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Vessey last won the day on February 5 2024

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  1. Given that most bars charge almost as much for soft drinks as they do alcoholic ones, there should be less pressure perhaps on the boys? I regularly stick to soft drinks until, say midnight, when I may have a couple of beers. So I have no difficulty at all with the boy drinks I buy being soft drinks, the boys still get their commission and often seem quite grateful that they are not being pressed into alcoholic drinks. However, in places like Stonehouse or Sinlapin, or one of the many other late night (mostly Thai) clubs, it is usually the Thai customers themselves wrapping 100 baht notes around a shot glasss and handing them up to sigers/dancers on stage Of course once you hit the karaoke bars later on and the whisky bottles emerge, then all bets are off! 😂 There the whisky drinking games (rock, paper scissors etc) can get boys very drunk very quickly. But in 25 years I have never experienced spiked drinks.
  2. Well at least they are using condoms! 😂
  3. I have yet to visit Boyfriend Karaoke, but it will be top of my bucket list next holiday. I am a fan of Karaoke bars in Pattaya. Yes they can be expensive, but they can also be such huge fun, especially if you take a small group of boys with you to share your whiskey. Most karaoke bars are geared up to female (and Ladbyboy) customers, but gay customers, there to spend baht, are almost always welcomed, and many boys will be happy to be called down and will happily flirt with you and your boys to varying degrees. THey are almost always straight boys, but quite a few will be prepared to be 'gay for pay' if there is baht-a-plenty on offer. Over the last few years I have had some amazing boys from Karaoke Bars who are prepared to do almost everything back in the room, although a very few will bottom. Sometimes 1:1 with me, sometimes 1-2-3 with by boyfriend. Just depends on which boys you call down and how you get on with them. I have found the boys of Diamond karaoke the most gay-friendly so far, but there again I have not tried Boyfriend Karaoke yet! When the main boy bars close, Karaoke bars await you for as long as your money and energy last out. If its not already daylight when you emerge, you haven't been doing it right!
  4. A few years ago I went for an oil massage on Second Road and was directed onto a matress in a big room and curtains drawn around me. At that point I had no idea who would do the massage. The shop employed mostly ladies but with a number of ladyboys and boys. In the end it was a cute young Cambodian boy who drew back the curtain and came to do the massage. He directed me to get undressed and lay face down on the maaasage table. A small thin 'modestly' cloth was draped across my bum. At this point my gay experiences in Pattaya were very limited, but this lad was seriously cute, had an infectious smile and a reasonable basic English. His massaging around my bum were already reaching parts down below, and when he told me to turn over my erection was there waving at him. He simply draped the small modesty cloth over my all too obvious 'tent-pole' and proceeded with the massage. He brushed against it once or twice and when I suggested he 'take care' he claimed he couldn't, but refused with a smile and a chuckle. Captivated I was back again the next day, and this time on turn-over and he patted my cock as he put the modesty cloth over it. Again he said he could do no more. The next couple of days passed similarly his hand resting on my cock a second or two longer than perhaps necessary as he pulled the cloth over. The first 'breakthrough' came when, after me complaing how horny I felt, and him again saying no to a hand-job, he this time said it was ok if I relieved myself as he massaged me. Sounded a bit odd, but as I was a horny as hell I did just that as he massaged around the tops of my thighs brushing my balls as he did so, and he then used the modestly cloth to mop me up when I had finished. The second breakthrough came the next day, when on me offering a 1k baht tip, he did actually give me a successful hand-job. And further massages again this holiday continued similarly. Next holiday we resumed, and a further breakthrough. For an enhanced tip, not only would he give me a hand-job, but he opened his trousers, dropped his pants and allowed me to not only return the favour, but after some hesitation allowed me to give him a BJ to completion. Then, if either of us were taking too long to 'finish', a well-oiled 'magic finger' came into play; first knuckle, second knuckle and then, eventually, the whole digit. Took me ages for him to give me access to eat his ass (yes on the massage table as well!), but he absolutely grew to love that particular little extra (he should have been paying me! haha). Two years later and we were by now having unashamed short-times in my hotel room with me fucking him! The wonder of that is that he always claimed to be straight (has a wife and children). Even now, (and yes I do still see him pretty much every trip) we not only have short-times but even occasionally sleep together. Looking back, though, for me some of the very hottest, horniest moments were within that curtained mattress area, and the will he do this today, or won't he do this, frission between us.
  5. My current No 1, has two other No 1s, and he sees his key task to try and manage our visits us so that we don't overlap, or at least by not too much. I have an alleged advantage in that I know about the other two, whereas they, apparently, believe they are the sole source of his affections haha. So I am aware of the machinations that he has to go through when clashes occur, but it usually works out fine. As to my other regulars, some are in weekly (or even more frequent contact), others perhaps monthly, while the remainder just look pleased to see me as and when I next turn up. So I can divert my entire focus to my next trip. But they are money boys who have to take whatever opportunities come their way to keep the baht rolling in on a daily basis. They may say 'I wait for you ☺️' but in reality they literally cannot afford to!
  6. I often hand-out appearnce fees and have done so for years; not only boys, but ladyboys and particularly girls where the practice is perhaps more deep rooted. The simple logic is that I am paying for their time during their 'working' hours. For me it is almost always done by prior arrangement. For example, take my friend Y who works in Toy Boys. He is a fairly popular boy, but feels the low season Doldrums as much as any. Y is a regular visitor to my room for STs each holiday, and has been for the last five or six years, and I am very fond of him, although he is not my boyfriend. If I drop into his bar and he is there, then unless he is already 'busy', I call him down for a drink. If I have no other particuar plans for the evening I might ask him if he wants an off +500 baht (I am not as generous as colmx haha), and he almost always does. So I am taking him out of his bar, perhaps to go and eat and/or visit other bars, or even go 'dancing' later on. At the end of the night, he gets his 500 and often another 100 in small change for a Bolt. He might have sat around all night in his bar and had no other customer, or even drinks, but it's his choice to come with me or not. But he knows he will get fed, paid and have a good time for the next few hours. For me, I have a lovely, fun, companion with me for the rest of the evening. Ok sometimes that evening extends back to my room and the tip is then commensurately bigger for overnight cuddles and/or sex as you would expect. Such appearance fees work well for me and the boy; win win! What Colmx justifiably complains about is when boys appear at your whisky table in places like Sinlapin or one of the many Karaoke bars, and then expect a hand-out at the end of the evening, then I usually say no, but maybe give a little taxi money if they have been good fun. If I see other boys in a bar who ask if I am going 'dancing' later and want to come, then I will usually say quite clearly that it would be on a 'drinks only' basis, so it is up to them if they show.
  7. Vessey


    In Jomtien Complex last September it was fairly consistently 300 - 350 baht off fees with no distinction being made between short-time or long-time. In BT I was paying 500 baht in Toy Boys and, I think 600 in Classic Boy bar, but only 300 in Pikky Bar. Again no distinction between short-time or long-time. Seem to recall the Karaoke Bars (Diamond and Friendly) were more but I was usually too drunk to remember clearly by that stage of the night/morning. Actually all good value compared to the girl bars. My Aussie friend who likes to borrow his girls from some of the high-end agogos, thinks nothing of paying a 2,000 baht barfine.
  8. I had a quiet evening at home 😅
  9. Yes, Happy Christmas to you all (even the grumpy old buggers! 😅)
  10. Very common I am afraid. I am constantly doing battle with requests for money. Can't pay for room and face eviction is the most common, No money for doctor/hospital for them/parents/grandparents No money to buy the baby milk etc. Mostly these requests come from boys that I know and have often been with over several years. Some can be very persistent, others collapse and go away when you first say no. Its almost like a national sport to keep milking your farang once he has gone home. I have a boyfriend that I help modestly once a month but all the above are from other boys short-time/long-time that I meet along the way. The trick is to be able to sort out the deserving poor from the undeserving poor. Some, a few, are indeed desperate, others are just trying it on.
  11. Don't apologise! Finally a Gay Forum thread that is not about Trump and American politics. A blank sheet, if you will .... What shall we talk about?
  12. We are the customers, and my experience is that the boys will usually tell us whatever they think it is we want to hear, about ourselves and about others. I am always wary about boy who speak badly about other customers as it leaves me wondering what they are then saying to them about me? In terms of basics, treating them with respect, ensuring my personal hygiene is good, that I look presentable, that I have properly 'prepared' if I am to be the bottom this time, etc. Most of my holiday short-times are taken from amongst my small band of 'regulars' who I have gotten to know over a number of years. They all seem keen to see me again; hopefully because I treat them well, pay them well, and often feed them well. In turn they make an effort to make me feel good, and enjoy my time with them. Works well! Some of them will happily share information and pictures about their families and friends, or talk to me about their current Thai boyfriend, etc. I always take that as a mark that they like me and maybe think of me as being a 'good customer' as opposed to being just another customer. But hardly any will show any interest in my life outside Thailand. But, all in all, its all variations of the customer/money-boy relationships. Cut your sponsorship and see how long your 'boyfriend' hangs around! 🤣
  13. Is it mind over matter?, no it is more a case of what matters to you at different stages in your life. Not every sexual encounter has to finish with a climax (just ask any woman! hahaha). And certainly not at my age. The fun for me is in the sexual encounter itself; in its intimacy, the foreplay, usually, but not always, penetration. For me, if my partner cums that is a win for me; if I cum it is a bonus. Now at 70 I manage my expectations; as long as I enjoy the journey I don't worry too much if I don't arrive at the destination every trip. When I first started coming to Pattaya in my 50s, my expectations (of myself in particular) were a lot higher, but that was then, this is now. At my age, for example, threesomes help. I can be as involved as I want to be, or can manage to be, and then the other two can go-at-it like rabbits until they too have had enough. My holidays have nothing to do with trying to impress my peers, they are entirely about me enjoying myself as best I can, and that, year by year, is proving an evolving ambition.
  14. Sorry for going off-topic, but to answer that, I usual try and balance things and have one top and one bottom each day. Also Cialis helps! 🤣
  15. I live alone at home in the UK, but on holiday I hate to eat alone. Whichever boy is with me when I feel hungry I invite to eat with me, be it breakfast, an afternoon snack or evening meal. This recent holiday I was arranging short-times at 3pm and 6pm (more or less) and there would be competition amongst my regulars for the 6pm slot precisely because I would want to eat afterwards. In terms of overnights, mostly (but not always) my BF, breakfast was a must for both of us. For half my stay, my hotel is the Queen Victoria in the heart of Soi 6, where I have stayed for the last ten years. I used to be the only guy in there with money boy companions, but occasionally now I have seen one or two others. No problems from the staff who recognise a few now and happily chat and banter with them. None of the other customers have ever said anything, or if they have then they have kept it to themselves. More recently the other half of my stay has been in the Zing, in Jomtien Complex, a more recognisably gay-friendly hotel. Not that I use their restaurant much (reminds me of the canteen at my old school), instead I take my friends to whatever bistro or restaurant I fancy. Again, never an issue with anyone. Even when some of my boys are only breaking 20, and I am now 70. So my advice is, if you want a boy companion at your breakfast table, just do it and enjoy it!
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