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Everything posted by jfarmer017

  1. "Two of Hearts" by Susie Q? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfBdGT4dn4E
  2. British slang for swallowing.
  3. Sorry, I had intended to point that out but forgot (you know us American's reputation for ethnocentrism and all ;-) ). In the US and Canada, Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday of September whereas most countries in the world celebrate it on May 1st. Incidentally, it is my understanding that Thailand is one of the few countries to have no labor day public holiday. Yes, that is what I said. It is the unofficial end of the summer vacation season and the last appropriate day to wear white until the following Memorial Day, which is celebrated in the US on the last Monday of May. In other words, it was considered fashionable only to wear white during the summer vacation season, which unofficially began with Memorial Day in May and ended with Labor Day in September.
  4. White parties were traditional parties on Labor Day, the unofficial end of the summer season, and is related to the old fashion rule that one should not wear white between Labor Day and the following Memorial Day, the unofficial start of the summer season. Circuit parties do have a reputation, in my general experience, for attracting the older gym bunny set. But I'd say the most specific "type" drawn to such parties are those who enjoy (a) heavy drug use, (b) promiscuous sex, and © loud, crowded dance parties. I don't mind (a) and (b) but I loathe © and avoid circuit parties like the plague.
  5. Thank you.
  6. Scooby was able to reactive my original username, so I'm 17 again. If only
  7. I never said that it was hard to believe or that it wasn't true. What I said was not true was (a) the photos posted of the boy were not taken from his social media account (some he shared with me and some I took myself personally), and (b) that I lied about his friend. I did no such thing. I have met that boy myself and have met him several times. Samebb's accusations about what I did were what I was disputing, not his contention that he is good friends with the boy. Well without being privy to such chatter, I have nothing to say about it. If anyone has any issues with something I have said or done, they are more than welcome to bring their concerns to me, and I will give as honest a response as I possibly can. What stopped you? I think you are confusing two things. There is a difference between posting a "trip report," which is meant to convey an honest reflection of a trip you have taken, and when you post something that never pretends to be anything more than an escapist fantasy. My posts were really no different from the hundreds of "model photoshoots" that have been posted over the years with the exception that I added some narration to spice it up a bit. They never made any pretense to be anything else. And as for "devolves into this," there are 30 topics on the main GT forum page. About 90% of which have nothing to do with any of this. Again, I think this is a tempest in a teapot, "offline chatter" notwithstanding.
  8. "Many people" seems to be a bit of a stretch. I think so far I have counted two people who seem to have any significant problems whatsoever. And one of those seems to be under a misapprehension that his "good friend's" photos were stolen and lies told about him. Neither of which is true. I just find it odd that my posts are deemed "in bad taste" when this forum is full of "reviews" of guys from Gayromeo, Grindr, Hornet, etc. as well as "trip reports" in which photos are posted, where guys were met, what they charged, and graphic descriptions of the sexual activities they engaged in are all discussed. Does anyone fret about any of the "boys" in the reviews or trip reports having given permission for their sexual proclivities and activities to be discussed frankly and gloated about by their customers? I have certainly read trip reports or descriptions of interactions with guys that I thought certainly pushed the envelop of good taste. But here's the difference between me and some other members here. I can accept that different people have different tastes, and they are as entitled to their taste as I am to mine. What I do not do is throw a hissy fit and demand that actions be taken because my sensibilities have been offended. As the great British wit Stephen Fry once famously remarked, the only proper response to "I am offended," is "Well, so fucking what?" I think this board is broad enough to accommodate the various members and inquisitive guests who come for all sorts of reasons. There are certain members here whose posts I do not care for, and i have a very simple solution to the problem: I don't read them. But for the certain subset of human beings who are absolutely determined to be offended, there is not much you can do about them.
  9. I agree that there is a difference, but that is using "model" in the loosest since imaginable. Yes, some of the photos posted are professional shoots whose subjects could be said to be models. But the photos that have been posted here are of all sorts of provenance, including those taken by the members themselves, those discovered on the internet, those taken from pornographic sites, and those taken from social media and hookup apps and sites. If we are going to apply a standard of legalese to photos that is not completely arbitrary and capricious, then probably 95% of the photos posted on this site would need to be removed.
  10. That very well may be true, though I still think it is certainly a gray area. Personally, I think that when you share photos of yourself and post same photos to Instagram and FB accounts, there is not much "privacy" to be expected. But nonetheless I concede it's an ethically ambivalent question. But mostly that response was to the originally offended party who believed that the pictures had been randomly taken from his friend's FB account. Again, I think the ethical question is pretty absurd given that the "Some Model Photoshoots" thread is hundreds and hundreds of pages long, and I don't recall much discussion over whether the subject of any of those photos wanted their photos shared on this site. Those photos were taken from a commercial pornographic website and are accessible to anyone with an Internet connection and about five seconds of googling.
  11. Well hopefully with this issue being put to rest, everyone can move on. But I would like to close with just a few points: 1) Obviously, Admin/mods are fully within their right to set whatever limitations or parameters on the forums as they see fit. No disagreement here. 2) That said, I do think it was a bit of a solution in search of a problem. Beyond that, no protest from me. 3) For those members whose experience of the forum who will be adversely effect by the change the admin has implemented, I apologize. 4) Frankly, I think this notion of using photos "without permission" is a bit of a crock. I have seen hundreds and hundreds of photos on this site, and it would be absurd to assume that even a fraction of the posts were done by people who had "permission" (in any sense that the word means) to distribute and publish those pictures. If someone sends you a photo via a messaging or other internet app that they have taken themselves, then that photo for all intents and purposes does belong to you. In fact, the exact same photos of the boy in question were posted on the "Model Photoshoots" months ago without issue. 5) I was well aware when I made each of the posts over the past couple of weeks that they were a bit on the edge of what certain members would consider in good taste. Not wanting to see the forum descend into a parade of soft and hard corn pornography is a legitimate concern. I received some positive feedback after the first couple, including through DM, and decided that it might be a little thing to keep going. Seeing what he descended to proved me very wrong. 6) As I said before, the whole point of the posts was for members to read and maybe get a bit titillated by. I did genuinely feel bad that the pics of one of the guys got back to him and caused him any problem. 7) As for samebb and his contention that, "Just because a THAI boy has facebook or grindr, doesn't mean he is a money boy." Well, that is certainly true. But as for your "friend," perhaps you are not as familiar with him as you seem to believe. He, in fact, has been a money boy, and I have known him for several years, including when I first met him at a bar in sunnee plaza. Nonetheless, I am perfectly content with foregoing making anymore posts in that style and henceforth will not. We can legitimately disagree on the content and the tone, but I could do without some of the overwrought hyperventilating by certain members here.
  12. That is true. Of course, the whole thing started as a rash decision to add "narration" to what originally were just going to be additions to the "model photoshoots" thread. For what it's worth, with the exception of the photos from a commercial porn site (clearly indicated by the photo's watermark), every picture I posted was either taken personally by me or was sent/given to me by the subject. And every picture posted is of someone I have known personally. No photos were taken from the Internet or "stolen" from anyone's social media account.
  13. Never did such a thing. Are other people's friends okay? Or just yours? The most popular post on this forum by a long mile is the "Some Model Photoshoots" post. Obviously quite a few people do come her for pictures, your sensibilities notwithstanding.
  14. Damn, I wish i had responded to some of the criticisms leveled towards me in my post yesterday. Now I don't have permission
  15. In Part I, I introduced the first boy I ever met in Thailand...19-year-old Mac... Mac has since returned to his family farm up north, but we recently had a rendezvous after not seeing each other for the past several years... Arriving to meet Mac, I find him in a very familiar position. Since returning home, poor Mac has been so hungry for mature white cock. But he will have to wait... Fun in the water with beautiful Mac. We have finished lunch, and now it's time for dessert. All cleaned up and ready to go. Farm living has obviously been kind to Mac. Although nearly 29 now, he still has smooth skin and a nice defined body. Unfortunately, his ass has lost some of that teenage baby fat. But it looks like he may still have a nice round bubble butt. Time for a closer inspection... After being stripped naked, Mac thought he was finally getting what he had been waiting for. But not just yet. While spanking him hard on his bottom, Mac was made to beg for it. "Please, sir." "Please fuck me sir." Louder, I said, as I started slapping his ass harder. "FUCK ME! FUCK ME PLEASE." And finally, Mac get what he is begging for....
  16. Thanks for the reply. To be perfectly honest, both posts were a result of posting-under-the-influence. I'm a bit more conservative otherwise, and I also was not sure how they would be received.
  17. Similar. Both are mixtures of real events and fictitious ones.
  18. Correct. Though the pics are a mix of personal and collected.
  19. After seeing these two vids, I decided that what I really should be doing is exactly what this farang was doing. So after a bit of research, I booked my ticket, and three weeks later I was in Bangkok, Thailand. On my first night out, I found myself at Classic Boy bar. The stage was full of stunning, beautiful boys. But one caught my attention in particular.... I'll never forget the first time I saw "Mac." He was 19 years old and had this amazingly tight body. After a couple of minutes of conversation, he was mine. It was just a few minutes by taxi back to by room, and as soon as we arrived, I didn't waste anytime getting started. First, Mac was stripped down to his undies. I'll never forget the image. Tight little cotton undies barely containing his big ol' teenage bubble butt...
  20. Prelude: The First 25 Years This story begins when I am 25 years old. I came out (to myself and everybody else) when I was a senior in high school, about 17 years old. My first boyfriend was a classmate named Patrick, who had been adopted by white parents. We began dating our senior year of high school. We attended the same undergrad college, and continued to date for the 4 years that we were attending. Unfortunately, after our undergraduate years, Patrick and I were accepted to different graduate schools in different states and decided to end our relationship amicably. Luckilly, during my first semester in grad school. I met the love of my life.., Jack and I stayed together for the next four years, but after completing graduate school, we were pulled in two different directions. In the first time in my adult life (I was 25, I found myself alone and in need, During this period of time, a friend sent the following link to me... "San The Moaning Slutty Bottom" "San is a horny boy staying in Bangkok enjoying brief encounters with male Western gay tourist. He is not shy at all and get his clothes of the sexy way, giving us some peek a boo’s during his striptease. He moisturize his cock and hole with his own spit, then he he get the white cock he so passionately waited for. He suck it with great lust while masturbating himself, and the white guy does not seem to worry too much about San’s sharp shining metal braces while fucking his mouth. Then the guy stick his fingers inside San’s ass and into San’s mouth to get that Asian ass even more moist. San begs to be fucked, soon he get the big white cock inside his ass and he moans and grins. He takes it harder and and harder in several positions, and some positions does not look to comfortable but give us a great view of San’s hole getting rammed wide open. He moans and screams so loud that the hotel staff must have been listening in to it. Finally when San is exhausted and soar, the white guy spit into his pink open hole and slap his ass. San then strokes his cock and cum on his tummy, but the white guy aims for San’s face and get a nice direct hit for a perfect Thai facial cum moment." ' And another link... “Ice is yet another true bottom boy who love to get pounded hard in his ass. After stripping for the cameraman he gets his cock deep down his throat. But it easy to see that this guy take the true pleasure of getting the cock deep inside his ass, and hard ! Moaning and grunting while the cameraman fucked him in several positions, leaving that ass wide open. Finally after Ice cumming while fucked, he take the Cameraman’s load of cum in his mouth and he love it.”
  21. About four years ago, in early 2013, a friend passed along a link to the Peter Fever website. It was season 4 of The Asiancy, and knowing my tastes, my friend thought I might enjoy it. At first glance, my opinion was decidedly negative. Peter Fever often features muscular beefy guys who are not my type at all. But just before dismissing it, a picture caught my eye. It was a group photo of the cast in which a young twink type immediately leapt out from the screen: "Robin!" I blurted out. I had first met Robin about a year earlier in a gay bar near San Francisco where he was a coyote dancer... Unfortunately, Robin was only 17 at the time and still a senior in high school. So looking, but no touching. And he loved when you looked... On his 18th birthday, I got these... About three weeks later, we met... It was a fantastic time, and I definitely wanted to meet again. Meetups were difficult because Robin was still living with his parents and finishing high school at the time, but we always managed to make it work. And he made sure I had plenty of inspiration... A few months later Robin finished high school, and knowing that he was not college material, sought my advice on his future. "Porn," I suggested. About three weeks later, he was shooting his first scenes for Peter Fever. He ended up shooting 17 scenes with 14 different guys. I had been his only lover before then. Unfortunately, Robin decided that porn was really not the industry for him and is no longer in the business. Luckily, our arrangement remains...
  22. Moop.....a day in the life.... Good morning! Moop liked to sleep in the nude and just before waking was having a hot dream of a chubby old daddy laying on top and pounding him hard. Moop is a bit disappointed that it was only a dream, but he hopes he can have the real thing today. Moop starts his day with a quick workout. After his work out, Moop checks out his progress in the bathroom window. Happy with the results, Moop posts the picture to social media. As expected, the photo has caught the eye of horny older westerners. One is interested in possibly a meeting with Moop. But he wants to see more. Always eager to please, Moop sends his new friend a photo: "Hope you like it :)" he writes The man.....a 61-year-old chubby tourist from Germany...does like it. After negotiating a price, the two agree to meet. Happy Thai teen heads to a short time hotel to meet for sex. Knocking on the man's door, Moop meets his new friend: Moop cannot contain his excitement. He may have a face of sweet boyish innocence, but inside he is a horny teenage slut. Moop got his clothes off quickly, as his new friend grabs and molests his body parts. He gives Moop a few swats to the ass, and Moop loves it. The foreplay kept sending him higher, and by the end he was begging for the man's cock. "Please, sir." The man spends the next 90 minutes fucking Moop's brains out. While the man is showering, Moop lingers in the bed. He checks his phone and sees several messages from potential contacts. He snaps a photo in the nearby mirror. Moop gathers his belongings. He hurries back home for a quick shower and change of clothes before heading out the door. Customer #2....
  23. I know this more properly belongs in the "Gay Romeo, Grindr, and Other Hookup Sites" forum, but I thought the topic was delicious enough to deserve a special exception. If you happen to find yourself in Pattaya (and happen to have a fetish for amazing Thai thinks), you be wise to seek out Moop1234. If you ramble through the pages of this very forum, you are likely to see several of Moop's photos pop up, mostly in the "Model Photoshoots" thread. You can also check out his profile on GR, if you are a member. I've reproduced a few profile pics below: Moop is yet another horny teenage boy who has come to Pattaya hoping to sell himself to foreign gay sex tourists. I contacted Moop via GR, and we made a plan to meet. Within 30 minutes, he was knocking on my door. Three minutes after meeting... Five minutes after meeting... Severn minutes after meeting... Too be continued...
  24. No; I have already said repeatedly that the airline handled the situation very poorly. But I am trying to give a nuanced view. The passenger escalated the situation by refusing to get off the plane. The passenger had every right to feel wronged and to question the staff. But once he was asked by the airline to deplane, he had a legal obligation to comply with that instruction. That he got bumped in such a fashion was a grievous error but that he was physically removed is on him. He had every opportunity to leave on his own accord, and choose to to remain. He knew the risks such behavior posed, and he chose to take them. No, I have not. And again, not the point. Nobody put a gun to his head and made him buy a ticket on United Airlines. When he bought that ticket, he agreed to certain stipulations, one of which is that the airline reserved the right to remove you from the plane. He has no right to unilaterally declare that he is longer bound by those stipulations simply because it is now proving inconvenient. That is the common definition, but trespassing as defined legally in criminally statutes is willful entry into or remaining upon property without the express or implied permission of the owner. If I invite you into my home that does not mean you may remain as long as you please. If I demand you leave my property. That is, if I rescind your permission to be there, and you refuse to leave, you are committing trespassing. Similarly, if a bar owner ordered a patron to leave, and that patron refused, the bar owner could call the police, and the police would have the legal authority to remove the patron by force if he or she refused to go willingly.
  25. No offense, but you are being overwrought. Medicine and healthcare delivery does not work that way. Nobody involved in ambulatory care is that close to death that they could not be rescheduled for a procedure or an exam within the next several days. I don't disagree that the airline handled it very poorly. But on the other hand, I don't think the guy is some kind of poor hapless victim deserving of sympathy. Once the airline chose him to be ejected, the mature, adult response is to comply and try to seek redress at a later date. Nobody has a right to airline travel, and airlines are permitted to eject any passenger for any reason. By making a stand, the passenger delayed and inconvenienced every other passenger. By example, if I get into a conflict with a restaurant manager over a dinner, and the manager decides to eject me from the restaurant, I no longer have any legal right to be on somebody else's property. Refusal to leave is trespassing. Getting into a physical confrontation with security officers is a no win situation.
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