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Everything posted by Vessey

  1. We each have one as the forum systems usually allow warning points to be given, but only you and the Mods/Admins can see yours. I am not aware that warning points are given here on this forum - or perhaps, like you, I have just been a good boy? LOL
  2. I know him as 'Bob' from Toyboys - he is 25 now - seen and checked his ID card. University student from Bangkok who works in Toy Boys when he needs to raise some cash. Friendly and fun lad.
  3. Not just on this forum but on others as well, I never cease to be amazed at the real-life 'Jekyll and Hyde' characters that exist. Almost invariably they are the Dr Jekyll when you meet them, charming, affable and good humoured - but put them in front of their computers within the confines of their homes and the Mr Hydes emerge, bitter, rude, aggressive, argumentative.... etc. A gross over-generalisation perhaps, but I know a number of my Pattaya friends who fit the profile; the basic 'nice to be nice' ethos of internet forums is lost on them.
  4. Nah, nothing like - you would be getting warmer with this 'quality tourist' (supersized of course LOL).
  5. We each monger, or at least holiday, in our different ways, if for no other reason that our backgrounds are hugely varied and as a consequence are looking to scratch our own particular itch while we are here. What draws us to this forum is varied too, perhaps with a sexual attraction to young Thai males as our common link, but actually, probably, with precious little else in common. I am very far from the most experienced person here, but after 17 trips I am aware that there are younger visitors than me, people with far more money than me, people fitter than me, people who have bigger cocks than me, people who party harder than me, people who are more fun than me, and people who want to spend their money in different ways than I would. etc. etc. But that said, in my own way, I have huge fun on my holidays that keeps me wanting to return. I can read about the experiences of others and think - well I would have done that differently - but it was their holiday not mine, and if they had a great time and hurt no-one in doing so, that's all that matters. I have absolutely no wish to see anyone banned or suspended (who hasn't already been banned or suspended LOL), but I do think we should all be in less of a rush to criticize threads when the people writing them have gone to huge effort to post and keep us entertained. Yes we all are entitled to our opinions, but its not always helpful to post them. Surely our aim should be to encourage more people to post their trip reports and share their experiences?
  6. Although I shall be staying in Soi 6 yet again this August I thought about trying out a hotel here for a night or two just to get the feel of a hotel in the heart of Boyztown. From this thread I an sensing that the Ambience would be a good starting point.
  7. Of course it does depend on your definition of 'quality tourist' LOL
  8. I am amazed he survived the fall - I bet the ladyboy is particularly thrilled that he survives and will live to 'tell the tale'! She looks familiar, I think she works or worked at Fantasy Lounge in Soi Buakhao
  9. Presumably more executive coaches clogging Beach Road and more swarms of flag-following tourits clogging up Walking Street, but that aside, as (particularly the Chinese) are in organised groups, they are probably less likely to be see finding their way through Boyz Town yet alone Sunee Plaza? Not sure they even get to Jomtien either?
  10. Lots of Facebook pages from these and other bars advertising their staff - but until you actually get there and see who has turned up for work on that particular day you cannot be sure. Sunne, Boyztown and the Jomtien Complex - you will be in twink heaven! You may have slightly less choice in low season but the lads will be baht hungry, and you will never have felt such a handsome, desirable fella in your life! LOL Some of the bars in Jomtien open from about 4pm onwards if you fancy a little 'afternoon delight', whereas Boyztown and Sunnee wont even start to get going until 8pm onwards. Try and catch the 9pm BozyBoyzBoyz parade up and down boystown - that's always fun and should get you in the mood for the start of your evenings naughtiness! Oh yes, Toy Boys usually has a nice range of twinks as well. Look!, three nights and you will be absolutely spoilt for choice for twinks - you will be fighting them off with a stick!
  11. Happy to have this and any other threads of mine transferred to the new photo forum as Scooby thinks fit.
  12. These pants showed promise I thought? LOL
  13. This would do as a personal fantasy island. Big enough for a serious house party/vacation, ringed with vegetation to give extra privacy. Downside is that it is in Finland - so probably not the best location for a no-clothes, sex anywhere retreat - unless I could get it towed somewhat further south? LOL
  14. I feel a 'Fantasy Island' moment coming on - a large island capable of sustaining small settlements and services. You could have access through a 'gay passport' that included current STD/HIV tests and relaxed by-laws as to the extent of public 'affection' that could be shown. Public nudity could be optional for us oldies, but it could also be a requirement for anyone under the age of 30 ? Damn, now I am lost in fantasies as I munch my way through my cornflakes this sunny Sunday morning.
  15. Vessey

    Belly fat

    Well at just under 16 stone and 5ft 10 tall I am classed as not only overweight but obese, not helped that the most obvious sign of that is a fat belly and 40 inch waist. I look at myself in the bedroom mirror, especially my profile and wince - its not a pretty reflection staring back at me. I am neither happy nor proud of that, but at 63 it is a major challenge to put that all into reverse. I do not have the energy I had, I snore for England, and when it comes to sex, most lads just slide on top of me and use me as their 'bouncy castle'. Every trip I promise myself that I will get off the plane at Swampy lighter and fitter than last time - but mostly its been about the same for the last five years or so. Its down to me, of course it is, I know that, fundamentally its lack of willpower to alter my lifestyle. My main excuse (I have hundreds of excuses) is that I live alone and still have a busy and stressful worklife and that, at the end of a long day/evening, the fast-food solution is easier than going home and starting to cook for myself at 8 or 9pm. So to summarise, I am fat, I have a fat belly, and that's down to me and no one else.
  16. Married or not they will still need money and, as now, some will use their bodies to obtain it, Plenty of the 'working' lads currently in 'relationships' with each other - open or otherwise, But if it is a cloud on the horizon - the silver lining might just be an increase in the 'threesome' opportunities available? haha
  17. Haha - the mercy is that, like that lads in Eros, they are young enough to 're-load' quickly.
  18. I love GoodBoys, although the most I have had with me (so far) is two boys at any one time. Chet with his monster cock I have seen several times now. For a drink in hand and promise of 300 baht to follow I am free to stroke, lick, suck and generally worship their cocks and in return they have stroked my cock (but no more). The ones that I have seen have all seem to have been straight guys - they are often watching straight porn on their Iphones as you work away on them. I don't really know the relationship they have with their bar - I would suspect they are effectively freelancers - some of whom are regulars, others that drop in whenever they feel like it to try and blow their loads in exchange for a handful of baht. The group bukake opportunities I have yet to explore - maybe next time?
  19. Sorry but I am less forgiving than some of you. I use this board to share experiences, to learn from the experiences of others and to be inspired by those experiences as I plan my next trip. Boy pictures are kinda inspiring as well of course LOL For that to work I need to believe that experiences reported here on all threads are based on reality - ok there may be occasional elements of exaggeration, and what is revealed may not be quite the whole truth. Otherwise it becomes no more that the sex stories that used to be standard inclusions in most gents. magazines - perhaps even penned by someone still living in their mothers basement whose only 'experience' of Pattaya is taken from other internet posts and fed into their own imaginations. IMHO forum fakers are nothing more than trolls and should be regarded as such.
  20. I was only thinking the other day that that has to be one of the key determinants of the threshold of old age in men. At 63 I can still mostly do it standing up, even if I do often wobble ominously while doing so, but I confess that there is the odd occasion nowadays when I do find myself sitting on the bedroom sofa to put them on. Sadly there are many other age (& weight) related factors but best not discuss them now LOL
  21. I have seen you in those shorts - Eric Morcombe would have been proud of you! LOL Personally I was put off 'going commando' when I was eleven - accident with a zip! - fortunately the scars were only mental!
  22. Excellent post, and entirely why I participate in forums, and why I haven't been posting any more TRs on this forum; one or two BMs ensured that it was no longer any fun to do so. Combine that with BMs who think it is quite acceptable to run off and show any pictures to the boys and frankly its not worth the risk to post any boy pictures it would seem.
  23. If they want to increase tourism in Pattaya it isn't the sex trade that they need to clean-up, its their beach and stopping emptying the drains into the sea. I might like looking at the sea in Pattaya Bay, but I certainly wouldn't want to swim in it!
  24. I am just getting to know the bars of Jomtien, but so far I have taken a liking to the 'At Home Bar' in the Jomtien Complex (has its own FaceBook page). Nice friendly place, open from 4pm, and great to chill and watch the world go by - oh yes and it has some nice twinks as well to keep you company.
  25. Should provide a fitting send-off to a much loved King.
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