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Everything posted by forky123

  1. Getting personal is a sign your arguments are weak. You know absolutely nothing about me other than from my posts on this board. Perhaps keep your arguments about facts rather than moving to abuse. People are responsible for their own actions and their own prejudices. They are not responsible for actions others took tens or hundreds of years before their birth.
  2. No, “these people” didn’t colonise the world. People who are no longer alive did that. As for the rest, many people also aligned with Hitler or were neutral. Others took a stand against tyranny. As for Russia struggling to conquer it’s neighbour. That’s true, the Ukrainians have done a fantastic job in fighting the Russians which is why Putin has concentrated on destroying infrastructure and the terror bombing of civilians. Putin is a war criminal.
  3. Only read the 2nd article due to a pay wall. Putin can have peace any time he wants, he doesn’t want. He wants his land grab in Ukraine to succeed under his threat of nuclear war. The question that the article doesn’t answer is which bits of land shouldn’t the west give up under this threat? Hitler should show us that appeased dictators don’t stop grabbing land.
  4. You could always just ask them. Having read these forums for many years now there are con artists on both sides of the fence. I don’t get as much chance as many to visit LoS but I’ve only been conned once by an MB. I now won’t go near that particular massage parlour. I’ve had disappointments and successes but most of the time there’s either a bit of chemistry or their isn’t. I wouldn’t want to affect someone’s livelihood over 1000B.
  5. Going to be interesting with the Smartmatic suit also moving forwards. Let’s hope Fox gets all that it deserves with it’s continual misrepresentations.
  6. Must be hard on the electorate when the choice is between someone in the early stages of what might be dementia and someone who is a certifiable sociopath.
  7. You are making a huge assumption that if Russia won in Ukraine that’s where it would end. People need to stop blaming the West for the crimes Putin is performing.
  8. It’s not about what people discuss, it’s about whether you should share pictures and peoples profiles on sex meeting apps without permission. I don’t give a crap if the boys tell each other how much I’m willing to pay, what they’re likely to have to do for it and so self select those who are willing/unwilling to go with me for a specific price. Makes it much easier all round.
  9. That’s fine. All the more not quite so beautiful ones eager to do a good job for me at a cheaper price.
  10. I don’t bargain usually. Either the price they ask is what I’m willing to pay or I move on. I always feel that someone I’ve agreed is worth what they ask is likely to give me a better time than someone I’ve haggled with to the nth degree. Works for me and still a fraction of what I would pay here.
  11. It’s strange. I tip based on how good the massage and extras are rather than how attractive the masseur is. I’d much rather have excellent extras than a pretty face. I’d been reading the thread and thinking what a cheapskate some were until I realised that many are talking about different things. I typically want a massage and full service rather than a HJ. I’m therefore very willing to tip 1500B if I get what I want and it’s good. For the exceptional, I’ll pay more. I wouldn’t take a massage with just a HJ and would stop them and just pay for the massage.
  12. He probably has trouble reading it like all those who appreciate vowels.
  13. So, if someone’s motive for posting your Grindr profile on this forum was to help you find MB then that would be ok too? If someone wants their profile here, they can make a personal decision to post it.
  14. Would you be ok if your Grindr profile were linked here and discussed?
  15. Thanks all. The link for thelimoPattaya working today when it wouldn’t yesterday. Will use them again as they’ve never let me down but thank you for the other suggestions.
  16. Any idea if they’ve disappeared? Always used them but their web site seems to be gone. Anyone know of a reliable alternative?
  17. Sorry, blundered on my opening post. Should have said that I’m coming to Pattaya in March so would love to hear about massage in Jomtien and those around Tuc Com (Blue House, Royal House) if any have survived? Which apps are popular in Patts at the moment?
  18. Coming for my first trip since Covid in March. Typically I trawl the massage places or apps for pickups as I’m not so keen on the bars. Has there been much change with regard to the massage places? Also, which are the popular apps at the moment?
  19. forky123

    Is he gay ?

    I don’t ask questions any more. I almost always go by whether they have a smile that reaches their eyes. My first couple of years I asked questions but my interpretation of the answers didn’t always tally with the result and I quickly realised it was futile being disappointed by issues caused by language and word interpretation. Some of my best experiences have been with boys who I would almost certainly would have counted out with honest answers to questions I would previously have asked. In fact, probably 4 of my favourite 5 offs would never have happened. Not only that but I’d have absolutely no clue how to ask for what has been my favourite off ever. Now I go with the flow, get some disappointments but am generally on the plus side.
  20. I had my 1st Pfizer jab two weeks ago. Very slight soreness at jab site over the next 24 hours but no worse that any other jab.
  21. Thank you for that.
  22. Ahh yes. Where 18% of the population voting for BoJo the Clown and his Lying Circus gives him an 80 seat majority to decimate the UK economy for generations.
  23. Is it really a U-turn if you simply don’t know what you’re doing or where you are going?
  24. I guess much of the fun is in the trying. Really good tops are pretty rare.
  25. I can’t even give an excuse, I didn’t even think of it at the time. I made a crappy assumption that he’d be there the next time. I wasn’t used to the flow of boys at the time though if I really like someone now I swap numbers.
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