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Everything posted by forky123

  1. No, you're mostly reactive with the possible exception of HIV
  2. I am sure the machine gun is just there for protection.
  3. You may want to stop getting your news from Russian youtube. It's about as reliable as Putin's mental state.
  4. How many of those not under threat of an occupying force murdering civilians and kidnapping children?
  5. If you think there is zero chance, you are terrible at statistics.
  6. Zero chance? There are already more Russian deaths in Ukraine than in 10 years of Afghanistan.
  7. Not ruined in the slightest. Wouldn't put my worst enemy through having to hide my sexuality until I was 35 as it was illegal to be gay in my job. The freedom to connect when and where I want is such a relief these days.
  8. Same reason Trump polls highly, the incredible amount of very stupid people around.
  9. If Russia use tactical nukes in Ukraine, NATO should destroy the Kerch bridges and isolate Kaliningrad. Allowing Putin to use tactical nukes unpunished is a very dangerous step. The main risk for Ukraine at this point, other than nukes, is Trump/GOP winning in 2024 as support for Ukraine from the US will be gutted as will NATO.
  10. I can understand some will find it hard. I think the sex and nudity, as little as there was, is going to cost real money as films with a 15 rating simply don't generate as much money as a PG13. I saw those two scenes as fairly pointless in the scheme of things and really didn't add anything to the story. I found the film incredibly well acted but can only feel that if you wanted to know about the Manhattan Project this would not be a film to watch as you are limited to Oppenheimers perspective and the rate the film skips through those years it almost seems the atomic bomb was a foregone conclusion from splitting the atom with little complex effort involved other than some maths. As a biopic I found it very interesting and strangely similar to Alan Turing's story in some perspectives (the biographical book rather than the The Imitation Game). The acting was incredible and both Cillian Murphy and Robert Downey Junior should be serious Oscar contenders. The vehicle of showing the subjective stuff in colour and the objective in black and white was fairly lost on me. It certainly didn't help distinguishing the various timelines. I wasn't keen on Nolan's use of multiple timelines and perspectives in Dunkirk either. Overall a good film, incredibly well acted, but not one I would watch again.
  11. If you stick "paradise" in search at the top of the page and choose "everywhere" you will find quite a few reviews including one from me in March this year.
  12. Evidence is not proof. It's a very slippery slope we are on when evidence and proof are confused.
  13. Putin has been using that threat continually while committing war crimes with his destruction of civilian infrastructure and now food and ships. The only way to stop a bully is to punch them on the nose. NATO either needs to hit back hard if ships are attacked or set up a humanitarian corridor within Ukraine to guarantee food shipments. They won't because the Republicans are backed and funded by Russia and will stall. Trump would likely win in 2024 and fall over himself lubing himself and bending over for Putin and his Russian golden shower girls. The US is a mess and Ukraine is suffering for it.
  14. And yet again, he is innocent until proven guilty in the eyes of the law. If he is found guilty in a civil case, like Trump has been, he can be considered a guilty rapist. So far he has been not been found guilty in any court.
  15. Innocence is not a concept in UK courts. One is innocent until proven guilty. The verdict Not Guilty is not a verdict of innocence as that verdict does not exist. One is still innocent though as there has been no proof of guilt. Perhaps there will be civil cases now brought.
  16. Being a twat to people may be repugnant but it is not a crime.
  17. Not really the same thing. There were many reasons to believe Hussain was lying about having WMD including weapon's inspectors stating he didn't. Bush wanted his war though. The allies knew Germany was ahead in atomic research in the late 30's and very early 40's and assumed a full on effort from the Germans. No one knew they had diverted most of their resources elsewhere by the end of '41 as intelligence was poor on the subject. It wasn't until the ALSOS mission after D Day that the allies got good intelligence that the Germans had not put significant resources into their atomic research.
  18. I don't know the man. I think though that there's been enough innuendo without the evidence to back it up.
  19. You do not need to be "found innocent". The basis of UK law is a presumption of innocence or "Innocent until proven guilty". It's only in the media and social media where guilt is assumed based on what sells papers or clicks.
  20. In UK law, the "victims" can't be named for legal reasons yet the accused, now proved innocent, has been hounded for years and he will never get back those years during which his career and reputation were trashed.
  21. What you are putting forward is interesting though the articles are a typical media job making a strong breeze into a hurricane with careful use of language. The Germans spent a very small fraction of the money the US spent on the Manhattan project, millions as against billions. They built a small reactor but never sustained a controlled reaction and had no way to enrich sufficient Uranium. I haven't managed to see Oppenheimer yet but surely it portrays the serious obstacles those at Los Alamos had to overcome to create the bombs before the end of the war? The Germans had serious obstacles to overcome still and their resources were needed elsewhere to sustain the war effort.
  22. Sorry Steve, your posts deserve far longer answers but I don't have the time or the will to respond in full. Some points: - If someone doesn't think they are racist, sexist or homophobic, they should stop electing people who are to make laws that are racist, sexist or homophobic. - Republicans have sadly worked out that if they sound the drum against every minority their lunatic fringe will rally 42% or so of the country to their cause. - 4 years of Trump, MTG, Gaetz, Boebert in charge is going to be 4 years of revenge and terrible law-making. Simply look at the quality of law making in congress at the moment if you can get past MTG holding up naked private pictures of Hunter Biden. - US participation in NATO is at risk. The western world is on a knife edge at the moment and Trump is as subtle as a nuke. There is every chance the US would ignore article 5 with Trump at the helm at the golf course. Probably of no interest to anyone, I am slightly right of centre. That being said, the right both in the US and my own home are so far right currently that the left is far less harmful and destructive in its outlook to me currently.
  23. It's what needs to happen but most Nato leaders don't have the balls.
  24. Fascinating. If people can't recognise a sexual predatory, racist, sexist, anti LGBT, anti democracy, unpatriotic, sociopath then I'm pretty sure they are too stupid to understand anything related to the economy not fed to them by the extreme right wing media and only then if they don't need to breath at the same time under risk of self suffocation due to over-extending the use of their brain cell. These are the same people who thought $1.5 trillion of tax breaks for billionaires was a great idea.
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