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Everything posted by forky123

  1. Now imagine you're a 14 year old kid being trafficked by an older man and no one asks the question. It's not always about you. Personally, I'd be happy people were asking the question.
  2. The lies and utter rubbish you post doesn't deserve any thought. I even repeated the JPG as you aren't even worth looking up anything fresh.
  3. Appealing again is just Jabba the Turd delaying as much as he can to avoid justice.
  4. You could just cut and paste any of your posts from the last month. What exactly have Republicans done since they took congress other than argue with themselves?
  5. What's really shocking is that 38% of Americans think simply being old is worse than being a rapist, betraying your country's secrets as well as being old.
  6. In case any Emmeroids are wondering, intimacy does not include rape or "grabbing them by the pussy"
  7. He'd have to have to fit Emmeroid's and the entirety of the GOP heads in there.
  8. This is very much on point. Dems have a good team and ones with their own minds. Trump went through the vaguely competent republicans in his last term. What's left may seem reminiscent of the Third Reich but, if it is, it's the Third Reich run by Abbot and Costello.
  9. Don Jr has to get his supplies somewhere.
  10. I'm just waiting for Trump and his parasitic followers to understand this would also apply to Biden.
  11. even imaginary open borders?
  12. Or no one was setting up photo opportunities. Funny how they always show up at election time then disappear till the next election.
  13. You'd think when they took photographs they'd either ensure the buses they've been brouht in on would be out of the picture or photoshopped out but they are too stupid even to do that.
  14. A picture of people over 1000 miles from the US is newsworthy only to the gullible.
  15. You're making the huge assumption that they have thoughts. Seems to me they simply regurgitate what Trump tells them with zero input from the brain cell they all share.
  16. Trump 2024 summed up in 6 words.
  17. Be real Emmaroid. In 3 years they've still not found anything to charge Biden with. Unlike the 4 indictments, 90+ charges, found guilty of rape, every fraud allegation disproved except Virginia where it was found by a Republican investigation that Biden was shorted 4000 votes. You're claiming Biden ended funding for the border wall the Mexicans were going to pay for? Do yourself a favour Emmaroid. Take your tongue from Trumps anus and take a look round for once in your life.
  18. Be fair, he did wonders for the shares of the Clorox Company and gave a wonderful $1.5 trillion tax break to billionaires.
  19. I would say people are entitled to their opinions but most of the verbal diahorrea is just regurgitated and debunked lies so hardly opinions they've really put any thought into.. It seems the increased use of the Political section has increased membership with people who basically never post anything constructive anywhere on the forum which is rather sad really.
  20. Emmaroid, an increase in apprehensions of 500% on his predecessor is not an open border even in a Trump cling on's deluded mind.
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