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Everything posted by Shonen

  1. Kee- moo, kee- née-ow, Pom poy, koiyai= the one I liked being called.
  2. I have same problem. I edge too much and watch too much porn. So it takes me forever to achieve an orgasm. To stay horny I might only orgasm once a week. But I still take guys off everday. So many offs I don’t orgasm but still it’s enjoyable.
  3. Yes, too short. I go for five months. Save your money for the next trip,
  4. I have no problem with the throwing of cash. The boys need it. However I see it sometimes during drag shows where it interrupts the lip syncing of the performer and I feel bad for them.
  5. I would but im mainly into skinny twinks.
  6. I’m still a bit confused. T0ol1, did Gop only post on his Facebook page? It says content not available. Or did he message you personally? Who lent him money to go abroad? Will he be working at Nice Boys again? So many questions but are there any answers?
  7. This is shocking to me. But I’m glad he’s alive. I found it hard to believe he would go downhill so quickly. Now it makes more sense that he was lying. I wonder if his boss at Nice boys would have told me the truth of his situation.
  8. I’ve walked it about ten years ago. The dogs are annoying. If I did it now I’d be carrying my pool cue which would keep them at bay. More interesting is when I walked the entire Las Vegas strip, which is five miles. My foot was killing me by the end of it. Turns out the new Nikes I had bought and worn for the first time, one was the wrong size. A Nike store replaced them for me there.
  9. I think you’re right. After so many before, it’s the only bar left that you can have “fun” inside. So they really have no competition.
  10. It’s funny, but after six months of being with mostly very young Asians, I spend most of my time in the USA going to our senior center, hanging out with very old people. i play pool and cornhole. Today I exchanged porno sites with an old geezer.
  11. What I’ve done every year is buy a round trip ticket that returns before my retirement visa expires. It expires in February, so when I arrive in Thailand I always change my return date to April. I was only three weeks before my return ticket needed to be changed on my last trip so Etihad denied me a change. Had to buy a new ticket for 28,000 baht! But now I know to use a make believe return ticket from now on. I’m pretending to go to Philippines from Thailand in November so I can fool the airlines.
  12. I guess I’m lucky as my pension is the same as my salary before I retired. However the cost of living increases we receive don’t seem to keep up with the real inflation out there. i did sell one of my condos right about when Covid hit and I’ve blown through that money. Now I’m planning on selling my other one and renting. I think 1500 short time is reasonable. I find bar bills rather expensive though. But I like hanging out in bars. i spend half the year in Pattaya and half in USA. So I only pay for one round trip flight.
  13. Very sad. Golf was very nice guy. He was a great pool player. I spent time with him in the bar whenever he was there. The other boys told me he was positive. I was surprised they told me as usually they don’t get involved with informing falangs about personal Thai matters.
  14. Well I have a big dick but they can’t see it. Other than that going for me, I’m old and ugly.
  15. Where are you staying in Bangkok? I usually head straight to Pattaya, but last year enjoyed my week I stayed in Silom.
  16. Shonen

    Nice Boys

    What newer setup is this? You mean less boys get taken away from the bar? I still see many offs when I go there. I’m sure a straight boy will insist on protection. And more than likely will not receive anal.
  17. Both are fem boys, the co-owner talked my boyfriend into buying him drinks. He lives to sell drinks, so to me was using my boyfriend. My boyfriend should have known better and I told him never buy anyone a drink without asking me. He felt bad, he usually drinks wine, which I encourage. But no more than two or three. He drank way more and was puking his brains out at home. Then got diarrhea probably from that. So no good sex for two days. I was very preoccupied playing pool to see what was going on. Totally my fault. The co- owner was asking me why I don’t go there as much. Because I was sick the last couple weeks, but I’ve avoided the place this week. I’ll be going tomorrow night as it’s tournament night. Hopefully will win and get some money from that bar. actually I like the owners and workers there, I was even going to redo their pool table for them. But not now, they make plenty of money.
  18. Yes, three shots. The first two a month apart, the third a year later.
  19. Definitely worth it. I stupidly didn’t get tested last year when I went back to USA. Even if I did they don’t do swab test so it would have gone unnoticed. So I might have had this for a long time. I will use Pulse always from now on. Lesson learned. I received the Gardasil 9 vaccine from Pulse in Bangkok this past October.
  20. That would be nice if they can get the vaccine done. You’re right, it really doesn’t matter where you have the gonorrhea. Evidenced by them injecting my butt even though it was in the throat. Did you tell the Cuban guy it was a mistake?
  21. Just had the 28 different types test done. Everything fine except Gonnerrhea found from throat swab. Given 1,000 mg of something into my butt. Hope it works. They would not have found this in USA as my doctor does only the blood draw and urine sample.
  22. While I was playing pool there last night, the coowner was getting my boyfriend drunk and bought drinks for himself. Really obnoxious and told him so. Will not be going back there with my boyfriend with out strict observation of drinks. Normally I don’t mind a few glasses of wine, but he was unable to perform and puked what looked like gallons of red wine. I should have just taken out a few of the drink bills and hid them but I’m very fond of bar because of tournament they provide. I think I’ll go to Double shot or guy guy bar for practice and give him my business.
  23. I noticed how sick he appeared. I ended up avoiding him as he was constantly coughing. Hope he’s ok.
  24. In Northeast Asia.
  25. As well as Traveler Jim, he is alive and well.
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