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Everything posted by forky123

  1. Trump could shove a shotgun up someone's ass and pull the trigger on 5th Avenue and all Emmaroid would say is "Thank you sir, could you do it again".
  2. Emmaroid strikes again.
  3. They are all not his type, which is Russian prostitutes willing to piss on him.
  4. Typically GOP focusing on the fact Santos was expelled rather than his crimes. That 40+% of Americans still support this party shows just how little anyone cares about ethics or morals.
  5. You wouldn't know the truth even if you were defenestrated.
  6. Says the guy from the country run by a psychopath.
  7. Stinky is a narcissistic sociopath. His dementia is the least dangerous of his mental illnesses.
  8. Rape is the act of raping someone you disgusting piece of excrement. A rapist is someone that has raped someone whatever type of trial takes place. The judge in this case confirmed Trump is a rapist. That's true even if it isn't Goebbels reporting it.
  9. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/ So, just to confirm, you are the liar here Emmaroid.
  10. That you equate any of those to rape shows just what a petty excuse for a human being you are.
  11. If Trump is the best you've got, a rapist, then you are as sick as he is.
  12. Trump mistook E Jean Carroll for his ex wife and raped her.
  13. Makes you wonder how long the US will remain in NATO if Trump wins in November? Trump says he would 'encourage' Russia to attack Nato allies who do not pay their bills - BBC News
  14. The other question is who has the best team around them.
  15. Sure, I know more than the doctors so I randomly stop taking my meds to "see what happens".
  16. Is it reading you have difficulty with or comprehension? I understand that with your head so far up Trump's ass both might be difficult.
  17. When you have the politics of a Nazi, everyone that doesn't agree with you appears left wing.
  18. I think it would be much better if their rhetoric matched their make up in congress. Until it does, it's putting lip gloss on a turd.
  19. No, I mean every election since Trump started running has been based on attack adds. Trump and the Republicans do little positive. They find something negative and hammer it till the Emmeroids believe it, which doesn't take long.
  20. How is that different from 2015 to 2023?
  21. Thank you for showing there was a problem before Biden and that Trump failed to fix the problem. I see you've ignored Republicans voting politically against the national interest.
  22. Biden didn't create the crisis. Trump didn't fix the crisis in his 4 years. Absolute bollocks as everything you write typically is. The bill was defeated even though it was pretty much everything Republicans wanted because Trump wants the issue. Republicans are putting politics before National security. That's just how irresponsible they are. As for you, you support a rapist. Anything else you vomit here is made worthless by that simple fact.
  23. I'd like to say I'm surprised, yet I'm not.
  24. Never forget my meds. Then again they usually take up about 1/3 of my carry on bag so it's kind of obvious to me. Glad to know you can pick up some items though.
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