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Everything posted by Aikuchi

  1. Added in number within 5-10 minute intervals ....
  2. hehehe ... this made me giggle. Malaysia a 'democracy' ... hehe. Thanks for the laugh.
  3. I wouldnt mind bring with a fa-rang and an asian ... and latino, and european, and african, and polynesian. At least to begin with.
  4. I know a few individuals in my country (Muslim), who are side long-term boyfriends for Saudi foreigners who are here on business for several months at a time. The hotel suites/apartments are paid for meanwhile when the Saudi hosts are out of the country for the rest of the year. That is until that stop being the current boyfriend.
  5. ... most gay apps where I am (South east asia) measures in Inches. And a lot of these gay apps were western made. The few chinese/asian ones I use do have a built in cm/in measure. ... but what do I know. I dont use them
  6. Witty: that is s a rather sweeping statement to make to say the Chinese like to think that way. Although I agree the people in power like to stay in power, with a reasonably a large proportion of wealth in the hands of ethnic-Chinese businessmen and the politically-empowered ethnic-Malay families. A fair number of below-income chinese families are suffering from the internal strife caused by corruption at multiple levels. I tried to stay away from discussion like these because I came to thi forum to enjoy discussions (and images) of thailand and it wonderful men but I am very saddened when I hear commentary about racial divide in my country which serves to only harm by making it more obvious who is at fault, rather than accepting the burden of responsibility and action as citizens of the country. Do you think the Malays and Indians and other ethnicities think themselves as righteous members of society or just as likely to hold themselves above the law as well. I think its the wealth divide that cultivates those thoughts, not the ethnicity. Its a Malaysian cultural problem. Pointing fingers at ethnicities helps no one. To everyone else reading, I apologize for this outburst but I am disheartened when it seems easier to cast blame in such a blanket statement toward any particular ethnicity (read: racism) instead of looking at much deeper rooted issues of power play/struggle within the socio-economics and political agendas within my country.
  7. ((warm consoling hugs))
  8. Wow ... wish i could afford to one day and that i'll fit in.
  9. 1 2 5
  10. DAMN!
  11. crap ... those are the type of guys in tawan? I'll never have enough money to spend there ....
  12. really wish i had the money to travel there now .....
  13. I concur will TomNg .... pics please, if possible, to sate the curiosity.
  14. wow, two cuties in blue shirts!
  15. oh ... cant wait !!!
  16. wow i used to read all of shameless macks post
  17. Hey, really liking your reports of the various venues! Just wanted to drop in and say I've found them very informative and I love massages!
  18. Men pictures .... Oooooo
  19. I'm in Malaysia and Langkawi has seen better days but its still a wonderful vacation spot for locals and tourists.
  20. I wish the Ringgit was performing better .... but in light of the recently known billions misused by out Prime Minister .... sigh ...
  21. Wow ... those look expensive.
  22. Oh good lord, Im imagining the hottest studs all over the place as I read your accounts.
  23. I had an ex that wanted to know where i was at all times. I let him put a location ping on me ... and yet he still asked me constantly where i was and for a photo to show who i was with ... if i wasnt at the gym or at home. I put up with it for a very long time (years) but eventually i tired of the distrust and we couldnt carry on. After we broke up, i started using gay apps (during the relationship, i didnt have a smartphone so no apps), and in the apps i said i wasn't ready for any relationships and didnt want any hook ups ... just friends. After he saw my profile, he tried everything to get me back saying he finally trusted me. I've moved on.
  24. Dang! Giovanniboy is gorgeous!
  25. what iPhone apps allow you to communicate? I own an android. Thats model-like lips!
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