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Everything posted by forky123

  1. Do you somehow think a pickpocket goes into your pockets, steals a phone, realises it's an iPhone, checks if security is enabled, puts it back in the pocket if she can't use it?
  2. Do NOT feed the troll.
  3. I didn't say there were no muscles at the front, merely that the big muscle groups that need the most massage are accessible with the person lying on their front. As for your list of muscles, the shoulders and calves are not ones easily massaged properly from the front. Contrary to yourself I both receive and give a lot of massages not only in Thailand, but at home also.
  4. Just know that if you ask very early, your massage is likely to be quite short.
  5. Some places advertise it, most you simply tell the captain/mamasan what you are looking for. It's usually fairly obvious from the location and set up which massage places are which type. I really think you are over thinking things. Try relaxing and simply enjoying it.
  6. If you want to watch a hot boy naked, go to a show or get an ST off. If you want to experience a boys naked body in very close proximity to yours and experience the sensuality that contact can bring when providing massage then do that instead. Most of people's heavy muscle groups (back, shoulders, legs) and one of a blokes most erotic zones (their anus) are best approached when they are on their front. Once you flip,on to your back their are fewer muscle groups and more care has to be taken as the stomach are is particularly sensitive to too much pressure.
  7. Full account here but no idea how reliable the source is http://www.dailyxtra.com/canada/news-and-ideas/news/us-customs-block-canadian-man-reading-scruff-profile-215531. There have been many accounts of heavy handed border protection since Trumpski started his persecution. I think the problem for news outlets at the moment is the sheer volume of fairly outrageous occurrences over the last couple of months. I think given the current trend in the White House, Attila the Hun would be considered liberal. I never take a laptop, preferring my iPad Pro. One thing I always do is make sure the hotel has an in-room safe. That's anywhere I go and not limited to,Thailand.
  8. Getting robbed by an off is so far down the list of things that might happen to me in Thailand as to be not a factor. There are any number of things with far higher likelihood and implications and I don't really worry about those either, other than taking sensible precautions. As for picking someone up in other countries I've done it many times and, again, it's just a case of taking sensible precautions.
  9. If others see benefits to them you don't see that doesn't make it irrational. Others might say having 2 ST either side is sleeping for the night is irrational given 2 x ST will likely cost more than 1 x LT. Everyone has their own things they are after in these encounters and, to be honest, it's hardly anyone's business what those are other than those directly involved. I prefer ST. I wish I preferred LT when I wake up at 0500 horny as hell, but on balance I'm happy with ST.
  10. Wow. I prefer ST to LT but that's nothing to do with any of the things you bring up. The thought of being robbed in my bed has never even crossed my mind. Why would anyone risk robbing someone in a hotel after leaving their DNA everywhere? As for putting valuables in the safe, I do that continually in hotels all over the world and it's no different in Thailand. I certainly wouldn't do it in front of a boy any more than I would do it in front of a maid, porter, hotel manager or even another guest. Perhaps it's me but I feel far more vulnerable to violent crime walking in areas of London, Manchester, New York or Washington than I've ever felt in Thailand. Overall, ST simply suits me better than LT. I'm a light sleeper and don't sleep well generally so ST works for me. I can certainly understand the attraction of LT to those that prefer it.
  11. And only 35 days since a gay Canadian was stopped from entering the US because his Scruff profile said he was "looking for loads" and border protection took that to mean he was a gay escort. He then tried to gain entry a second time after wiping his phone of all gay apps, etc but was stopped again for having a wiped phone and because they now had a permanent record of his "actions" as well as storing the details of his accounts and passwords.
  12. That's what he said. Intolerant countries such as Iran and Trumpski's USA.
  13. 1) Password - Just because it says word doesn't mean it has to be one. Choosing a word and adding a number or substituting characters (Dilbert1 or D1lb3rt) makes for fairly easy cracks. If you have a favourite book/poem/song pick favourite lines of text and substitute for numbers, capitals, special characters - @B0n2bt!tQ (To be or not to be, that is the question with substitutions Makes it fairly hard to crack). 2) Don't use the same password for different things. 3) Know what you are syncing to the cloud. Do you set up things as default without reading what it's doing? Good luck with that. 4) Having had my iPhone pickpocketted in Thailand last trip I will be using a cheap travel phone in future. Though I managed to erase it remotely once they powered it on, it was still worrying for a while. 5) Clear browsing history and caches before you travel. Depending on your settings, passwords, etc can be stored. Though I'm not really into anything too embarrassing why give them reason to search deeper?
  14. How did you find the Poseidon? Gay friendly/Joiners? Quiet/Noisy?
  15. A pink tax suggests straight and gay visitors pay different rates for the same hotel which I'm unaware of. You do pay more for some hotels that cater more for the gay clientele. This, to me, is more supply and demand than anything else. If hotels get a good reputation for looking after their gay guests and always book up in advance then their prices will go up. If people aren't willing to pay, they will come down. I would rather pay a little more to stay somewhere I am welcome than to stay somewhere I am only tolerated or worse.
  16. There are always a few people asking about joiner policies. I thought a thread where people could add details for hotels they have visited might be helpful. Hotel - Tarntawan Place City - Bangkok Visitors Allowed - Yes Joiner Fee - No Security - ID held at disk and room rung to confirm all ok before returned to boy. Extras - Breakfast for boy included Hotel - Baan Suoy Resort City - Pattaya Visitors Allowed - Yes Joiner Fee - No Security - ID held at disk and room rung to confirm all ok before returned to boy. Extras - None
  17. Well, if some of the changes at the Tarntawan include cleaning the carpets, curtains and wi-if, maybe they will be a good thing.
  18. Well (1) If the boy is exhausted then the chances of me being capable of walking anywhere is almost nil and (2) There's always a threesome
  19. My holidays are never wild enough that, if I saw a cute boy on my way to breakfast, I would bang him there and then requiring lube, condom and mouthwash rather than taking him back to my room where the supplies are stored.
  20. forky123


    Has anyone stayed at The Venue? I'm provisionally booked there for the Pattaya leg of my trip in Oct/Nov but, as always, I'm a bit concerned about noise.
  21. Being someone that has massages most days while in LOS, I have had a multitude of both shop based and room based off social media. I have never paid more for room based than shop based sensual massage (traditional is another thing but I'd never get that done in my room). In general, getting someone to your room has been considerably cheaper. As for standards, the best massages I've received have been shop based, but also the worst. The bed/massage table debate is a whole other issue. So many places you go to have the massage table with one side against a wall that a bed would be preferable as it would give the boy more room to move around you. I prefer a massage table if it has plenty of room but so much more important overall is the skill of the masseur. The best masseurs can use either.
  22. Are you after traditional or one with 'fun'. If the latter then the best option post midnight is GR or Hornet. Most massage places are closed or dead.
  23. I've had a number of both types and it's really going to depend what you are looking for. 'Proper Massage' - Go to a massage shop, preferably not too close to any of the "Boyz Towns". You are much more likely to get a good massage than online. You may, or may not, still be able to get a happy ending or sex in a proper shop. I would normally say the massage is likely to be good and the sex bad but on my last trip to Pattaya I had a massage opposite "Boyz Town" that was supposed to be proper but was as sensual as you get and with one of the best happy endings I've had at a massage shop. Was almost better because I wasn't really expecting it when I went in Shop 'Sensual Massage' - you are going to physically see the boys before picking one. - you can interact with the boys which will give you a good idea if there is going to be any chemistry. If they engage your eyes and their smile is genuine, chances are you will enjoy the massage. - it's going to be more expensive. You are paying the shop fee and the tip and probably a tip on top. - HE/Sex is likely to be a bit of a lottery. - massage may be better, but that's not a given. - Facilities can be a lottery. Room 'Sensual Massage' - Hornet/Grindr/GR - You only have a picture. If you are very picky make sure they understand if they don't look like the picture you will send them away. - You are going to get to chat with them a bit if they speak some English or have a good translator. This can give you a good idea or could simply cause confusion. - They are going to know that massage is only a prelude to sex. If you want a decent massage first, make sure they know that. - A lot of the massage guys both in sex massage shops and normal ones are likely to be on these sites for extra cash. It may say in their profile or you may tell from the picture. - Facilities are going to be better and you have control of the environment and security. Lock everything in the safe when meeting someone for the first time. - you can pick a wider selection of times. - they know where you are staying !! I've had every combination of good/bad/indifferent massages and good/bad/indifferent sex. I kind of like the lazy option of finding a masseur on the social networks and having them come to my room. As a bottom predominantly it allows me comfortable time to prepare.
  24. Thank you Bob and others for the information, it is much appreciated. I didn't see any mosquito nets on the pictures for PJ's place but a couple of other places (generally on the river) had nets on beds so was just making sure. Other places rely on the air con to keep them at bay so you can never tell. If there are 10 people sleeping in a room the mozzies always zero on me !! Very much looking forward to my visit but it is so long before I go
  25. Booked into PJ's Place for 8 days. Won't be getting the train, though I did look at the sleeper and was very tempted, if only to experience it. I've decided to go at the start of my holiday so will fly into Bangkok and then simply get a flight to Chiang Mai. Not a big fan of the bar scene, much more into massages, so the lack of bars won't affect me that much. The only problem is how long it is before I go. Shame I can't get another holiday in but it's not an option this year. Anyone have any information on how bad the mozzies are in November in Chiang Mai?
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