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Everything posted by hanan

  1. Give Nice boys bar a try. Very friendly staff and most nights plenty of boys on stage. The boys are not shy at all and even if this is not a showbar, just watching the boys on stage in this bar is a great fun 'show'. And of course not miss the new Winner boys agogo.
  2. This bar has amazing happy hour prices from opening to 22:30 every evening with some beers at 45 baht and many other drinks at only 50 baht. Plenty of friendly masculine host boys and boydrink only cost 90 baht. A great bar to start your evening at.
  3. Interesting topic. I too used to take the baht bus to Jomtien in the mornings just for breakfast and a walk along the beach, altough staying inside Pattaya. I too ate at the norwegian Friends cafe and enjoyed their American breakfast for then 99 baht. On later visits however I stopped visiting Friends cafe because of the many ants that were everywhere there, including in my food.
  4. Very nice reports! Don't forget Sunee plaza where there are several beerbars and gogobars with very low prices and still plenty of boys.
  5. I dont believe for a second that the police have banned boys in BBB as the only bar in Pattaya from taking their shirts off. It is probably so that the management has an 'up to you'-policy since a very few of the boys take shirts off but most don't. What they care about is having money from the chineese and the chineese ladies don't seem to care weither the boys have shirt or not, so most boys then not bother. Then we have totally different view on what is a tourist trap. For me it is trying to squeeze as much money out of tourists who have no idea of going price (chineese) and delivering bad service belove what can be expected for that price. Like boys not taking their shirts off in a bar that charges 450 for a drink.
  6. Couldnt agree more. There are so many other bars in Pattaya with reasonable prizes and good service.
  7. Big thank you for the warning! BBB has obviously taken the role in Pattaya that Dreamboys bar has in Bangkok, trying to always push the prizes up and at the same time lower the service. But in BBB last time i visited the boys not even bothered taking their shirts off!
  8. I would disagree. Better to avoid. Overprized, higher risk of getting bad service from the boys. IMHO the boys there are mainly there to serve chineese tourists who go back home after and do not mind paying 2000++ for a bad service short time. Especially if you are new to the gogo scene this bar will pobably rip you off big time.
  9. Perhaps this is proof that overprized drinks, nagging mamasans and ladyboy lypsincing shows are not what paying customers want in a boybar? Wild west boys bar tried that too and failed too.
  10. This last evening he was there on stage. Even one of the boys who always when I've visited the bar have stayed outside in jeans, to my surprise yesterday was on stage in his underwear.
  11. This bar has been closed for some time now and according to one former staff it will probably stay closed forever. I doubt many farangs will miss it.
  12. The cutest boys from Vassa IMHO, now works in the new Prisma agogo bar.
  13. Getting the mamasan involved will probably double your spendings. Just ask some boy if he wants do do it and if he knows some more boys that are up for it.
  14. Wall was maybe wrong word. English is not my native language and i dont know how to describe it better than to call it sliding doors. Its like a wall or curtain of sliding doors. I was there Tuesday evening and the bar looks very nice just as the beer bar looked before, but now with a stage in the center. 9 gogoboys in individual underwear and bare feet, and a couple of boywaiters. Good rotation on stage. Good mix of boys from small cute gay to bigger more manly. I recognized 4 of the boys working in other gogobars before. Alcoholic drink for customers 200 baht. Beer may have been cheaper, not sure about that. Boydrink 200 baht. Off-fee 400 baht. Customers were coming and going during my stay so business seem going ok. Well worth a visit IMHO.
  15. I agree. The concept before with a beer bar with gogobar-prices obviously failed. I rarely saw customers in there before every time i walked by. A new gogo is better. Im planning to go inside tomorrow.
  16. Yes they have so the gogo-ing is going on inside.
  17. It has now been transformed into a gogo bar.
  18. Yes. Plenty of boys and customers. Still going strong.
  19. Ok lets post useless posts to get access. What a stupid move to make this site less interesting for most members.
  20. Was there a couple of days ago. Agree with williewillie, what a waste of an hour of my time and 280 baht to see boys in shirts and pants. Only a very few of the boys seemed to bother taking their shirts off occasionally. But hey, the chineese are pleased with so little and i guess that's whats matter. There are so many other bars who give you more for your baht than this bar.
  21. The bar has now put up no smoking-signs. Problem solved
  22. I was there tonight rather late. About 15 customers and 10 gogoboys and 5 waiters. Many boys sitting with customers. Everyone seemed to have a good time and business for the bar going well. The beer bars in Sunee had a good share of customers too. I think Sunee is still alive and well yet.
  23. I was there a couple of hours. I was impressed by the quality of the boys. All in good shape with lots of sixpacks on display and I didnt recognize them from other bars before so i think the owner recruited new boys. Almost no tattoos at all on the boys! It was about 15 gogoboys when i arrived but i saw several offs during my stay. Excellent drinkprices. Nice layout of the bar who give everyone a good view of the stage in the center and also boys dancing on small tables of the sides of the stage. I got the impression that the new owner knows what he is doing. Everything good with this bar except that unfortunately unlike what Williewillie wrote the bar accept smoking and several people smoked which made it a bit uncomfortable for me.
  24. My answer IMHO is yes - it is a good bar. I visit frequently. Cute boys, everyone dance on stage unlike some other bars, the boys are obviously enjoying themselves which makes visiting the bar a fun experience, I only had good experience with the boys there, the mamasan is not annoying, the drink prices are ok (170 for both customer and boydrink). I only have good to say about the bar. Please keep in mind that boys in the bars often change numberbadge before being too sure who nr 13 was at that moment in question.
  25. I totally agree. I too avoided Power boys before when the tomboy-mamasan worked there and only had bad experiences from that bar earlier. The last 2 months I've visited many times and the bar is packed with 15-20 handsome boys dancing enthusiastically on stage every night and a fun athmosphere in the bar. Sure the two mamasans now working are very pushy too, but not in a lunatic way as the tomboy before. This bar is well worth to visit.Price for customer alcohol drink is 160 baht. Boydrink is 190 baht.
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