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biguyby last won the day on May 25 2016

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    Thailand and Travel

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  1. I look forward to it and also a nice bar crawl around some of our favourite bars and of course take a lot of 100 baht notes to slip into nice tight underpants ☺️
  2. So glad to see that Pattaya is opening up again Vinapu and so happy that You are there and enjoying Your holiday. I’m not sure yet when I will be able to get back to travelling but I hope we can meet up and enjoy some Schnitzel again. Enjoy Your holiday my Friend.
  3. I’ve recently been shocked no make that horrified when watching some of the YouTube Videos from Pattaya. There still seem to be people going about their business around the Sois but looking at all the closed down businesses and to let signs is really saddens me that the Pattaya I have loved for the last 30 years is disappearing. I live in that hope things will one day improve and the lovely Thai people who are suffering now can find some solace. I have bought tickets for Manchester Pride 2021 (my home city) it will be the first event for more that 18 months that I have attended where social distancing isn’t enforced. I must admit that whilst I am excited I am also frightened and feel extremely nervous. I have had many incredible times at Manchester pride over the years so I will just go with flow and try to have fun. Best wishes to everyone in the group.
  4. I can imagine it is quite scary to out and about at night time. I guess it could be dangerous if some people are really desperate and I understand that the crime rate could be increasing. I hope you stay safe and well and I hope the Thai people are not suffering too much. But I expect that is just my wishful thinking it must be horrible for them.
  5. I should have been flying out of UK on the 25 March 2020 just a few days after the first UK lockdown.
  6. Hi Dave, good to hear from you, we will get back to our happy place one day hopefully. Best wishes biguyby.
  7. The Google maps photos are dated 2021 so maybe not too recent. I posted it just to reflect my sadness that it was closed. I suppose I'm being selfish really complaining about not being able to go on holiday as the whole world is in turmoil with this terrible pandemic. I personally know 3 people who have lost their lives with COVID-19.
  8. Hello Vinapu, so good to hear from you, and yes, I hope we can have some nice schnitzel again when it's safe to do so. And maybe do a little bar hopping, I am going to get hold of a lot of 100 baht notes and spend a nice evening slipping them into boys underpants (I am so missing doing that) lol All the best wishes my friend and I hope you are keeping well.
  9. Well I suppose most holiday travellers are in the same boat as I am. I haven’t returned to Pattaya (my happy place) for 18 months now. I have been watching some videos on YouTube and reading a few blogs and I have found it so sad to see how quiet and empty Pattaya is with so many closed business’s and empty hotels. I can’t imagine how the people are coping without any work. I have recently been tormenting myself with virtual tours on Google Maps and I just happened to take a trip down Soi 13, Thappraya Road and ended up at one of my favourite places Sansuk Hotel and Sauna. sad to say I zoomed in on the entrance door to read temporarily closed. Here are a couple of depressing screen shots. Best wishes to anyone who knows me and I hope we can return to visiting Thailand safely soon.
  10. Thanks for the update and photos z909. It looks like it's still very quiet but just maybe things are starting to get a little better. Small steps are better than no steps. I really feel for all the Thai lads and girls who depend on the tourists to earn their living with few or no benefits from the government it must be really hard for them.
  11. Just had a look at the web-cam in Soi L.K.Metro and tables and chairs are out with a few customers visible. Good news hopefully.
  12. Thank You z909 it appears to be about the same as the last time I saw it from that angle but a lot of work has definitely been done to the building on the Second Road side of the Mike Mall in the last 15 months since I was last there.
  13. When I go to login Gayguides Home url my username and password are not recognised. If I search for Gayguides Forums url I have no problems and can login to the site and access the forum as usual. Is anyone else having this problem? And can admin explain why this is happening? Thank You for any info.
  14. I think for me at the moment I would just appreciate the chance to sit by a pool or on the beach in the sunshine and eat out in the evenings. I know it’s not going to happen but it’s good to have a dream.
  15. Thank You z909 that is some impressive transformation. I'm really looking forward to getting back to Pattaya asap but fully aware of not being too soon and I expect drastic changes to the Pattaya scene that I know and love.
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