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Everything posted by traveller123

  1. I think it is worth mentioning that when my friend, a middle aged straight lady visiting from the UK, was in Bangkok in November she hired Mac as a tour guide and was very complementary about the tour he arranged and found him to be a charming (old fashioned word but she used it) and informative companion. She is a very busy lady back in the UK so probably hasn't had time to post a review but it is worth bearing in mind if any forum members have straight friends visiting that the guides (certainly Mac) provide a good service beyond the gay community
  2. Eight years ago when my now partner and I were getting serious we went together to the Red Cross in his Isaan city where we were both tested. There was a draw back in that the written results were only in Thai and the person we saw in the clinic couldn't speak English so my guy had to translate the results - good job I trusted him
  3. Good luck Michael and thank you for taking on what must be a considerable workload. Personally I enjoy reading this forum because of the civility and knowledge of the members, there is a lack of snide comments on here which I really can't stand and which appear on other forums.
  4. Please husband can I go to Bangkok to visit Moonlight?
  5. Thanks Sglad. A merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and all other forum members
  6. If your pension is from a final salary scheme or a money purchase scheme in the days when you had to buy an annuity - I am assuming you can't do this
  7. Hanan, you have to compare the % falls in various currencies immediately pre the date of the Brexit referendum to current rates. If the GBP has fallen more than say the Euro, USD etc that means there are factors other than the strengthening of the Thai Baht
  8. Can you imagine what it is doing to us UK expats over here who are living off our UK pensions. The rate was around 51 immediately before the Brexit referendum vote. In my retirement financial planning I did factor in reductions in the exchange rate but it does mean my partner and I will have to restrict our holidays. Fortunately for my retirement visa I am able to use the deposit of 800,000 baht system, but for the guys waiting for clarification of the figures for the monthly income method it must be a big worry as the income will almost certainly continue to be a Thai Baht figure
  9. This is one of the times I wished I lived in Bangkok and not 400km away in deepest Isaan
  10. Congratulations on your anniversary, hope you enjoy the place and let us know what you think
  11. I understand it to be when a search throws up some keenly priced flights but when you click to get further details the price has increased usually substantially. I don't know if this happens in the US but it certainly happens in the UK
  12. I have never flown with Turkish Airlines, but like fedssocr I have noticed they get good reviews
  13. Here is one contributor who didn't vote for the reason Z909 stated in the post above - I have a long time partner and never off anyone (but do enjoy a massage). Incidentally I do like the website which I find helpful and the contributors civilised and not prone to insulting comments - and I am an avid reader of the reports of offs to see what I'm missing!
  14. Josh, it is very popular, if it fits in with your plans make a reservation
  15. It is not special in the fine dining, dress up sense but my partner when we are in Bangkok (and so do I) likes Smokin' Pug. Run by a young very friendly American couple serving good beer to go with the food https://www.smokinpugbbq.com/
  16. Thanks Curtis - I have just bought Jasmine Nights for my Kindle. Looks like it will be a good read
  17. I posted elsewhere about requiring a tour guide in Bangkok for a lady friend of mine and Moses recommended Mac. I would just like to send sincere thanks to Moses and Mac, she had a great time and when I met up with her a couple of days later she was full of complements for Mac
  18. In the village where I live cock fighting goes on and you see the fighting cocks in baskets outside houses, some dogs are very poorly treated full of mange and worse, you see similar dogs all over Thailand.. Similar things probably happen in the West, but they are not the norm and if noticed would be quickly reported What I am saying is that in Thailand, in the poorer rural communities, there is often no concern for animal welfare unless there is a monetary value attached to it.
  19. Brunos keep your eyes open on the left if you are on the baht bus going down the hill from the Pratamnak traffic lights in the direction of Jomtien Cafe des Amis is next door to Sansuk Sauna Au Bon Coin, as you are coming from Jomtien turn left at Pratamnak traffic lights and turn left again down Soi 6, quite a way down there is a Family Mart or Seven 11 not sure which on your right, walk down that small soi and the restaurant is on your right - keep your eyes open the restaurant sign is old and faded. When I have been the last two have been busy I would advise making a reservation
  20. I have eaten dinner at Bruno's twice, admittedly a few years ago, a both times there were very few customers meaning there was no atmosphere. My two favourites for a special evening are Cafe Des Amis and Au Bon Coin. The latter my hubby has chosen for his birthday dinner on the 11th November
  21. I had another discussion with my partner about the photo. He was surprised that people thought it was abuse, he thought it was just part of the training, a Thai way of demonstrating army discipline. My view is that it is another illustration of the difference in Eastern and Western ways of thinking - I live in an Isaan village and I frequently have to remind myself that I choose to live here and can not inflict my values - don't get me started on cock fighting (supposedly illegal ha ha) and neglect of dogs.
  22. I was asking my partner, who has done his national service, about this today. He told me they "never went strong" as they were too tired or the lads would go to the toilet to jack off to lady porn.
  23. Agree with the latest comments. A bit more background about myself. I have been with my partner ten years (UK Civil Partnership, living in Isaan the last 6 years) and I don't doubt that he finds it very useful to speak to his friends and relatives on the phone or in person without me understanding the conversation. It is good that I trust him completely or I would be paranoid
  24. When I tried to learn a few words of Thai my partner told me "don't bother, nobody can understand you"
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