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Everything posted by JackR

  1. Thank you for your report!
  2. How much are the garlands?
  3. Drimvoiz I would love to know who Mr Perfect Guy is!
  4. Is anyone else loving new boy Mr Nest? I haven't see much mention of him. I'm assuming there are no reports?
  5. Does anyone have any experience of Berlin Pride (CSD)? Thinking of going this year. I probably will try the Fuggerstrasse bars. A lot of negative reviews here, but part of me still enjoys the thrill of these seedy joints! And I'm hoping they will be a bit livelier during CSD.
  6. Anyone else follow this Soi Twilight fb page? I don't know who runs it
  7. Yeah I agree with this. Only happened to me once in Jupiter, but frustrating if it's someone you really wanted to meet.
  8. Don't get me wrong - I love the bars - I visit for the bars - there's no scene like it in the world. But I'm just wondering if it would be better concentrated in less venues, who can each supply a better selection of guys, get more customers, and continue to thrive. I assume this will probably happen anyway, if there is a general decline in numbers.
  9. Fantastic news!
  10. Does anyone think that it might be better to have a smaller amount of bars, with concentrated selections of great guys, rather than a load of bars, each with dwindling numbers of boys and customers?
  11. Does anyone know the guy in the white t-shirt with dark stripe in the centre of the group on stage? He seemed to be doing a lot of the solo acts when I was there, so I assume he has been discussed on this thread, but I can't put faces to names.
  12. Wow. Glad that X-Boys has taken up its new home. I'm sad to see Twilight disappear. But it's exciting to watch the creation of a new scene at Patpong 2. I hope it flourishes
  13. Is it just me, or is it TINY? Especially considering the size of Dreamboys currently.
  14. Hi All I'm just home from two weeks in Thailand I've been an avid reader of these forums since I started travelling to Thailand over 5 years ago, and it has been of enormous help to me! So I thought it was time to finally give something back. This is not a "full trip report" - no discussions of daily itineraries or offs - I've just written some general notes on the bars I visited on this recent trip. These comments / observations are based around my own experiences and preferences, and I'm sure there will be some disagreements and maybe some reiteration with other threads, but nonetheless, let me know your thoughts. Jupiter - I made three visits here. For me, probably the best selection of guys in BKK. If you like young guys, with boy-next-door / model looks and athletic bodies, then there is lots of choice here. One of the guys who takes part in the main solo and group dance numbers was particularly hot - I don't know if his name is Arm or Aek? (I'm going by the Jupiter thread.) What I also liked about this club when I first visited it last year was that the mamsans were not pushy. Neung was so nice and very helpful to me on that visit. However, this year he was on holiday to Pattaya, and I struggled to get the attention of any of the other mamasans at all. They all seemed to be glued to particular customers (big tippers?). Even when I asked one of them about pricing, he just told me how much it was and then walked away - didn't seem interested in helping. Nevertheless, I got what I wanted in the end, after some persistence. Another lesson learned here was to ask for the one you want early to avoid disappointment! They get taken quickly. Moonlight - I was so happy to finally visit Moonlight. The club opened just after my last visit in 2018, so for the last year, I've been following it through this forum and the live Facebook videos - so to see the stars was like seeing celebrities! Mr. Babe is beautiful and his dancing made him even more attractive. And I found Mr. Smart to be more handsome than his pics. Maybe it's his neat haircut, but he looks more like an educated, middle-class professional than most of the other boys. He was in a choreographed matador routine with Mr. Lucky which I wasn't a big fan of. Sadly no Nicky! Some of the non-superstar guys available here are also pretty good looking. But it made me wonder - why would you want to work in a bar like this where you are treated as a second-tier model, when you could work somewhere like Jupiter - where all gogos are created equal? Or do you think they hope to graduate to superstar? Mamasans here were very pleasant, and I'm also glad they removed that staircase that used to come down over the audience onto the front of the stage. It blocked the view. X-Boys - I love the crew here. They welcome my friend and I back with hugs and kisses every year - and our wallets! But I find them so charming and hilarious that I don't mind - it's always a good night. The boys here are typically on the twinkish side and I've enjoyed several boys from this establishment - but to be honest, for the last couple of years, I've found the best eyecandy here to be the Viet waiters. Mamsan here told me that they are moving after next month, but she doesn't know where. But as per the other threads on this topic, it seems like all the bars have been saying this for the last year, so it's hard to know if its real or not. As for the Soi itself - I wouldn't have described it as quiet - there seemed to be a steady stream of people at the lower end - but its certainly quieter as the years pass, and sad to see the corrugated iron fencing covering up the closed businesses at the far end. Dreamboys - the first bar I ever visited in Bangkok (as per a recommendation on this forum of course) so I always love coming back here. I find the shows here to be the wackiest of the bars that I regularly visit. I visited only once on this trip, and arrived late, so missed the giant inflatable cock soaking everyone, but was treated to screeching ladyboys plucking some innocents from the audience, stripping them and pretending to fuck them on stage before squirting cream everywhere. I find it so ridiculous it's actually funny. Always a varied selection of guys here - something for everyone. But the stage was not as crowded as it was on previous years. I've been hoping that the handsome coyote dancer who has been there for years will one day be available.... Tawan - the guys in this bar are not specifically my type - more mature, bodybuilder-types - nor am I a fan of masks and leather gear, but something always draws me to come back here. It's almost mesmerising watching them, just for their size! They had an interesting show with an airport security theme - you can imagine. BoyzBoyzBoyz (Pattaya) - I would say I come to Pattaya just for BBB. There is a varied selection of guys here and I've always found something that has piqued my interest - plus, I like taking someone to the short time rooms upstairs while the show is still ongoing. But this year the guys were all fully dressed in street clothes (except for 2 or 3 who were shirtless) - I was suprised how much this reduced the hotness of the selection. In the end I ended up getting nothing at all. BBB also has a fairly skilful show. There was an acrobatic/gymnastic routine at the very beginning, and then the regular breakdancers, who are always very impressive. The compere/owner of this club is also pretty funny, and a young waiter with anime hair is always really friendly to us. At midnight, everyone was ushered over to the new disco bar on the other side of the street. I didn't fully understand the point of this. The same selection of boys just stand on the stage at the second venue and everything continues as normal. Some general observations on the crowds: Not very many farang - mainly Asian customers now (Chinese). I guess that for the gay communities in western europe and north america, cultural/societal and technological changes mean that there is perhaps less of a desire to travel so far for paid sex. (I, on the other hand, don't know why everyone doen't want to come here for these adventures!) Also, a lot more women. This was particularly evident in BBB. On both nights, it was filled with large groups of both Asian and Western women. I find these loud, drunk young girls annoying to be honest. The Asian girls do seem to bring down guys from the stage to talk and party with them, but I don't think they off them. And the white girls just seem to come to gawk and laugh. But at the same time I understand, and reluctanly appreciate that a wider demographic may be required to keep these clubs open. I just hope they don't open their own women-only clubs and steal all the guys. I've probably forgotten a few things, but that's all for now - I hope this has been of some help, particularly to any newbies out there!
  15. JackR


    I'm in BKK now and all bars look to be closed ! Frustrating
  16. Damn. Does anyone know when the month suspension started? I was hoping to see him when I am there in 2 weeks...
  17. He's in Taiwan right now
  18. If that is the case, how would it work? Would one of the venues be closing?
  19. Do you know if he has left? I see a recent post on his FB saying "I miss Thailand" I was hoping he would be there when I'm there in a couple of weeks
  20. Thanks for the tip Hank. I haven't been to Moonlight because it only opened after my last trip. So I will visit and let you know how it goes
  21. I'm very pleased to hear that, as I have arranged my now annual Thailand pilgrimage for the couple of weeks before Songkran. Only 2-3 weeks left to go. I am so excited!
  22. I visited a couple of years ago, hoping to see some remnant of the craziness described from years ago - but sadly didn't get to experience this - found it dark and quiet. Went into...what I think was Nice Boys... which had a some cute boys on stage, but few customers... and also had a couple of drinks at a bar down the alley... Duc's or The One or Come In.... not sure which one... couple of cute waiters, but not much happening.
  23. Yeah, the couple of times I was in Jupiter on my last trip, he was good with getting me fixed up. No Vinapu! We nneeeeed you!
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