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Everything posted by biguyby

  1. Has anyone anyone got an update on the Wednesday beach cleaning saga? I was hoping it had been cancelled after the first week or so.
  2. Is it the "Fat Lady" who is named Rit?
  3. Thanks Up2u, I knew the section number I have just never noticed the name Rit anywhere.
  4. Abang1961, your comment about being a "Virgin" reminded me of the scene in Bridget Jones The Edge of Reason (movie) where Bridget is in the Thai prison and the Thai women are singing Madonna's "Like a Virgin" and they get the words slightly wrong and are all singing "Like a virgin fucked for the very first time"
  5. I've heard Rits Place mentioned several times in the Dongtan Beach threads, does anyone one know the concession number for Rits? I usually sit around sections 14 -15 just past the first toilet block - Just curious
  6. Yes the rooms are individual rooms and they do have shower facilities but outside the room. When I say basic I mean there is nothing much in the rooms except for the bed and a chair to put your clothes on. I never meant my comments to come over as negative as I have had 100% good experiences at Two Faces.
  7. I am terrible with names but I think it probably was A most of the boys are younger and more twinky than my favourite guy.
  8. You can almost guarantee that there will be a motorcycle driving down Second Road in the wrong direction at any time of the day or night.
  9. I had never come accross these great words of wisdom from Paul Newman until I saw this posted on FB today.
  10. Hehe, it sounds like we have the same favourite at Happy Massage
  11. This post (about lessons learned for travelers to Thailand) reminds me of my first ever trip to Thailand and Pattaya in August 1990, I met an ex-pat who became a great and valued friend until he sadly died in 2010. He gave me 3 rules which still make me laugh and are quite apt too: 1. Never trust a fart in Thailand. 2. Never believe anything you hear in the bars Thailand. 3. Always look left and right when crossing a road in Thailand - Especially when crossing a one-way street. Edit: I've lost count of how many times I've slipped up with rule number 1 -
  12. Happy Massage is just around the corner from Dick's Cafe in the Complex or it was the last tile I was there in September 2014 - no information as to it closing. http://www.nickysgaypattaya.com/gay-pattaya/happy-massage-jomtien-complex/
  13. Thanks Up2u
  14. I am not a big fan of GoGo Bars so not having any in Jomtien is not an issue for me. I rarely go to Boys Town so The Complex offers a nice relaxing alternative to Sunee Plaza for me. My favourite Bar is 2 faces they have some very friendly waiters and if like me you are only interested in short time liaisons it is perfect, there is no off fee as technically it is a massage that you book the room for 300 baht. (I doubt any of the boys are trained masseurs) I have always had some good experiences there the rooms are little basic but when I am lying next to a naked sexy guy I tend not to notice the room so much. I have had a couple of descent massages at Happy Massage but it has basic facilities and massage is done behind a curtain I have a favourite masseur there who has a nice long and thick cock. As with everything in Pattaya and in life in general it is (each to his own) but I do like The Complex personally.
  15. A question on the original Dongtan Beach update topic: With the changes that the concessionaires have been forced to implement for example smaller areas that can be used for deck chairs and bigger spaces between the concessions are they still numbered the same. Previously on my last visit and for quite a few years before that trip, section 11 and 12 were directly in front of the first toilet block. My question is have these concessions and others had to move or are they still in the same position?
  16. Avoid Thailand between 11 April & 19 April - drunken idiots with super soaker water guns and buckets water being thrown at you everywhere DO NOT make for a good holiday - IMO
  17. I agree, it would be really rude of you to stop his "wandering hands"
  18. It is considered rude to say no in Thai culture. In fact there is no word for no in the Thai language. There is "Chai" for yes and "Mai Chai" meaning not yes. Or so my Thai language teacher explained to me.
  19. I had read the report on Thai Visa. It seems like a really strange thing to do and it will not help tourists by taking away services like seating and food and drinks on the beach and obviously the vendors will lose vital income. Well we all know the old saying "This is Thailand"
  20. Haha - I can't even remember the last time I had an erection it's so long ago
  21. I used the word grope a little stupidly in my post on tipping boys. I would only ever touch a boy in GoGo Bar (or anywhere else) with their consent it would be an assault to do otherwise and totally disrespectful to the boy too. When I have had a feel it is usually been in Power Boys, Nice Boys or Eros and the boys in question make it obvious they are up for it by putting my hand on a nice big erection.
  22. I always eat in budget places in Thailand and the total price of the meal I have is rarely more than 200 baht. I always leave a tip of 20 baht which I think is the norm for the the places I use such as Kiss Food and Drink on the corner of Second Road / Soi Diana Inn. On the rare occasions I go into a GoGo bar if I have a dancer sit with me I always by him a drink at the set price for the Boy drink and if I have a grope but do not pay for the "off" I always tip 100 baht when I leave the place. I don't see this as being cheap or taking advantage.
  23. I don't drink alcohol but I just love to "whine" about all sorts of things
  24. A worker on the minimum wage in here in the UK receives £7.00 per hour (about 350 baht per hour) so I imagine 583 baht an hour is quite a respectable wage for an Asian (manual) worker - but I think I would be expected to pay at least £50.00 - £100.00 or perhaps more per hour to a UK sex worker so great value for money in Thailand.
  25. Yes the best for this type of homesickness is booking a flight - I've just booked mine for the end of January for 4 weeks of sun and fun (hopefully)
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