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Everything posted by forky123

  1. Kevin McCarthy refused to participate in the committee. All committees should have serious members who can view evidence objectively and both Matt Gaetz and Gym Jordan are certainly not that. As for splicing video and lying, that's the right wing cable News you're thinking of.
  2. Is Trump actually trying to go to jail awaiting trial or can he simply not help himself?
  3. And at least 1.6 million people died in the Soviet gulags if we are just listing things that have little to do with the subject matter.
  4. 1) I'm on the right of centre. I am definitely left of Hitler though. 2) Sometimes someone creates a lengthy post that has so little basis in fact or truth that a GIF is the only response it deserves.
  5. That's the last thing they want to do since Trump incriminates himself further every time he opens his mouth.
  6. Let's see how well those arguments hold up before the law.
  7. If you let it. I'm really not sure how anyone tells from a photo since it's really a gauge of someone's use of photoshop. I find the apps somewhat annoying in that I really want a list of what someone likes rather than what someone will do. I'd much rather meet with someone and give them a little money for something mutually enjoyable rather than something they simply endure. I find choosing only based on looks is almost guaranteed to fail.
  8. Well, it took Trump a whole 24 hours to violate the terms of his release in DC.
  9. That's quite an admission.
  10. No, 7 days of "lock her up" got them 2016. The other 7 years was simply revenge for her having told the truth about Trump. Without the e-mails and "lock her up" Clinton would have been President. A miracle since her campaign was appalling. The margins Trump won by were tiny. Trump is guilty as sin. Whether he will be found guilty is going to depend on the impartiality of the Juries. It's going to be interesting to see the witness list as it's apparent there are several who have flipped on Trump. One has also got to wonder just how many charges are outstanding, especially in Georgia and Michigan. Also, there's strong evidence of campaign funding irregularities and you have to wonder when the investigations on that will start. My fear for the US and the world is that somehow Trump delays until the election and somehow wins. The four, or more, years after are going to make the McCarthy era look positively friendly.
  11. The concentration on Hunter is because that's all they have. 7 year's of "lock her up" went where? The weird thing is that the concentration on Hunter Biden just brings the spotlight to Ivanka, Jared, Junior and Eric eventually. The amounts of money and influence being peddled there is orders of magnitude greater than Biden Jnr.
  12. Good to see Devon Archer's testimony was such a blockbuster: Hunter Biden business associate testifies he has no knowledge of wrongdoing by Joe Biden (nbcnews.com) How dare Joe Biden exchange pleasantries with his son !
  13. GOP have been investigating Hunter and Joe Biden now for months. All they've discovered is MTG and Gym Jordan have a fetish for naked pictures of Hunter. I have no skin in the game but I'd prefer someone with dementia than a sociopathic rapist any day of the week. I guess you like the rapists huh?
  14. Which? Op Granby/Desert Storm was absolutely necessary. GW2 was simply wrong and Bush/Blair have blood on their hands. Bullies bluster. There is as much chance of Putin using nukes due to attrition as to Ukraine bombing Moscow. There is no 'right' answer in this but the more he is allowed to get away with, the more he will push. He's currently bombing Danube ports. It wouldn't take much of an error to accidentally bomb Romania.
  15. It's interesting that NATO has so far mostly avoided giving Ukraine long range weapons. Russia is not under that restriction and has been illegally targeting civilians, infrastucture, food. In addition they have raped and murdered with no regard for human life. If it's a war of attrition then the US and UK especially, since they guaranteed Ukraine's security in exchange for giving up it's nuclear weapons, should supply weapons that can strike deep into Russia. Let the attrition be real on both sides and see how Russia likes high explosive missiles raining on Moscow instead of drones.
  16. Sure, let's see who the real traitor is: Charge Defendants Counts Conspiracy to defraud the United States Donald Trump 1 Conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding Donald Trump 1 Obstruction of, and attempt to obstruct, an official proceeding Donald Trump 1 Conspiracy against rights Donald Trump 1 Willful retention of national defense information Donald Trump 32 False statements and representations Donald Trump 1 Conspiracy to obstruct justice Donald Trump, Walt Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira 1 Withholding a document or record Donald Trump and Walt Nauta 1 Corruptly concealing a document or record Donald Trump and Walt Nauta 1 Concealing a document in a federal investigation Donald Trump and Walt Nauta 1 Scheme to conceal Donald Trump and Walt Nauta 1 Altering, destroying, mutilating, or concealing an object Donald Trump, Walt Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira 1 Corruptly altering, destroying, mutilating or concealing a document, record, or other object Donald Trump, Walt Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira 1 Falsifying business records in the first degree Donald Trump 34 Republicans don't like him very much Joe Biden 0 Misdemeanour counts of failing to pay his taxes on time Hunter Biden 2
  17. You don't just use merchantmen, you escort. You also make sure that any attacks on NATO flagged vessels will invite swift retribution. No need to strike troops, isolating Kaliningrad is one option. Performing exactly the same acts as Russia, denying reprovision by sea and closing land routes. NATO should hold off attacking the Kerch bridge as it invites infrastructure attacks on NATO members but, should Russia attack NATO infrastructure targets, the Kerch Bridge should be destroyed end to end within hours of such an attack. Appeasing Hitler didn't work and appeasing Putin is an even worse idea. Time for NATO to stop Russian attacks on Ukraine that are outside the Geneva Convention.
  18. You couldn't lie straight in bed.
  19. You keep spouting things about Biden as if you think I support him. I don't, but nice try. I simply have no time for a proven rapist who is a traitor to his country and tried to overthrow its legitimate government. You say they are tying. All that means is that there are enough traitors who say they are patriots but drop their country in favour of a rapist at the drop of a hat. The funny thing is that you were the first to start name calling in this thread. You're just like Trump projecting your own insecurities wherever you go.
  20. You called me a liar and asked for a citation which I gave you. Who said only shit comes out of Trump's mouth? It comes out of yours too and nearly every Republican in house or senate. I do like how you add "currently residing in the WH" to delineate with the sex offending, Nazi, sexist, racist, rancid orange sociopathic pig whose arse you inhabit. Have you ever made a single positive post on this forum or are you still simply trolling?
  21. Biden, reversing Trump, won’t move military's Space Command to Alabama - The Washington Post "The command, and its estimated 1,400 jobs, is expected to yield nearly $1 billion in annual economic spending, officials in Colorado have said previously." Take your head out of Trump's arse. You may not be at risk of drowning in shit, since that all comes out of Trump's mouth, but even you can't find the depths of Trump's rectum a pleasant place to live.
  22. Space Command stays in Colorado, infuriating Alabama delegation - Roll Call
  23. Just goes to show there isn't a patriot left in the Republican party and that the vast majority have the IQ of turnips.
  24. Sure but given his condomless status it won't stay with him alone.
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