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Everything posted by forky123

  1. Has Kevin Spacey been found guilty of anything at all? I was under the impression he hadn't but admit to not being very celebrity conscious. It is surprising to me that someone that hasn't been found to have committed sexual assaults is hounded when you have Trump, a proven rapist and serial sexual assaulter, vying to be POTUS.
  2. Biden has had to deal with pulling through Covid after Trump recommended Clorox, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and a global gas and inflation crisis. Trump had to deal with where his next 18 holes were going to be and how to fool his supporters into believing a $1.5 trillion investment in billionaires was really a benefit to them. The latter being quite easy as his supporters have to share brain cells so they can breathe and waddle at the same time. It should be scaring people. If Trump and co fix their way through the current legal issues and somehow win, the world is in for a rollercoaster of shite. Biden is a terrible choice at this particular time, he's too old. Where are the alternatives? If the dems keep trying to play things straight while the GOP try to see if there are any laws they haven't broken yet then the US will be the largest Banana Republic in the world (and the most dangerous).
  3. Increasing Costs, Strength of baht, Visa restrictions and medical mean Thailand is off my list of places to retire. In truth the cost of medical cover and insurance companies finding reasons not to pay out is likely to restrict even holidays going forward. I pay a fortune for cover due to existing conditions but I always wonder, if I did need complex help or Medevac, whether they would pay out or if I would be left stranded.
  4. Took about a minute this morning from the web page starting to load until it was loaded. Been quicker this afternoon.
  5. Yes, incredibly slow at times lately.
  6. Seems to me that all of this was agreed in advance of him returning to Thailand. Would he really have come back if he knew he'd spend years in prison?
  7. I take it you are using MS Edge. I now use Chrome just for this web site as Edge comes up with the warnings all the time.
  8. Some may find it scary when it becomes difficult to discern satire from politics. For those currently following US politics, if it sounds too ridiculous to be true it's probably politics, not satire.
  9. It's a JPEG. There are times one image will convey all a response needs to. That image could be used as a response to pretty much everything you excrete.
  10. I'm sure there are homophobes of all political persuasions. It's not rocket science though to look through people's social media to see their political leaning when they post such drivel.
  11. If you mean real tantric massage then not found one yet. There used to be one masseur in Sea Massage a few years ago that gave a very fair approximation but nothing else.
  12. Many thousands of people still die from AIDS. Treatments today mean HIV isn't the death sentence it once was but there are still 10's of thousands of deaths each year for many reasons.
  13. I don't think I've read so much verbal diahorrea in my life which means I'm sure the GOP will try it assuming they can either get Kemp on board or enough democrats to vote for it.
  14. 2005 - 73 baht/£ 2020 - 38 baht/£ (currently 45 baht/£) A £1k/month pension worth 73k baht in 2005 worth 45k baht today and that doesn't even consider inflation, etc.
  15. You weren't simply criticising. I'm not going back through your posts as the sexism, racism, lies and random fluffing and felching of Trump you do in them turns my stomach. You really need to read up on the first amendment. You can say pretty much what you like. You can lie about what you like and both you and Trump do that far too often. Once Trump starts phoning and texting people to pressure officials into changing a vote. Once he engages in a conspiracy with others to overthrow an election, post fake electors and pressure officials it is not free speech and not covered by the first amendment. At that point it is a crime. Georgia, and other states, have robust legal challenges that can be made if you have proof that there has been election corruption or mistakes. Trump's lawyers lodged over 63 different lawsuits but provided zero evidence to back up his claims. Only the incredibly stupid keep going on about a "fixed" election. Funny thing is though, even if there had been provable problems with the election, Trump has failed to prove anything of substance, his actions would still be illegal.
  16. Your racism and sexism is pretty ridiculous but fairly typical I guess. I guess you use "wrong" the same way Trump does. When he doesn't have the intelligence to refute an argument and wants to appeal to his base without overtaxing the brain cell they share. If you are right then the cases will be thrown out of court so no need for the abuse, bullying, sexism, threats or even the abuse of the legislature right? Trump is a thug though as are the majority of his sick cult.
  17. Was open in March for certain (Somjit) but not always much choice there. Was mainly fairly young twinks but on the rougher side and limited choice. Relax and Blue (formerly Helios) massages are also in that area around Tukcom. For Blue, carry on past Somjit for about 100 yards, it's on the left. It's the only male massage I've found that does foam massages. For Relax turn left before you get to Blue massage. I have no idea if any of these has closed since March. My review from March of Somjit.
  18. Or plead not guilty, prove the case if they can and not destroy the US system of government. why does Trump and his Schutzstaffel try to destroy people simply doing their jobs? It's because he's guilty as sin and his supporters are too stupid to breathe and walk at the same time.
  19. You really don't see the irony of projecting the weaponisation of office while the majority of GOP do exactly that in an attempt to override the judicial branch do you? You really don't see the legal and national security issues Trump is causing and the implications for not just US stability, but world stability. Sad and pathetic.
  20. Four separate grand juries have now indicted Trump. Blaming elected officials for doing their jobs is 100% Trump. You know what is ethically wrong and patently illegal? Pressuring an official to manipulate vote counts. Also having a plan before the election for fake electors then following through with it. Also, sedition and inciting an insurrection. If Trump is innocent, why are all these efforts going into destroying the agencies of law and order? Perhaps Trump should just stay away from committing crime instead. Impossible, I know. If what you say were true, the charges would be thrown out of court. We both know what you say has no substance. Here we go with the deflection. Zero efforts to prove Trump is innocent, simply destroy every person, no matter the party, who tries to stop his crime spree. Threaten Grand Jury members for doing their civic duty. Leak their information so they are put in peril of their lives. Only cowards threaten innocent people simply fulfilling their duty to the country. I'd say the GOP legislature wouldn't be idiotic enough to destroy and defund it's own legal apparatus but we see every day just how destructive Trump and his cohorts are. Ahh, there's the racism we expect. At the moment, it is ONLY the liberals upholding law and order in the US. There are very few GOP politicians or supporters who are upholding the law, upholding the constitution or being the patriots they claim to be. Instead they seem intent on destroying the country they claim to love. Where do you think all this ends no matter if Trump is convicted or if GOP destroy the rule of law to save Trump? Trump is stoking a civil war and people like you are cheering him on.
  21. Georgia Republican lawmaker moves to impeach Trump prosecutor Fani Willis | Georgia | The Guardian If you believe someone is innocent, why go to such extreme measures to disrupt justice?
  22. The problem is that someone, likely more than one, is going to die due to the rhetoric he is using. In all likelihood it will be an innocent party either due to mistaken identity or someone who has simply done their civic duty. Trump only cares about one person, Trump. He doesn't care who gets hurt as long as he can carry on his crime spree. His supporters are lunatic enough to help him out and stupid enough that anyone could get hurt in the process. It seems funny in all this that no one seems to be claiming Trump is innocent. Instead there are simply excuses why it's free speech, he's immune from prosecution, Hunter Biden did worse, or whatever. One thing Trump is an example of is a good reason for the 2nd amendment.
  23. From reading some of the attitude towards safe(r) sex on this forum, many don't give a rats ass about having STIs (HIV or others) or passing them on.
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