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Everything posted by Vessey

  1. Sadly it will be a number of months before I can come and see for myself, My that aside, any new bar or initiative that can breath more life back into Sunee Plaza needs to be encouraged. I wish Winner Boys every success.
  2. Half of me, the curious half, wants to see what Bur-Boy looks like, But the other half of me does not. Bur Boy is clearly what Numazu wants him to look like, but will he be what I want him to look like? I now have a mental image of him in my mind as being near perfection (for me) as I join vicariously with Numazu on his travels. Sometimes the unseen image is more powerful and more potent.
  3. Actually I think this forum demonstrates the point well. We are not allowed to post cock pics, but a clear outline of a cock underneath thin, or near-clear pants is allowed, and for me at least there is a titillation there that you wouldn't get if it was just another cock shot from just another porn site. The pictures on this site force us to use our imagination so that we don't just imagine the cock, we also imagine what might happen next............. That is eroticism! LOL
  4. Now I will preface this by saying that I am no business man - my thoughts are mostly guesswork. We know and love the bar because of its 'liberal' approach to its horny customers , and, with the possible exception of Good Boys, I am not aware of any other boy bar quite like it in Pattaya? So how do you increase advertising and awareness of the bar in the future without risking changing the happily debauched character of the place that brings so many of us back to it time and time again? Yes it has a web site and FB page but the pictures often seem dated and hardly show the boys to their best advantage - actually they are, for the most part, far better looking in the 'flesh' than they are on their photographs. Perhaps it needs a benefactor rather than a businessman purchasing it. I must try and choose my lottery numbers with a little more care this week! LOL
  5. Here I am sitting alone at home in the UK, having had yet another 'quiet' Valentines's Day - even the postman didn't call! However, some of you were clearly having a very good time indeed! Not that I am at all envious LOL
  6. From the Facebook page of Stephan Sompong at Eros posted about an hour ago , It would seem that the bar is up for sale for 1.3m baht Worrying times for those of us who have come to love its sordid debauchery, and perhaps worrying times for Sunee Plaza as a whole? Just says that the current owner has had it for four years and now wants to move on to a new project. Anyone know any more?
  7. Well I have been slowly going blind over the last few weeks spending far, far too much time not only on Hot Boys Vietnam but a number of other related pages. Based on many happy hours of viewing there would seem to me to be mostly four basic types of posters who go 'live', The first are the ones who want you to admire their physique; they have been training, they look good and want you to appreciate how good they look. Often stripped to the waist, but no more. Then there are the ones who want to sing to you - more of these than you might think, some are ok, but most are painful LOL The third category, and the most common of course, are the ones who are just going 'live' to chat to their friends. Luckily there are the fourth category ones who just who want to show-off their cocks. Usually the screen comes up with them lying on their backs wearing a pair of loose pants with the camera focused on the swelling content of those pants. A hand-rub under the pants to ensure that their package will be seen at its most impressive and then slowly, teasingly, out it comes. Sometimes its in a darkened room so you can actually see little, other times it's just whopped-out in full light for all to admire. The then follows a sort of cat-and-mouse game with the Facebook police to see if they can get to cum before they are shut down. Most never get to cum, but some do. The smart ones pump their cocks until they can cum quite quickly once they go 'live', then delete their posts almost as quickly. The cold winter evenings can pass surprsingly quickly these days! LOL
  8. Spot-on! That's absolutely spot-on! 'Carpe Diem' was the Roman phrase, and how many of actually do still 'seize the day' as middle-age overtakes us. This TR is proving an inspiration perhaps even a guilt-trip to some of us all-too-far-from-medium-sized couch potatoes.
  9. What an astonishing last day up in those balloons, as you and others have said life-time memories in the making both for you and for Bur-Boy. Of course, as Vinapu has already mentioned, the thing that I am most envious about is that you can still fit into a medium-sized T-shirt! LOL
  10. Thank you for such a full and honest appraisal, As a tiny example on my part, I had two favorite boys this last holiday, the first is my now University student who I saw at weekends - loving, friendly and sweet - although the sex was disappointing. On the other hand I have my friend from Toy Boys who I have seen for a year or two now - no love or devotion, but raw passion and great sex. The former calls me boyfriend and wants me to be; the latter just calls me by my name and although friendly, tells me that he is not gay and not looking for a boyfriend. The former tugs at my heartstrings, the latter makes me so horny it twists at my stomach. But at the end of the day its good to have choices I suppose, Nothing to do with mid-life-crisis mate - can happen to any of us at any time LOL
  11. I am sensing that your relationship with BurBoy is continuing to develop even further and may progress even deeper in coming days. Given you long-time BF back home, how are you going to prepare both yourself and BurBoy for the inevitable parting, especially as he seems to be growing fond of you?, I don't ask this critically because I am sure that I would go with the flow as well under the same circumstances, but I guess it is something you have been giving thought to?
  12. Nice TR, and looks like you had fun. I know blowjob boy as 'Bob' No 9 from Toy Boys, a really lovely lad with good English. I had a few sessions with him in January; I liked him.
  13. Reading that last episode got me all horny, and I don't even like 'hunks' LOL Perfect mix of prose and porn - I love it!
  14. As long as we end up getting loads pics of cute Thai bums I am not really too concerned what the thread is called LOL And yes I will try and dig a few out .............
  15. Excellent and entertaining start, thanks, Looking forward to more.
  16. X-Boys shows 10pm and 11.30pm
  17. In Pattaya I have yet to see any schedule of fares, and I use taxi-bikes every day I am there. You do get a rough feel what a fare is likely to be, give or take 20 baht, and occasionally you get quoted some outlandish fare but it is rare (twice in 17 trips in my case). When I hire from my hotel taxi rank I often give a small tip (fare 70 but give 80 and not ask for change, etc). The advantages for me are transport across town when it would be impractical to get a songtaw, and also in the evenings when traffic is still so heavily congested along Beach Road and you taxi-bike just wends its way between the near stationary vehicles.
  18. I confess that your last installment bought the odd tear of sentiment to my eye; wonderful and heartfelt reporting.
  19. Its a bit like calling all (or most) of us 'sex tourists' there are not many of us who would readily call ourselves that even though we travel half way around the world and pay Thai boys to let us fuck them. To be fair most of the boys refer to us as 'customers' even when we have known them for years, that is why I so appreciate Vit always calling me my my Christian name as it makes me feel more like a person he knows rather than just another customer. Most of my friends would hate to be called a money boy. But even the boy who I help at University still expects daily payment when he comes to stay with me even though he protests that he is not interested in money and how its all up to me - it isn't really of course. Similarly many of the girls will admit that they 'work bar' but get upset if called a prostitute. But what of the girls who work 7/11 but then will appear on Beach Road at the end of the month when the rent is due LOL
  20. One of the reasons that I, and perhaps others have not been commenting is that we are quietly sharing your awe and wonder at your travels, and for me at least a sense of envy in that I wish I had your energy and adventurous spirit whilst on holidays rather than just skulking amongst the fleshpots of Pattaya. Makes me realise just how much I miss out on on my holidays. So pleased feel encourage to keep posting, we are living your holiday with you.
  21. I always try and offer breakfast and mostly the offer is accepted and I use the check-bin change to also offer a little taxi money. My hotel is not in a gay area of Pattaya and at least one of my regulars prefers to have breakfast brought to the room instead of going down to the restaurant below. The offer of breakfast is not just mannerly on my part, I really don't like to eat alone. And anyway, unless their English is almost non-existent, it is an opportunity to learn a little more about their life and family. I am always pleasantly surprised just how many of my barfines are more than happy to open-up about their village/town and family life.
  22. A truly outstanding Trip Report unfolding, I am buckled-in and ready for the ride. Thank you.
  23. I suspect I am far from the first to make this little discovery. But wandering around Face Book - as you do - I came across (pun intended) Hot Boy Viet Nam. A closed, but very large group where my request to join was accepted within minutes. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1747891165468876/ It contains a staggering, and ever changing, array of pictures 'live broadcasts' (and their recordings - mostly -a few get wiped mid-broadcast - they are the best ones LOL). Nothing too salacious (although occasionally one or two the 'live' broadcasts try and get away with it), but hundreds of pretty Vietnamese boys of varying ages from too young to almost too old - but the bulk of them 20s and 30s I suspect. Each trying to impress with just how much of a 'hot boy' they are. Window shopping at its best. Below are some of the ones that I selected over a 5 minute period: Anybody else suggest any FB groups to while away the cold winter evenings? Any suggestions gratefully received.
  24. A truly excellent Trip Report; a product of a holiday that was both cultural and 'cultural' LOL I enjoyed both parts. My next trip is only two or three days away now, its only 2 weeks, but I hope I can pack as much into it as you did yours. Thank you.
  25. Not really my type, but rather than sleep alone - this one.
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