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Everything posted by forky123

  1. Freudian slip?
  2. Murder rate is 5 times higher in Brazil so number of murders for every 100000 population is 5 times higher. What should probably be noted is that murder rate in Brazil is coming down at least.
  3. The murder rate in Brazil is over 5 times that in Thailand.
  4. Why on earth would anyone need to learn Russian to understand that Western governments and media don't always tell the truth? The difference is that we can shout loud and clear that they are lying without defenestration, poisoning, our plane blowing up or being imprisoned for decades under false charges.
  5. forky123

    Poll PANIC

    First time Trump's ever told the truth.
  6. If you only want to hire in the evenings you can do this. The rates are on the website. They will also accompany you to gay bars, go-go bars and even saunas. I'd suggest you have a read of the web site as the information is all there.
  7. I've tried it both ways. I've hired tour guides and found that worked very well. They can save you money, efficiently arrange your days so you get more sight seeing in a shorter period, introduce you to the bars and give you insights into the boys but very likely will not have sex with you. In Pattaya I found a massage boy from Narcissus who spoke really good English and we had good chemistry. I spent 10 days meeting him every other day (5 days total) doing sight seeing, visiting food places I would never have tried myself, quiet bars just enjoying the company as well as having massage and sex. It was his suggestion to do every other day and I used the other days to chill, have massages and sex elsewhere. It worked well for me. Personally if it were my first time in Bangkok I'd get the guide for a few days. That's me though.
  8. More likely the gay scene is simply continuing to change. Due to the apps there are probably a wider selection of boys available but less bars and massage places. I'd be interested in a study of the number and average age of customers frequenting the apps exclusively and those frequenting the bars/massage places exclusively.
  9. I wonder if Sheridan ever critiqued his father's acting with such gusto.
  10. forky123

    Poll PANIC

  11. forky123

    Poll PANIC

    Sure, that's much worse than a psychopath having tantrums like a 2 year old because his invasions aren't going to plan and threatening to nuke everyone he deems responsible.
  12. forky123

    Poll PANIC

    In case you missed it the first 50 or so it happened, Putin and his henchmen keep threatening to start a nuclear war. Also, is there anyone in the world that didn't know there is always a military aide carrying the "Football" for POTUS?
  13. If you must put it in an overhead compartment at least use a bag that you can securely lock.
  14. Indeed, you probably should have read what you were signing as the OSA does indeed last a lifetime. Annoying, isn't it. Unless you are a government minister when, apparently, you can leak with impunity. Interestingly though, you don't have to have signed the OSA to be bound by it. All UK citizens are bound by its terms.
  15. I'm sure it would all have been obvious to you at the time.
  16. Yes, many years ago. For the rest I'll simply put what I did earlier Stop using the term Intelligence Services as a singular entity. It's not a hive mind. What one person knows is not automatically known by all. Information will be filtered out at every level by people who have a wider picture though not as detailed. Did IS collectively have most of the dots? Yes. Did they put them together correctly? No. Was this deliberate? Depends what you mean by that. Obviously everyone in the chain of command decides what they will pass on and what they won't. Those are deliberate actions. If people here though mean some person in IS knew when, where, what, how 9/11 was going to take place and deliberately ignored it, they need committing. I really think people should stop watching spy movies as, for the most part, the complicated (boring) effort over weeks, months or years is always glossed over for the 5 minutes of fame. It's much easier looking back with hindsight at information and reports that came over weeks, months or years when you already know what happened. It's much harder putting it together without that picture and people will get it wrong sometimes.
  17. Sure, because there's so much trust between administrations. Could you really believe that a Trump 24 administration would pay attention to anything the Biden administration told it?
  18. The problem isn't connecting the dots. It's that you have thousands of dots and you have to know which dots are real and which order to connect them or you get a mindless scribble instead of a picture. Intelligence services don't go out of their way to miss things and rarely is anything obvious. It also isn't one mind looking at all the information so a person seeing one source may not be the person seeing other bits of information. I think people watch too many movies.
  19. Intelligence by hindsight is always 20/20. Intelligence is a bunch of data and educated guesses as to what it means. It's really easy to pull a list of pieces of intelligence that point to something that happened after the event but bloody hard to before the event.
  20. forky123

    Poll PANIC

    Why should Russia choose between one abnormal psychopath? Are there no more citizens worthy of the presidency that haven't been locked up or defenestrated, had plane crashes or been poisoned?
  21. forky123

    Poll PANIC

    You make the ridiculous assumption that just because one is anti-Trump that this is pro-Biden. Biden is too old and a bad candidate because of it. Trump is, in no particular order, a sociopath, a narcissist, a liar, a serial sex offender, a racist, a sexist, anti-gay, anti-military, an insurrectionist and a traitor. They are both awful candidates but I'd go for the person who's too old over someone like Trump.
  22. Price doesn't seem to have changed in at least 4 years. Really doesn't seem over the top for Bangkok.
  23. I've used Siamroads twice. The first time on my first trip to Bangkok (Ya I think) and the second time on my first trip to Chiang Mai (Woody). The guides were professional and Ya saved me a fortune with some advice prior to arrival and saved me much time with coordinating site visits. I'd be happy to use them again. I really don't get the cancel/bullying culture. If you don't want to use a service, don't. It's really none of your business if others want to though. If you don't want to read them on this forum, again don't. Personally I like to see services advertised here and especially reviews as it takes some of the worry out of finding such services in the wider internet.
  24. To be honest if the editors fail to cut a film to 3 hours it's either so epic (Gettysburg) I'll wait to go to the toilet or so drawn out (Oppenheimer) you could go just about any time and not miss very much. If something is 3 hours long and not worth going to the cinema to see then it's probably not worth streaming or watching on a plane.
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