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Everything posted by hanan

  1. hanan

    Dog & Duck

    No grilled dog or duck. No serving of food at all what I know of. Only drinks served.
  2. hanan

    Dog & Duck

    New boy beerbar in Jomtien, just outside Jomtien complex on the main road Thappraya road opposite of Tops daily. It was a ladybar before with the same name. A nice looking little bar. When I visited there were 5 twink boys on duty as hosts. Drink prices normal for a beerbar. 70-90 baht for a bottled beer. Gin & tonic 100 baht. They have a pooltable in the bar.
  3. I've seen several people giving this bar bad reviews on the boards during the last year or so. I had not visited for about 4 months but had a drink there Sunday evening and since I was positively surprised I thought I might write here. At about 10:30 pm there were 12 gogoboys on stage or sitting around in white underwear. All of them fit and good looking imo. A lot of sixpack abs. Mostly cute gay twinks and a couple of more manly boys with what maybe is called swimmer bodys. I was surprised of the good quality. Drink price 200. Overstaffed with dressed waiters, I counted 8 and may have missed counting one or two. Definitely a bar worth visiting imho.
  4. I rarely visit this bar anymore because much higher prices than other beerbars in Sunee. Last time I visited I was charged 150 baht for a vodkadrink and 150 for boydrink. Usual cost is 80 in the surrounding beerbars and boydrinks 100. This makes Double shot even more expensive than the two nearby agogos. They have good happy hour prices at 60 baht until 9 pm however.
  5. They seem to have abandoned the gogo concept and yet again become a beer bar with fully dressed host boys.
  6. That is indeed sad news and a hard blow for Sunee plaza. That was a nice bar and I thought it was doing ok even if business in most bars in Sunee have been slow lately.
  7. Well i absolutely agree with you, and yes they still have imho.
  8. There are all type of boys in Pattaya too. Also Eros boys have more manly muscular manboys aswell as slim feminine gayboys.
  9. A 50% rise in price for boydrinks in Eros now. Before 100 baht for a soft boydrink. Now 150 baht.
  10. I went there many times and never seen a food menu or anything saying they serve food so had no idea. They need to advertise this more clearly. I will try the food next time
  11. Can anyone who knows explain samebb's latest story on that board? An 80 year old "preditor" is supposedly on the loose in Jomtien slashing boys with a razorblade and sending them to hospital, according to his posts there. I haven't seen anything about it in reliable newssources.
  12. Talking about Saigon is like saying you visited Rhodesia last week. You guys are living in the past.
  13. I have only visited Sansuk one first and last time about one year ago. It was 230 baht entry for both me and same for my 20 year old thai friend. I think they who write other prices here are misinformed. Before I visited I had looked their webpage of how good it looked with several saunas and steam sauna on different floors. When we came there only one single small sauna in function. Most parts of the building closed. It was crap imho. So never returned.
  14. Whatever happened to asian-ephebes website? Is there somewhere the full videos can be seen? I saw a preview before but can not find it anymore with a cute boy who used to work as a waiter in old Castro bar 2-3 years ago but just can not remember his name. Would be nice to find that video.
  15. hanan

    Sunee Plaza

    That is incorrect. The only bar in Sunee that is open tonight is Winnerboys.
  16. hanan

    Sunee Plaza

    Songkran Ghosttown. Eros, Double shot, Sky bar, Goodboys, Forrest house were all closed tonight. The bars who were open tonight did not have many customers. But as before certainly no shortage of boys. Nice boys agogo had 15 boys on duty. Tomorrow also Euroboys and Diamond bar will shut down. Winnerboys as always seem to be doing ok and will stay open with a special Songkran party even on the 19th when other bars in Sunee closes.
  17. They are four: Eros Winner boys Nice boys Powerboys
  18. hanan

    Sunee Plaza

    Eros was open again today with 12 boys. Apparently they were closed yesterday just because some electricity problem. And they will stay open during this Songkran week.
  19. hanan

    Sunee Plaza

    I was in X-boys a couple of days ago for the 23:30 show and to my surprise (I visit this bar only about twice a year) it was full. So business for them seem to be great. About 90% chineese and of them about 80% female. But I too think Kawaii boys and Dreamboys have few customers. In Sunee Goodboys closed early for Songkran already two days ago. Eros closed yesterday. A waiter told me Winnerboys though will stay open during Songkran week.
  20. hanan

    Sunee Plaza

    I have never seen Sunee so deserted as the last week. On several occasions I've seen many of the beer bars totally empty of customers. There is no shortage of boys though.
  21. Why? I think we are many that enjoyed reading your trip reports here.
  22. I wish the new owners good luck. The old management did nothing to make me want to have a drink there. I hope this will be a more attractive bar now.
  23. A bomb agogo also have some more muscle guys
  24. Yes. It is. If you are sensitive to heat April is not recommended. However of course one year can be different from another. I think it was 3 years ago when I was completely soaked in sweat most days in April in Pattaya, the worst heat I've ever experienced and since I come from a cold country my body isn't really comfortable with such extreme high temperatures.
  25. What they should put their effort to instead is getting more bahtbuses to actually pick up passengers between Jomtien and Pattaya. 2 of 3, if not more, are driving that distance empty - probably just looking for groups of indians and chineese to take excessive payment from as "taxi". The few bahtbuses that actually stops along Thappraya and pick up passengers for 10 baht each as they should do, are often very crowded and it is difficult to get a seat.
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