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Everything posted by biguyby

  1. Sounds good, thanks for the info abang1961
  2. Thank you TOQ
  3. Has anyone got any updates on the resurfacing work that closed the road down to the beach Road please? (the road that goes past the compex near Dick's Cafe) it was a pain in the arse with the baht bus coming out on Soi 7 when I was there in February. I'm back in a few days and would like to visit Dongtan again.
  4. At "150 baht" I will stick with my usual barber in Soi Buakhao at only 70 baht for my haircut no matter how cute the barber is. A saving of 80 baht is more important to me than having a cute guy cut my hair - I'm a "Kineaw" Cheap Charlie - hehehe
  5. Yes I agree Travellerdave, the prices are considerably lower May through to October. I've just grabbed a flight mid May to mid June with really good transfer times for under £380.00 and the Guest House I stay in which was 700 baht a night in February is only 500 baht a night now. I couldn't resist.
  6. These sort of comments always amuse me. They come across as though it's somehow OK for younger not so ugly Farangs to engage in prostitution and sexual exploitation but damn these ugly old fat guys for doing it.
  7. Haha, It wasn't always like that. When I was working I could only just about get 12 to 15 days off work at any one time but now being a fat, ugly old retired 65 year old pensioner on a tight budget I have plenty of time but limited resources.
  8. I usually do 3 x 28 day trips to Pattaya a year during all seasons except peak season (mid December to mid January) and I have never had a problem finding a "HOTTIE" any time. I actually prefer low season.
  9. Such a very tragic and sad news story. Insurance is a necessity when driving vehicle in any country but I'm not sure how good the insurance companies in Thailand are at paying out even if you pay for a policy.
  10. There seems to be some incredibly cheap flights from The UK to Thailand for May and June on most of the major airlines. Some as low as £370.00 - I think these are some of the cheapest I have ever seen in the 25 years I have been going to Thailand. I am very tempted to book one and sneak an extra trip this year.
  11. I'm sorry for the late response on this thread I've had some health issues and found it difficult with only having access via iPhone. I must admit that I was really shocked at having some money stolen. Maybe it has happened before and I didn't notice. The boy in question was pretty smart in a way, I think he figured if he taken one of the 500 baht notes instead of the 200 baht I would not have had enough money left for the tip and massage so just took a little extra to boost his tip. I suppose I have been a little naive and too trusting over the years but I honestly believe that this was the first time I have had money stolen by a boy. Ironically I would have given Joe 200 baht if he had asked me. I once had a mix up when by accident I left 500 Philippine pesos on the bed in my room at the Lek Hotel on Second Road. I was really embarrassed the next morning when the girl (maid) thanked me for the 'tip' I had left for her. Anyway we live and learn.
  12. I arrived back in Pattaya on Sunday evening after a 12 day trip to Cha Am. After unpacking I went for a nice relaxing sensual massage to Sea Massage. I was assigned a good lookinh masseuer named Joe with longish hair and a sort of pony tail on top of his head. I undressed and headed for the shower remembering as I ckased the door I was wearing a non watrproof watch. I got back to the room just in time to see Joe zipping up my shorts he explained "I put you wallet in pocket it fall on floor" Yeah, right, it was ziped up in my shorts pocket and underneath my shirt on the chair when I went to the shower. I did a check I had 1700 baht in notes when I arrived and some coins I know this because I had checked to make sure I had enough for the massage and tip, there was 200 baht missing not a lot of money but still a theft and a betrayal of trust. I dressed and left immediately to a lot of jeers from the boys who Joe had given his story to. I will never go back there again so they have lost a regular customer.
  13. The boy was wearing the number 1 last night. When he was dancing on stage his manhood didn't look as big as when he was sort of sitting/lying back on the seating but still a nice sized whopper above 7 inches.
  14. Almost five months since my disappointment at meeting Eric on Dongtan Beach and being unable to meet up with him my fantasy finally became a reality. I couldn't believe my eyes when I glanced over to the next deck chair concession and there was Eric sitting eating a coconut. I almost leapt out of my chair and went over to speak to him. As before when I first met Eric he was very friendly and polite and I arranged to meet up with him for a short time session at his place at 8.00 pm (1200 baht agreed) Well what can I say, it was one of the most exciting ST sessions I have ever had. Eric's smooth and youthful body next to mine was enough to get me rock hard (and that is quite a feat) I couldn't wait to get a condom on him and get his cock inside me. OK I think you get the picture. And here is a picture I snapped just before I pulled down his briefs.
  15. Oh yes, I will certainly be making a return visit and if possible I will not only be asking his name but also his phone number etc.
  16. Sorry Christian, I didn't notice a number and as I said the boy was with a customer so I didn't speak to him. He was very big indeed, there are a couple of boys in Eros and Power Boys who are well in excess of 7 inches too but I have never come across such a whopper as this guy had.
  17. Thanks vinapu and abang1961, I bought some if the Thai cold and flu remedy "Tiffy" and it really did ease the symptoms. I went to bed again at 7pm last night and slept until 04.30 just woke up feeling much better. I took the baht bus to Jomtien yesterday but when we arrived at the complex instead of turning right down to the beach and stopping at the corner near to Bamboo Bar it continues straight past eventually turning down to the Beach at Soi 7 so with my mobility problems I then had to take another baht bus down to the police station corner. My favourite place on the beach has been moved maybe 30 metres but otherwise everything was about the same. The orange chair section seemed to be taken up mostly by guys but a lot of the beach was occupied by couples and families. It was however very busy and still an enjoyable day even though the only sexy boys in swimwear were already with their Farangs. I did see a nice couple hetro East European couple with the guy wearing a nice tight thong but I think he just wanted a tan.
  18. Night out Thursday 5 February 2015. I have cold/flu symptoms and don't feel like doing much but I forced myself to take a walk around Sunee Plaza on Thursday evening around 9.30 pm. On entering the plaza I was surprised to see that Crazy Pub was closed. I always stopped for coffee there and chatted with a guy I had gotten to know. Moving on around the corner there was a stage in the street outside Double Shot Bar with a very loud Thai female singer belting out some western songs. Some sort of party with a buffet and hog roast. First stop Eros Boy Bar only 2 boys dancing several boys sitting with customers a couple of guys playing with the boys cocks. I suspect most of the favourites were already "offed" I had one soft drink, 110 baht and left. Next stop was Sunny Boys, there was maybe 20 plus boys either dancing or standing outside or at the bar and maybe 10 or so sitting with customers. I am a fan of twinks but in my opinion almost all of the boys here were too "twinky" fem and young looking even for me. 100 baht for soft drink. Next I had a look at the New Ting Tong Red Bar, no customers so walked on to Nice Boys. This was more like it 20+ boys of mixed variety some twinks but mostly older more mature guys with a couple of muscly hunks too. There were quite a few of the boys on stage sporting nice erections and giving us a show and very friendly boy sitting close be to me with a customer playing with the boys cock which was the biggest I had ever seen in Thailand or anywhere else for the matter. I was fascinated in watching this performance more than the stage show. Soft drink 150 baht. Last stop on my way back to hotel was Blue House Massage. Only 3 boys here it was 11pm I picked the one who actually looked up from his smart phone and smiled at me. He surprised me when I asked his name he replied "Rolex" when I looked puzzled he said "same, same expensive watch" had a lovely relaxing soft, soft one hour massage mutual masturbation at the end. Rolex offered to top me but I declined. Showered alone before and together after. 400 baht for massage minimum tip was 500 baht I tipped 700 baht (he was good) I spent Friday on my favourite swimming pool, then went for a nap after my evening meal and woke up at 5am this morning (Saturday) wide awake but still feeling unwell from the cold/flu like symptoms. Jomtien, Dongtan beach later today.
  19. I've been in Pattaya 3 days now and still not got over the travel (jet lag and tiredness etc) hence reading the forum at 05.45 when I should be sleeping. I haven't ventured too far from my hotel in Central Pattaya as yet but I did have a nice massage last night at Sea Massage by a hunky guy named Nun. He was a very good masseur and knew how to tease in all the right places which fir me is what makes a good massage. I'm hoping to get out and about a little more over the next couple of days and maybe venture as far as Sunee Plaza tomorrow night. After all I only have a month before I'm back home and scraping the ice off my cars windscreen again.
  20. And that my friend is what it means to be human, we are all different and have our own likes, dislikes and quirks. Each to his own. And thank goodness for that too otherwise (as in my preference) we'd all be fighting for the same skinny twink.
  21. No problem accessing the link in UK
  22. The number refers to the clipper used for the cut Numbers 1 - 6 with number 1 being the shortest like the guy in the photograph I've had my hair cut like that for many years now - it saves me a fortune on combs Number one crop.
  23. There is a great barbers shop on Soi Buakhao in Pattaya where I go It's just 70 baht for a number one crop - super
  24. Well williewillie maybe one day (if you're lucky enough to live into old age) you too will still want to enjoy the delights of beach holiday. OK maybe we do put on a little extra weight when we get old I'm 65 yo 5' 11" and weigh in at 85 kilos but I still feel like I did in my 30s. I try not to judge the old timers I just hope they enjoy their holidays. That said I wouldn't have the guts to wear a thong or tight speedos on the beach. Each to his own.
  25. Thanks Up2u, it looks like I will be giving the beach a miss for the next 4 Wednesdays. In a country like Thailand where working people struggle to earn a living it really does not make any sort of sense to forcibly cut their income in this way.
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