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Everything posted by hanan

  1. Thank you for your consideration But I'm still disappointed of the likes of you that have made some old posters refrain from posting and scared away god knows how many new posters.
  2. A few years ago I joined this site with the main reason to be able to view the wonderful photos in the trip reports that were posted by many different users. Back then people posted half naked photos of boys they've met, and it was exciting to both read about their adventures and also see photos of the boys. Nowadays with the many self proclaimed sharia police on the gay boards there are hardly anyone even posting dressed photos of the boys they've met during their trips. Scared of all the "moral condemnation" by the "experts" that tell them they have been to explicit in their details in the reports, and that the "white knights" will run and look for the boy and show him what has been written and posted.
  3. What would be the difference from here?
  4. Vinapu, I just love your always positive attitude However... Have you had a look at that soi recently? Not even the new indian gogobar survived but closed a month or so ago. Exept from X-boys and Dreamboys there are only ruins of old closed gogobars left like Kawaii, the old straight Pussy galore that had been there "forever", Lucky777/360 degree boys/Big boys etc. The only businesses that seem to survive and pop-up new are the indian restaurants that are everywhere.
  5. There are not many other nationalities left among the visitors in Walking street than chinese and indians, so it seems logic to advertise in chinese.
  6. It didn't last long. Now there is a ladybar in the same location.
  7. When ladyboys approach you in the street put your hands to cover and protect your pockets. It has worked for me during totally four unsuccesful pickpocketing-attempts by ladyboys in the streets and bahtbuses in Pattaya and Bangkok.
  8. Having a stroll down Walking street on Halloween night I was very surprised to see a big billboard about where soi Diamond starts from Walking street, proclaiming "Boys Yes" and photos of half naked muscular men. If I understand the billboard correctly it is the lady agogobar "Yes" in soi Diamond, one of the small side sois to Walking street, that after 2 am now turns into a boy showbar. One of the many barkers on Walking street with their laminated papers about ping pong shows etc, noticed me looking at the billboard and approached me claiming "Have boy show! 500 baht entry!". I have no idea if he really knew anything about it and I didn't want to talk with him, and the quoted price is most sure very inflated. But maybe I will visit Yes agogo some day to find out what's going on there. Or maybe someone here can provide more info?
  9. What drink costs 240 there?
  10. Visited Tuesday around 22:30. 12 boys, 3 customers. Only boys nr 5 and 11 catch my eye. Nr 5 handsome manly looking boy. 11 very nice gymfit body, twink with chinese looking face. A vodkadrink was as usual 200 baht.
  11. No. I waited until 23:42 when I started asking questions why the show didn't start and got the reply that there wouldn't be any show due to lack of customers. What you describe has always been the normal procedure in Pattaya boybars when low on customers - delay the show a little bit then start and let the staff try hard to pull in more customers during the show. But A-Bomb don't bother. Btw this bar has always been extremely overstaffed with people supposed to service (?) the customers. There's always like 7-8 people outside dressed in A-bomb shirts that looks like doormen that I guess are supposed to get customers to come inside. Yet I can't recall one single occasion in all years in Pattaya when they have opened the door for me. They always have a confused expression on their faces when I approach like "Why is this falang getting closer and closer to our door?". Then first when I take hold of the door nob and open the door for myself they wake up and "Welcome welcome!". If I was the boss of that bar I would save thousands of baht every month by cutting down on the number of staff.
  12. They have started in genuine Soi Twilight-spirit to announce shows that never happens, so a warning to you guys. We were two customers waiting for the announced show at 23:30 but they didn't bother since they tought we were too few customers. So if you visit this bar for the show, look inside first and if there are not 6-7 (?) customers there already, don't trust the signs proclaiming "Show 23:30" or what the doormens are saying. Walk away if you think paying 280 baht for a small drink is too expensive for a no-show bar.
  13. hanan


    Does anyone know about a male massageshop in Bangkok that I believe is named Intraspa? I just saw some interesting videos on Twitter about that place but all information is unfortunately in thai only. And I have very little knowledge about the Bangkok massage scene. I try to attache a photo. Maybe someone can tell me the location and more info?
  14. I don't believe Jomtien complex is "thriving", it looks not so busy every time I walk through there. And boring. But for people who loves ladyboy shows and who like to party with their middle aged female farang friends it seems popular. But for the rest I actually think Jomtien complex gets more visitors because Boyztown and Sunee is shrinking and becoming less attractive. Not the other way around. I don't think it's the JC host bar model or area that is prefered - people visit JC more and more because Sunee is dying and Boyztown is getting too expensive and more oriented towards chinese women.
  15. Closed and they have taken down their Dragon789-sign.
  16. A reliable source says a new gogo bar will open in the old Eros facility. They will first have to do a big cleaning job and renovation to make everything new and hope to open in time for this years high season. Good news even tough it's not a rebirth or Eros.
  17. hanan


    What a disappointment! They have changed their clothing policy. Not any longer are the boys in only white Toy boys-underwear. Now they wear individual white underwear and also shoes. Not at all as sexy as before. I used to enjoy seeing the boys in nothing more than those small white Toy boys-branded underwear and with bare feet. Now only in Cupidol and Powerboys in all of Pattaya agogos are the boys with bare feet and only underwear.
  18. Show time is now 23:30. Drink price had gone up since my last visit and were now 280 baht for a drink.
  19. So how was the party? There is at least one gay gogoboy on stage. A well endowed one.
  20. Same Tuesday night. A small light on but no boys and not even the sign light on.
  21. Closed. For how long? Forever?
  22. Can not disagree more on that one. Dreamboys a really overpriced and boring bar.
  23. Terrible news. Sunee will not be the same without Eros. Sunee felt like on its very last days tonight. 789Dragon was also closed. That soi is almost completely in darkness and One bar and Doubleshot almost deserted when I walked by, so were the beerbars. Winnerboys and Nice boys the only ones that seems doing ok.
  24. Closed. Forever?
  25. It doesn't seem to ever be open. Closed every day/night. Diamond bar usually open late instead.
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