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Everything posted by forky123

  1. Thelimopattaya.com rate is 1600 I think for DMK to Pattaya
  2. In two weeks from now (give or take a few minutes) my flight will take off.
  3. Yes (in my experience 70 to 80% of the time) and they have condom/lube but you might want to take your own to be sure.
  4. I've brought working guys back to my room on loads of occasions and never yet had a theft issue. I take basic precautions and use the safe. I feel much more vulnerable to theft from pickpockets, drinks added to bills, etc, than in room theft.
  5. No. Four pages about a missing miniature bottle that may or may not have been stolen.
  6. Where is Fah massage please?
  7. If the person it has happened to isn't 100% sure of situation, I'm pretty sure no one else here is sure. Unless I knew 100% what has happened, I would not want to call anyone a thief in that instance. As for minibars, I never use them, though I can't say I check it properly either. In future I will consider asking for it to be removed. I've never had any issues with boys, though I always lock all valuables away while they are in my room so the risk is minimal. In this instance I would simply move on.
  8. Phew. I fly in on 29th.
  9. With my luck it would be her 106 year old Grandfather with his hearing Trumpet.
  10. My very first trip I saved a fortune due to my guide advising beforehand to wait till I got to LoS before Exchanging money. This ran contrary to what I'd done elsewhere but saved me more money directly than the guide cost for 3 days. Also, I was able to see far more sights and experience many more areas in a short time through the use of the different parts of the transport system and a taxi when heading away from Bangkok. I must admit that going to the gay clubs with his was much more fun and comfortable than I'd gave been with a 60 year old Grandmother, no matter how good a guide she was.
  11. For myself, I prefer guys in their mid to late twenties which usually means they are in their early 30's (due to Thai's looking so much younger than they really are). Sometimes early 20's but rarely. I never suggest a price beforehand and only agree one with the guy if they bring it up. I pay the guy what the performance is worth to me, with 1500 being the minimum for ST and 2000 the minimum for long time. I can count on one hand the number of times I've paid the minimum. I understand it's Thailand, I understand that I can barter, I understand that the boy would probably take far less if I offered less. I choose to not treat it like I'm picking a T-shirt in the market playing one stall holder against another. The boy doesn't know how much he will get till after the fact. I don't care if he thinks me an easy mark and I don't care if he would have taken half as much. It makes me feel good if I make him smile after whatever the reason. A 10 hour LT in LoS still costs 1/3 what an hour would cost at home.
  12. Of all the reasons not to pay the tip someone wants to, these are about the worst. Apart from Vinapu being allowed to do what he likes with his money, giving an occasional boy a large tip simply reinforces good service. The complaint that all prices will go up is simply not true. If a boy gives really good service and gets a really good tip it reinforces the fact that if he does good things he gets paid a lot. The reverse is also true. If you give the same crap tip no matter how good the boy is, you teach the boys that they may as well do a crap job because the money is the same no matter what.
  13. forky123

    Jet Lag

    My flights I try to maximise my time in LoS so I aim to arrive at the hotel as early as I can check in and leave as late as possible.
  14. forky123

    Jet Lag

    I can't say I really notice it, or don't pay attention to it. I don't really sleep that well normally so nothing really changes for me.
  15. forky123

    Jet Lag

    Testing of Viagra (in mice) has shown the anti-jet lag effects are only observed in conjunction with light therapy. Quite light doses though (non-Erection amounts) so perhaps along with the lighting on modern aircraft you may find it works. No harm in trying though I guess if you are in the middle seat between two nuns, the 4 hour erection might be embarrassing
  16. I'm going to be in Chiang Mai. Not been there before but a few reviews of the Guest House have people with issues getting back there at night so I'm hoping to use Uber (or another app if more appropriate).
  17. Has anyone used Uber in Thailand with a Thai mobile number/SIM card? I tend to buy a Thai SIM card when I go to LoS rather than pay astronomic charges. Does anyone else do this and use Uber? Do you have to set up a new account or how easy is it to change numbers for your holiday? Any information appreciated.
  18. I had a guide in Bangkok on my first trip there and have booked a guide for a couple of days for my next trip to Chiang Mai. I'm perfectly happy with a guide being simply that. There are lots of options for picking up guys and I'm not sure that the complications that might arise from it being someone you've booked as a guide for a few days would be worth it. I assume all straight guides are also sex workers and will have sex with all their customers of the opposite sex too? Thought not.
  19. The difference being that as a father you had a responsibility to keep trying with your child. We have no such responsibility for anyone on this forum. People are responsible for their own actions and must deal with the consequences.
  20. When threads get derailed and locked because people can't disagree without name calling and denigrating the opinion of others it punishes everyone. Suspensions only work if people accidentally overstep the mark and don't go out of their way to be offensive. Where someone is suspended, comes back and doesn't regulate their behaviour then the moderator has to decide if further suspensions are appropriate or a ban. This thread was not created to "snitch" on anyone, all I asked was that people stop the personal attacks so threads weren't locked and I asked Scooby to consider suspensions or bans for serial offenders rather than punishing everyone by locking the threads. People who rely on such attacks, innuendo and downright nastiness to enforce their points are by no means stronger characters, quite the reverse.
  21. He had much good information, he simply couldn't accept anyone disagreeing with his views without descending into name calling.
  22. A transformer went near to the hotel during my first stay in Patts, it sounded like a bomb going off at the time.
  23. Again short on facts, long on innuendo.
  24. I somehow think this was trust that it hadn't happened and calling out of the accuser. I would hope that both sides of any accusation would be measured before action taken.
  25. Just under 5 weeks to go.... though I'm in Chiang Mai for a week before Patts.
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