck some more until I am so tired I am almost asleep inside him. He extracts himself and slips into a 69 position, and amazingly not only do I get him to cum, but I do too. I should shower again, but I am barely awake enough to wipe ourselves down. My last sensation is of Ton pulling the counterpane over me and a peck on the cheek. I am gone! Day 19, Saturday 3rd September I wake up sometime after 10am and shower, and then Ton is following me in. Then back to bed for sex; it proved a great session. These new condoms from the pharmacy by Z Bar are excellent, have I said? LOL, hardly feel I am wearing them at all. We fool around together for a while, it is literally fore 'play' with Ton, but then by mutual consent it was the 'condom moment', and once again the slight awkwardness to first get my cock inside him, but then it was 'show time'. He loves being fucked and I was doing my very best to keep him happy and changing positions. He doesn't really like 'Cowboy' – he wants to BE fucked, so missionary, spoons, doggy and one or two in-between. Finally in doggy I cum, not exactly a condom full this time, but very definitely a cum. I am going to give him the best, HJ/BJ I can and after a few minutes I am rewarded for my efforts. Its all a bit messy, my cock has shrunk and condom and contents have leaked all over the sheets as well as his contribution. Maybe a good time to leave another 100 baht tip for the maid today. Ok shower time again, get dressed and leave him some money under his phone. He is still in flirty mood and so we take a range of (clothed) pictures – some of the best I have taken of him. Then down to breakfast together by about 12.30pm. I knew I wasn't likely to see him for sex again this holiday, but we had a happy chatty breakfast non-the-less before he departs. Condo will be back sometime this evening and will then be staying with me until my airport taxi arrives on Tuesday morning. Short times will be off the menu when he arrives and so, perhaps I need to take advantage this afternoon. Trouble is I am not entirely sure when Condo will show, it was the graduation ceremony of his sister this morning and he particularly wanted to go and said he would find a bus down to Pattaya when that was all over. Ok, time to eat a little, and the hotel has a special on today of Chinese chicken curry and rice for 220 baht; I will try that! Given that it was the special, they took some time in preparing it, but when it did eventually arrive it was pretty good, but by the time I had finished and paid, I now had 3 hours left. However I had not been entirely idle as I waited for my food. I had made two arrangements. The first of these was that I was to meet Kwan (Miss Blue-Hair) again at Perry Bar at 6.30pm, the second was that Vit would come to the hotel for 8pm. In terms of timing this last one was the tricky one obviously. I needed to have time with Kwan and then see Vit before Condo shows up at or near 9pm. I confess I did have some 'what could possibly go wrong with this plan' doubts as I finished my curry. Ok, so up to my room, showered, changed, a couple of condoms in my pocket, and lets go for this! Ok, so there I was at Perry Bar at 6.30pm – but no sign of Kwan. Phone messages from both me and Perry herself and she was 'on her way' – '5 minutes'! In fact it was almost 7.15 when she showed, no time to go to hotel as I had intended – straight upstairs to the short-time rooms of Perry Bar it is then. We had the big room over the bar, it was good and the first time I had used it – but it still had its shower facilities out in the landing. Kwan still wanted a quick shower each and, probably for the first time ever on a short-time, I put my watch back on, it was now 7.20pm. Ok, 20 minutes to lick pussy, 10 minutes fuck and then 10 minutes to shower, dress, pay her and then back to the Queen Victoria for 8pm! Not that Kwan was aware of this tight timetable, but, remarkably, it all went pretty much like 'clockwork'. Not only that but it was great fun as well. It had been, certainly at the end, a fast-moving and sweaty little session so back into the shower again, dressed and paid; downstairs, check-bin, happy little kiss with Kwan and I am off down the Soi towards my Hotel. I could almost hear the chimes of 'Big Ben' in the back of my head as I slipped round to Soi 6/1. No sign of Vit yet, but no sooner had I heaved a sign of relief than a taxi-bike pull up and Vit dismounts and pays his driver – at least he is smack on time. A hug and a kiss out in the Soi and we go up. The next part of my diabolical scheme is that we go up the backstairs and Vit hands his ID to the night watchman who has just arrived. That way, or so I thought, Vit could also exit via the backstairs and minimise any risk of bumping into Condo. Why the subterfuge?, well because Condo had already messaged me to say that his bus was arriving in Pattaya now – I had replied back to remind him that I would be 'out' until 9pm. Of course I should just have given Vit a small tip and told him that I couldn't see him now after all. That would have been the sensible thing to do! But no Vit was here and 'with me' almost certainly for the last time this holiday, and there was no way on earth that we were not going to go and fuck right now! Up to my room, undressed, helped him off with those skinny jeans of his, and into the shower (how many showers is that in the last hour or so?), and actually a shower with Vit is all part of the fun. While he is drying off I phone reception and tell that that they are not to let anyone up to my room without ringing first. Turn the counterpane down and get out the lube and the condom. No massage now, just cock play and then I am sucking on his cock and helping him put the condom on. If this is to be the last time we fuck this holiday, then I really need it to be a good one; and it was! Normally Vit can cum quite quickly and passionately, but tonight he was taking his time, lots of hugs and kisses as he did so; this was more than just a quick fuck. This session tugged at my heart-strings as well as my cock. But then his movements became more urgent and I urged him on pulling him into me as hard as I could, his face screws up and one last thrust and I know he has cum. Still inside me he is kissing me hard and stroking my cock furiously which was sandwiched between us. I seemed to be cumming forever as my balls emptied. We just lay there for a while locked together with the odd kiss as, our passion spent, our breathing (well mine anyway) became less laboured. Sorry, it sounds all soppy, but I was entirely happy at that moment and if I could have made the world stop at that point I would have done. But the world did not stop; instead the telephone rang! We pull apart and I go to answer, it will be reception of course, and yes, I have a visitor, and should they send him up. No I say, keep him downstairs I will be down to see him shortly. Meanwhile Vit is already dressing. He is paid, with a generous tip which at first he declines. A, photograph or two, a long lingering hug and a kiss; I feel a tear or two in my eyes, I really am very fond of Vit. He wipes away one tear and gives me another hug and says 'January ok?' . January it will be my friend. With that he turns and slips out the door. Now remember my plan, Vit was to exit via the back stairs and collect his ID from the night doorman there? Meanwhile I would dress, tidy the room, and then I too would exit via the backstairs, then go round to the front of the hotel and 'arrive' to find Condo there waiting for me. It was fractionally past 9pm – should work! Except that when I went to leave by the back stairs I asked the doorman if my friend (Vit) had left ok, no says the doorman, he had taken his ID to reception and he had therefore sent Vit down to reception to collect it. Ooops. Ok, I shall still do as planned. So out I go onto Soi 6/1, through the snicket past Z Bar and round to the front of the hotel and in the door there. And there is Condo sitting in the little table right by the door looking out for me with a big smile on his face. Bless him he looks entirely happy to see me, and I know Condo, if he had seen Vit leave I would have seen the look of disappointment on his face. I must have the luck of the devil, all I can think is that Vit must have come down the stairs into the bar, collected his ID and then walked around the bar and out, past the fish tanks, through the side door into Soi 6/1. Perhaps if Condo was looking out for me, or, more likely, staring intently on his phone playing Facebook or whatever, he just didn't notice. Whatever, the gods of mongering were clearly smiling on me tonight! Day 21, Monday 5th September – my last full day of holiday this trip. It is evening and Condo is happily ready to accompany me to Boyztown. We go by songtaw and I get a few street scene pictures of Beach Road as we go along but they are not as successful as the Second Road ones a couple of days ago. We alight at 13/4 and walk up to Boyztown and as its almost 9pm we get a table on one of the bars facing directly onto BoyzBoyzBoyz, order drinks and await the daily 9pm parade. This time I am more successful in getting a video clip of it. No sign of 'New' the boy from there that I had a drink and a flirt with a few days ago. The down to Toy Boys, I did enquire about Vit in case he had shown, but he hadn't. Ton was there and I invite him over for a drink, and mamasan (I suppose technically he is papasan?). Condo conveniently goes to the toilet giving Ton and I chance for a quick hug and a kiss or two and for me to ensure that I have his Facebook details. Condo emerges and now time to check bin and slip a couple of hundred baht tip to Ton. So back to Soi 6. Condo is holding my hand again and we are getting one or two stares from the girls, but who cares now; he is my choice and not them.
  15. Exactly this. The problem with keeping some of these bars, especially in Sunee PLaza, as 'Pattaya's Best Kept Little Secrets', with no more than a 'nudge,nudge, wink, wink, say no more' coverage in this forum is that it hardly encourages people to visit. The times I went to Sunee Plaza this last holiday it was almost devoid of customers, the odd guy in a bar nursing a beer perhaps. On the other hand, Soi 6, where I stay has 60+ active bars, swarming with customers, parties and other events. The main Pattaya Addicts Forum is flooded with pictures of their girls, advance notice of parties. Facebook too has even more coverage, most bars have an active FB page - again no shortage of girl pictures. Bars change hands, change names, girls (and customers) come and go, but it is rare you will see a bar there languishing in darkness. Sunee Plaze desperately needs more customers; Eros Bar does its best with its FB page with new posts most days (again lots of pictures of the boys), but it is the only one that I am aware of that does so. I truly believe we should be helping to celebrate and promote what bars remain in Sunee Plaza (and elsewhere) to encourage others to visit and spend their baht, and not trying to keep it all shrouded in secrecy.
  16. I thought that was what it was, although of course it was lumped in with a various drinks I had purchased - so I could be mistaken. (I did check back on my original notes and that is what I had written). That would be considered a reasonable long-time barfine in a girlie bar, even cheap for an agogo - so I think I only noted it for record rather than an 'OMG look how much the barfine was'. I can hopefully check again in January LOL
  17. Vessey's Adventures in Boyztown - PART ONE Day 2, Wednesday 17th August Following my adventures earlier tonight in Sunnee Plaze I walk down Soi VC and across to the soi that leads down past JP Bar and onto Walking Street. I call in briefly at Sugar Baby to say hello to manager Mr Egg and catch up with his gossip. (Google Images) Then walk though the remainder of Walking Street and into BoyzTown off Second Road and straight to Toy Boys. Over the last few months I had lost touch with one of my favourite boys 'Vit' and had no idea if he still worked there or not. I asked at the door 'Is Vit here', they asked me to repeat his name several times and then claimed that they had never heard of him – what was his number? - well I had no idea what his number was. So I go inside, order a beer and sit and wait. There are only a couple of other customers and a lot of baht-hungry young 'twink' boys all smiling at me and vying for my attention. Not for the last time this holiday, as I surveyed the room, I thought this must be twink paradise, filled with 'twinky-bar kids' (the older guys will get that). There were many I could have barfined but one guy with a big slightly lopsided smile, No 6, was starting to get more and more of my attention. So I called him over for a drink; he proved affectionate and hands-on, but his English was limited. The door opens and in walks Vit and spots me immediately and I call him over. I give him a long lingering hug. I am very fond of Vit (whose number is apparently No. 3). So now I have two guys trying to gently molest me. I try to explain to Vit that I am just here for drinks tonight as I have someone in my room. Vit says he is pleased to see me as its been a very lean last few weeks. All the boys have their little white pants on, but Vit in his torn skinny black jeans and lazy smile wipes the floor with all of them in my eyes. Of course it helps that Vit has an almost unbroken record of getting me to cum every time I go with him. I tell Vit that he was lucky that he came in when he did as I was quite attracted to No 6, well I was until I asked him his age and he said 17. Vit talks to him, no that was a mistake he hadn't understood my question – he is in fact 20 and from Laos (his ID card later confirmed that). Well that changes things a bit, I discretely slip one finger under the waste-band of No'6's pants and finger-stroke the head of his cock – I can already detect the stickiness of his pre-sum. But no, I have done what I hoped to do here tonight, I have re-established contact with my beloved Vit! Time to check bin – bloody drinks are 220 or 250 baht each (even a water is 200 baht). Not only is that bloody expensive IMHO, but I gather that the boys only get 20 baht per drink bought for them. I leave both Vit and No 6 with 200 baht each. I had had chance to talk more to Vit, and in particular if he would ever go Long Time with me. Yes, he would be happy to if I wanted. With that and a kiss to each boy I was off and out up onto Second Road, a Baht Bus to Soi 6, and a walk down to Horny Bar to say hello to manager Bagel. Day 3, Thursday 18th August. Back to the room and I phone Vit, I have an empty bed tonight and did he want Long Time – no not tonight he said he had a party to go to, so instead I arranged to meet him in Toy Boys at 8pm for Short Time. (needs its lights sorting! LOL) Showered and sweet smelling I get a songtaw to Soi 13/4 and walk the short distance to the Boyztown entrance and then along, round the corner to Toy Boys and sure enough Vit is outside waiting for me. In we go, his bar isn't really open yet, but a beer each (2 x 240 baht), plus 400 baht bar fine, plus another 500 baht for the short-time room; its an expensive business taking one of the Toy Boy boys ST! But this was Vit and he would be worth it, I had negotiated my usual tip of 1,500 plus an extra 500 if he got me to cum – which he always did. Vit is both horny and friendly in the bar and in the journey up to the room in the hotel that backs onto Boyztown we are flirting and fondling one another. We undress, and both our cocks are already hard; we shower together – once he has peeled off those skinny black jeans of his. We are already fooling about in the shower and as we try and dry ourselves/each other and fall onto the bed together; he seems to be kissing more now, but still reluctant to suck my cock (him not being gay and all that). I lick and suck and poke around and he strokes and pokes around. I am unprepared and only he has a condom and its Thai size (although he isn't much smaller than me). I give in and lie on my back as he rolls on the condom and starts to lube-up. I am still a little apprehensive but he is patient and gentle and his entry passes without pain and he goes slowly to start with. I hate to say it, but I am actually enjoying this now. He picks up the pace and within a few minutes is really starting to go for it as he builds up to his climax. I am also furiously wanking my cock at the same time. I cum first and a few seconds later a deep final thrust from him and he fills his condom. Wow, and double wow. We cuddle together for a while with him still inside me as we chat a bit. I ask him again about Long Time tonight and he says that he will call me at about 1am to say yes or no. But as he has been complaining that business is very slow at the moment I am hopeful that he will indeed share my bed tonight. But for now its shower time again, and then we leave, he is not going back to his bar he will go meet his friends now. Its only about 10pm and I have 3 hours to kill before he phones. I should have just gone back to Soi 6, but instead I began an abortive series of visits around Sunee Plaza and Soi Buakhao. Eventually back at Soi 6, I get a phone call from Vit, yes he will see me for long-time and will meet me at 1.30am in Soi 6/1 at the back of the hotel – bring your ID card I remind him. Vit is a few minutes late but only a very few and quick hug. Does he want a drink first before going up to the room – no he is ok and 'go room now'. All my many encounters with Vit over the last few years had all been short times and I had often mused on what it would be like to take him long time. Now I was about to find out. Not sure what his party had involved but he seemed entirely sober and very much up for more sex and 'boom boom'. He was just as horny as he was a few hours ago – and actually, tired as I was, I was horny for him too. We fool around for a while, sex with Vit can be fun as well as passionate. My turn to 'boom boom' him, but almost impossible for me to get inside him and it was hurting both of us. With a wry smile I hand him a second condom, lie on my back and relax. He eventually cums again, but I do not, although he did get me closer than I thought he would. We cuddle together for a while and kiss (he still doesn't do tongues! LOL) and chat. He is 10% gay he says – more like 50:50 I suspect – he certainly enjoys his 'work'. Time to sleep. I really do like Vit! Day 4, Friday 19th August Not that either of us got much sleep, I wake early and Vit is restless, he has a headache he says (my snoring more like), but he is soon hands-on again. He sees that I have woken with an erection and latches onto it, I reach down – he is erect too. He wants to boom boom me again, but I wimp out; no, I am going to make him cum – I urge him onto his back, draw up his knees and part his legs so that I can access all (sensitive) areas and I get to work. One of the good things about Vit is that he cums quite easily and quite quickly and, in this case, quite heavily. I reach for the wet-wipes. His turn and he is going to give me a massage – a proper massage he says. Apparently he and Chai trained for massage on Soi 4 together several years ago; 15k baht for three separate massage courses. For the next 30 minutes, maybe a bit longer he proceeds to massage me as he talks. Normally I see short time Vit as a hard cock with a smile attached who is going to make me cum, but now in proper light and from different angles it is clear that he is a very pretty boy, also a quite caring and affectionate boy – in a non-gay way of course LOL We order breakfast to the room (9.38am). I say that he can stay with me as long as he likes today but that I have Condo turning up tonight for the weekend. No, he wants to get back to his apartment to sleep (yes, now I am sure it was my snoring). But now we wait for breakfast to arrive. Apparently he shares his apartment with three others, each contributing 1k baht a month to the 4k baht rent (with electric), but it lies over on the other side of the Sukhumvit Road and it can take him up to 40 minutes on his bike to get to his bar. He has left his bike outside his bar and will eventually take a baht bus back to 13/4 to collect it. I tell him that I probably cant 'see' him again until next Monday at the earliest – and actually I am quite sad about that. I like Vit, have I said? Day 5, Saturday 20th August My long-time, Condo arrived from Bangkok last night for the weekend, and this evening I am taking him to Boyztown. We walk down Soi 6/1 to Beach Road, but after a certain time, its now about 9.30pm, it becomes increasingly difficult to flag down a baht bus. After the fourth one has sailed past us I give up and we get a couple of taxi bikes to 13/4. The plan was to go to the Boyz Boyz Boyz show which starts at 10pm, so to start with we have a drink in one of the bars opposite. Had my first San Miguel of the night and I recall that there were free peanuts provided – a small token but appreciated. Then at about 9.50 we head into BBB, its already quite crowded and we are seated towards the back, but there seems, aside from the boys themselves, to be an enormous number of other staff milling around all the time. I suspect that in terms of paying customers there were perhaps no more than thirty or forty. Anyhow the show starts, and the thirty or forty boys shuffling around on stage are replaced by various cock shows, including one where they come off the stage in capes and move around the audience with hats to collect tips. Oh yes and they have their erect cock out for you to stroke, most, but not all, with condoms on and most, but not all, with their erections supported by cock rings. I give Condo 200 baht and I have 200 baht, I spend mine, but he only spends 100 baht but I noticed that he took a while stroking his chosen cock. Condo particularly liked the B'Boys break dancing show, these lads clearly go round from show to show, and although it's not really my thing I have to say that some of their dancers were really impressive. Despite their 'street' clothes and tattoos these boys are effectively highly trained gymnasts who seem to have fun with their act sparking off each other. The show is virtually over so we check-bin and head through Boyztown towards Walking Street, but as we do we pass Toy Boys and Vit is outside and greets me. Ok so just one drink then. Vit sits on my left and Condo on my right. Vit is very hands on whereas Condo just sits there and I have to keep squeezing his knee or his hand to remind him that he is the number one (well tonight anyway). Talking of numbers, I see Number 6 across the room flashing me a big smile. He is in his civies and has therefore been barfined. You would have thought he would have been devoting his attentions to his new husband to be (for the night at least) rather than me. I promised Condo just one drink and so I checked bin, but gave Vit a couple of hundred baht tip. Ok, finally out onto Second Road and the short walk into Walking Street. But where to go?, actually Sapphire sounds good, so we head off together down Soi 15. Day 6, Sunday 21st August Taking my long-time Condo to Boyztown again tonight, we had seen the show at Xboys and now heading bback into Boyztown. Once there we 'happen' to walk past Toy Boys there is no sign of Vit, but the door guy recognises me, knows who I am looking for, opens the door and ushers me (and Condo) inside. I see Vit immediately and he comes over to us and sits on my left with Condo on my right. Poor Condo sits and smiles politely while Vit massages my back and shoulders. Across the other side of the Agogo I again see No 6 and once again he is dressed having been barfined again – he is Mr Popular it would seem, he still flashes me a big smile and mouths 'tomorrow' at me. Meantime I had promised Vit I would take him Long Time again tomorrow night and he wants to know if I will pay bar for him now. Why he has to ask that now I don't know, other than Condo was clearly hearing all this and still sat there with a brave little smile on his face – oh dear. Check bin, 700 baht for LT barfine for tomorrow and about 700 baht for three drinks – 'that's the way the money goes – pop goes the weasel!' (Google it! - actually 'bending the plastic' could be the modern slang LOL). Actually, if Condo hadn't guessed it, the boys here are entirely 'my style' I could happily barfine 50% of them if not more – Toy Boys is 'twink heaven'. Left Vit with a couple of hundred baht tip and I absolutely want to see him again tomorrow – and I did, although things didn't work out quite as I planned. Day 7, Monday 22nd of August - the end of my first week Now, if you have been paying attention, you will recall that the plan was that I was going to be taking Vit long-time again tonight and I had already paid bar for him last night. He was to meet me at 8pm tonight on Soi 6, although we hadn't been more specific than that. However we had discussed what we might do. I was inviting a regular girl of many trips, Lee, to join us and we would eat, go for a drink and then maybe have a threesome together (it didn't happen!). It was sort of Vit's idea. I had mentioned to him the possibility of doing a threesome with another boy – but no he would be too shy for that, but he wanted a threesome with a girl so that he could watch me (his words) fuck the girl. Lee was up for it, or so she said a couple of times, but just before 8pm I get a message from her – her boyfriend was sick and there was nobody else to take care of him. Of course it could have been true, or she could have had another customer, or, and more likely, she got cold feet. So I wait patiently in Quicky Bar, nursing a bottle of water, until I get a call from Vit that he has arrived and is waiting at the back of the hotel in Soi 6/1. Check bin and go and find him. Is he hungry? - yes, so ok, lets go eat. I choose lasagne of course, he a pork chop – and what a big one he got. He plays with the vegetables, but it's the chop he really wanted. He hints that we could go to the room for 'boom boom' after we have finished eating; I need to slow him down a bit after a ST I had had an hour or so beforehand, especially if I am to cum again. Drinks first I said, but where to go?, we go down 6/1 and through the snicket to Horny Bar, but no sign of my manager friend Bagel and I can sense Vit's unease, ok so across the road to the new Agogo where the original Pook Bar was. Quite well stocked with girls, one or two quite pretty, but there are a few stares and sniggers from the girls. Wondered whether to stay or not, but was rescued by Nui who used to work for Bagel in Pussy Club – she recognises me and come over and I order her a drink and she instinctively knows what I want her to do and she sits and chats to Vit and makes him feel at ease. A couple of drinks and a respectable bar bin later and its almost 10pm. Again Vit suggests going back to the hotel for 'boom boom'; I relent, the cialis is working and I am feeling horny for him. We shower and play around for a while and then he goes and fishes a condom out of his jeans. And so for the second time today I find myself on my back legs drawn up and, with a flash of inspiration on my part, with a pillow under my bum. Vit's cock is quite big, but straight, so maybe if I alter the angle of his entry slightly? He goes slowly and again it hurts a little as he makes his entry, but soon he is 'hitting the spot' and it feels good. I am encouraging him on, pulling him into me and he is now pounding away as I push back onto him. My cock has never felt so hard and desperate to cum. He strokes my cock and then eventually I stroke my cock and my balls explode; unbelievable, that's twice today. Vit is feeling it as well and is rushing to his own cum, one last deep thrust inside me as his eyes close and I feel his legs tremble slightly. He shows me the condom – he must have cum hard too. I sensed that the pointer on my sexual spectrum chart had probably just shifted another couple more notches towards the 'gay' side! LOL We lie side my side, kiss, kiss some more, rest a little and chat. I get my very best sexual experiences from Vit even though he claims not to be gay – but is he telling me the truth – more on this tomorrow! Ok, shower together, I used to think that when he spent time washing me in the shower that he was just ensuring that I was fully clean for sex, but he does it now, almost affectionately. Time to get taxi-bikes to Boyztown, as Vit and I walk through the snicket past Vassa boys he tells me that he doesn't want Long Time tonight as he has other plans. Ok now it becomes clear why he wanted, what now becomes a Short-time in the hotel and hour or so ago. He says he is too tired (and I am going to snore again all night aren't I !), so I quickly give him 2k baht for the ST. As we enter Boyztown itself he tells me that there is a new boy from his village in Cambodia working in his agogo now that he thinks I would like if I am looking for another long-time for tonight. Well lets see what he looks like. I am not too disappointed, I can't imagine that I would have had another boom boom session with Vit again tonight, but tomorrow morning might have been a different matter. We arrive at Toys Boys and are welcomed in, I can see No 6 sitting with a customer and smiling at me and he still has his little white pants on – so he hasn't been barfined yet. We sit down and order drinks and Vit calls over his new friend, who comes over looking hopeful and smiling – this is a set up by Vit isn't it. I greet him and offer him a drink; sadly despite his optimism, he does nothing for me at all, despite Vit placing my hand on his friends knee and moving it up to the cock area of his white pants. Sorry Vit, this is not going to work, the lad has no English at all and is just not my 'style'. To compound matters, No 6's customer has clearly checked bin as he gets up to leave and No 6, throws me a hopeful smile. I call him over, Vit looks briefly mutinous, but then accepts that I am making my own choice about tonight. Suddenly Vit is all over me again, and No 6 was as well. Too late now my darling Vit, you have made your choice even if you intended it to be for the benefit of your friend from your village. Actually I would have given Vit a second chance at LT tonight if we were alone, but No 6 had seen his opportunity and was going to make the most of it. I think Vit realised quickly where this was going and was giving No 6, turns out his name is Ton, the talk about how he needed to take care of me properly, he was doing so in his broken English so that I knew what he was saying. Ton was being very good about. Ok diplomacy time. I tell Ton, so that Vit can hear, that Vit is No 1 for me, but that he say no to long-time tonight – so would he, Ton, like to go with me. Ton gives a big smile and takes off his badge number and places it face-down on the table and points at Vit and says, ok he No. 1, but I No. 2. Yes, I say and buy another round of drinks (OMG this is going to cost me!). We sit and Vit talks to Ton more in Thai, but seems happier with the situation (that he created LOL). The mamasan appears, has a drink from me, and places Ton's barfine in my bin as well. Then the boss comes over and gives me a free beer (OMG have I spent that much?). Again, in front of Ton, I say to Vit, ok you Long Time tomorrow and give him a hug and a kiss. Ok happy (incestuous) families again. Ok, time to check bin – bloody hell the drinks are just SO expensive here. And what's more I gather, having spoken to several boys, that the boys only get 20 baht per drink! On Soi 6 the girls get between 40 and 50 baht for a ladydrink that costs half the price. Anyhow a visible display of affection between me and Vit, and then Ton and I leave Toy Boys and out onto the soi, Ton wants to go Family Mart on the corner with Second Road, ok so I give him 100 baht and wait outside. Vits outside now and comes over, tomorrow I say! Ok tomorrow he says. Ton emerges with a bag of snacks and we get two taxi-bikes to Soi 6 and my hotel. Up in the room we snack, shower and head onto the bed. I know very little about Ton except that his smile makes my cock twitch. We fool about a bit as a prelude to fucking. He has a lean, toned body and a nice medium sized cock, perhaps fractionally smaller than Vits, he is affectionate, passionate, and he is not only gay but he liked to be bottom. He is lovely and despite Vit's obvious misgivings, we look set to have a great time tonight. I do have difficulty getting into his ass, even though, from the number of barfines he gets, I suspect that it's a well trodden path. But once inside he does like his ass ploughed and I do my best to oblige, my tiredness masked my numerous San Miguels. As the session draws to a close he has cum (tasted surprisingly good too), and I almost did, managed a dribble, but even that was an achievement having cum so hard twice more earlier in the day. We fool around a bit more, he is a friendly, affectionate lad, but a around 3am the alcohol fails and tiredness overwhelms me; we sleep. Day 8, Tuesday 23rd August Wake up with Ton about 9.30am, I ask if I snore too much, he doesn't understand so I make snoring noises; he laughs – so yes I did. Shower and fuck again time. All smiles and unhurried, quite a relaxed session, and I get good use out of the condom and fuck him in several positions. Don't think I can quite fill the condom this time, but he seems close to cumming. I disengage and roll him on his back and slip between his legs and focus on getting his balls to empty; he is holding my head with both hands as I complete my task. Then he seems equally determined that I should cum and then after a lot of help from him and a little final help from myself I do, and quite impressively – well he at least seems impressed LOL We have a bit of a cuddle and a chat before we shower, dress and go down to breakfast. I have left his long-time fee under his phone. He notices and counts it and thinks I have left him too much; its the same I give Vit and Condo and he seems genuinely grateful. We go down to breakfast together. I have the fillet steak and so too does he with vegetables and chips and to his credit he eats the lot save for a couple of chips that I snaffle. We talks some more – he is from Laos and, like so many others from Laos and Cambodia, here to make his fortune or as best he can. His English isn't as good as Vits – and Vits is not great, but we can have at least the rudiments of a conversation. I have had a great time with him and tell him so. He is also definitely repeat material – although I don't tell him that. So there, I have my choice for the coming days; Vit the pitcher and Ton the catcher. It wasn't all bullshit last night, Vit is definitely No 1 for me (Condo aside of course) and probably always will be. With a smile and a peck on the cheek, Ton leaves after breakfast, leaving me free to return to my room and try and catch up on my sleep a bit more and even catch up on these notes. It is now early evening and I am hungry, and so downstairs to eat again in the hotel, but on my own this time, I don't like eating on my own, but needs must. I had the gammon steak and to finish off an ice cream 'Sunday' - it was so cold in the centre my throat was clenching – so didn't quite manage it all. As I finish I get a third message, this time from Vit, do I want Short-time or Long-time tonight? Ok I can see which way this is going again. Not sure I say; he will come round to my hotel in 20 minutes. Not to be, this time the Heavens themselves intervened; the skies darkened and then the rain fell, And what a little storm, rain bouncing off the soi, the roof guttering overloading and pouring off the eaves onto the front of the bars. Over the balcony I could see a pig roast for a party in one of the bars opposite, fill with water as steam poured off the coals – one undercooked pig I fear! No chance that Vit will venture out in this, the soi had emptied and the few farang there were sought refuge in their nearest bars. The phone rings, surprise surprise its Vit phoning back, can I come to his bar and see him – about 40 minutes I say, hoping that the rain has eased by then. Lets see what the evening brings. Mercifully the rain does ease and I venture out to look for a taxi-bike. There are large puddles everywhere and there are still a few drops of rain falling and the roof spouts are still sending jets of water out onto the soi to catch the unwary. The taxi-bike driver ceremoneously wipes the water (or most of it LOL) off the seat of his bike and we set off, me pleading gently to take it slow and so we meander down the soi trying to avoid the worst of the puddles, most of the farang and thankfully all of the roof water falls. Beach Road was better, the road widening and its new drains appeared to be working far better than it used to, especially for short storms like this one. We picked up speed and were soon at Soi 13/4. Normally discretion gets me to ask then to drop me off at the entrance to 13/4, but as they almost certainly all know where my real destination is I get him instead to drop me off at the entrance to Boyztown itself. Boyztown is full of life, despite the rain and I head up to Toy Boys, I can see Vit from here, standing outside his bar stripped to the waist – sexy boy! My cock gives a small twitch of anticipation. He gives me a hug and we chat, he wants short-time with me now and will then see about the rest of the evening. Ok, lets go for it so I have to shell out the best part of 1k baht for the barfine and for the short-time hotel room. (actually not bad as short-time rooms go) But once again we have a great session that starts in the shower as he washes me and then I wash him. His cock is almost hard, but it certainly is by the time we leave the shower. Tonight I want to fuck him I say, he makes excuses and I am only be half-hearted in my request anyway; he is going to fuck me again, he knows it and he also knows that, really, I want him to. And he is right. We fool around a bit more and he plays with my cock and I suck his, but then he is reaching for the condom and I 'assume the position' but again with a pillow under my bum so that his cock will once again 'hit the spot' as he fucks me. No pain at all this time as he gently pushes his way into my bum, I almost beg him to stroke my cock as he builds up his pace. Oh God I so want to cum, I am pulling him into me as he oils my cock and strokes away as he fucks me. I am so going to cum and lift my bum and push hard onto his cock as my balls explode and jets of come hit both him and me. How does he do it, I cum like a teenager. But now he is building towards his own climax. I might have asked him to pull out and cum on me but he is past that point now, his face is all screwed up and he is pounding my ass like never before. He cums and his body shakes a little and he kisses me more passionately than he has ever done before. That was intense! For the last couple of trips Vit has provided me with the best sex of all my companions, and it was a badge of honour that he was to carry throughout this trip as well. We both lie on the bed breathing hard and slowly relax and cuddle a bit. Why doesn't he want long-time I ask – his answer wasn't unexpected – he cant sleep. Not my snoring – no, no, he just finds it difficult to sleep in a strange environment – bless him. He can see I am disappointed, I loved waking up next to him last week. Tomorrow he promises. But what of now, does he want to go back to the bar now. Up to me he says. I ask him if he knows the Jomtien Complex, it's on my to do list. I think I know where it is but I am not sure. He knows it well, he has a friend there, we can go there now if I want. Ok, lets go. Well we have to shower and dress first, I am ready long before him. Its those skinny black jeans of his that he has to peel off and takes ages to get back on again. Accepting the inevitable, for tonight at least, I pay him his Short-time fee, and worth every single baht it is too. Thank-you Vit my friend. Ok out the short-time hotel and onto the corner of Second Road and get two taxi-bikes to Jomtien, Vit gives his driver instructions, he nods his head and we are off into the traffic. I don't really know South Pattaya very well at all, yet alone Jomtien, but aside from a couple of fairly complicated road junctions it seems a pretty straight road. Ten minutes, maybe, and we are pulling up outside 'The Pines' at the entrance to the Jomtien Complex. Yes its the same place I had been to 12 months before but then it was daylight and almost deserted, but now in darkness with the bright lights of the bars it was an entirely different experience. There were lots of boys about, I say boys, some of them had clearly been 'boys' for quite a few years LOL I was casting my eyes around as we walked, IMHO I still had the best looking boy walking right beside me now. We went to a bar almost at the end on the right hand side, I forget its name, but Vit was being greeted by a good looking boy a little shorter than himself but seemingly the same age. This was apparently his bar. I forget his name, English sounding, Ben perhaps?, but he made us welcome and sat us down outside around one of the tables. Drinks for Vit and myself and yes for Ben (I shall call him that now right or wrong). They chat, but do their best to do so in English to keep me included. Ben's English is way, way better than Vits, almost conversational. Ben is also Cambodian, only a year older than Vit and from the same village where they grew up together and it is clear that both are genuinely fond of each other. Apparently Ben was fortunate to have had a relationship with a well-to-do farang (Scottish maybe?), but it had run its course and Ben was left owning this bar. Vit also knows another guy, Ben's brother maybe?, who works in the bar and for a while Vit goes off to chat to him leaving me talking with Ben, who was friendly and forthcoming. Vit has mentioned me apparently and likes me. I tell Ben that I am very fond of Vit, I like him very much and then I jokingly tell Ben that it is a great shame that Vit is not gay otherwise I would probably have married him by now. His response surprises me, he looks slightly aghast and says that of course Vit is gay. My turn to look surprised, 'really' I say? 'Yes for sure' he says he has know Vit since childhood, he knows him well he is gay. 'But he just too shy to admit so'. Well that is interesting! I have another question to ask Ben. Apparently his boyfriend was of similar age to me, he thinks I am only in my 50s. So I ask him if he ever really loved him. I got a straightforward, and I think honest, answer. No, not at first, but that he had grown to love him and he was greatly saddened when their relationship failed. Ben had no reason to lie to me on either issue and so perhaps he was telling me the truth on both? He says that Vit has always been shy with his emotions but he has always been a good friend to him and has gone out of his way to help him in the past when he needed it. When Vit returned I looked at him with new eyes; if he noticed he didn't react. We had another drink and then checked bin. Walking back up to the main road Vit suggested a Songtaw and indeed there were three other farang waiting and within a couple of minutes a Songtaw hoves into view, sees us and indicates to pull over. After a few excursions I take Vit back into Toy Boys. Drinks for Vit and me, and again I ask him about Long-time and he doesn't want to, tomorrow he says again; maybe he has another customer, who knows, I bet I am very far from being his sole admirer. Ton has seen us and is looking hopefully; and so the least I can do is buy him a drink. Vit is looking mutinous again, he really doesn't like the guy very much does he; surely he can't be jealous, he only has to say and it will be him in my bed tonight and not Ton. No Vit is adamant and he has had three opportunities to change his mind. So I turn to Ton and take off his number badge from his shorts and place it face-down on the table. He looks at Vit and then looks at me and beams and asks if he can go and change. Yes he can. Just so Vit doesn't see Ton as a direct rival for my affections I call over another boy that I like the look of and buy him a drink as well. Mamasan comes over with the bar-fine chit for my bin and begs a drink as well. I think he is cheeky to do so, but best to keep on his good side. So when Ton comes back he finds Vit on one side of me and new guy on the other side and has to sit by new guy, but I now have three sets of hands on me. I have one hand on my drink and one hand on Vit's leg; lets not forget who is No 1 here. LOL Again, no doubt in an effort to encourage me into another round the boss gives me another beer. I am grateful but it doesn't work; my bin here will be the better part of 2k baht anyway. Time to go, fond farewells to Vit and then Ton and I are off on taxi-bikes to Soi 6, the rain is starting to pick up again but not too much. Back to Soi 6 and it has gone 1am and, given the rain and lack of customers, most bars have already closed. O Bar is open and Dow is sitting outside and calls us over. If she was surprised to see Ton she didn't show it, and so inside we go and a new bar bin starts. Dow and Ton are getting on fine and chatting away, occasionally they both look at me and give a little laugh – I really must learn more Thai LOL I put my usual songs on the music system and take turns with Dow, she chooses Thai of course and Ton and she sing along to some of them. O Bar is good like that, if there are customers then they tend to stay open until the customer is ready to go. Only the cashier seems to have no choice in this so I start including her in the rounds. It is well past 2am before I check bin, all three of us are a little drunk. I have a brief fantasy about Dow coming back to the room with us, but it is fleeting. It is raining steadily, not hard but steadily as we get to Soi 6/1 and the green metal stairs to the doorman and the dryness of the hotel. Up to my room, strip off and shower while Ton demolishes what's left of yesterdays snacks. I have turned the bottom of the three drawers into a 'snack drawer' – I keep I stocked from now on. Too tired and to drunk to fuck Ton tonight, that can keep until tomorrow morning. Time to sleep (and snore apparently LOL). Day 9, Wednesday 24th August I first wake about 8.30 am, Ton is already awake but pretending to be asleep, I wonder how much sleep he actually got last night if I was snoring heavily? Quick pee and then back to sleep for another couple of hours, then I shower, Ton follows me and we go back to bed for 'boom boom'. And what great sex it was this morning, I am learning that if I spend time properly lubing his ass up then it is much easier for him. I am also getting fitter as the holiday progresses and I am able to fuck for longer and be more adventurous in my positions. At the close I had cum in his ass doggy style, and he had sat on my chest and cum across my face. Both happy, both showered and both dressed, him paid, and then both down to breakfast. Me No. 1 and him sontam. Then, with a hug and a smile and 100 baht for the taxi-bike he is off, leaving me to return to my room. But in truth I am getting fed up with over-tight little twink asses that are difficult/impossible for me to get my cock into. I am not looking for a gaping chasm, but relatively easy. Ton was perfect today and I really enjoyed fucking him. So I am off for a massage and spend the rest of the afternoon and evening in and around Soi 6. Vit isn't due until his bar closes at 1.30am. Shortly after 1.30am Vit phones he is on Soi 6/1, where am I?; Horny Bar I tell him, he remembers and will see me shortly. Very shortly actually, he is here in a couple of minutes and the girls I had been buying drinks for are all over him. He seems happy enough. Ok back to hotel time, I am tired and it is late, but it would seem that Vit is feeling horny. I am marched into the shower and washed, and he joins me on the bed. 'Boom Boom' he says, I am feeling tired but no way am I going to say no. I suck his cock hard(er), it was already fairly hard. He reaches for a condom from the drawer and starts to lube my ass-up. Pillow under my bum and he is edging his way between my legs, teasing me with his cock, playing with mine and I feel him start to nudge his way inside me. Easy-peasy now and for the next ten or fifteen minutes he fucks me. This time he comes out and whips off the condom so that he can cum all over my cock. Using his cum to lube my cock he is now wanking me hard, I really don't think I can cum this time, but he is determined. Almost, I am almost there, ….... bingo, but just a dribble really, but better than I expected, I have cum twice today already. I need to shower again quickly as does he, but then to bed together, he cuddles up to start with and a quick kiss or two, but then I roll on my side to sleep, bury my face in the pillow, hopefully it will muffle the snoring. I fight hard to stay awake for a while in the hope that Vit can get to sleep first. All pretty futile really I suppose. But next think I know its morning again. Day 10, Thursday 25th August I am woken about 9,30am with Vit's arm around me and him cuddling up, I felt his hand reach down to my cock, I had awoken with a stonking hard-on again and he gives it a squeeze. And so begins a Good Morning Vit sex session involving just about everything apart from actual 'boom boom'. That was my fault, I got him to cum early on and he had difficulty maintaining his subsequent erection; shame I was all lubed-up ready. I hadn't cum either, I was very close at times but not quite there. But it was a fun session which lasted off and on for the better part of an hour with lots of cuddles and loving. Normally our short-times are all about lust, passion and sweaty sex; but this felt quite different, more relaxed, more affectionate. We shower and dress and between us we order breakfast as room service; it will be ready in about 20 minutes. Ok I'll nip out to the ATM and get the laundry. Our breakfast is just being delivered as I get back. We sit on the little sofa together and eat off the low table. I have had the steak again and forget what Vit had but it was Thai. He wants to try some of my steak – he likes it, he wants more. He has finished his now and is now lying into my shoulder as I feed him bits of my steak, I even give him the last piece; it must be love! LOL Its hot, even with the aircon full on, and I had come back from the ATM dripping with sweat and as soon as breakfast is finished I strip off and go and have another quick shower. Ensuring the air con is turned fully up I go lie on top of the bed and close my eyes. Vit is still fully dressed but comes over and starts to play with my cock; it is soon hard again, I close my eyes as he gently strokes it. Then I feel another sensation, he is now licking the shaft of my cock, not the head, just the shaft; Vit hates sucking cock, but here he is, unbidden, licking along the length of it. I must feed him steak more often! Then he is along side me stroking my cock, slowly and skilfully, and then he is kissing me, not tongues, but almost. I couldn't quite cum earlier with all our sex play, but I suddenly realised that I was about to now. I kissed him more passionately and he realised what was about to happen and stroked me more vigorously and within seconds I was spraying cum over his nice clean denim shirt (haha!). Mopping himself up as best he could (my wet wipes are a great boon at times), he gathers his stuff and he is off to collect his bike from outside his agogo. I had offered him 100 baht for a taxi-bike, but he declines, he says he will get a songtaw. From there he will no doubt go back to his room to try and catch up on his sleep; he will be back to see me at 1.30am again tonight when his bar closes. Thank you Vit. One of the minor things that Vit does that goes down well with me is that he always calls me by my name; not teerak, papa, Daddy, darling or any of the other generic names my barfines call me. Its a small thing but it makes me feel more like a person that he knows and not just another nameless customer. I doubt he realises that he is doing it. I had been seeing my long-time regular girl Lee for much of the evening and had taken her to Walking Street for a drink. Sapphire is just as full and just as busy as if in defiance of the Low-Season Blues being felt elsewhere. Stay for a couple of drinks and then Boss Jerry appears and buys me another San Miguel. About 11pm I ask Lee is she wants to go to another agogo or if she wants to go to Boyztown (Lee has an even greater weakness for pretty young Thai boys than me! LOL). She opts for Boyztown. And so we check bin and walk along Second Road to the Boyztown entrance. And of course Toy Boys is immediately on our left and, of course Vit is outside, stripped to the waist to greet us and escort us inside. And so yet another Toy Boy's drinks bin starts, Ton and the other boy I have been buying drinks for show up, followed my mamasan – its entirely my own fault of course (and although I will deny it publicly, I just 'lurve' the attention! LOL). Lee sits on my right and Vit on my left. No 6 sits next to Vit and the other boy beyond him. I still had hopes of a threesome with Vit and Lee and both knew it so I was more than happy when they each leaned across me and started to chat. Meanwhile Ton takes his chance and flirts like mad with me. I tell Lee she can choose any boy she likes to invite over for a drink. She takes her time and then tells me his number, I call him over and he goes and sits next to her – a drink for him then as well. Actually, having followed Lee's Facebook for several years I could perhaps have predicted which one she would choose, a muscular, tattooed young guy with a bad boy look about him. He knew why he was there and made a fuss of Lee who was beaming away and chatting happily to him. That allowed me to make a fuss of Vit who lay into my shoulder. Ton and the other boy seemed happy enough, they knew the lie of the land and they also knew they would get a 100 baht tip out of it before too long as well. I hint to Vit that I could pay bar and take him now rather than wait, but no he wants 1.30am as arranged – save money he tells me. Thoughtful of him for sure, although I am facing a 2k baht bin here. I have enough change to give the Ton and the two other boys 100 baht each, and Vit as well for show, although he feigns surprise. Just after 1am, a little earlier than I was expecting, I get a call from Vit, he has arrived on Soi 6/1and where was I? I told him best I could how to find Perry Bar and then I go and stand outside and wait for him to hove into view. I bring him in and introduce him to my friend and neighbour from England, Chris, who has just got back into town, Chris welcomes Vit politely, even warmly. Poor Vit, his tribulations were starting and he had to sit for a while and listen to Chris and I choosing out ancient musical hits as we wandered down roads of memory and nostalgia for the next hour. But eventually we check bin – or rather Chris does, he has emptied my bin into his – thank you mate – welcome back! I am peckish and Vit is dragged to McDonalds and has to wait as yet another triple cheeseburger and fries is packaged up for me. No he is not hungry. Back to my room to eat, although actually I only ate part of it. I was feeling fairly drunk by now and instead opt for a quick shower – Vit comes in to help me. Neither of our cocks is hard; an early night beckons. Vit cuddles up to me in bed, I am still sober enough to try desperately to give him time to fall asleep before I do. I will undoubtedly snore my head off tonight – and I do, and Vit can prove it! Poor lad. PART TWO to follow:
  18. Well I have no memories of attending their wedding?
  19. Absolutely; not so sure about the 'about to die' bit I hope quite yet, but certainly the 'last of the summer wine' bit. I am content to grow old as happily and disgracefully as my health and wealth will allow.
  20. Ok, first of all apologies for being a bit of a 'drama queen' with my last post, but Kokopelli's attacks left me feeling entirely discouraged from posting any more - as no doubt they were intended to. But, on reflection, I probably need to 'grow a pair', stop allowing myself to feel intimidated by him, and instead tackle his attacks head on. First, the police are undoubtedly fully aware of what goes on behind the door of most bars; they are not new establishments and this is Pattaya after all. If they are intent on a raid my guess is that it would be for far more lucrative reasons than simply responding to reports made on a small internet forum. Secondly, the boys photographs. Did I explicitly tell them that I would post them on an internet forum? No I did not, but I always tell them that I 'show friends' and they are happy with that. In doing so I probably do more than most who post pictures of boys/girls on forums. Am I being hypocritical in then blanking out my own picture - probably - I also did so on my last trip report. I do post my TRs on other forums where I am far less shy about my own face appearing, but I have been a member there for far longer on both forums and I have now a greater confidence that what is posted on the forum stays on the forum. When I have the same confidence here you are all welcome to see my 'ugly mug' - trust me you are not missing much. So why do I post a trip report anywhere, not just here? In the main it is because I had a great holiday and want to share my experiences with what I hope are like-minded people. In turn I read other TRs and love to share vicariously in their holidays. In this post that Kokopelli has been so very critical of, I have related my visits to four establishments and in each case I had a great time and met some lovely people. I have neither said anything bad about any of these establishments, nor about any of the boys; quite the contrary in fact. If as a consequence others feel encouraged to visit these same places and maybe spend time and money with some of the same boys - isn't that a large part of what this forum is about? - sharing experiences? Sunee Plaza seemed to me to be in a serious state of decline at the moment, with far more premises lying dark and closed than open. Even within the ones that were open customers seemed few and far-between, and most of the boys desperate for a bit of attention and spend. If people enjoy my trip reports then of course I feel personally gratified, but if as a consequence I have played a small part in encouraging others to seek out these same places, they I would feel doubly gratified. So Kokopelli I shall continue to post and if you feel that my posts contravene the rules of this forum then please go ahead report them for moderation, or better still just ignore this thread if the contents offend you that much.
  21. Ok, I give-in, I am out of here. End of Trip Report!
  22. Vessey's August Adventures: Part One – In and Around Sunee Plaza I have decided against putting a full trip report this forum for this holiday. Two reasons, first there was much that would be of little interest here I think, and secondly I was hero-ed last time with one of my favourite boys and although 'relations' were restored with him and I was indeed to see him many times this trip – I don't want to put that at risk a second time. So instead I shall post two or three cameos – mini trip reports where I shall take extracts from my daily diary that relates to particular areas. This, the first, is an easy one; Sunee Plaza and it's wider environs. Next one next week. (Google Images) Day 2, Wednesday 17th August I had arranged to meet an American friend at Retox Bar in Soi Honey 7pm for dinner. It was a pleasant and comparatively inexpensive meal and just gone 8pm when we said our goodbyes and I decided that I would go and spend an hour or two in Sunee Plaza before returning to Soi 6. So going back to Second Road I took a taxi-bike to Soi VC Hotel. Alighting I walked up Soi VC until I got to the right hand turning into Sunee Plaza. There just up on the right is Good Boys. It is a poorly lit little soi and although there were four or five boys sitting outside at Good Boys, you needed to get quite close to see what they look like. Most did not appeal, but one boy did. I have been to this little bar a couple of times before now and knew what the routine was. In the centre of the bar is the bar itself and behind the bar are some screens that shield a couple of largish plastic covered (easily wipeable LOL) sofas facing each other separated by a low rectangular table. We both sat down together on the black sofa and introduced each other; his name was Ched. He asked what I wanted to drink, San Miguel of course and I offered him one. Ched returns a short while later and sits back down next to me, we clink bottles and he sits up, unbuckles his trousers and slides them and his pants down to his ankles and bloody hell what a monster cock this lad has. This is the typical M.O. for this bar, you buy the lad a drink he gets his cock out. You wank or suck him off and then you give him a 300 baht tip. But it was going to take some effort to get Ched off, I leaned across to take the head of his cock into my mouth and I almost needed both hands on his shaft. I came up for air and hinted that my cock needed attention. I asked if it was ok for me to get my cock out – yes apparently that was quite ok. So I was stroking my cock with my left hand and Ched's with my right hand and leaning across to suck on the head of his monster cock. I come up for air again and this time he uses his left hand to take over on my cock. Great fun but no sign of a cum for either of us. He gets out his phone and is soon watching porn (hetro porn!) and taking over wanking his own cock. After a couple of minutes he indicates that he is about to cum – I lean across and open my mouth. He wants to know if I want to cum – and actually I don't really – not yet. So I check bin, 300 baht for the two drinks and 300 baht tip to Ched for which he seems very happy and wants to see me again (and he does!). Meanwhile I am all zipped back up again and good to go. Not that I went all that much further, I was heading to Eros Boys, the 'Windmill' of Sunee Plaza. Twelve months ago I had had a fantastic experience in here and was keen to replicate it again tonight if I could – and, as events unfolded, indeed I could! It was around 9pm when I approached Eros Bar and there were only two or three boys sitting outside, but one flashed me a nice smile and led me inside and round to the left to a screened seat facing across the bar. There were two or three other customers in there but each with a single boy with them. I sat down and 'Outside Boy' asked me if I would like a drink and so I offered one to him too, then four more baht hungry boys come and stand facing me each with those over large, baggy, nylon pants. They were each either stroking their cocks inside their pants or had whipped their cocks out and were stroking them, and they included the blond lad, Ray, from last year. Ok so get them drinks as well then. Drinks arrive and clink glasses and then all the boys have their cocks out apart from Outside Boy. I am invited to stroke each one in turn. I make to straighten my own cock under my trousers – the hint is appreciated and soon the boy sitting on my right is undoing my trousers and taking out my cock, and now they all want to take turns stroking my cock. There is a grunt and one boy cums – just missing my trousers; he slides back and the others close ranks around me. (Outside boy is on the front left in white pants, Tao is on the far right leaning forward and in yellow pants) One of these boys has a nice thick cock and a killer smile and is trying to encourage me to stroke his cock while he strokes mine; I like him. So when the boy on my left goes to the toilet, I invite this other lad to come and sit next to me, his name is Tao. I lean across and suck his cock a bit and then he leans across and starts to suck mine – he is good. So now I am sitting there with one boy sucking my cock while I wank two others. Then Tao sits up and starts to kiss me, he is a smoker, but wow does he kiss, with his tongue half way down my throat. At the same time, Outside Boy, still with his cock hidden away, moves to kneel in front of me and take over the BJ and he is very good. Another guy cums messily over the back of Outside Boy but he seems not to notice and continues with his task. Swap around again as a third guy cums, its just Tao and Outside Boy left to cum now. Tao takes over sucking my cock while outside Boy strokes my shaft and plays with my balls. One of the other boys has taken over kissing me while another plays with my nipples. Did I cum?, of course I bloody did. My first spurt hits the back of Tao's mouth and he pulls back while Outside Boy keeps stroking, and consequently the bulk of my cum sprays across Tao's face. That was intense and something I had been dreaming of doing again for almost a year. If anything this was even better than the first time. Lots of tissues to mop-up, meanwhile I get Tao's phone number and promise to ring him (and I do!). My knees were still trembling slightly when I called for check bin. I think I ended up buying seven drinks which was just over 1 k baht. I wanted to tip 500 baht to Tao and 300 baht to the other boys. So the whole of that session in Eros Boys took just under an hour and cost around 3k baht; and for me the experience was worth every single baht of that. With that I totter out of Eros and through Sunee Plaza itself, mostly quite dead but a couple of half open bars – saw at least one other cute boy. More to do in Sunee Plaza I think! I walk down Soi VC and across to the soi that leads down past JP Bar and onto Walking Street. I call in briefly at Sugar Baby to say hello to manager 'Mr Egg' and catch up with his gossip. Day 3, Thursday 18th August. So back up to Buakhao and as evening falls I get a taxi bike to Sunee Plaza; thought I would try my hand again (so to speak) in Good Boys, but no signs of Ched and nor of anyone else that piqued my interest. Ok so up to Eros to see if that boy from last night, Tao was there. Yes he was but he was 'busy' with a customer. He saw me and came out briefly to apologise and suggest that I wait for him. But by this time I had proper got the hump and told him that I would phone him soon (which I did). Day 7, Monday 22nd of August - the end of my first week So at 1.30pm I go down to Horny Bar for a quick drink of water and to catch-up with mail. Then a taxi-bike to Sunee Plaza, I want to explore the massage shops around there a little more. Sunee Plaza was even more dead this time of the day that it has been at night, but I was able to take some pictures of places – except Good Boys, that little soi remains in shadow even when the rest of the area is bathed in daylight! LOL (never seen this vehicle about?) I couldn't see any massage shop around Sunee Plaza, so I wended my way through unfamilar streets until I found myself on Pattaya Tai, I turned right and walked the relatively short distance towards Tukom and then turned into the little soi alongside it and up to Condo's old shop. I didn't dwell here or even look in, he still has friends here and word would get back to him quickly. I carried on past and then had a meander around, there were one or two small shops, but nothing, or rather, nobody that caused me to break my step and pause. I was beginning to despair, this was new territory and I was feeling horny with anticipation. Then I came across a name that I recognised from Forum discussion, Royal House Massage, 'massage by men' as the sign said. It was, from the outside at least deserted, although a door to the side was ajar. Now given that it was just past 3pm it was always entirely possible that it just wasn't open yet. But as I had heard good things about the place I decided to venture through the open door and see what was inside. It was fairly dark inside but the odd table light suggested that there were signs of life, but I proceeded cautiously, there was a large square open bar area set about with unoccupied tables and chairs. A guy appeared and I asked if they were open?, yes they were. I could see another guy stretched out asleep on a bench and then a third guy appears from the stairway leading out a customer. The first guy fetches me a glass of water, it was a very hot day and I was dripping with sweat by now, and he tells me that there were the three of them here now if I wanted a massage. I looked around; stay or go? The sleeping guy was the only one who in any way approximated to a 'boy' and then only because of the poor lighting I suspected. But I was here now, the rest of this little expedition had been a disappointment and I was still feeling horny as hell. I nod towards the sleeping guy who comes over. The first guy tells me that its going to cost me 1k baht for the sex and 400 baht for the massage, apparently the guy that I have chosen speaks no English, but instead smiles at me: I agree! So he leads me upstairs, its quite a wide grand old staircase, indeed I suspect that this was quite a posh building in its heyday. Up one flight of stairs and then another, to a small room with toilet and a pair of showers outside just off the landing. We go into the room and each strip off and go shower, separately. Being new to this place and having phone and money in my trousers I leave the shower curtain open, but I need not have worried, we were alone up here. Back to the room and try and establish his name, Giff or Gipp I think – I shall choose Gipp. I take off my towel and lie face-down on the massage table, Gipp keep his towel wrapped around him and begins the oil massage of my legs. He is good, not in my usual massage boy's league, but good. As he gets to the top of each leg, he is massaging around my bum and oiling my bum hole at the same time. Then my back, and a good, strong relaxing massage. He motions me to turn over, my cock is hard of course; he ignores it and does the front of my legs and around my groin and balls and then I feel him oil my cock and start to give me a HJ. Actually his HJ was really good, almost like my regular massage boy's, light fingered teasing around the head of my cock and playing with my pre-cum. Then I feel him oiling my bum hole again at the same time and raising my knees. Now at this point (he had no English remember) it dawned on me that we hadn't discussed who was going to be doing what to whom. Then I saw him open a condom, but as it wasn't me he was fitting it on, it confirmed that that was something of an omission on my part. And keep in mind in the half-light of the room it was difficult to see more than silhouettes and that he had kept his towel around him up until now, so I had absolutely no idea how big his cock was, but I realised that I was about to discover how big it felt. Oh well I was majorly horny and the uncertainly and unfamiliarity of it all was only adding to my sexual tension. I parted my legs a little further and tried to relax. And bless him, Giff proceeded very slowly and with lots of oil, wanking me gently as he did so. It was difficult, even painful at first, but he was gentle and patient, and actually once he was inside it started to feel real good. Indeed although initially I felt grateful for the legendary smallness of Thai cocks, in the end I was pushing back hard to get him in a little deeper. OMG what is happening to me! LOL Being fucked and wanked at the same time I did not last long and I cum with flashing stars in my eyes and trumpets in my head. A short while later, he is slowly slipping out of me, condom off, sitting across my chest, wanking furiously and a few seconds later spraying cum all over me. Now for the first time I get a good look at his cock, not quite as big as Vits and with an upward curve. I suspect that, given the curve of his cock, that the head of his cock had been in contact with my prostate as he fucked me, perhaps explaining why it felt so good. But given his tiny balls, lord alone knows where all that cum of his came from. He mops me up and we shower. I pay him his tip and then give him 500 baht for the massage. Downstairs I am given my 100 baht change and I give it to the guy that got me the glass of water. Overall that was a great experience, especially given the limited choice of masseurs and the limited sex options. I am out into the sunshine and the searing heat, and get a taxi-bike back to Soi 6 and am back in my hotel room by 4pm. So something new done today. I stretch out on the bed and doze for a while. Day 8, Tuesday 23rd August Follwing a ball-emptying Short Time with my friend Vit whe had gone together to the Jontiem Complex to drink with one of his friends. Check-bin time and walking back up to the main road Vit suggested a Songtaw and indeed there were three other farang waiting and within a couple of minutes a Songtaw hoves into view, sees us and indicates to pull over. As we journey I ask Vit if he has been to Sunee Plaza, no and he would like to go. So we ring the bell as we approach the VC Hotel and, braving crossing the road, we head up to Soi VC towards Sunee Plaza. Looking back, quite why I thought this was a good idea I shall never know. Anyhow, as ever most places were in darkness, but there was a gaggle of boys outside Eros, I suggest a drink in there; again quite why I thought that a good idea I don't know. The lads outside seemed unsure what to do when they saw me approaching with Vit, and only a couple followed me inside. Seated they looked hopefully for a drink, I disappointed them saying I was only here for a quick drink. Blond haired Ray was not to be put off, he comes over and introduces himself to Vit first before greeting me; ok he gets a drink. So I am sitting closely next to Vit while Ray sits opposite us on a small padded platform. We clink drinks and Ray gets his cock out and starts to stroke it, Vit looks a little stunned. We keep drinking, Vit wants to go to the toilet, Ray seizes his chance and comes to sit next to me and places my hand on his cock. Damn this could so easily all go wrong. I slip him 100 baht and say not today, maybe tomorrow, he takes the hint and is back on his seat with his cock put away before Vit returns. We drink-up and I pay-up and we go. Taxi-bikes to X-Boys again, for their midnight show. Day 14, Monday 29th August So 8pm arrives and Lee and I go our separate ways. Now I really have no idea at this point in time about what I want to do for the next few hours. I am seeing Vit at about 1.30pm for long time tonight when his bar closes, but until then? Perhaps I will try my hand again (so to speak) at Goodboys off Soi VC?. So I get a songtaw to Walking Street, have a wander up Walking Street taking a few pictures as I go, up past JP bar and out up to Second Road and across to the VC hotel and up soi VC. Sadly at Goodboys there were only a couple of figures standing outside as I approached, neither of which could, with any honesty, be described as boys. So I passed by and into Sunnee Plaza itself. I looked briefly into Eros, to see if Tao was there - he wasn't so I moved on from there too. I was walking forlornly though a largely closed and unlit Sunee Plaza until I was walking past Ting Tong Bar on the left, and across opposite just on the other side of the soi were a few old sofas and the sign Ting Tong Beach scrawled on a board. A number of boys looked up hopefully, but not my type. One sitting down playing with his Iphone looked a little more promising. He looked up, saw me staring at him, smiled and got up and came over to me. Close-up I am not sure he was my type either but it would seem rude now not to offer him a drink and I could do with a sit-down myself I suppose. So we walk the couple of steps over to his bar and sit in some of the light seating out front. There were a couple of other customers there who briefly eyed me up and then got back on talking to their boys. This lad introduces himself to me as 'Chun', he is friendly and personable, but if I am honest at the far end of my acceptable 'twink spectrum'. He tells me how pleased he is to meet me as he hasn't had a customer for several days now, which, given the generally moribund, depressed air of Sunee Plaza at the moment, might actually be true. Now I am feeling a degree of guilt because I was intending to drink up and go, but here was this lad hoping I would feed him for the next few days. Oh well, I ask about short-time, yes he would like very much, and yes they have short-time rooms above the bar (it's Ting Tong 'Bar and Guesthouse'). Ok, barfine 300 I think it was and 400 for the room – the total was certainly 700 baht and he would want 1k baht as a tip. Was he gay? – yes he was, ok so top or bottom?, 50:50 he does both. Ok so we finish our drinks and check bin, which, with drinks, was fractionally under 1k baht. And so we head upstairs to our passion palace for the next hour, or more accurately Room 3 on the Second Floor. I shower, as does he and he proves friendly and accommodating, and, huge plus for me, he kisses properly. HJs together, and BJs together, his cock is quite big, as long as mine but not quite as thick as mine – still quite a mouthful! Boom Boom time and I am going to fuck him, and I have a falang sized condom that I have now taken to carrying about in my wallet. I stand him up and bend him over, and apply plenty of lube. And actually his ass opens up without too much difficulty and I can not only get balls-deep inside his ass I can actually give it the best pounding I can and he is pushing back onto me all the time. We try different positions until my condomed cock starts to loose its hardness and I cannot get back inside him any more. I do manage to get him to cum however, but I cant. We both shower again and he is paid and just before 22.00 I am leaving his bar and discovering that it has just started to rain again. Ok, at the end of the Soi I get a taxi-bike. I ask for Soi Diamond. Soon we are crossing Second Road and down the back entrance into Soi Diamond scattering tourists as our bike ploughs its way down the narrow walkway. It deposits me close to the steps up to 'Heaven Above agogo' . From there I retrace my steps into Windmill for an hour of happy, hands-on debauchery there. Day 15, Tuesday 30th August It has past 7pm when I surface, shower and find a change of shirt for the evening. By 7.40pm one of the hotel the taxi-bikes has dropped me off a little way up Soi VC and I walk the short distance to Sunee Plaza. Why I don't just get the bike to drop me off at Sunee Plaza I don't know; by now they all know where I would be heading. I had had an exchange of messages and then a phone call with Tao who I met at Eros early in my first week. I was fed up of looking in for him and him not being there. So yes he would be there tonight and I would meet him at 8pm. So it was slightly irritating when I past alongside Good Boys that I saw Ched standing outside. He recognised me and was trying to get me inside. I made my excuses and said that I would try and look in later if I could. I kept going around the corner and then turned right towards Eros, it wasn't quite 8pm and there were a gaggle of boys stood outside. I asked if Tao was there, he was, standing right in front of me with his back to me. He turned around and I instantly recognised the slightly untidy shock of hair and the big lazy smile. He takes my hand and leads me inside. Other boys recognise me and start to gather around. In vain to I try to explain that I an here to barfine Tao for a short-time. Drink for Tao and myself – lots of kisses (why is it the smokers that are the most willing and best kissers). The other boys are being persistent, even with the lack of a drink, most have their cocks out now, stroking them hopefully. If I don't watch it I shall get trapped here. Ok so check bin now with barfine. My bin is 500 baht (not sure how that worked out), but I give 1k baht and ask that the 500 baht change is shared between the 5 boys busy wanking in front of me at the moment. Everybody looks confused, but Ray shows up, understands and tell the boys who are now all smiling happily. Ok so Tao is now mine for a couple of hours. I am not sure that I want to take him back to Soi 6 and parade him through the Queen Victoria. Are there short-time rooms available here – 'yes have' he says brightly. By that he means that if we walk together to the end of the plaza there is a hotel on the corner who will rent us a room for 400 baht. Forget the name of the hotel, but, a bit like the Carlton, there was a sense of a posh hotel that has fallen on hard times. The receptionist looked bored and disinterested in us, she took the money and handed Tao the key without even seeming to look up. The room, when we found it, lived up to the rest of the hotel, clean and tidy but tired looking. And talking of tired looking, I noticed that Tao seemed to be struggling to stay awake. We undress, the room has a shower and toilet but the water is cold and there is no soap. At least the cold water refreshes Tao for a while and onto the bed we fall, he is a passionate kisser and his body is lean and hard and – so too is his cock. Its as long as mine but not quite so thick. I can get his cock hard for him, but I can't keep it hard. He is a top rather than a bottom, but he is never going to get a condom on that cock unless it can stay hard. I do my best and he is receptive and willing, but sadly his cock isn't. He does his best to give me a BJ and makes a good start, but blow me he is starting to fall asleep as he does it. The condom resting on the bed starts to look superfluous. I try and get him to talk, he is very sorry but he had almost no sleep last night and has been changing rooms today. He says he is 21 and married, but just separated from his wife and young child, and he is now trying to hold down three jobs at the moment to support them and make ends meet in low season. Most worrying is his first job; he apparently is hired to drive an airport taxi during the day. From 8pm he does a stint at Eros and then at 1am when Eros closes he goes to work in a Thai Karaoke Bar. He only had two hours sleep yesterday. And yes he has taxi bookings for tomorrow! I was disappointed, but how could I be angry with him. I offer to pay for the room overnight for him and let him sleep but he says he cannot. We don't bother with a shower but I have to help him dress as he is almost 'gone' to the point of collapse. I pay him the 1k baht I promised which gets me a large sleepy kiss and then I help him downstairs, hand over the room key and steady him as he totters back to Eros. I shall not go inside with him – I would be trapped if I did and fun though that would be I had other plans tonight. So I pass Tao into their care and head back in the general direction of Good Boys. My luck was in, although Ched wasn't immediately visible, when I asked he was behind the bar. So in I go to see him. He takes my drink order and prepares one for himself as well. Meanwhile I go to the couches hidden behind the back of the bar and sit in the middle of the black one. Ched brings the drinks over and before he sits down, he unbuckles his trousers and fishes out his cock, large, fat and flacid. I lean across and attempt to give it the kiss of life; it works and so his anaconda swells and stiffens – it is enormous. It takes both hands to stroke him properly and my mouth is at stretching point. Then his friend shows up and stands watching us, I break free to do introductions and shake his hand. He tells me that he is just as big, and to prove it drops his trousers and pants – actually he is not as big as Ched, but no far off. Good job my cock is safely tucked away as it would be feeling very inadequate right now. Ok so a drink for the friend as well, I forget his name, and now I have one hand on each cock and am switching across, first sucking on one cock and then the other. Ched has his phone out with his 'hetro' porn showing. Ched is the first to cum and I almost gag; he passes me a handful of tissues and then goes to the toilet to tidy -up. Ok so now I can concentrate on the friend, who is only a couple of minutes behind him in cumming. Ched has returned to watch. Ched's cum tastes sweeter! Ok I pay for the drinks and 300 baht apiece for Ched and his friend and both are happy with that, so total cost fractionally under 1 k baht – which I leave as a bar tip. I try to get a picture but they are friendly but firm about no photographs at all – and actually I can understand that. I walk back down Soi VC and slowly and cautiously negotiate crossing Second Road, endless traffic in both directions and motor-bikes zipping in and out in all directions. Eventually I cross and down past JP Bar and into Walking Street. Day 17, Thursday 1st September. It was 7pm when I left Horny Bar to go back to the hotel to rest a short while, baht-up, and plan the evenings entertainment. Perhaps another visit to Good Boys to start with? The end plan was to collect Vit for another long-time; but you know what they say about Pattaya and 'plans' LOL (Google Images) Ok, so first a taxi-bike to Soi VC, and no shame now, dropping me off right outside Sunee Plaza. The short walk along the gloomy little soi to Good Boys. Ched is there and rises from his chair to greet me and in we go, the other guy appears from nowhere to join us again. Drinks all round and then both sit either side of me on the sofa and drop their jeans and pants to their knees. Both cocks are soft, but not for long. For some reason the light is a little better and taking their cocks in each hand I can now better compare the two. Ched's is the longest and thick and totally bigger than mine. Others guys is not quite so long, but a little thicker than Ched's, although Ched has the bigger 'head'. There; I thought you needed to know that. So there I sit, stroking a cock in each hand while they drink their beers, but other guy, lifts my beer to my mouth so that I can drink and continue to stroke them both – now there's thoughtful! LOL Ok, now the tricky part is to be able to lean over and suck on one while still stroking the other – and actually I couldn't. So each took over their own cocks while I was busy with the other. Naturally I was as horny as hell, so I unbuckled and unzipped my trousers and took my own cock out. I could stroke mine while I sucked on one of their cocks, no problem. So three of us and three cocks on the go – this could get messy LOL And it did! Ched was the first to cum, I was busy with Other Guy at the time but quickly swapped my attentions and just in time too. He goes off to clean himself up while I concentrate on Other Guy, and he takes a while longer meanwhile Ched has returned and strokes my cock as I finally get Other Guy to cum, then they both together focus on my cock, Ched on the cock itself and Other Guy on my balls and bum. I tell them I am close and they quicken the pace and bingo!, there it goes, all over their nice leatherette sofa and table. Much wiping down of us and the furniture. And then with a clink of glasses we finish our drinks. Zip myself up again and check bin, that was the best session I have had there yet! I pay for the drinks and then hand Ched a 1k baht note and indicate that it is to be split between him and Other Guy; they both understand and smile and nod in thanks. I suppose I could have gotten away with 300 baht each again, but they had successfully gotten me off as well and that deserved a little extra I thought. I was also thinking that this maybe the last time that I get to this bar this holiday as I was now coming to the last few days and Condo would be here again soon. Out of Good Boys and onto the corner onto Soi VC and a taxi-bike to Boyztown to barfine and collect Vit for Long Time again as arranged.
  23. Condoms at Good Boys? Exactly how far CAN you go in there? I thought I was pushing it with blow-jobs LOL
  24. I cant believe that I am so late to this great thread, well written and 'informative' LOL My trip last August included numerous visits to Good Boys and Chet/Ched (I had him down as Ched), but lovely guy, enormous cock - must be the same one. He was always more than happy for me to replace my hand with my mouth to finish him. Several visits to Eros as well. So easy to spend money, but what great value-for-money you get at both places!
  25. I am no expert/techie but I have the bulk of my porn stash stored on an external hard drive. They are quite cheap these days.
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