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Everything posted by biguyby

  1. There were some brain dead morons with water guns on Pattaya Second Road last evening and it's still a week before the lunacy officially begins. Thank F*** I'm out of here on Friday.
  2. I had a nice couple of days in Hua Hin took the ferry (catamaran) over on Thursday morning and returned Sunday afternoon. Some nice massages and nice relaxed meals and afternoon trip to Monkey Mountain. So today, Monday,I went to Dongtan Beach I have never had a problem before but today I was plagued by sand flies. By 2.30 pm I'd had enough so left the beach and headed for Sansuk Sauna. It wasn't very busy but I was extremely lucky almost immediately I had a sexy cock sucking session with gorgeous French/African guy hung like a horse and rock hard he didn't offer to fuck me (thankfully) later I had nice one 2 one with and older slim Thai guy and finished off with some interracial cock play Asians and Farangs all going at it in the poolside steam room. Later in the evening I finished the visit with some nice Thai food in the restaurant. I'm on my last few days now of my 28 day holiday it seems to have flown by and I fly back to Farangland on Friday evening. Oh well I still have a few more days and then the next trip to look forward too.
  3. Emirates, Etihad, KLM, Air France all 3.4.3 No problems with leg room either and I am 6 feet tall.
  4. If I remember correctly the muscalar guy with tats also has a mook inserted in his cock, a big turn off for me.
  5. Good luck with your trip my friend I hope you have a magical time in both Thailand and Tanzania, especially in Tanzania I know a charming slim black boy from Tanzania, he's not gay but he takes care of ALL my sexual desires for a moderate fee. I love slim sexy African guys.
  6. Happy holidays to you, I am hoping your uklad handle doesn't mean you are traveling from the UK but that you live somewhere in Asia? It takes me at least 4 days to cope with the jet lag after arriving from UK
  7. All the Boeing 777's that I've ever been on have had 3,4,3 configuration, not a problem for me and I am 87.5 kilos
  8. I have had good massages at 1,2,3,and 4 over the last couple of weeks but I can't find number 5 on your map, looking at the map it is positioned in the corner across from Vinegar Swimwear and The Venue. Does anyone have a name and exact location?
  9. I personally would rather have a wank than have that in my bed. Horrible! Each to their own taste!
  10. No, the guy with the tattoos and white shorts was there and I sat and spoke with him on the poolside but his dick is tiny compared to the guy I met in the steam room I have never seen him before and he is not a regular.
  11. OK all back to normal for me at Sansuk. Wednesday rain most of the morning in Pattaya, the beaches are closed and at my usual swimming pool the water had turned green with all the rain. So I arrive at Sansuk at 2.00pm usual sauna and swim and then a quick look around the first floor cruising area and got lucky with a chubby Thai boy who wanted to suck my dick. Upstairs in the dark swing room several encounters in the dark before going poolside again for a nice meal. Evening and the downstairs steam room that opens at 18.00 is still closed with a notice "DAMAGED" OK so I go up to the second floor steam room and my first grope I get a hold of an enormous dangling cock. I thought I had got hold an Ananconda, wow a porn star would like this dick. I spent over and hour with this gorgeous 29 year old Thai guy and he fucked me senseless. If anyone in the future ever tells me all Thai guys have small dicks I'll just laugh at them. Sitting on Dongtan Beach wondering where to go next 16.50 . Hmmm, a nice massage I think at Blue Angel in The Complex.
  12. OK so my third Saturday visit to Sansuk this trip yesterday, it's amazing how different it was yesterday. There was absolutely no action going on at all in the dark and dingy room above the upstairs steam room. Every time I've been there in the past couple of years it's been amazing with dicks coming at me from all directions. Yesterday there were a lot of Thai Boys in the place most seemed interested only in the other Thai Boys although I did have a one to one with a cute twink who never stopped talking about money all the time we were in the cabin. Never mind, the 230 Baht admission fee says nothing about guaranteeing​ sex but well worth it just for the excellent relaxing facilities ​and great food at reasonable prices, it's my favourite Saturday outing.
  13. The Castle BDSM Club on Third Road in Pattaya (near to the famous Buffalo Bar) has recently opened a Gay section with a side entrance. I am sure they will service​ ALL of your needs and more.
  14. I don't know if there are any gay areas in Angeles City itself but there certainly aren't any gay bars, clubs etc. around Clark, Balibago, Fields Avenue the main sex tourist area of the region but plenty of Lady GoGo Bars.
  15. I found Rose Massage Shop by accident last night when I walked down the Soi next to the Family Mart that ajoins the old Happy Boys GoGo Bar and yes as the above post states there are no boys sitting out front only Ladies.
  16. It happened at 8.00pm on Second Road as I was entering a small Italian Restaurant quite close to the Tim GoGo Bar (restaurant long since gone) this was maybe 1995/1996 at the time the etiquette was that the water fights stopped around 6.00pm. This is not an isolated incident although I have never been in Thailand during Songkran since then I have reports that the drunken lunacy has gotten worse since then and many of my ex-pat friends exit Thailand and head for Philippines or Singapore. Drunken idiots and water super soakers do not make for an enjoyable experience IMO
  17. And some people will be dead! The stupid Songkran madness kills hundreds every year last year was particularly bad with 442 deaths and 3447 accidents. I have only ever had a problem with violence in Thailand once an unprovoked attack by a drunken Farang who thought I shouldn't object to having a bucket of water thrown over me as I entered a restaurant for dinner. I will never spend time in Thailand during Songkran or recommend anyone try it. BTW the madness runs from 11 April to 19 April in Pattaya.
  18. I'm ok then, at only 90kg
  19. I always thought a Daddy in the money boy world was a mug with very deep pockets.
  20. I agree, time to put this thread to bed!
  21. Eating also my second favourite hobby!
  22. Yesterday, Saturday I set off for Dongtan Beach nice and early but almost as soon as I arrived the heavens opened and down came the rain. So back on the Baht bus to Pattaya and did all the mundane stuff I had to do then at 1.45pm took the Baht Bus to Sansuk Sauna. If I rated my last few visits as 9 from a possible 10 then I would rate yesterday as a 10+ a couple of stars. It started off fairly quiet but relaxing with time for a swim and a sauna and steam with a few touchy feely moments but the real fun started later in the dark room above upstairs steam room I have never experienced so many randy guys of all ethnicities with erections groping around in the dark sucking, wanking and fucking. An excellent afternoon and evening. I had a couple of one to one sessions but for me it's got to be the anonymous sexual encounters in the dark places that excited me the most. Excellent facilities, excellent fun and also some very nice food in the restaurant to finish off my evening.
  23. Number 3 now Fah, was formerly named Happy Massage as far as I can tell it's just the signage that's changed some of the boys have been there for a while. Basic facilities table behind a curtain but good service for me a couple of days ago.
  24. lol - if I see anyone resembling my avatar I'll buy him a few drinks
  25. I had a stroll around Sunee last night 10.00 - 10.30 pm I was quite surprised to see most bars seemed to be doing ok for customers on a weekday after reading some recent reviews of how Sunee seemed to be dieing. It was my third night in Pattaya this trip and I still haven't really done much apart from a couple of massages. As I get older I am finding that it now takes much longer to recover from the long flight. I may try a few BT GoGo Bars this evening.
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