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Everything posted by Manly69

  1. The link is about Emirates covering all costs if you catch the virus when flying with them. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwixxLHk2PfqAhXixzgGHcjBCOEQFjAIegQICRAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.com%2Fnews%2Fbusiness-53563276&usg=AOvVaw0SQ7Kj0fDu2c4uO_g-4VZO
  2. These people exist in the community ? Scary !
  3. I would be holding off for quite a while yet.
  4. Interesting. Anybody have more dirt ?
  5. Good to see a racist get called out.
  6. Welcome back Numazu.. Am very pleased to be reading your well written reports again.
  7. Yes Oprahs speech was moving and powerful. But she still regards Bill Clinton as a close friend. Hypocrisy much ? If she runs and wins office will Gayle become first lady ?
  8. I would like to second spastik00 post.
  9. So we can put the bug story to bed then ? Be good to put to bed those who habitually bug us also.
  10. Manly69


    Very sad news. Rest In Peace Lurker.
  11. I will be surprised if anyone gets to see his ID.
  12. Something Acidic perhaps ? May be an old wives tale, but i have heard it can sweeten the most sour tasting semen.
  13. Welcome Dadoblau, strap yourself in though as there is the occasional bit of turbulence..
  14. Manly69


    He is an old baiter from way back, in fact he probably considers himself a master at it, i tend to agree he is in fact a chronic master baiter.
  15. To perpetuate the ivory trade is abhorrent.
  16. Good to see you back Numazu. I would love to see a trip report from you on Mexico.
  17. Now thats fucking the town bike, literally.
  18. What a memorable experience,great photos also..
  19. I really like the way you write your reports, the adventures you share are interesting as well as your friendships with the boys. Sexual side of things is nice to read about and well balanced.
  20. Thank you for the informative and entertaining reports. You are a decent, good man, Vinapu.
  21. Nothing to be concerned about being gay and transiting through Dubai or Dohar. In the last 6 years i have not only transited through on numerous occasions but have spent many days and nights there,and the amount of available hot middle eastern men looking to hook up with other men via the gay apps,especially if you are a westerner is very surprising and at no charge. That has been my experience anyway.
  22. There will always be those looking to belittle and start arguments in online forums such as this, always trying to bait somebody with a negative comment. Some are quite the master at it. I guess they could be referred to as prolific Master Baiters. " pun intended " Merry Christmas to all forum users..
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