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Again lots of fun in Cupidol over the last couple of weeks. Plenty of boys mostly the smaller, twinkier types including several quite small boys, no doubt carrying appropriate ID. Quite a lot from Cambodia and Laos. Many that would be potentially barfinable for me, but although I bought quite a few boy drinks, my affections and offs were for just the one, 'Weedy Boy' we called him, but funny, fun and affectionate.
Back from a two week trip to Pattaya over the New Year and in Toy Boys every night. Mostly a stage-full of boys, mostly twinks, but of the more muscley types. My Long-Time worked there and so went to pick him up from there each night. They also did a party for my Birthday - they did a really good job on it for me, and although expensive, certainly not outrageously so, and both I and the boys seemed to enjoy it. Still my favourite boy-bar in Pattaya!
Sorry, been in Pattaya for a few weeks, Pattaya Addicts is, IMHO, the best Pattaya Forum (although I am biased) It is principally a hetro forum, but its members cover a broader spectrum from ladyboys and (a few of us) gays.
Few observations as to short and long time costs of girls in Pattaya (I have no experience of Bangkok). First thing to say is that it varies hugely, Short-time for Beach Road and other freelancers, Beer Bar girls, soi 6 girls, internet hook-ups, etc. from 1k baht. From agogos, depending on the popularity of the agogo, and of the girl, and if she wants to go with you or not, say from 2k upwards. Long time, cheaper end say 2k - 3k, and from the agogos 3k upwards. Showgirls from say Sapphire or What's Up, arguably the two most popular places off Walking Street, you may be being asked 5k for ST or up to 10k for LT and that is not counting the barfine (off-fee) that could be several thousand more baht. Ironically, and just to confuse you, any 'unsold' agogo girls still hoping for a little rent money might go to the various Walking Street Discos - such as Lucifer or Insomnia, in which case they can often agree to be hired for a fraction of their agogo price ranges and without any barfine. That is a very, generalised synopsis, the pages of Pattaya Addicts forum are littered with hotly argued 'price threads' that go on for pages and many many posts. LOL
Absolutely, IMHO astonishingly provocative posts for a forum moderator to make. But I guess each forum sets its own standards.
Just a couple of points from my perspective, prefaced by the general observation that you should feel free to spend what money you have at your disposal in any way you want to ensure that you enjoy the holiday experiences that you want to. Some will spend a higher proportion of their available budget on a top-end hotels and resturants, some will spend a higher proportion on drinking and partying, and others (myself included) will spend that higher proportion of their budget on having sex with the boy(s) (they can cum in pairs ) of their choice. Its a fundamental 'up-to-you'. However I would observe that when you call-down a boy you like the look of in a bar and buy them a drink, a two-way interview process takes place to see if you are likely to want to spend more time together. For their part, the boys will almost invariably ask 'what your name?', 'where you from?', 'where you stay?'. 'how long you stay?', 'your first time in Thailand?' - amongst other questions. These seem simple questions and maybe you feel they are just being friendly, and indeed they are, but the are also subtly pigeon-holing you into degrees of potential. And, unless they are very new to the business, they will already intimately know most of the regular hotels in the area including how much it costs to stay there. They will also make a further assessment of you quickly dividing you between 'Mr Horny' and 'Mr Lonely' and they can then act the pornstar or act the boyfriend accordingly. As a newbie ten years ago I went on my first night into the first agogo I found and then barfined the first girl I saw and she stayed with me for the rest of my holiday. Thereby breaking just about every mongering 'rule' and making just about every newbie 'mistake' in the book - but I still had a great time notwithstanding. Just keep a smile on your face, and your hand on your wallet, and you wont go far wrong LOL
Will watch with great interest how this new iteration develops - and I wish you and it every success.
Suck or wank a boy off in Sunee, at say Eros, Good Boys, or Nice boys and its a pretty standard 300 baht; 500 if they do it successfully to you as hanan says. Never fucked a boy in those bars, although I know you can in Eros and have heard that you can in Good Boys - no idea what the expected tip would be there (pitcher/catcher?) but at least 1k baht or upwards I would have thought?
What experience I have suggests that it isn't a particularly common practice amongst the Thai boys themselves, Certainly none have offered to do it to me, although in fairness I have never asked any of them; in fact I am not sure I would feel comfortable them doing to my hairy old ass LOL. I will happy rim boys, well selectively perhaps, vast undergrowths of pubes and bum hair would put me right off, but a few have the perfect, almost hairless bums and, suitably cleaned, I really get off rimming them. Most seem to like it, at least after initial hesitation 'what you do?!' etc., and at least one often starts our sessions now by positioning himself to encourage me to do it. The perineum between your bum and balls is a very sensitive area for most, and apart from the lick and chew bit, try gently scraping your finger nails along it and watch their reaction! LOL
Try https://www.facebook.com/Canterburytalespattaya/ Bit of an institution - in a good way, opportunity to browse over a cup of coffee.
Geng tells me that he and Dah and probably one other have moved to the bar next to the At Home Bar that he says is called 'R Bar'
I have heard 'My Way' murdered several times now in Pattaya. The first was at a late-night party in Soi 6 and I was up in a short-time room in the bar across the road that faced onto the soi, doing 'the business' with a then regular. It was so loud and so awful it completely put us off our shag as we were falling about laughing at his dire performance. No matter, he would finish soon and we could start again - but no, the bastard did an encore of the same song. We knew when the fates were against us and gave up on our short-time and went and had a drink instead. Another memorable rendition was delivered at a party in BoyzTown a few years ago, where a stage had been set up in the soi facing into the party bar, and there were various Thai song and dance acts. Then this tall, late middle-aged, rather fleshy farang got up, helped to his unsteady feet by his boyfriend, and descended onto the stage and was dutifully handed the mike. Nobody had really given him much thought until he started to sing, - loud and flat but with alcohol-fueled emotion oozing from every fleshy pore of his body as he 'sang'. Talk about a conversation killer, we all sat there transfixed into a stunned silence as he proceed his unsteady performance, hand gestures and tears of emotion starting to stream down this wretched man's face as he put his all into this bloody song. There was some polite applause as he finished - more, I suspect, for the compare that quickly got up and took the microphone off him before he felt emboldened to start again, and also for the poor boyfriend who had to come and get him and hep him back to his seat as he self-depreciatingly acknowledged the applause. Having said all that, if you listen to drunk Thai boys singing karaoke, they are no better; their standards are not high! They tend to 'go live' on facebook at some ungodly hour of the morning armed with a guitar and a bottle of Thai whiskey, then the next day, sobered up, they think better of it and quickly remove the post LOL
You are, for the most part, expected to haggle a little: https://youtu.be/u75XQdTxZRc But its no different to the Thai boy who asks for 2k short time, but will happily accept 1.5k and might even go for 1k if his rent is due. But I would get guilt feelings driving the hardest bargain I could with people who are economically far less fortunate than me.
Mostly they just drop their trousers and pants enough to whop their cock out, some will remove them all together and sit naked from the waist down. They will sit next to you or sit on your lap if you want (most don't kiss). I am sure fully nude is negotiable LOL Keep in mind that these are almost all straight boys who roll-up on their bikes at night to try and earn a little extra cash by allowing farangs such as us to wank or suck them off for 300 baht a time (500 if they can get away with it). You can always try offering 500 if they get fully nude? LOL
I was referring to girl agogos where they have fully nude dancing, not many now, but there are a few. I am not aware of any boy bar that does that as a matter of course, but of course places like X Boys and BoyzBoyzBoyz have fully naked boys as part of their stage shows, while in bars like Nice Boys they may be wearing pants on stage, but mostly with their cocks out on display LOL In Good Boys it only takes a beer for them to get mostly naked, although others will wander past and just show you what they got just in case you are thirsty for more! LOL
One of the reasons I love Sunee and Good-Boys is precisely because it is a hands-on type of place. Sunee, Jomtien Complex and Boyztown each have their own character, and more-so within individual bars in each area, and together they offer something for everyone, whether you want to get down and dirty, just sit and watch boys 'dance' on stage, or sit in an open fronted bar and have a relaxed chat with a boy - its all available. Just the same with the girl bars/agogos, some are hands on, some with fully nude dancing, some just topless, others clothed - take your pick. As to the ping-pong balls - seems to me entirely harmless, agogo girls often wear special net gloves to be able to quickly store as many as they can grab. Other guys will just 'rain' 20 baht notes (occasionally 100 baht notes) on the girls - and the girls love it in their agogos, its all part of the fun of being there. It seems to me far less common in boy bars. Its not how I choose to spend my money but you also get more 'lets party like a rockstar' customers in the girl bars; up to them - its their holiday LOL
I am left wondering how many get erections and what happens to them if they do?
Its 8.15am on a Monday morning, and still half-asleep I have switched on my computer, opened this site, and found myself looking at a tree full of naked Thai boys - and for several reasons I am wondering if I shouldn't go back to bed again. LOL
I use 'paint' on my laptop (dont know its proper description), but I do a photo at a time. Yes its a bit laborious, but in addition to resizing I can also trim them etc. Its very basic compared to some of the clever stuff available today but it works for me.
No signs that they had discovered Sunee Plaza this last September - perhaps they should be encouraged to? LOL
Haha some of you are fussy buggers - how do you ever manage to get laid? LOL I have a very simple acceptability test - my personal 'cock-hardening test' ! Tall, short, skinny, muscular, whatever; if a lad makes my cock hard then it's game-on LOL
'Regulars' are a key feature of my holidays, boys who I have met before and who I want to see again. There will also be boys who I meet for the first time on a holiday who I really like who I will see several times. Facebook is the way I keep in touch with most of them between holidays, using Messenger to do a 'Hi, how are you?' perhaps once a week, sometimes its a longer chat, sometimes one of us sends the other a picture. Its basically a 'don't forget me'. Occasionally one will try it on to get sent money for one reason or another, but if they get gently refused most will then carry on as normal. My main holiday, sometimes my only holiday each year is in low season where customers are scarce for many boys and the possibility of a re-encounter with a past customer is gratefully seized upon. Past encounters will also have established a degree of trust between you and the boy; that if you say you will come an barfine him on a certain day/time then you will, and if he says he will come and see you on a certain day/time then he will. Many boys are plagued by timewasters who promise but never show. Saying you will come to a bar to take your lad can be a bit hit and miss in my experience, if another customer gets to him first, he may well take the 'bird in hand ......'. What works well for me, in terms of short-times, is to arrange the day or so before for them to come to my hotel, usually in the afternoon or early evening before they start work. No barfine for you and no problem with their bar for them. Most boys prove fairly punctual, particularly on a repeat visit when they know where to come and what to expect - although I have on rare occasions spent lengthy periods downstairs in my hotel waiting for someone to show. If I want to extend the short-time into their work time then I go with them to their bar and pay the off-fee, even if I don't always go inside for drinks. We have to keep the bar's in business as well as their boys LOL There can be disappointments - boys can go home for extended periods in low season, or get day jobs. However, if they believe you will taken them several times during your holiday then they may well fit their visits home around your holiday dates. Other pitfalls can be if the main boyfriend/sponsor shows, as you might expect, they will naturally give their priority to their main source of income. That said, my 'regulars' are the mainstay of my holidays; my absolute favourites I can end up seeing maybe 12 times or more on a 20 day holiday, some provide great sex, some are just huge fun to be with, but all keep that big Pattaya smile on my face!
Compared with what else we expect them to put in their mouths, 'dirty money' would probably be the least of their worries hahaha
Presumably by the same 'logic' straight guys should also be banned from using the word 'girl' to describe female sex workers? In language context is, of course, everything. For heavens sake even groups of male pensioners in your local pub can be heard describing themselves collectively as boys or 'the old boy' sitting in the corner! Our P.C, world gets ever more intolerant, some people seemingly delight in taking offence at anything these days no matter how innocently used. Presumably if the OP has his way we shall have to insist on the renaming of all the bars of Pattaya: Toy Men, X-Men, Kwai Men, Power Men, Nice Men, Good Men, MenMenMen, etc etc, and, of course 'Men Town'. So until I 'die-off' (thanks for that sentiment!), I shall continue to describe my Thai companions as 'boys'!