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Everything posted by forky123

  1. I buy a 28 day tourist SIM card for my UK phone in the arrivals hall at Suvarnbhumi. Give them your phone, 2 minutes later they will give it you back with the tourist SIM in and your own SIM card separately. If your own phone doesn’t have a SIM, buy a cheap phone and keep it for visits. If you’ve got an expensive phone you are better off buying a cheaper phone for Thailand anyhow as phones are targets for thieves/pickpockets as I know to my cost.
  2. Although I’m a biker I won’t either ride an MC taxi or hire a bike in Thailand. I’m firmly of the belief that unless you’re wearing full protective gear, being on a bike is Russian Roulette. 1) helmets need to both fit properly and never have been dropped. Most of the ones on MC taxis are old and very battered. 2) come off a Motorcycle at 30 miles an hour without proper gear and you will likely lose your skin down to the bone. Google motorcycle road rash injury.
  3. I also find no correlation between looks and performance. In fact, other than the odd exception, the best offs I’ve had have been with App pickups of slightly older guys (mid 20’s) rather than younger and cuter guys in bars.
  4. For a 4 handed massage to work there needs to be coordination between the masseurs, preferably they need to have worked together before. The strokes need to still flow and pressures need to be similar. Otherwise it ends up being distracting rather than relaxing. If you are wanting a good 4 handed massage picking two boys yourself is unlikely to work.
  5. Not sure it’s that far short of what old heroes was. Used to be about 3000 baht including tip for VIP room, and 90 min scrub and massage unless my memory is playing tricks. I guess the difference was in old Hero good experiences were common whereas now it seems a lottery. Old Hero was one of my favourites. I haven’t tried New Hero but no doubt will next time I stay in Bangkok.
  6. Thanks, it’s the Resort & Spa I’m looking at. Previous trips I’ve stayed at Baan Souy or Agate but the price at Zing is just too tempting if it’s any good.
  7. I’m currently planning my next trip for middle of 2019. I’ve not been to Cambodia on previous trips so planning to spend 5 or 6 days in Phnom Penh and then a couple of weeks in Patts. Anyone have any good suggestions for hotels in PP? Looking at Arthur & Paul or Rambutan at the moment but if there are any other good places to stay suggestions are welcome. Only places that allow visitors please. Is 5/6 days a good time to spend in PP ? Back in Patts, can anyone recommend Zing Resort? Found a really good rate for my dates but not sure if there’s a reason for the cheapness.
  8. While you’re at it babies who cry should be thrown off the plane, children who kick the back of seats too, people who talk too loud on long haul, people who stand in the aisle talking to a ‘friend’ with their bum 2 inches from your face, anyone who smells. There are many annoyances on a plane, get over them or upgrade.
  9. Everyone is different but 5 days sounds excessive. I guess I’m lucky in that over the years I’ve done a lot of shift work and 24x7 on call work. Perhaps getting used to wierd sleep patterns helps with jet lag. I know that a single 3am call-out messes me up far more that 24 hours travelling to or from LoS.
  10. It’s about a 24 hour journey door to door plus or minus a couple of hours depending on the stop between flights. If I went direct it wouldn’t be much less due to the longer travel the end. I generally try to arrange it so I arrive in Pattaya early afternoon so leave morning UK (which fits in with work too). [edit] Just checked.... last trip I left home 0900 gmt and arrived in Pattaya just before 1600 next day.
  11. Lighting on modern planes makes a big difference for me. These days I pay no attention to jet lag whatsoever. On the plane, if I’m tired I sleep a little, if I’m not I read or may watch a film, perhaps play a game. I deliberately take a stopover. I can get a direct flight but find the stop makes the trip much easier on the body. When I arrive, I get a car from thelimopattaya.com to the hotel and then do whatever my body feels like. If I’m tired I sleep for a short time, otherwise I either go for a walk around or take a massage. Whilst I love massage sex for relaxation, I also love 2 hour foot massages to simply relax. It may be my sleep the first night will be a little rough but not usually. I used to get jet lag quite badly years ago, usually because I tried to force my body straight into the new time zone. These days I go by how I feel and ignore the clock.
  12. I usually book through Expedia or similar with a package for a hotel. The combined deal is often heavily discounted and I choose the best discount. I then cancel and get a refund on the hotel part and book the hotel I want.
  13. Apps work as they do everywhere. Only difference is that whereas elsewhere an old man with a beer belly won’t get much attention, in Thailand they will have 20 messages within 30 minutes of coming online. Not sure of the prices in Bangkok but in Pattaya the guys on apps will ask for somewhere around 1000 baht. I’m sure you can haggle if you are into that. Figure it being more expensive in Bangkok. Sorry, bars aren’t my thing so no help there.
  14. Variety is the spice of life.
  15. No, bareback is never safe. There are any number of diseases other than HIV to worry about. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-43571120
  16. First, welcome to the forum. If I had to guess, over half of the guys you are going to meet are straight and not gay. As such, the vast majority are either top or versatile. Arena is a good Start for a Massage. Not sure on Babylon as Sauna’s aren’t my thing. Prince and Senso are other good places for massage though pricier than Arena. I really wouldn’t sweat it. As a 21 year old bottom I think you’ll have no issues finding what you want, in fact I suspect you’ll be spoilt for choice.
  17. Caption..... If it’s good enough for Donald Trump it’s good enough for me.
  18. I’d be genuinely interested to know how many boy bars that cater exclusively to straight women? There are hundreds for straight men and I wonder how much of the increase in females going to, what were previously, seen as gay boy bars is down to lack of choice elsewhere. That many of the boys are straight, bisexual or straight for pay probably helps. Good luck to them if it keeps the boy bars open.
  19. In tantric massage many “purists” think that you should retain all the sexual energy that builds up during the massage and not release it. It can give you a buzz and a sense of euphoria which some people say they enjoy more than the release. It is also possible for some people to have several tantric orgasms without actually ejaculating which can be very intense. Most “tantric masseurs” are nothing of the kind though and simply use it as a buzzword. I’ve had several great tantric massages in the UK through a massage group I’m a member of. Personally I find the experience exhilarating and much prefer the release at the end since it’s possibly the most intense ejaculation your likely to experience. I’ve been looking for a great tantric massage in LoS for years. The closest I’ve come was in Sea Massage opposite Boyztown who used to have one guy doing really good erotic massage including a lot of tantric, lingham and rosebud techniques though not really tantric. The overall feeling though was as close as I’ve found on LoS.
  20. Given the costs of flight, hotel, spending money and everything else, I only ever transfer by car. Door to door with someone meeting me at the airport, the cost is minute against everything else I spend. I always have a suitcase and I can’t imagine dealing with trains, escalators and platforms. I would use Uber over a regular taxi though, if going that route.
  21. Know which best works for you. Know what dose works best for you (many have side effects which can be pronounced). Know what not to take with ED drugs. Follow the instructions. Do all that and you minimise the risks. If you experiment and take things you’ve not tried before, especially if you are on other medication, then you raise the risk.
  22. There are winners and losers in every raving lunatic’s psycopathic destruction of a system of laws and government.
  23. Got to love how Soapy Massage gets the blame for this rather than anything else going on in the city https://news.sky.com/story/bangkoks-mega-brothels-are-causing-the-city-to-sink-11222202
  24. Last time I did this I simply asked. First day I paid an off fee to the massage shop, subsequent days I didn’t though I asked to make sure Thom wasn’t paying it out of his own tip. Spent 6 days with him over a 2 week period.
  25. Thailand has a very serious road problem but the majority of them are motorcyclists, due to the lack of helmets, improperly laden vehicles, ignoring traffic laws. Pedestrians, through lack of adequate crossings, being forced to walk. In the road, sharing pavements with lunatic mopeds, etc. Car passengers through not using seatbelts, poorly maintained infrastructure, lack of child restraints. I really wonder how you get around while you are there if avoiding bikes/taxis/walking.
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