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forky123 last won the day on February 6 2024

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  1. How does anyone know if Trump shits his pants or just talks into them?
  2. Holy fuck you need to look at what so called Christians in the US have been doing to minorities the last couple of hundred years.
  3. That you are thick as pig shit. Perhaps while you're on your religious crusade you should look up the 3rd and 7th commandments. Why use eloquent terms you wouldn't understand when those two short words describe you perfectly.
  4. 31 March has been International Day of Transgender visibility for 15 years you dumb fuck.
  5. You understand that the black line going vertical was during Trump's golffest right?
  6. Deflect, deny, project, delay. The Emmaroid way.
  7. Tell that to the 1.1 million Americans he helped kill.
  8. You missed an important one. Someone who deliberately mishandled state secrets and likely gave them to foreign powers. Until the document case is resolved Trump should fail any vetting.
  9. Talking about hate and prejudice is not the same as doing something about it when it's in a foreign country. Perhaps the world would be a better place if the US, UK Where did he say he would resolve it? Perhaps the world would be a better place if the US, UK, Russia, China and others solved the problems in their own countries and left others alone.
  10. It happens way too much. The roads, driving standards, lack of safety equipment all lead to an increased chance of serious injury. Luckily he was wearing a helmet which he says saved his life. I don't ever remember people wearing other biker gear (boots, gloves, trousers/jacket with body armour).
  11. You're about 4500 miles off. Believe it or not, it's not up to Biden to resolve hate crimes in Poland. Your typical deflection though.
  12. It's called being a troll
  13. That's what happens with elections in dictatorships.
  14. Schrodinger's Biden. Is he a dictator or is he a frail old man with dementia?
  15. Actually, I attack the sociopathic rapist that is Trump, sometimes that means defending Biden from the idiotic lies that people propagate. Biden is a terrible candidate for President at this stage but still infinitely better than Trump who has his own set of serious mental defects and simply wants to use the presidency to escape his crimes and take revenge on people he believes have treated him unfairly. The US is a Republic, though also supposedly a representational democracy. Whether it will remain one very much depends on the election this year as Republicans seem determined to destroy voting rights. Calling Biden a dictator is pretty stupid and shows how little you understand. As conspiracy theories go, that's possibly the most ridiculous anyone could have dreamed. You're going to tell me next that Putin had Navalny poisoned and sentenced to decades in a Siberian prison to protect him from Biden's goons. The West don't need the death of an opponent of Putin to trash Putin's reputation he's done that successfully himself.
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