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Everything posted by forky123

  1. Spend the evening there. There are lots of bars and places to eat in Jomtien so plan to have your evening meal there then simply stroll around the complex picking up the vibe. Most evenings you are going to see over 100 boys between the various massage shops and bars in the complex. Myself, I often stay in the complex and travel into Pattaya when I want to. Zing Resort and Spa offers really good deals though stay Pool Side unless you are ok with the noise of the bars. Agate is a little more expensive but again enjoyable. One nice thing staying there is the apps are literally full of guys working within 200m of your hotel room. Very handy and avoids off fees.
  2. Don't know about "must see" but there are a number of spectacular temples and gardens. A tour to visit the hill tribes is definitely worth it. The usual Elephant and Tiger sanctuaries. Doi Ithanon national park with its amazing waterfalls. One warning is that though Chiang Mai is reasonably flat, it's surrounded by hills and much of the sight seeing requires walking up and down steps or hills.
  3. Don't know about hotels but PJ's Place is a nice gay-friendly B&B with just a small number of rooms. Very comfortable. Check which months are bad for air quality if you have any breathing issues.
  4. Given how close Jomtien is to Pattaya I would really take a look at both unlessyou are only there for a day. Why limit your options for the sake of 10B?
  5. I really wouldn't worry about whether boys are offable, it will be very obvious and most are offable for the right price. Prices are negotiable based on lots of different factors including time of year, popularity of the boy, your age and looks, whether his rent is due, what time it is, etc. If you don't like the price move on as there are lots of boys. Yes, there is often an off fee if you take someone from a bar or massage shop. If you don't want to pay one, check for the boys online rather than at their place of work. It's personal preference whether you prefer bars, massage or apps. They all have their pros and cons. I prefer massage then apps and rarely go to the bars these days. Others prefer the bars. It's personal choice, there is no right or wrong. As I said though, don't worry about it. The concerns you have before you go will be swept away once you get there and you'll find your own preferences very quickly.
  6. Damn, ignore doesn't work when someone is quoted.
  7. I left Twitter quite some time ago when I realised that Tweets presented for your viewing weren't things you were interested in but instead things to antagonise and provoke reactions. Twitter is one of the main forms of Antisocial Media. I can't imagine that charging to use the platform will be a success in improving things and any "small charge" will likely be the thin end of the wedge.
  8. You get the rules that apply when you get your State pension and not before. Until that point they are subject to change. Really?? There are so many other more pleasurable activities to waste time doing. You used to be able to contract out of SERPS (State Earnings Related Pension Scheme) but not out of NI as a whole unless your UK earnings were very low. I'm sure everyone that had their pension age increase feels they were hard done by as well. As to the rules in place when you started working, pensions were massively revamped in 2007 so whatever terms you were on before that changed, some of it for the better and some for the worse. Everyone gaining pension age after that just need to deal with it.
  9. The rules have changed several times in the last 20 years. When I started paying NI contributions the pension age was 65 for men and 60 for women. Now my pension age is 67 and for younger people it will be 68 or even older, perhaps even no pension. It's also now 35 years of full NI contributions. You say they are not based on the economy, that may be the case but they most certainly do affect the economy. The cost of pensions due to an aging society is increasingly a larger share of GDP. There is no pension pot, the contributions today pay the pensions today and the cost is rising. The rules are that certain countries get increases and others don't. I'd prefer it simplified so no-one living outside the UK gets the increase. Why? 1) the cost and 2) Increases in cost in those various countries are not linked to UK pay rises or inflation. I get people outside the UK are upset but imagine you are starting out paying tax and NI in the UK, contributing to those increases with no guarantee of ever getting a pension. I feel gyped that my pension age has increased but just have to get on with it. I'm 57 with 41 years of full contributions yet still have over 9 years before I'll be eligible. Why should I be paying for increasing the pensions of people outside the UK who do not contribute in any way to the UK economy?
  10. I have seen people blurred out. I've also seen how many times people don't bother. Personally if I saw two people being assaulted in this manner and another person filming it I'd just assume the two arseholes were together.
  11. That depends how it escalates. The two waiters may not appreciate their assaults trending. In fact they may not appreciate the assault on them being filmed at all given their loss of face.
  12. That could escalate fast.
  13. They should standardise it and not increase pensions anywhere outside the UK. Why should taxpayers increase pensions for people not contributing to the UK economy?
  14. Hope you're better.
  15. I was a gay in the military (85-99). I was lucky (?? really careful more like) in that I was never outed and thus not discriminated against. Yes, I chose to pursue a career where I knew it was illegal to be gay and that's my own fault. It was still a shock to find how anti-gay, racist and sexist the military was. I also saw the incredibly poor treatment of servicemen whose careers were ruined by an instance of bad luck or lack of care. Sometimes straight guys were kicked out because they were a little effeminate. I'm glad that things are finally improving somewhat. That period of my life reinforced to me how no one should be outed, nor be forced out and should only come out when they are ready. People being forced out by social media such as 18 year old Kit Conner and many other actors and celebrities is pretty sickening. I won't then vilify Spacey for when or how he came out. Yes, it looked a little ugly and self-serving but I don't know what pressures he was under or what advice he was being given. I can only think he may not, or thought he did not, have a choice.
  16. Which is one of the reasons the GOP are once gain trying to force a default on the debt ceiling. A destructive act on the US economy and putting party over both country and the world economy. I wonder who would get the blame for that piece of economy sabotage?
  17. If we get into the differing semantics in the use of "innocent" we are exposing ourselves to a "Steve Thesis" that may not sit on a single page of content. Let's just agree that in the legal sense KS is still "innocent" (ignoring the HoC law suit). As for OJ, he was acquitted of murder (criminal) and then found guilty of wrongful death (civil). He has since been found guilty of numerous other charges (criminal), sentenced to 33 years and released on parole early for good behaviour (hardly innocent in either meaning. The LGBTQ community should get over itself. Not everyone has the same upbringing, work life or life in general. People should come out when they are completely ready to and not before. That includes Spacey. Let's get something clear though. It's not the "LGBTQ community", it's always a relatively small but vocal subset with a string of keyboard warriors who will hound just about anyone.
  18. I don't expect anyone to "get behind" KS. As far as I've seen he's simply being left alone. If he indeed committed crimes then he should be prosecuted and I mean criminally, not just sued. He sounds like a pretty horrible person who uses his fame to get what he wants. As for the 30 people, if they don't come forward then nothing will happen. Masterson, Weinstein, Epstein, R Kelly, Harris all show that celebrities can be held to account under criminal law no matter who their lawyers are. Given that civil cases are decided on the balance of probabilities rather than reasonable doubt, the evidence must be extremely weak if no one is willing to sue Spacey.
  19. Not going through that line by line. Blaming KS because he doesn't know how to find his way through the minefield that is both media and social media is weird. There is a huge difference between KS and DT. DT has been found to be a rapist by a jury. At the moment, and there's every chance of this changing if what you say is true, KS has not been found to have done anything wrong. You say there are 30 names, then where are these people? If what KS did was so heinous and illegal then where are they? You say people 50+ should have no fear of social media. It's less than 5 years since Vernon Unsworth was called a pedophile by Elon Musk and was ravaged by social media. His crime? Marrying someone younger than himself in Thailand. His wife is 40. It's time people stopped using media and social media as evidence of guilt or innocence. We have a legal system for a reason and until KS is found by a court to have done something wrong he is innocent till proven guilty like the rest of us. If he is guilty of something, prove it in a court of law.
  20. That's kind of the problem, no democrats are stepping up but there are severe risks to Biden running. All it would take is a fall or illness and the election would be handed to GOP.
  21. Depends which Tories you mean. Centre Right have pretty much been purged from the Tory party. You have moderates such as Sunak and then a significant far right including many members of the ERG. Overall the Tories are much further right than they should be as are many of their policies.
  22. Until he's found guilty of something or successfully sued I'll continue simply enjoying his acting. I'm not saying he hasn't done anything wrong, then again who hasn't? Trial and punishment via social media is pretty sickening. Let's face it, anyone in this forum who goes to Thailand for the money boys does so illegally (yes I know the laws are ambiguous and not enforced). I wonder how 50+ year old men paying 18 year olds for sex in Thailand would be treated by social media?
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